Cove and Altens Community Council APPROVED Minute of Meeting No 346 Monday 31 May 2021 via Microsoft Teams Action 1 Welcome, sederunt and apologies Community Councillors: Marlene Westland (acting chair), Michele McPartlin, Raymond Clark, Lauren Allanach, Sue Porter, Margaret Lockens, Brian Allan, Jayne Thomson, Lynn Thomson (minutes). Other attendees: Councillor Miranda Radley, Trevor Wyllie (local resident) Neil Hendry (Head Teacher, Lochside Academy). Apologies: Councillor Philip Sellar, Councillor Sarah Duncan, Councillor Alex Nicoll, Inspector Donald, Ash Forbes (British Transport Police) 2 Minutes of meeting 345 of 29 April 2021 Approved (proposed by Michele, seconded by Lauren). No amendments. 3 Matters arising from minutes of previous meeting. Noted that graffiti mentioned in April meeting has now been painted over. 4 Police, Fire Service, City Wardens. Awaiting report from Inspector Gillian Donald. 5 Lochside Academy: Update from Mr Hendry. Mr Hendry reported that Covid protocols at the academy were likely to continue until after summer break. Changes have allowed some Primary 7 pupils to visit in “bubbles” for orientation with Academy. New timetable starts on 7 June for three weeks, then break for summer holidays. Awards ceremony will be held online again this year. School-based police officer (PC Harry Jackson) now in post. Noted that there were ongoing issues with 20mph warning signs. Problem is proving complex to resolve. Mr Hendry has raised with council officers Trevor also mentioned issues with speeding near Sainsbury’s and on MR Earnsheugh Road. Councillor Radley has raised with council officers and will feed back at a future meeting. High level of bike use by Lochside students as secure lockers available. Cycling safely and considerately often highlighted in school newsletters. Various comments from community councillors regrading proximity of fast food outlets to school. Mr Hendry thanked the community council for ongoing support and gave his apologies for the next meeting. He left the meeting at 7.50pm. 6 Business update: a. Treasurer’s report Grant from City Council for Welcome sign refurbishment and cost of new Community Council laptop noted. b. Incoming and outgoing mail Report attached as appendix - includes three emails from resident 1 regarding road signage at Earnsheugh and Old Wellington Road (has been forwarded to Councillor Duncan – awaiting her feedback). c. Planning matters Loirston Manor – work on trees approved. Notification of single storey house extension in Charleston area. Noted that Stationfields work has started. Has been an increase in heavy traffic on Langdykes Road as a result, exacerbated by temporary closure of Souterhead Road. Speed on Langdykes Road a concern (Raymond will speak to Stationfields site foreman informally). RC Local concerns on social media regarding siting of fast food outlets were discussed. Marlene to ask if Community Councils can be added to consultation list for hot food trading (as already happens with alcohol licensing) and ask Karen Finch for guidance and support. MW d. Chronicle, Website and Facebook page Cove Chronicle: Next edition almost finalised. Will be online only for now. Website and Facebook page: Website now in second year. Expenses for upkeep started on 1 April 2021 and will need to buy bank of hours soon. Michele and Marlene will contact Brian Woodcock (shmu) to discuss and progress and report back to June CACC meeting. MM/MW e. Defibrillators. Friends group now set up. Work ongoing into logos, posters etc. Volunteers now on board for routine checking of defibs. Will set up awareness sessions once Covid rules ease. Lauren advised that could mention defibs in Loirston Parent Council next week and put in school newsletter to raise awareness too. LA 7 Dog bin replacement Councillor Radley reported that council officers stated there was insufficient use to justify a dog bin on Farm track at back of Altens housing. She has MR stated that there is and awaits a further response. CACC to write to officers in CACC support. Also noted that there is a littering problem in that area (including discarded facemasks). 8 Sport and Activity Fund a) Application from Altens Community Centre for £599.36 to buy specific chairs and resistance bands. Application was approved by those Community Councillors present. b) Application from Panthers Girls Basketball Group. This was looked on favourably however, further information was requested from them to clarify links with and participants from Torry and Kincorth as they also attend Lochside. In addition, information was given to the applicant on other potential sources of funding to enhance what the community council could consider offering as a contribution toward this group. 2 9 “Welcome to Cove Bay” sign update. Sign now repaired. Background colour options to be circulated to C&ACC once galvanising has “cured” for decision. Metal work of the sign to remain in MM galvanised state and displayed on coloured background. 10 Reports from city councillors. Cllr Radley: mainly ward work with individuals. MR Following up faulty street lights and dog bin issues with officers 11 Reports from subcommittees, CC reps attending meetings etc New Christmas tree looks healthy at present. Christmas concert etc to go on June and August agendas for discussion. Sue has booked last Sunday in November (28th) for concert. Lauren to advertise in Chronicle. 12 AOCB a) Noted that several loud blasts from the quarry had been heard recently in Old Cove. According to meter readings, these were still within permitted limits. b) There have been discussions on local social media mentioning this issue across all of Cove. Michele advised that weather conditions have impact on CACC noise (with low cloud making blasts seem much louder). CACC to write to Leiths regarding concerns. c) Brian to write to CACC to request letter of support for Men’s Shed. d) Raymond reported that NESS Energy Community Fund closes today. He has prepared application for funding for Community Council Litter Picking LA equipment to include sanitiser. It was also suggested and agreed that a disclaimer be investigated for use of the equipment by individuals and groups in the community. MM e) Michele proposed that another information cairn be built – this time at Burnbanks. She is happy to do work arising from this. All agreed with this proposal. f) Lauren reported that the local Co-op was looking for ideas for the community. Also Lauren has been in touch about groups for young people in Cove. Marlene mentioned that it might be worth re-circulating previous papers from end of 2019 to interested parties, as a “position statement”. Lauren also reported that a local resident had been in touch with Community Education as there may be training available for volunteers for supervising youth groups. 3 13 Date of next meeting Monday 28 June 2021 at 7pm. Meeting closed at 9.05pm. Appendix -Correspondence (Item 6b) Incoming Mail 20 April 2021 – 26 May 2021 20/04 – Community Planning and Locality Plan Session 21/04 – ACVO Newsletter April 2021 21/04 – Temporary Traffic Order C8K Wellington Road 26/04 – Lane Closure A956 Wellington Road 27/04 – Ness Energy Community Group Meeting no 3 29/04 – NESS Energy Project Notice of Out of Hours Works 13/05 – Planning Development Management Committee and Pre-Application Forum Agendas 26/05 – ICO Receipt of Payment and Renewal Confirmation 26/05 – Aberdeen City Licensing Board Gambling Policy Consultation 4 .
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