Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Nov. 21 1761 privatized more than 80 percent of Mongo- mitted to defining guiding principles and ex- lia’s state enterprises, and the Mongolian panding the framework of the comprehen- economy grew at a rate of more than 10 per- sive partnership between their two demo- cent last year. cratic countries based on shared values and In recognition of your progress, Mongolia common strategic interests, as declared in has been named a country eligible for assist- the Joint Presidential Statement of July 15, ance under the Millennium Challenge Ac- 2004. count, a new program the United States has On behalf of the American people, Presi- established to assist countries that govern dent Bush expressed his appreciation for the justly, invest in their people, and promote outpouring of sympathy and generous finan- economic freedom. My administration is cial assistance from the government and peo- committed to working with your country to ple of Mongolia for the victims of Hurricane complete a Millennium Challenge compact Katrina. President Bush welcomed Mongo- as soon as possible and to help the Mongolian lia’s progress toward becoming a mature and people continue on the path of reform. stable democracy, which observes human Next year, your country will celebrate the rights and civil liberties, and a private sector- 800th anniversary of the founding of Mon- led free market economy. golia. There’s a legend of a Mongolian He congratulated the people of Mongolia, woman who gave each of her five sons an on behalf of the American people, for quali- arrow. She told each to break the arrow in fying for eligibility for the Millennium Chal- his hand, which they did. She then tied the lenge Account, and looked forward to the five arrows together, and told each to try and successful conclusion of a Compact that will break the bundle. None could do it. And she reduce poverty through economic growth told them, brothers who stand alone like sin- gle arrow shafts can be broken by anyone, and reflect the Government of Mongolia’s but brothers who stand together like a bun- commitment to continued political and eco- dle of arrows cannot be broken. Today, Mon- nomic reform. Mindful of the role that rule golia and the United States are standing to- of law, good governance, transparency, and gether as brothers in the cause of freedom. public sector accountability play in building And if free nations remain united, no force democracy and prosperity, the two presi- of tyranny or terror will break us. dents welcomed Mongolia’s recent ratifica- I’ve come here to thank you for your con- tion of the UN Convention Against Corrup- tributions to freedom’s cause and to tell you tion. that the American people appreciate your The two presidents agreed to work to- courage and value your friendship. And on gether to facilitate Mongolia’s participation behalf of all Americans, ikh bayarlalaa. And in regional and international political, eco- may God bless your wonderful country. nomic and financial structures. They also Thank you very much. agreed to enhance their cooperation against all forms of organized, transnational crime, NOTE: The President spoke at 2:13 p.m. in the to include trafficking in people, counter- Conference Hall at the Government House. In feiting, money-laundering, and terrorist fi- his remarks, he referred to President Nambaryn nancing. President Bush welcomed Mongo- Enkhbayar and his wife, Onongiin Tsolmon, and Prime Minister Tsakhia Elbegdorj of Mongolia. lia’s support for the Proliferation Security Initiative to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and for its commit- Joint Statement Between Mongolia ment to sign and ratify the UN Convention and the United States of America against Transnational Organized Crime. November 21, 2005 The two presidents reviewed the work being conducted under the Trade and Invest- President George W. Bush and President ment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to pro- Nambaryn Enkhbayar today reaffirmed the mote bilateral trade and investment, and ex- longstanding friendship between the United pressed the hope that this will lead to a closer States of America and Mongolia and com- bilateral economic and trade relationship. VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:22 Nov 29, 2005 Jkt 208250 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P47NOT4.025 P47NOT4 1762 Nov. 21 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 Recognizing the potential threat to human NOTE: An original was not available for health posed by avian and other forms of in- verification of the content of this joint statement. fluenza, the two presidents agreed on the im- portance of bilateral and multilateral co- operation in the International Partnership on Proclamation 7964—National Family Avian and Pandemic Influenza. Week, 2005 President Bush and President Enkhbayar November 21, 2005 underscored their strong commitment to By the President of the United States fight terrorism, which undermines inter- of America national peace and security. President Bush applauded Mongolia’s participation in the A Proclamation stabilization and reconstruction of Afghani- Families give our society direction and stan and Iraq, including its peacekeeping purpose. During National Family Week, we commitment to the Multinational Force in celebrate the many contributions families Iraq. The United States and Mongolia agreed make to our country. to continue working to advance Mongolia’s Throughout America’s history, families contribution to international peace support have been the foundation of our society and efforts. a source of stability and love for every gen- They also agreed that the establishment of eration. Strong families teach children to live a free, democratic Iraq is important to de- moral lives and help us pass down the values mocracy, peace and stability in the Middle that define a caring society. By nurturing a East and the United Nations should play a child’s personal development and providing leading role in the process. The two leaders a safe environment for growth, families pre- underlined the importance of multilateral co- pare our Nation’s youth to realize the prom- operation and, in this context, agreed on the ise of America. Family is one of the three need to pursue reform of the United Nations cornerstones of the Helping America’s Youth as a means to improving its effectiveness. initiative, led by First Lady Laura Bush. We President Bush and President Enkhbayar are working with families, schools, and com- also emphasized the importance of imple- munities to help children make right choices menting the September 2005 Joint State- and build healthy, successful lives. Through ment on the denuclearization of the Korean USA Freedom Corps, my Administration is Peninsula, issued by the members of the Six also providing opportunities for families to Party Talks. volunteer together and make a positive dif- The two presidents affirmed the value of ference in their communities. educational and cultural exchanges to en- At this crucial hour in the history of free- hance understanding between the citizens of dom, our Nation is grateful for the sacrifice the two countries and agreed to promote of our military families who love and support people-to-people exchanges and educational the men and women of our Armed Forces. cooperation. President Bush also expressed My Administration is committed to providing appreciation for the ratification of the bilat- a better quality of life for our military families eral International School of Ulaanbaatar and helping them plan for the future. During Agreement which will help to ensure the National Family Week and throughout the availability of high quality, U.S.-accredited year, Americans stand solidly behind the men education for its students. The presidents and women of our Armed Forces and join noted the successful and positive contribu- all military families as they pray for the safety tion of the Peace Corps program in Mon- and strength of their sons and daughters, golia. husbands and wives, and fathers and moth- The two presidents stated their expecta- ers. tions for the continued and steady growth Now, Therefore, I, George W. Bush, of the U.S.-Mongolia relationship, based on President of the United States of America, mutual respect and equitable partnership, by virtue of the authority vested in me by and reaffirmed that such growth will be in the Constitution and laws of the United the national interest of both countries. States, do hereby proclaim November 20 VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:22 Nov 29, 2005 Jkt 208250 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P47NOT4.025 P47NOT4.
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