-L37 - FORM _ I (For linear projects) Government of Telangana Office of the District collector Warangal Urban No: Dated: -02-20L7 TO WHOWSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN ln compliance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of lndia's letter No.11-9l98-FC (pt) dated 3rd August 2009 wherein the MOEF issued e guidelines on submission of evidences for having initiated and completed the process of settlement of rights under the scheduled Tribes and Other Tradi oniltsore-rt Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act,2OOO ('FRA', for short) on the forest Iand proposed to be diverted for non-forest purposes read with MoEF's letter dated 5th February 2013 where in MoEF issued certain relaxation in respect of linear projects, it is certified that 0.015 Hectares of forest land proposed to be diverted in favour of Superintending Engineer TDWSP (RWS&5) circle Karimnagar, for Laying of pipeline and construction of structures for providing safe drinking water in Huzurabad, Manakondur and Husnabad constituencies-segment 16/3 in Elkathurthy Mandar of warangar Urban District fals jurisdiction within of Elkathurthy Range of Warangal Urban District. It is further certified t hat: (a) The complete process for identification and settlement of rights under the FRA has been carried out for the entire 0.015 Hectares of forest area proposed for diversion. A copy of records of all consultations and meetings of the Forest Rights Committee(s),Gram Sa bha(s),Sub- Division Level Committee(s) and the District Level Committee are enclosed as annexure ... to ... annexure.... (b) The diversion of forest land for facilities managed by the Government as required under section (2) 3 of the FRA have been completed and the Grama sabhas have given their consent to it; (c) The proposal does not invorve recognised primitive rights of Tribar Groups and Pre - agricultu ra I Communities. Encl.:As a bove. (Fu ll name and official th Warangal Urban Assbtant Executioe Enslneet TDWSP, SD HUSNAB;D. 231 - RESOLUTION OF DIVISIONAL COMMITTEE OF RoFR ACT, 2006 UNDER THE CI '\IRMANSHIP OF DISTRICT COLLECTOR: WARANGAL URBAN:: Dt. Chairman: Smt. AmraPali Kata lAS, District Collector, Waranga I Urban. The followi mbers are present. S. Name of the Member Designation sicnaturf No 1 Smt. Amrapali Kata lAS, Chairman District Collector, Warangal Urban. \ ,48 2 Sri. D. Bheema , SFS, District Member Forest Officer, Warangal Urban. 3 Smt. S. Chandana, District Tribal Welfare Conven er Officer. ha a The Superintending engineer TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle Karimnagar has requested District Tribal Welfare Officer, Warangal Urban to issue certificate in Annexure-l (Form-l) for linear project as per MoEF's Letter No. 11-9/98-FC(pt), Dt., 05-07-2013 in respect of proposals submitted for diversion of 0.015 Ha of forest land lying in Elkaturthy range of Warangal Urban district for " Laying of pipeline and construction of structures for providing safe drinking water in Huzurabad, manakondur and Husnabad constituencies-Segment L6f3" in favour of Superintending Engineer, TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle, Karimnagar. Accordingly the Gram Panchayaties have convened the meetings of Grama sabhas, under the chairmanship of sarpanches, along with chairmans, Forest rights committees and subsequently Sub-divisional committee also conducted and unanimously passed resolution stating that there is NO objection for diversion of proposed forest land in favor of Superintending Engineer TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle Karimnagar as there are no encroachments bytribal people in the proposed forest land to be diverted and further resolved that there are NO pending RoFR claims to be settled under Forest Rights Act. Basing on the resolutions passed byGram Panchayaties in Grama sabhas and SDL committee, the members of Divisional Committee Warangal Urban, have NO objection regardingdiversion of forest land measuring an extent of 0.015 Ha in Elkaturthy Range of Warangal Urban district for " Laying of pipeline and construction of structures for providing safe drinking water in Huzurabad, Manakondur and Husnabad constituencies-Segment 16/3" in favour of Superintending Engineer, TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle^Karimnagar ar;p subsequent issue of certificate in Form-1. \l 4+fotJF-e DISTRICT CQLLECTOR WARANGAL URBAN COfl-LECT'GM Assistonttsisro;, F.xecutloe Englneer Warangal Urban TDWSP, SD HUSNABAD. -L\l- RESOLUTION OF SUB DIVISIONAL COMMITTEE OF RoFR ACT, 2005 UNDER THE CHAIRMANSHIP OF REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER: WARANGAL URBAN: OI.YIaYI24T Chairman:Sri D. Venkata Madhava Rao, Revenue Divisional Officer, Warangal Urban. 'The members are nt. S. Name of the Member Designation Signature No 1 Sri D. Venkata Madhava Rao, Chairman Revenue Divisional Officer, Warangal Urban. 2 Sri. D. Bheema, SFS, Member District Forest Officer, Warangal Urban t&l The Superintending engineer TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle Karimnagar has requested District Tribal Welfare Officer, Warangal Urban to issue certificate in Annexure-l (Form-l) for linear project as per MoEF's Letter No. L1-9/98-FC(pt), Dt., 05-07-2013 in respect of proposals submitted for diversion of 0.015 Ha of forest land lying in Elakaturthy range of Warangal Urban District for " Laying of pipeline and construction of structures for providing safe drinking water in Huzurabad, Manakondur and Husnabad constituencies-Segment LGl3" in favour of Superintending Engineer, TDWSP (RWS & S)Circle, Karimnagar. Accordingly the Gram Panchayaties have convened the meetings of Grama sabhas, under the chairmanship of Sarpanches, along with Chairmans, Forest rights committees and unanimously passed resolution stating that there is NO objection for diversion of proposed forest land in favour of Superintending Engineer TDWSP (RWS & S) Circle Karimnagar as there are no encroachments by tribal people in the proposed forest land to be diverted and further resolved that there are NO pending RoFR claims to be settled under Forest Rights Act. Basing on the resolutions passed by Gram Panchayaties in Grama sabhas and report of the Thahasildar Elkaturthy (M) the members of Sub-Divisional Committee Warangal Urban, have NO objection regarding diversion of forest land measuring an extent 'Urban of 0.015 Ha of forest land lying in Elakaturthy range of Warangal District for " Laying of pipeline and construction of structures for providing safe drinking water in Huzurabad, Manakondur and Husnabad constituencies-segment 76/3" in favour of Superintending Engineer, TDWSp (RWS & s) circle, Karimnagar and subsequent issue of certificate in Form-|. Jff.eA{,<-, SUB DIVIS REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER WARANGAL URBAN f.,- ! r"q+e I + ANA THY Rc. No. Dt. 03'oZ'14 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, the Dy. E.E., TDWSP, SD, Husnabad has filed requisition for a construction of drinking water project in the forest area of Elkaturlhy village and requested to inform whether any RoFR Pttas issued in the Reserve Forest ln this regard, it is to inform that, the requisition of Dy.E E, TDWSP. SD, Husnabad' got enquired and reported that, No such RoFR Pattas are issued to the individualsunder RoFR Act in Reserve Forest area falling in limits of Elkaturthy village of Elkatudhy mandal At present Reserve Forest is under the control of Forest Departmeni- To The Dy. Executive Engineer, TDWSP, SD, Husnabad Ass utloe Engineer TDWSP, SD HUSNABAD. -7@6t€ro?ro ,.!;)- - et* ,*t-(^,o j€dx o:-v\Y--o[U. AG *1o,l*,.. @l'{Fr&€a,=B's-q/ J"s ofu R,^rs q*9|) ef;r'a,a a A,-.d$U4 ,(Jx.r 1 &b$S-"or,Gr.2}=*S"ASo * .*6svo .=dd,d d.r Ar.^!d$<:q f t = "(lt"irft."(l't.irl(. G'qn(, 5tA Fdt 2 er+:;'c( l-so*o:{ LM> 3,* a Ee., @r0g d"rr" 3,-r- oOJr(, eD,- qf .S epo /"FbX"s Et*E-'f;, ,=46-, 7,q.&f, JQ-[s15.! Ser"s 3.-o g&erS, sqr.].]$ SB il.r.s aS," 6;llg SdrU*, s, '! oil X- "aqo€A F,Dll6,s^^r Q<^r SJ<"WSw q-^fu9],srL"so 5ltus- J-o i- grl * ,=.pf S,ndd. A&$o& Ar\o{,ilr E( ar^ s+fu s A G: @-=e."'i5 J.,-D aSAn o+ ZOG,s, ^q)& .'sgp S, t o<J &fo Sodg Ao*J\u.so;{ Btd* 6rt= A^# (*uB#{ =s3pa lencfiaffiSecre@- ELAKATHUiiT;iY. 9ITt BARIMNAGAE ge \ .ttrq-r$-r' 'Tf,1,31,*tur,ft*:,, gafir 6ouoon8 souo.odlrftr, gll Oe+,6rg- iitorr d , agrr S6oii1;6. a ' '-2Y1- dlrria.x6 ) 1s *Fatb/ rcJ s+bJer t* rdcr froecf: 55,;o: - &egca5::u> 1i .$r:a mgfar6a rrau) **-*Gt 6oH ** p,fu ;i d3 o 5 mo --tzl 8ag€o6.r.o €moe ooJEer; gn5: $o,ro:: & se5ercu: rr: e$ Fdi S{b5oot' .;l+,rjm/ uey5556 / *{.\giS S5ri+:p 5j ArcJ Lir.SJ - 3 | $ soag 6& rFtr) fr&r mQ 64geu 6q"raailuen:- r Afo "-$si e-o,$ a.eg te:=Ih{=ili$r; s^qDS/ - "Frs !) ,ng ES ^SdAa& m e, {ftesx.o.r.,-y,r ^.{]yBra'' =(q^4 $'araaasue6rD6) Sslsu{tue^q 3'{ ilff#,"#Tli3i,flfl: ELAK,'.'l-HUR?HY, ) \.
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