OFFICIAL PAPER LYCEUM COURSE Of Student Body of the North SCORES AGAIN---STARS Dakota Agricultural College THE SPECTRUM LAWRENCE TIBBETT -VOLUME LII STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1936. NUMBER 3 YW Member Men Students May L.S.A. To Hold `Man Behind the Westgate Named Wear Beards For Window' Fails to Tibbett To Highlight Drive To Open Homecoming Day Regional Meet Submit His Copy Cadet Colonel Local Lyceum Series Next Monday How would local men students Here Oct. 2-4 After arousing the Spectrum read- Of Local ROTC look if they let their whiskers grow er audience to the point where they Bohumir Kryl, Cornelia Skinner, Jooss Ballet, for one month? were looking expectantly toward Katherine McEnroe to Chair- The question may be answered by 300 Expected at Convention reading his column, "The Man Be- Former Grid Star Named To Tony Sarg Are Booked as Other man Week's Cam- visual demonstration if tentative Of Northwest hind the Window" failed to come Succeed Sidney 1936-37 Attractions paign plans for Homecoming considered Area through with his copy this week. Shannon by Robert Saunders, student com- The mysterious anonymous writ- er, who, last week in a letter to the With Lawrence Tibbett as its main attraction, the twenty- New Program Feature Of mission president and Homecoming Dr. B. M. Christenson Of Other Military Promotions To chairman, and his helpers, go Spectrum editor, promised weekly Be Named Next sixth annual N. D. A. C. lyceum series was announced yester- Year Will Be 'Charm - Augsburg, Main copy for a column, did not write School' through. Part of the present Home- Week day by A. G. Arvold, director of the Little Country Theatre. coming plans are that all men stu- Speaker after the invitation by the editor to Besides Tibbett, the series will present Bohumir Kryl, Corne- dents refrain from shaving, effective submit his column. Sam Westgate of Grafton, senior lia Otis Skinner, the Jooss Ballet, and Tony Sarg's Mario- Launching their annual Oct. 1 to Oct. 31, the date of Home- Over 300 students representing Considerable interest was evi- in the school of engineering, has nettes. membership w e e k earlier coming. colleges comprising the northwest denced among students as 'to what been appointed lieutenant colonel in The series will open October 7 with a concert by Kryl and Definite decision on the question he would write. than usual, the college YW- region of the Lutheran Students as- charge of the local his symphony orchestra. Kryl is a world famous cornetist, will be made tonight, Saunders R. 0. T. C. bat- CA will center its attention sociation, national organization of and according to the New York promised. talion, according on a drive for new members Lutheran students, are expected to Times "is a complete master of the beginning Monday and ending to an announce- difficult instrument, and conductor arrive Friday for the three-day re- News Broadcasts Oct. 5. Directing member- ment made by Lt. 61 Frosh Are of a great organization." ship work this year for the gional conference here, announced To Start Today Col. J. D. Easton. Book Jooss Ballet Tuition Awards Harold Schulz, local L. S. A. presi- Westgate, whose November 17th will bring the organization is Katherine Mc- previous claim for Added To Band dent. world famous Jooss European Ballet. Enroe, membership chairman Highlights in news from today's publicity has been on the YW cabinet. To 18 Students Main speaker for the conference Returning from a world tour, the and subsequent issues of the Spec- his football ex- Band Now Numbers 125 ; company has a repertory of seven Appointment of Sally Minard, will be Dr. B. M. Christenson of the trum will be flashed over WDAY ploits for the Bi- Bass, French Horn -Jean Crowley, Phyllis Rowe, and ballets, and has been acclaimed by Various Scholarships Pay Augsburg seminary. Headquarters weekly, at 3:30 p. m. today, for a son t e a m, will Sections Weak Evelyn Larson, all cabinet members, many critics. The New York Sun Partial Expenses -for the meetings will be the college period of 10 or 15 minutes from the haveve charge of writes, "Unique entertainment . as assisting chairmen during the college broadcasting booth in the the battalion f o r Sixty-one freshmen prospects rais- Of Students YMCA. _ captivatingly pictorial"; Boston Her- membership week to contact every Agricultural building. – the remainder of ed the band roster to about 125 girl in each class, has been made by Opening the program Friday will ald, "Wild applause . audience Eighteen students, attending school Robert Williams, managing editor, Sam Westgate the year. Sidney after the first week. Of last year's Miss McEnroe. Sub-committees will be a fellowship supper at Ceres held spellbound." here this term, are having part of and Kent Helland, associate editor, Shannon of Fargo was the cadet members 43 have not returned, al- be appointed at a meeting of the cafeteria. Following an address by Continuing the series, Cornelia their expenses paid through scholar- will read leads of main stories and colonel last year. though only 16 were graduated. The chairmen soon. Dr. Christenson, the delegates will Otis Skinner will appear March 10, ships awarded last year, announced features under the direction of Earl Other military promotions will be problem confronting "Doc" Putnam attend the Bison-Concordia football with her famous original character Fee Fifty Cents A. H. Parrott, registrar. Hodgson, radio publicity man for named next week, R. 0. T. C. offi- is one of building up the bass and game. sketches and historical costume Individual membership in the col- Howard Hegbar, senior, and Kirk the extension department. cials revealed. French horn sections, he said. Other speakers on the program presentations. Miss Skinner's name lege YWCA is 50 cents for the year, Crawford, junior, hold the Masonic "Last year I had six bass horns include Rev. Philip Dybvig and Rev. is famous from London to Los An- announced Miss McEnroe. This scholarships this year. The award, and eight players. This year I have Frederick Schiotz of Moorhead. geles, from Canada to New Orleans. membership entitles girls to all the made on a basis of need, scholarship eight bass horns and two players," "All N. D. A. C. students and fac- Once heralded as the brilliant and character, consists of $100 cash said Doc, worrying somewhat about privileges offered by the YWCA, ulty members are invited to the ses- Local Stock Judges Enter daughter of Otis Skinner, she is now to each winner. the possibilities of developing a which will include a complete social sions," said Schulz. a star in her own right. The Lon- and recreational program this year, Ten students hold a salesmanship- band for radio broadcasts. Only don Daily Telegram says about her, she said further. scholarship from Montgomery Ward National Contest At Dallas two French horns remain ..as com- "A very beautiful and graceful and The campus sister organization and Co. They are Marjorie Kral- Leaving tomorrow with their coach, Prof. Victor Sander pared to five last year. With 29 B accomplished player." which was directed this year by ing, Barbara Ness, Marjorie Hanson, Rhodes Scholarship flat clarinets, 25 comets and trum- Tibbett Termed Greatest Esmond Yetter, Lawrence Rife, of the animal husbandry department, will be the local live- pets, and 12 trombones, the other Vinnie Olson, vice-president of the stock judging team which will compete in the national inter- The outstanding event of the series YWCA, is one of the main projects Staney Bale, Minard Hotstrand and Data Received Here sections of the band are filled nice- collegiate contest at Dallas, Texas. The contest is being held will be the concert of Lawrence of this group. Included in the so- Donald Halfpenny. ly, according to the bandmaster.• Tibbett, called the "greatest lyrio cial program is the Co-ed Prom Arthur Kunz and George Allen in connection with the centennial exposition. Members are Recently a new Haddorff Verti- artist America has ever produced ... Deadline for receiving applica- which will be staged for girls, with are benefitting from the Laverne Richard Hamilton, Ralph Bullock, Cap Toussaint, Woodrow chord Grand piano has been added the greatest of today and tomorrow," tions for Rhodes scholarships this Marjorie Arnold in charge, this term Noyes scholarship, a private endow- Wieland, and Harold Halcrow. to the music department. It is a by Critic Herman Devries of the year has been set at November 7, between mid-term and final exami- ment given blood descendants of The Saddle and Sirloin Club, or- small stylish instrument, but has a Chicago American. Star of many according to information received nations, the annual Christmas din- men serving in the World was whose ganization of agricultural students, larger sounding board and longer operas, motion pictures, and the ra- from the office of Dean A. E. Min- ner at which needy children are service was terminated by death or appropriated sufficient funds to strings than a regular piano. dio, Tibbett will appear here on ard, in charge of applications. Rifle Team Waits guests, and the Thanksgiving pro- honorable discharge. Tuitition for make the trip possible after the col- Marchh 24. Lo To be eligible for receiving a ject when baskets of food are made one year is paid holders of the lege had announced its inability to U. S. Shooting Cup The Los Angeles News writes, scholarship candidates must be male Cosmopolitan Group up and delivered to needy families award. advance the funds. The contest of- "When Tibbett sings, packed hous- citizens of the United States and throughout"the city. Included in the Other scholarships offering a one ficials at the Centennial allow each Plans Social Monday es are an invariable rule, and last unmarried; between the ages of 19 NDAC rifle team is awaiting pres- recreational program will be hikes, year tuition are the Blue Key, re- competing team mileage expenses at night they packed them in on the ceived by Robert Williams; faculty and 25 on Oct.
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