This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 09/ 08/ 1994 15 : 49 5152823186 http://dolearchives.ku.edu JUNK I ~iS -HUL TMAN PAGE 02/ 03 ........ -· ;'f CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM TO: Barbara 01'11119)'. RB: Th• Friends o! Chuck Orassley DT: September 8, 1994 Sarbara. I wanwd to give you tomt backpund Information on The Friends of Chuck OrauJty, whieh has been organiied to help elect ltepubHcan e.andidatcs to the Iowa tegi!Slature. In th• praentations Mt have made to thfl House and s.tlate leadcrwhtp, we have 1tmttd the followtn1 paints, some of which may be appropriate tor use in your remarks: • We have tried to be realiltic: tn the dollar amount we have said we would Ukt ta raJso and dlatrlJ,utc. quoting ftsure• in the SI o,ooo to s 1~.ooo ranp (l would like to raise and distribute mort, but I think we need to keep expectationa lmt). • We hav• comiltelltly tmphmized the fllct that mla operation i11n extension of what l ' your 1916111.d 1992 campalan• undertook on behalf of l\epubllcan candldatea. In 1986, we started thia t)'JJe of assistance throuah the low• Committee. In 19986, we asked donon who had aiven to the FEC limit to C!G to donat• to the Oovemor's campalsn or co the Iowa CommittH, which help.cl a IJ'OUP of "second tier" cand.idatQ Uk• Mar)' Lundby, Ron Corbett, JuUa Oontlcman. md Jack Beaman. As . , you may nrnambcr, we held a Communications workshop tor th.st candldatt•, •' \ ~ where members of the Grustey staff' (John M., Tom !., Penny B. and Bab H.) 11ve advtc. on how to organize a di1triet, how to raise money, and whore to mott cott effectively place advertiaemcms. In addition. the main attraction w11 Jackie Mason, a communications apeeialist &om Florida, who gave advice on how t0 conduct pres• Interviews, nQOrd, radio tpota, and giv• etrtetive 1peech preacntatlona. '\ ~ . ,·~ In l 992, the Orualey Committee apent tlmoat $50,000 on "ln1titut!ona111 televi1fon advertiaementl ln the Des Moines and ~ R•pld1 market. that tar;ct.d the ltngd\ ofooatrol the Oemo~ta had both in Wuhington and in Des Moines. In addition, the Committee helped Conareumen Nuttle and Llahtfoot with in-kind donatfon1 to defer c:osta ot tbe OraNley '92 tndcing eftbrt, which polled thouandt of Iaw1ns during the last six woek1 oftbt cycle. Finally, in 1992, mombtrt of th• cunpai&n 1taff donattd tha:ir time to help the St.ate Party undertake po11ina of r:wer 2' c:ontested di1aicU1. 1 have a eompleto listing of tht 1992 &cdYltfea, if you would like that document. • In addition to these aetivitiea1 the Senator has done hundredt of radio uid print ads for vlriou3 eandtd1'tot throu&}t the year,. I have taid, and t think this it tnJe, that there bu not been a candidate or elected offici•I that hu dont as much u he hu fur the party and Its candidates. He haa been time every e1$CdOn cycle, and The Pricnd! of Chuck Grusley ia merely an extension of' what he has been doina in prior years. • Thi1 effort wltl not d(ltTIWt frorn the Governor's r&ct. Remember, in 1990. Taukc and the Governor railed approximately $7 million out of Iow11 . No where near that Page 1 of 61 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 09/08/1994 15: 49 5152823185 http://dolearchives.ku.eduJUNKIHS - HULTMAN PAGE 03/ 03 much baa been raised yet this year, and there are still people who want to help, and those people need to be uked. • This effort wtlt have very little overhead expense-virtually every dollar raised wlll ao directly out to uti•t candidates. The Grassley campaigns have alway!! been known for their efficiency. and this csffcrt will be no different These are the basi<: points we have bttn rnaklng. The initial reception to the idea hu lMen very positive, althouah of c:ourac I got tho inunecUate question ~bQut CBO' 11 plans in 1998 ro the govemorshlp. I merely responded that this wu an tXtfJnalon of previous dforts and a w.-y to fill a pere4ived void In •. ualstins leaialative candidates. As you know, .Rtl'ublican1 control the Iowa Ho\lse by a slim S1-49 margin. In the Senate, :Republicans are in the minority by a 27-23 mqfn. By far the most contentious races wlU be in the House. There !1 a very good chance that we can get to .54 or more Inthe Hou,e. My estimate is that the Senate will stay Democrat. and that it wnt be a great year If we get to 24, and chances are that we could actually dip to 22. With so much attention being ~.ed on the Governor's race, we nMd to help th~se candidates all we ~an . Pleasi: feel free to c:all if you have any questions. '. ,, . ' .. .. ·.~ . " ... -. 1t ,.,. ' '; l <I ·, / .· Page 2 of 61 •">0 • ...,..., 09/08/1'394 t.IU • ,:Ji This document is from the collections at the Dole.JUH~<ItlS Archives,- HIJL University TMAt -l of Kansas PAGE http://dolearchives.ku.edu 02/02 SEP IJ8 ' ' 34 08; 06 IOWA HOUSE REPUBLICANS F'.2 TO: Xbllllaa• FR: Susan 5"erlho (SlMll-~4) D: Jliognphltal Information on Scott County hpu.bllaia raadid.Cff. for IA Hftusc: &Wt P•mtct 42 Wi\\ ~tSteveGrubbs rJio..l::e. inho. Dlatrid ~oa.Numben: 1ll1°1t, D 34~-, I409A StrYiAa second term Cha.Jr~ House Education Commlnee Chair, Ho\lte Legislative Cmipaigti Committee (lil..C.c) Fonner ~Mi.dent> Univcnity of!owa Student Senate family: W'.&. K.m; .2 children Hoau »iatrkt f2 James Van Fos~n (uddng Jitat ofRep. Bob J/.ajferty. Oppc1"'rd u f<innn- ll.t:pfWlmltdiYo Md V\111 \ C\1-krJ !'!.~Registration Nwnben; R 32°A, D J6%. D2% Customer Se.vi~ 'R.cpRlllentative TntcnuU.imml Brot~rhood ot:Electdcal Wows Jaunily: Wlf.e, D~wn; 3 children Boytf Dlrfdst Q lleprfiemative MonA Martin SClilinH ftrst ti:rm Dlrtrlrt Jll&Ut.radon Nmnben: R. 27"/a, D 39~, I 34% Pinner in r.miJy bv.stnen Fonn.r sd\ool te..:het htwested in crime uid welf'are rearm iuu..1 Fantily1 ~- ~· Bob; 2 c.hildr•n• J grandchildren Bon1t Pimia 4.4 Neil~ DOB: 4129/67 w i I \ o,+te. r<l Dblrtri ltfptndon Numben: ll. 23%, D 4'lo/a, I 34% uy ho~uitlnal, St. J~ Ludu.nn Church AW•mttn io l'>a:v111iport l!Q9~1~ r11.111il)': Single Page 3 of 61 09/08/ 1994 13:23 5152823186This document is from the collections at the DoleJUNK Archives, I t'-lS-HUL University TMAN of Kansas PAGE 02/ 02 http://dolearchives.ku.edu . ,, .·.···'."'··.. ·:: ~l • (Jrc/L ()) CJ,./lj__ , ~t1frl ffli.<O:V:uAL cvn cf ~~ ()ia,Ju, £,,.,1. JfvJ_~(cn R~t:ur he~) f3M b;vt!A ,IJr~ aML ftruuf VU: rd· ~ fYU4<Y {Onf;p1,(,A11,Ce..-- . j{M tflJ- cge...& ~<P 0· )0 Page 4 of 61 09-08- 1994 07=26RMThis document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, UniversityTIJ of Kansas151 5 28411096'3 P. 02 http://dolearchives.ku.edu Dole will visit Cedar Rapids Iowans join attack on Ser}ate filibusters By Ken Sullivan Gazette senior editor Senate Mit10tity Leader Bob Dole will be campaigning in Iowa late this week for Republican · congressional hopefuls and has included a news conference in Cedar Rapids on his agenda. In the meantime, a bipartisan group of Iowans has joined the nationwide effort to deprive Dole and his Senate colleagues - or future Senate mi· norities - of their chief means of com· peting with the ma· jority party. A news conference will be held in Des Moines today by Io· wans supporting the national movement. Action, Not Gridlock! The project is aimed at ending what sup· porters believe is the $en. Bob Dole abuse of the fllibus· In C.R. Friday ter, a parliamentary maneuver minority parties use to block issues from coming to a vote. To end a filibuster requires 60 votes in the 100-mem- ber Senate. Among Iowans participating in the effort arc former Gov. Robert Ray, a Republican; former Sen. Dick Clark. a Dem· ocrat and members of the Legislature, state government and the private sector. Dole, whose Iowa stops include campaign appearances on behalf of congressional can· didates in the 4th and 5th districts, will hold a news conference at the Five Seasons Hotel l•'riday afternoon. He'll join Sen. Charles Grassley for a fund-raiser in Davenport Friday night. Page 5 of 61 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu About the Candidate ay Irwin.·Republic.an liomtnee for.-•- State Treasurer, is a Des Moines native and fourth ] generation Iowan. Born Aucust 15, 1953, Jay itaduated from Des Moihes Roosf.vt':lt . High School, rN:eiving bnchelots t\nd 1nw degrees with honor!l ftom Drnkc Univcr11lty~_ .J ay'a achievements in.elude finishing first in the KansllS Law Enforcement Acad~my · . while a polkc officet in Topeka, sw;\;e~sfuHy completing OS${gnment3 with the uniform, . Investigation, mcm.HLJLrn<l 1 imelligcncc, vtce-natcotics a.nd tra.lning divisions. Jay was · 8.sslgncd to U.S. Secret Servke security dclails protecting President GetilM Fon:l And Vic€- . P~eddendnl cnndid~te Bob Dole during the 1~76 prcsidtntial campaigh and t<:~clvcd a . duty commendar.ton _for his role in succcssfut apprehension of major drug dea.lcrs. ·, J.~y boc~me'_ o~e ofthe firt>t legal invc&tigntots in.
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