erving the College'Community Since 1935 Volume si — isumnsr i r WAYNE, NEW JERSEY 07470 December 7,1971 %i For Registration Material According to Vincent Can-ana, Saturday morning, December 18 registration rriaterial in Raubinger WPC Registrar, the distribution of between 9:00 ajn. and .12 noon. HalL regktration materials for the Registration Dates Late registration, will be held Spring semester will lake place at Carrano also announced the on January 21 and the program the main counter in Raubinger registration- dates for the Spring, adjustment period is January 24 Hall, beginning on Wednesday, semester. Undergraduate ihjough January 28. Classes for December 15, 1971. registration dates are as follows: the Spring semester' begin on The undergraduate registration Seniors-January 12; January 24,1972. '. .. materials will be distributed Juniors-Januaiy 13 and 14; incomplete Grades: according to the following: Sophomores-January *' and. 18; Carranu reminds students thai Jean Genet's "ipfayV 'The Maids" opens Thursday, S e n i o r s-D e c em b er IS; and Freshmen-January !9 and 20. there is "a February. "14, 1972 December 9 at 8:30 p.m. in the Hobart Hall Studio Juniors-December 16; Students will be advised as to the deadline for the make-up of Theatre. Pictured, abovtu jn rehearsal for this Sophomores-December 17; and exact time for their registration incomplete grades earned during "psyche-probing"^ play., are; Kip. Monaghan, Debbie Freshmen-December 2 0. when they pick up their the 'current''semester (Fail 1971). Sheehan, and Joan Ragiisa. ~ Registration materials for the undergraduate division will be distributed from 9:00 a.m.' to Council To Elect injerTOaias - Opens 5:00 p.m. on each day. erit. Registration materials fot the At Thursday's Meeting In Studio Theatre Evening Division will be distributed between the hours of The Student Government The position-of vice president "The Maids", Jean- Genet's Premingsr, "The Maids" uses the 4:00 p.m. io 10:00 p.m. at the Association General Council will hecame vacant earlier this year "psyche-probing" play," .vail open unique form of alley staging, main counter in Raubiriger Hall." elect a vice-president for the when vice president ^Edward R. Thursday ,;Dec«nbw?^,"?!r8:3p. seating the audience on either side The schedule for the evening Siudent .Government Association M-J3ley: was '.elected_ SGA p.m.-in"-die". SAari -Hall 'Studib of'the playing-awa. It will be a division is as follows: Wedries&iyr ~at i*sl':wex*':^egttfanneMiag~ori" :-TIieatre: beginning "a- -ihteeriuglir. : ^firet for the William .Paterson December 15, Thursday, Thursday, December 9, 19701. run of the Pioneer. Players', According- to. the SGA . cantpus, ihus lending a "greater December 15, Monday, December "3:30 pin. in Raubiriger Hall, : production." -• - "• • "Constitution^ and By Laws intimacy" to this theairical 20, Tuesday, December 21, and room 1, :. - " .regarding . replacement: Directed and designed "by Toby experience. "Vacancies other "than for the The play, whose cast includes office of president shall be filled Joan Kagusa, Kip Mor.aghan and Students Are Eligible by the action of; the SGA Council Ijebbie Sheehan, revolves around following recommendations of fhe Annual Xiuas IWo sisters, Claire and Solange, Executive Committee." whose life pattern is a peculiar For Semester Abroad The SGA "Executive Board has Tree lighting ritual, a sort of game-playing Application forms are now semester in England and a spring nominated the following students within and without the other's available for students who are semester in Denmark. Any for Vice President: Frank. Chiefa. The STATE "BEACON.: "will character. interested in studying abroad student" with an academic average Isabeile Czak, Phyllis Eaton, Al once again sponsor: the" annual while receiving a full semester's of 2.5 grade points can apply. Harris, Sen Ladson, Diane Mantel, •William Paterson .College Tickets are now on saie at the credit. Application forms for the While prefeience will be given to Marylyn Maritz, Chutk Murphy,". Cfrristmas Tree Lighting She= Box Office. Student tickets "Semester Abroad" program are students who will he in their Kathy Rzepecki, Millie Rose, Jim Ceremony on Friday, December are 51.00 and guests S1.50. available at the Office of the Vice junior year. Seniors and Shiliitani, James Smith,- Sandy 10 at 1:00 p.m. in front of The play, as. previously President for Academic Affairs in Sophomores are also eligible, and Thomas, Jim Valfceiihurg,.Mary Hunzike:- HaH' ' •': .. mentioned, will run for three Morrison HaE and at the History ail majors can apply. •' - "ValKenbufg, and Gloria Wiiliarns- Voting Eligibility . The ceremony ~will kick-off the nights; Thursday, Friday and Department, fourth floor, .The "Semester Abroad" Raubinger HalL annifal Peter McCabe Christmas Saturday, the 9th, 10th, and 11th program in England involves All Student Government drive which is sponsored by the respectively at-8:30 p.m. Tie program involves a fall residence at a British college with"- Association ." chartered (Continnea on Page 8) classes together with lEnglish organizations are eligible to Vote. students. Two of the participating ;for vice- president. According to colleges are geared especially the. SGA . Constitution and (Continued on Pajje 2).•"'* (Continued on 101 John Kerry Featured "John Kerry on'Americai" a Twenty-eight year cM- John .scintillating and insightful Kerry touched the conscience of closed-circuit television program America this past spring in his that features the famed Senate testimony about American spokesman , for the ..Vietnam atrocities. in Vietnain. Oremight, . Veterans Against "thle • War: w -a he emeiged as an articulate 2nd forthright and wide-ranging honest voicec "of the thoughts of dialogue about the social his generation. In "John Kerry on problems- a£ the troubled. United. -Americai'Vhe sits in the center of Stales premiered, yesterday an.arena setting,.surrounded..^y .(December 6) at Wayne Hall college, students ^Ao.. throw Lounge, . "'".". .. ..; •" "questions at hini from sS- adei, '. The rideort^jed program wiH .The focus of.tlte program.begins ; with ; the. Vietnain war, but grdup Hyldii (ptctAJred above) willfe .featured dpng with "Tha Blues be shown again today, .thiought ! Res at the Sophomore Class concert on Saturday, December 1?, :. Friday, December 10 in'Wayne quickly hroves qatwaxd . to; an Oavid in WWmnan Maraoria! Gymnasium.'-Tidcets si S3^S)^.for.Wre :-.. Ba2 Lciaige bgm lOiqp.ajrL.to.. arresting exaioiaatjon __o£: all'; ihe. lof^nQ"n^tudents amort\SH now at *s S«a Auditorium box offica. ;>, .2;Qqp.m.ADtmssionis;fre?. _—;; FageTwo BYJOHNCAfilDERSOM ln the process,- tens - of front line, Farida sees har^ Scheduled For Spring Fur decades since the thousands of have been killed and being here in the United Stafe formation rf the Pakistan nation literally millions have had to seek he{prasa money for aj A course entitled Btlieaimfu: a! though it would he helpful to the inhabitants and the iand of refuge in neighboring India as the reiiet.out more rnipartsntly O*5«Hz»twn* will be taagiit rest have had ftrind^i of Soooiagy. the East section have been army of West Pakistan invaded educate Americans to ife tr seme«cr by Br, Vincent N. Dr. PasdHo, a&o an Assistant splinted economical!/ by those Bangla Desh, routed out its about the sturggle inside Bu PiQiSo, Acting Dean of Graduate Professor, of Socioiog- in ifae West section. Tie goods inhabitants and destroyed their Dash aad fo the fad thai • and Research PrograjTH. The y-AnthropoIogy, has been at and natural resources of the East y^as and food supplies. The government supports the nfeji course if scheduled for Monday — WaHani Patenon College for six have been exported to foreign situation as it exists today, ie., .D^aid continues to send,} Wednesday at 3:30 pjn. years and has taught a number of ports all over the woiidworld, bbuu t the continued mlmilitaryy terrorism loaded with American nji The coaiie win fe both coBn=s. Having been assigned to resulting revenue would go aminct the people of Bangla Pesh hardware for use against theoretical, in tracing the idmioistratitdiii e dutkdi s in tthh e straighh t bacbkk to DaccD a in ththe &d& bordebd r dashedh s and artilerartiiery Bengali secessionistssecessionists. de/dojHWOt of orgifliatticaal Evening Diviaoo prior to Bloving West Tbs East Pakistanis came to attains between the West Pakistan Because of her educate theory to (fee present; sod to the Office of Graduate and realize that to rid themselsei of Army and Indian forces- only campaign, thousands practical, . in. considering the Resestrdi PrISgraHa last year, is exploitation it would be goes to show the extent some Americans haee already increasing finpact of biuter^vtsijc has been very active ia developing Keesory to rid themselves of the niiers wiH go to in order-to Farida. speak on this iao* organizations on our lim. new degree programs, both oppressive rule from th= West maintain .themseNes and their radio, and on campuses ' Specific orpaizatHHis: sail as gfdduSw and undergraduate, as section and the most expedient oppressiTe, exploitative-reeently spoke to : factories, offices, unions, - weD as scrring on-many fast way to do that would he to governmeols. ". •'" , Colgate University and ii aba j forcMafldcommitfes. -_ -simply secede and sst up their As part of their contimang, tb-speak soon to the stUifaii, chuich.es and. voluntary .. With «tpcrience in industry own autonomous gnrennnent series of forums on international^ Hofstra -Univereity. Tte f^ 2nd education, as well a* whidi they would call Baogia struggles for Hberation, the Young whidi willhe co-sponseredbyt "In- today's complcit, pften' .assofaarifflEi viih govemnwnf,' Desh (Bengali Nation). Socialist Alliance is bringing to • International Relations ChS.i ddiumanized ivorfd, ertrypeaoa, prison^ imksu, trie military, ami Such was the aim of the the WiDiara Patfirson campus.-ba presented Wed.^ Dec; 5^3; partly to protect fu> Jfitegfity aad rainy idiids of organiaiiions.
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