Important r' iges —CUnfi- B-eAAfhuu ForeC ite Person:'^i .ons Americans Largest Weekly for Public Employees See Page 3 Yol. XIII — No. 11 Tuesday, December 4, 1951 Price Five CenU Civil Servants In Big Response To Blood Bank Plea ALBANY, Dec. 3—So great has been the response to a blood call among civil service employees in no:N'T RKPKAT THIS the Albany area that last week the Red Cross was unable to ac- comodate all who wished to make their contributions. "We sent out a letter only last Friday," Dr. John K. Miller told If Truman The LEADER, "and the civil ser- vants must have made life miser- able but happy for the Red Cross people with their tremendous re- sponse. That response was, I'm And Democrats sure, greater than among any other group." Dr. Miller is Associate Director of the Division of Laboratories Want to Win, and Research, State Department of Health. He holds the post, also, of State Blood Officer in the Of- fice of Medical Defense, and has They Must- been appointed by Governor Dew- ey Chairman of the State Employ- FRANK E, McKINNEy, new ees Division of the Blood Donor chairman of the Democratic Na- Program. tional Committee, last week came Dewey Urges Action out formally against sin. "A pub- Governor Dewey last week, in urging public employees to be- Stat* Safety Awards presented at tke University Clab in Albany. In ttie center Is Jesse B. MeFariand, pretl^ lic office is a public trust," he re- dent of the Civil Service Employees Association, presenting the award to Harold L Briggs, assistant peated, with credit to the late come blood donors, made this president Grover Cleveland. Mr. statement: director of edacation, wlio receives It for the Deparfment of Correction; also in the photograi^ is John K McKinney then attacked the "The need for blood plasma has Qaesal, associate safety representative, State Insnrance Fund. The safety contest was sponsored by the Stat* grafters in government, flailing become crucial. Every hospital Divislofl of Safety and the State Insnrance Fund. about hinr with a display of ora- throughout the country, civilian as torical vigor. President Truman well as military, reports that its seconded these sentiments with a blood reserves have shrunk to a letter urging that the Democratic dangerously low level. ... I urge party be made "morally strong" all State employees as well as all in preparation for the 1952 cam- citizens of our State do their Pay Rise^ Sliorter Week paign. duty to our country by contribu ting to the Blood Donor Drive." McKinney now assumes a post as Dr. Miller states that blood political leader, and however ad- banks are available in Buffalo mirable his statement may be, the Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, Approved for Employees people take it. as with any poli- • tical leader, for necessary political Albany, New York City and other wind. They've heard it before; and centers. like the human body immunized througfli exposure to certain germs, Instate PublicWorks Dept. this kind of talk leaves them with- Association ALBAI^Y, Dec. i — Pay in- out effect. creases and a shorter work-week More Than Speeches are in store for 1,218 State E)e- If Harry Truman and/or the Legislation Something New Is Added Democratic Party want to win partment of Public Works em- next year, they must do more than ployees, effective April 1, 1952. make speeches which leave the Plans Begin J. Earl Kelly, director of the Ag and Markets Will Have public with a large-sized unbeliev- Division of Classification and ing yawn. They must be prepared ALBANY, Dec. 3 — The legis- to take certain vigorous actions lative committee of the Civil Ser- Compensation has proposed that Minstrel Show—With Girls that will speak more loudly and vice Employees Association has the jobs, all presently on per diem effectively than their tired, fifth- surveyed all resolutions adopted by pay status, be placed on annual ALBANY, Dec. 3 — An old-time In the cast are Mary All, Mary minstrel show with a cast of 23 drawer, over-and-over-again ora- the Association at its annual pay status and come imder the H. Houlihan, Dorothea M. Bradt, tions. meeting that would require legis- headlines the entertainment for Rita Leathem, Katherine M. Cos- And the job they have to do is lation and made preparations to 40-hour work week instead of the Agriculture and Markets annual grave, Eleanor M. Holmes, Jame« not an incomparably difficult one. have the bills drawn promptly present 44-hour week. Christmas party for all depart- A. Carey, Burton C. Buell, Ethel Actually, the people do care to- for introduction in the Legisla- The recommendation from Kelly ment employees. B. Doran, M. Dorothy Van Derzeen day. They do care if a candidate ture soon after it convenes in has been approved by State Bud- Departing from its former pol- Thomas Knapp, Ovid Grenier, is pro or anti-labor; they do care January. icy of individual acts under the Jerome J. Burke, John Korfhage, if he is for war or against war, John P. Powers, 1st vice presi- get Director T. Norman HurcL direction of a master of cere- Mary P. Desautels, Virginia Ra- for expanding our foreign com- dent of the Association and chair- Who's Affected monies, the Agricvilture and Mar- villo, Victor Cira, William P, mitments or reducing them. They man of the committee, occupied Affected are 149 highway gen- kets Chapter hit upon the min- Kuehn, Joseph W. Kilgallen, Fos- do care about the times, whether the chair. Present were Jesse B strel revival as the most preten- ter Potter, Sherburne H. Fogg^ they are to be good or bad, McParland, Association president eral maintenance foremen, six tious offering of its long series of WilUs J. McKinney and Elmer whether inflation is to explode into Raymond L. Munroe of Rochester highway maintenance supervisor entertainment programs. The min- Jacobs. depression; many segments of Eniest L. Conlon of Binghamton jobs, 426 highway light mainten- strel show and dinner-dance are The entertainment committee (Continued on paye 8) Sidney Alexander and Prank C, ance foremen and 637 truck to be presented at The Crossroads, comprises Rita Leathern an<| Wallace of NYC, Edward River- Latham, on December 17. Katherine Quilty as co-chairmen^ kamp of Utica, Celeste Rosen- drivers. End Women, Too John J. Korfhage, Joseph W. Kil- kranz and Prank E. McDade of With the exception of those em- Heralded as the Cowshed Min- gallen, Roy H. MacKay, Katherina Buffalo, and Joseph P. Peily, com ployed in Chautauqua, Erie, Nas- strels the show now in rehearsal M. Oosgrave and Dorothea M. Charles Hall mittee members. Also present were sau, Niagara, Rockland, Suffolk boasts of one unique feature — Bradt. William P. McDonough, exesutlve and Westchester counties, where end women as weH as end men. It Arrangements for dinner and assistant to the president; John a 10 per cent higher rate is paid, is expected to attract an attend- dancing are under the direction of Explains J. Kelly Jr., assistant counsel to the highway general maintenance ance of more than 200, for the the social committee, Anne V. the Association, and Meade Brown foremen currently receiVe $2,472 chapter has invited guests and all George, chairman; Helen M« director of public relations. to $3,135 annually, paid on a per non-member employees of the de- Kehrer, Agnes M. Desmond, Bur- Retirement Area Considered diem basis for a 44-hour week. partment in keeping with its ton C. Buell and Jacob J. La- Subjects discussed in detail were Kelly's recommendation calls Christmas custom. Grange. HILLSDALE, Dec. 3 — Per diem for salary grade G-9, cuirently employees have certain misunder- the extension and safeguarding of the merit system; salaries, hours $3,086 to $3,845 annually. standings concerning enrollment recalled the activities of Its Sche- in the State Retirement System. retirement and unemployment in- Other Recommendations surance. nectady chapter for the Improve- Charles Hall, Public Works rep- He also recommended that six Schenectady ment of civil service conditions. resentative of the Board of Direc- MADELEINE SMITH NAMED highway maintenance supervisor These activities were begun last tors of the Civil Service Em- TO AGENCY FOR BLIND jobs, none of which are ciu-rently year and have continued un- ployees Association, "set straight" ALBANY, Dec. 3 — Governor filled permanently, be reclassified To Survey abated. the misapprehensions of these Dewey reappointed Miss Made- as highway general maintenance The new political regime in workers at a meeting of the Col- leine W. Smith, of Brooklyn, a foremen. Schenectady has made some dras- umbia County Public Works chap- member of the Commission for the Also included in the recommen- 750 Positions tic changes in personnel which ter, held on Saturday, November Blind, for a full five year term. dation were 426 highway light are regarded as emphasizing the maintenance foremen jobs, cur- ALBANY, Dec. 3 — The State lack of classification of positions lie Miiy Join rently paid per diem equalling Civil Service Department, in con- and the need of extending the "The per diem employee," said pulsory as It is with employees on $2,292 to $2,655 annual pay, which junction with the Schenectady merit system throughout the en- Mr, Hall, should be educated to annual salary status." will be placed in Grade 6, at $2,- County Civil Service Commission, tire civil service of the City, em- tlie fact that he may join the sys- Mr. Hall reminded his listeners 646 to $3,390. will undertake a joint survey of ployees felt. tem and receive the benefits of that applications and other in- The truck drivers presently re- the 750 jobs in the city of Sche- A spokesman for the Association retirement when lie reaches the formation concerning retirement ceive per diem pay averaging from nectady, to determine whatever today expressed pleasure that the proper age.
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