Volume 51 Number 11 Saturday, March 13, 2021 • Harrisburg, PA Pages 1299—1488 See Part II page 1449 Part I for the Governor’s Office Agencies in this issue Regulatory Agenda Notice The General Assembly The Courts Board of Coal Mine Safety Department of Agriculture Department of Banking and Securities Department of Community and Economic Development Department of Environmental Protection Department of Health Department of Labor and Industry Department of Transportation Environmental Hearing Board Game Commission Governor’s Office Independent Regulatory Review Commission Insurance Department Milk Marketing Board Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Public School Employees’ Retirement Board State Board of Funeral Directors Unemployment Compensation Board of Review Detailed list of contents appears inside. Latest Pennsylvania Code Reporter (Master Transmittal Sheet): Pennsylvania Bulletin Pennsylvania No. 556, March 2021 TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY Attn: 800 Church Rd. 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The subscrip- tion rate is $87.00 per year, postpaid to points in the United States. Individual copies are $2.50. Checks for subscriptions and individual copies should be made payable to ‘‘Fry Communications, Inc.’’ Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Postmaster send address changes to: Orders for subscriptions and other circulation matters FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc. should be sent to: Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin 800 West Church Road Fry Communications, Inc. Attn: Pennsylvania Bulletin Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 800 West Church Road (717) 766-0211 ext. 2340 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055-3198 (800) 334-1429 ext. 2340 (toll free, out-of-State) (800) 524-3232 ext. 2340 (toll free, in State) Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Editorial preparation, composition, printing and distribution of the Pennsylvania Bulletin is effected on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, Inc., 800 West Church Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylva- nia 17055-3198. 1301 CONTENTS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Rates to be used for calculating long-term operation and maintenance cost bonds for water supply The General Assembly replacement—mining operations .................1427 Recent actions during the 2021 regular session of the General Assembly ...........................1306 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Notices Ambulatory surgical facilities; requests for excep- THE COURTS tions ...........................................1427 Hospitals; requests for exceptions ..................1428 JUVENILE RULES Pennsylvania Cancer Control, Prevention and Re- Proposed amendment of Pa.R.J.C.P. 148 and 407....1307 search Advisory Board virtual meeting ...........1429 LOCAL COURT RULES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY Schuylkill County Notices Revised local rules of civil procedure 1915.3, Liquefied petroleum gas facility; notice of applica- 1915.4(a), 1915.4-2, 1915.7, 1915.8 and 1915.12; tion ............................................1429 S-305-21 .......................................1309 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUPREME COURT Notices Elimination and modification of Magisterial Dis- Findings .........................................1430 tricts within the 7th Judicial District of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; No. 452 magiste- ENVIRONMENTAL HEARING BOARD rial rules doc.................................... 1311 Notices Relocation of Magisterial District 31-1-02 within the Dennis Nelen v. Department of Environmental Pro- thirty-first Judicial District of the Commonwealth tection and Bell Resources, Inc., permittee; EHB of Pennsylvania; No. 453 magisterial rules doc. 1312 doc. No. 2021-027-C.............................1432 John Sickeri v. Department of Environmental Pro- tection and Bell Resources, Inc., permittee; EHB EXECUTIVE AND INDEPENDENT doc. No. 2021-026-C.............................1432 AGENCIES GAME COMMISSION BOARD OF COAL MINE SAFETY Rules and Regulations Wildlife; diseases .................................1313 Proposed Rulemaking Prohibiting electronic liquid-vaporizing devices at Proposed Rulemaking underground bituminous coal mines..............1316 Hunting and furtaker licenses; antlerless deer li- censes..........................................1341 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Hunting and furtaker licenses; general .............1343 Notices Hunting and trapping; big game ...................1338 Order of quarantine and treatment: Spotted Hunting and trapping; general.....................1339 Lanternfly......................................1346 Seasons and bag limits............................1328 Referendum order on continuation of the Pennsylva- Seasons and bag limits; elk management area and nia Potato Research Program ....................1351 hunt zones; hunting and furtaker licenses; elk DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND SECURITIES licenses ........................................1336 Notices Special permits; deer control ......................1345 Actions on applications............................1351 GOVERNOR’S OFFICE Maximum lawful rate of interest for residential Notices mortgages for the month of April 2021 ...........1352 Regulatory agenda (Part II) .......................1449 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC INDEPENDENT REGULATORY REVIEW DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Notices Notices Availability of draft 2020 consolidated plan annual performance and evaluation report...............1352 Notice of comments issued (2 Documents) .... 1432, 1435 Notice of filing of final rulemakings ................1436 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Notices Applications, actions and special notices............1353 Notices Availability of the non-regulatory agenda ...........1424 Application for approval to acquire control of Health Availability of technical guidance ..................1424 Partners Plans, Inc..............................1436 Bond schedule for the calculation of bond amounts Autism spectrum disorders coverage—maximum on noncoal mining operations....................1425 benefit adjustment; notice 2021-03 ...............1437 Available Online at http://www.pacodeandbulletin.gov PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 51, NO. 11, MARCH 13, 2021 1302 MILK MARKETING BOARD Service of notice of motor carrier applications.......1442 Notices Telecommunications services.......................1443 Transfer by sale (5 Documents) .............. 1443, 1444 Special sunshine virtual meeting ..................1437 PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT BOARD Notices Notices Act 129 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Pro- Video Hearing scheduled ..........................1444 gram phase IV; doc. No. M-2019-3006867.........1437 Certificate of public convenience ...................1437 STATE BOARD OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS Electric generation supplier license cancellations of Proposed Rulemaking companies with an expired financial security, in- Child abuse reporting requirements ................1320 sufficient financial security amount or language . 1438 Revocation of natural gas supplier licenses of com- UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION BOARD OF panies that did not file a natural gas supplier REVIEW annual report or pay past due annual or supple- Proposed Rulemaking mental fees.....................................1439 Appeals from determinations of Department ........1318 PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 51, NO. 11, MARCH 13, 2021 1303 READER’S GUIDE TO THE PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN AND THE PENNSYLVANIA CODE Pennsylvania Bulletin Citation to the Pennsylvania Bulletin The Pennsylvania Bulletin is the official gazette of Cite material in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is published volume number, a page number and date. Example: weekly. A cumulative subject matter index is pub- Volume 1, Pennsylvania Bulletin, page 801, January lished quarterly. 9, 1971 (short form: 1 Pa.B. 801 (January 9, 1971)). The Pennsylvania Bulletin serves several pur- Pennsylvania Code poses. It is the temporary supplement to the Penn- sylvania Code, which is the official codification of The Pennsylvania Code is the official codification agency rules and regulations, Statewide court rules, of rules and regulations issued by Commonwealth and other statutorily authorized documents. agencies, Statewide court rules and other statuto- Changes in the codified text, whether by adoption, rily authorized documents. The Pennsylvania Bulle- amendment, rescission, repeal or emergency action, tin is the temporary supplement to the Pennsylva- must be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. nia Code, printing changes when they are adopted. These changes are then permanently codified by the The following
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