I ! :tJ;~Fll.A CO~IUNlTA'rrAIJANA ./ S(}mmario - Contents Servizi sp/;ali ( , Marconi Centenary / p. 5 ~ A Feast of Ferraris p. 6 " "'.......$hat Community? .p. 7 More Origins p. 12 Napkin Folding p.13 Levitazione p.27 Letters p. 30 , ltalCinema p. 32 I '. Regular Features I ... Due Parole p. 4 The Hill- p. IQ , j;n~ca.· p.16 .~ <{.~alI'I taIia p. 21 ',Pei'Sonag~i t p.26 I Nostri Vini p.31 A,number of classic, i=errariswill Entertainment7 Leisure & Sport· be on display at the Classic and Sports Car Show - see p~ 6 Cinema. '~~- p. 33 ~portIight p.36 \;italsport To advertise in 8ackhill write to: \.. p.37 , - Anglo-Italian Football League p.38 Anna .:.... , C~:r:mpo Libero p.41 Advertising Department ~.... '- ~ Mamma's Ricetta p.42 - Backhill Magazine • 11 FieldviewCourt Fryent Way, London Notices .;. A!,visi NW99SD , 0171 8371966 La vita della nostra parrocchi~, p. 23 Calendario p.43 @:,1997J BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, '" - ~ '" ~, Noticeboard p. 44 LondonEC1 Printed- by Sterling' Printing Co. Ltd. 1.164 lligh Street, Bamet,llerts, EN6 SXP 3 Due' :Parole Padre Roberto Russo E' Pasqua. E' iI tempo di Pasqua. perche" Gesu" ci comunica la sua quella degli altri, cominciando da E' con 10 sguardo fisso su Gesu' risurrezione" a tutti noi, a ognuno di quelli che ci sono intorno. Cristo che muore e risorge che, va noi. Noi non conosciamo iI momento, Ognuno di noi porta un contributo riascoltalo' e meditato iI Vangelo della iI tempo, quando avverra' la nostra di opere, di azioni, di intelligenza nel vita: che e' iI Vangelo che Gesu' e' risurrezione: noi sappiamo che c'e', posto dove sta: nella propria casa, eon venuto a portarci., perche' c'e' Gesu' Risorto che ha la famiglia, nel lavoro, nel diverti­ Noi vogliamo tenere presenti al­ rovesciato la pietra del sepolcro e che mento: perche' e' qui. che si ineon­ cuni pensieri che ci vengono dalla ci attende e ci precede su tutte le trano le persone, iI nostro prossimo. ! Sacra Scrittura e che ci aiutano a suide della nostra vita. E le strade E' qui che si uniscono i nostri modi di vivere iI Vangelo della vita. Ci dice iI della nostra vita sono queste di ogni vivere eioe' la nostra vita ed e' qui / Signore: "10 oggi ti comando di giorno: quelle che facciamo ogni che noi insieme difendiamo la vita, la amare iI Signore tuo Dio, di cammin­ giorno e che iIIuminiamo con la fede vita di tutti, con un nostro comporta­ are per le sue vie" di osscrvare i suoi nella Risurrezione di Gesu'. Le strade mento onesto di fede in Gesu' comandamenti. Scegli dunque la via della nostra vita sono quelle con cui Risorto. Noi difendiamo la vita, man­ amando iI Signore tuo Dio e tenendoti noi rendiamo migliore 0 ci:ichiamo di dando avanti la vita di ogni giorno unito a Lui, perche' e' Lui la tua vita rendere migliore la nostra vita e con le cose di ogni giorno; che ci e la tua longevita'''. Gesu' possono scmbrare pesanti e noiose, e e' venuto perche' noi pos­ spesso 10 sono; che forsi: non ci danno siamo avere la vita e la gioia e serenita', e spesso e' vero; che possiamo avere in, abbon­ possono anche essere si!uazioni di danza. Continua Gesu': "10 dolore nelle quali ci troviamo; ed e' sono la Risurrezione e ,la questa la nostra fede in Gesu'risorto. vita: chi crede'iri me, anche In Gesu' che ha vinto la morte per se muore vivrn', e chiunque darci la vita e farci entrarc nella villi> vive e crede in me non I problemi e le difficolta', i dolori mom' iil eterno ". E' con di ogni giorno haimo la hiro sPiegazi~ questa 'fede nelle parole di one solo in Gesu' morto e risorto. La Gesu' che noi amiamo la nostra vita e' una morte che cammina nostra vita e la vita degli verso la vita eterna della risurrezione. altri ' e ,ci prendiamo la re­ sponsabilit3' di difendere e di promuovere la vita umana, cioe' la nostra vita e la vita degli altri. ' Cristo e' risorto dai morti e noi ora poSsiamo dire di conoscere, di sentire quale e' iI nostro destino: e' un des­ tino di risurrezione,' iI nostro; When Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodeinus roll the big countJy. It is no longer a "river of no return~' because the stone at the entrance of the tomb where they have laid the risen Jesus comes back victorius from the'realm of death. body of Jesus, they are closing the pllenomenon that was Because of his victory, Paul can, mock death itself: Jesus of Nazareth. "Death is'swallowed up in victory. Where, 0 Death, is The empty tomb is a sign of the Resurrection. By your victory? ~herc, 0 Death, is your sting?" itself" it is not an irrefutable proof that Jesus rose from the It is still' dark when Mary first comes to the tomb. The dead. In fact, there ciicula,ted among the Jews' the story darkness'suggeSt the spiritual night into which she and the that the disciples stole the body of Jesus while the guards disciples were plunged beCause of what they experienced were asleep. For the disciples, however, the empty tomb in the passion, death, and burial of Jesus. But when Peter is a sign that Jesus has vanquished death. The scpulcral and the beloved disciple return from seeing the empty stone for the -Israelites marks' the entrance to the tomb,liope starts to blossom in"heir hearts. The stone has underworld; to death. Now, it is reversed beCause the zone been rolled away not just from Jesus' tomb but froni their of death is no longer an untraversCd frontier but an open troubIe<I hearts as wt:1I. Light is streaking through. I 4 April 97 j j -b~ . ...P" RIVlSl'A DELLA COMVNITA'rrALIANA . , Marconi Centenary Jill Potterton The remarkable and little known spark transmission allowed messages the world in the way that he would archives of the Marconi company, the to be sent from the air to the ground. surely have liked best - by wireless. pionecrs of wireless communications The notorious Dr Crippen was ar­ Tributes to Marconi were paid in arc to be sold by Christie's South rested thanks to a' wireless message newspapers all around the world - Kensington on 24 and 25 April. sent to Scotland Yard from s,s. Mon­ "When the early 20th century comes Offered as part of the Centenary trose. There were those who were to to be surveyed by historians yet eclebrations of GEC-Marconi, tllis be thankful for this new invention. unborn, Guglielmo Mafconi may be unique collection charts tile history of Two years later the Titanic struck an regarded as the supremely significant radio from Marconi's arrival in Eng­ iceberg and sank; those who survived character of our epoch", declared The land in 1896 through to the cnd of owed their lives to the wireless dis­ Times. On· the day following his World War 1I. tress eall, death, radio transmissions around the The two-day sale is expected to Marconi was to be involved with world were silenocd for two minutes, fetch in excess of £ 1 It is easy for us to million. The proceeds of forget in this age of the sale will fund ""Mar­ computers, having ac­ coni Days" - a new edu­ cess to all means'of cation training initiative instant communica­ which will train up to tions, the difficulties 1,000 teachers every year of one hundred years in the teaching of elec­ ago and the Wide­ tronies. spread amazement Guglielmo Marconi which Marconi's in­ was born in Bologna in vention ge'nerated. 1874 to Annie (nee Jame~ Without Guglielmo soil) and Giuscppc Mar­ Marconi's system we coni. In '1895 Marconi would not have satel­ had achieved transmission lite broadCasting, air, over it distiUlce of' 1Y. sea and cellular com­ miles by using an earth munications, space and elevated aerial at travel, radar or even both transmitter and re­ Marconi, who at twelve years old'said: the Internet. Wireless ceiver. A year later he "Jfyou only knew what a lot ofideas I have got in my head" was arguably the most arrived in Briatin and important invention filed the world's first patent applica-. another famous Ship. A passenger on for the 20th Century. tion for a system of telegraphy using the Lusitania's final westbound voy­ The collection, which concentrates Hertzian waves. This marked the age in 1915, Marconi had planned to primarily on the firsl fifty years of beginning of modern telecommunica­ stay in New York for a couple of wireless from 1896 to 1946, com­ tions. Up until then all telegraph and days, intending to eatch the eastbound prises an important cross section of telephone communication was limited crossing. Business altered his plans early equipment and experiments, to wires and their routes. conse­ and fortunately he was not on board alongside important technical, busi­ quently making it impossible to com­ when the Lusitania was torpedoed. ness and personal papers. Messages of municate with ships at sea and many By 1914 Marconi completed the particular interest include those relat­ parts of the world. Marconi made it first longwave transatlantic wireless ing to Queen Victoria as well as a possible to let the space betwecn two station for direct communieation to huge number of radio messages trans­ points carry the meSs.1ge. the USA and in the s.1me decade the mitted during the sinking of the In 1901 Marconi's Wireless Tel­ final aircraft communieation gap was Titanic.
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