![Writing Republican Machine the of Nebraska Have Adopt- Salt I.Ake Geo](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I if "-- , U - Ji-lil!J- i J JUDti v''l - Jli-- r.v.fV'Vn,i .jluuju I ,n ?A:MMd4( ' wr" CAPITAL CrPY COURIER, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1890 A LINCOLN'S ABSENTEES. y A List of l.lni'oliilte unit Abroad Where A : : : wmMmm Thry uro Hummel liitf. "MONARCH" A Ihjmliir i;rr of Mwlrrn Time. Favorite Ladies' Carriage City of Mexico-Aar- on Iluckiditir. HunscniiTioNt One Year by Mall or Carried Nantiuket Bench Mrs. II. W. Brown and See Them on Stoves. i(W I.(i0; MV.j Our Gasoline Hlx Month, f Three Month, daughter Florence. Streets. Ono inotith 80 Cent liiVArnlily In Ailvnnce. With hunting party in Colorado L. C. Burr. - This Is j AbVxnTiKMRi(Ti ItAto furnished on application wmmmBamm 'tfifoffifoP our Famous nt tlio onico, Bpeclal rate on Time Contracts. I'lko, N. Y.,-r- Vl Williams nuil wife. "SIBERIA Contributions: Short spicy sketches, kiiis and Wisconsin Ilev. !'. H. rstelu. Norfolk stories solicited, Personal and Modal note are Lnko CliMitnmniii, N. Y., Ml Maud Phaeton. eleclAlly desirable, Hammond. Refrigerators. I'nlNTiNni Wo nmko a specialty of Kino l'rlnttnj? Urbaim, Ohio-M- iss Alice Maitli.ud. We liac a new line of these as well In nil It branches, Hoclety work a specialty. Idaho John IC. Httiut, John Kali Held. us other Fine I'linotons nml a dill line Now Yoik Mr. C. W. Poinfret and White lountain j Published Sntu relay. daughter. of the Albany, N. Y. Miss Hindi Wool Moore. Uialmni, W. Vn. Miss lilt Young. World Renowned Address All cniiiiniitiiCAtlnii direct to tli otlleo, . f AlucU-ltloli- iml 1). I Freezers. Hlllm, Miller. WltHHltl. PUINTINO CO., Battle Creek, .Mich. .Mi. II, .ehriing and family. I'Uiii.ihiikiih. Henney Buggy Screen Doors, (leorgetowii, Col, Mr. U. O, Dawes. Courier llulldluir, m N Hired. I'ortliind, Mo. II. K. Lewi mid mhi. iim Windows, Montreal, Can. K. Uoodrlch. In nil hiyleti Including the Latest Nov- Screen TKI.KI'itONKUM Cnstlle, N. Y.-- MN Mary A. Hinlth. elties. Screen Wire U Wkhnkl, Jii., IMItornnd Hole rroprletor. Richmond, Vt. .Mr. U. A. Williams. Aslmry 1'atk, N. Y. Mr. J', IC. Cilloy FlIKII IIK.N7.I.NOKII, Associate IMItor, nun laimiy, Fully Guaranteed Momence, III. 1'iuf. Olbeault, t E. Lahr, As represented or mono) cheerfully Frank Omaha Miss draco Burr. refunded. We will keep nil POPULATION OF LINCOLN, Ilenncy 65,000. Olympln, lnh. Mr. L. C. Burr and work In repair for one year free o'f 936 H Street. dnugliter. charge if caused by any defect. Hwlnglng round the circle C. H. Hlchter. locution Tub of tho world's fair in CIiIciko Halifax, Nova Hcollti J. II. Hurley mid North Side Postoflice Square will boon tlio lake lto In tlio heart of I In city, family. Cheyenne K, T, Oiulil anil wife. Lewis Hardware and Implement Co. Cambridge, Ohio Will Johnson, That subllniest of moiioolles, tho Western .1. SOLE AGENTS, ji15 tn North Union Touring the east A. Iludilleson mid 2,15 Tenth Street, LINCOLN, NEB. Telegraph company, hn conio to ad wife. mit that tlio Interest of Ne- Brooklyn, N. Y. It. H. Motmtt and wife. braska should lio trontod a well a those of Clenova, N. Y. Mr. It, M. Hlmous and Cushman Park other Mate, It ha voluntarily reduced tho daughter. rato from Lincoln to IlnstliiKs, Oriiiid Island I'lttsbiirg-Lle- ut. T. W. Orllllth. nml it number of othur Mlnti 40 from cent On tho MlNsisslppi Win. T. Duncan and & to!M. wife. HARDY PITCHER AraOMOEMMTS MnssnchiifcettH II, H. Gordon and wife. TllKbiirnlnirof tlio Western Union build- - Mllwaukeo Carl C. Lnntz and family. Inir In Now York hiu once nore deiiionstrnt. Btiiralo, N. Y. Miss Julia Hinlth. od Hint llro proof IiuIMiiiri will burn. It Dunkirk, N. Y.- -F. W. A. Kind. Andrews' Gem Folding: would seem ns though tlio llro Bed! oujjht to tuivo Ashland, Wl. Kred Baldwin and family. been conllueil to ono room, but It was not. Lebanon, I'a. K, Kwing ami family. -- l. sssssssssssssl IssssssssssssssssHssssssssssssssssii sssssssV npi Until architect nml builder ilo better (too-pi- e Lnko Mliinotoiikit Mr. W. H. Iliiirmnn Imtl liottor not ruly too much on "tiro and children. ibsH ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss? proof" building. Hotter luivo plenty of llro I'liliuer Lnko. Col. Mm. A. M. Ilainl. issssssssssi issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssT twcnpeH of such n kind that they will faolll- - De Moines Miss Margaret Balrd, issssssssssi issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB It' tatu escao. Nlagra Falls. Mr. JohuBheedy. issssssssssi IsssssssssssssssssssllHlissssssssslssHHI Sunday, July 27, Madison, Neb. Mr. J. D. Hood. Thk city engineer has liem Instructed by Dayton, Ohio Jlles Jennie nml Jlnry Umlerwooil, Mi. A. (I. Blllmeyer. thecouu;ll to niako n nirvoy nml estimate Old Point Comfort, Va. Mrs. A. H. Bay. 1 the cost of nstantl plpo to bo located near Republican Jubilee inoiul mid children, Alls Blanche ilargreaves, (..oIIoko hill In outheat Lincoln. Tho Ntanil-plp- o . Ml-- 11. C Outcalt and children, Mr. C. 0. I to bo thlrty-llv- o fwt In diameter mid Wheodou nml Prof. Tlio whole rcptihlloitn parly Ik rooiieMtod to children, Mr. Little. high oiiourIi prowmro ooventy-llv- o lo proKuitt lit Ciisliman, Mumlny July CTtli. tORlvoa of louring Kuropo A. K, Ilargreaves, W.W. Tho state iiuuilnocH for otlleo in Invited to nil. ImiiiiuI. Lincoln I growing at a rato that Wll'on, T. Kwing, I). K. Tlioiiipiou, tlroMtho oi)lt'i all tho county nominees nro make It nrso rciuoNtrsl to make n exhor- neciwary to have tho Improvement Lyons, N. Y. Mr, It, M. Lyons and niece. tation. of a city wvorul time a large, nml ono of KriH)ort, III. Mrs. J. W. Menlovo and iHsssssssssssVLe BSPsssKiSbsssssHbissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss It llmt duties Is to glvo It citizens llro n. daughter. Williams 'Brothers and Hubbard Scranton.Pn. Mrs. a. T. Dnyklti. Plattsmoulh-Mi'- M. H. M. Bushiiell. Tlio famous sinners, who IioIirM President Detnei-- C. Muiihoii Harrison In (til campaign ami who carried Tiik I'hlladelplila Hem of u recent iluto Its C and family. I ml In nit by thorn, will Iiik tlio grand old Ilavenna Mr. Duke Beall, party hoth old ucr, circulation U 170,000, by the way hn nu edi hiiiihKi and Jamestown, N. 1). torial under tho caption of "Lincoln, Neb.," Miss Lollle Smith. ssssslissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl ssssssssssssssssssssssssssbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB I WU7&A Marietta, Dr. In which ltny: "Wo are In receipt of tho a Mr. Charles Hurt. Wednesday, July 30, Louis T. Oai'ital City Couuieu. imblUiied in Lin 8t. A. Btillmnn nml wife. '" VsssHliissssHBS Oieuwooil HpringH, Col. coln, Nob. It I n tmiidtoino paper mill ably John Kelirttug. IHsssssssssssssHKJi' Kste Col. - iHiitwt. Ij. Park, Carl Fuuko and wife, W, ", sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBf ...lt ;- mr ! air. Neiwel, Jr., tho islltor, tell i r it iT0ffkSII Grand Union Picnic M. Leonanland wife, W. II. Hargrouve and IPHP ' gA u that. Then follow the Couiukh's notice Msssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssll ftc?y5a.iE myi?-- - sL wife, A. C. Kleiner nud wife, Fred Hmyser, rssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssll - l'-- I kT of tho removnl of II, Plfe . ' 1 of Tin: Goldmultli to till city. Mason Uregg ami fiimll), L. O, M. Baldwin Our liest wiilitH uro with all who go to Lin- nml family, V. Laiihlug ami -" J. sons, Frank -- it . Mill 'It iVnlslPifl'iftrei iJiiWiilWrS iFttftSH&jWPt! jstflM jl Exposition Department Stores. coln, tho home of that worthy man, John Burr, MUs Grace Burr. " H.uuujii iu,uiuuuiiiiUiiiiiii!i.Mi .. auUjWiw"" Fitzgerald, Kwj." All friend mill patrons theso St. Paul Sirs. Tlio. Bewell and daughter, of stores are L. Best Bed in cordially Invltnl to taku art. Call at tlio C. Chaplu nud mother. Folding now the Market. Can be Cleaned and Ventilated Without Takin stores and not a printed Invitation, which Helena. Mont. M. D. A. H. Bar- you froo Nkhuabka amy get as con- Thurston, Apart or will kIvo admission to the I'nrlc. ninny as eight ber, Mr. I.. C, Pace and daughter Moving. Call and inspect the working of this new Bed. Faro tor round trip, IS eonts. Trains leave gressmen under tho new apportionment soon darkle. depot at 'J, l:'A)miitt1i:K)p. in., returning nt 7 Manttou .Mis Laura Haggard, Mrs. L. B. 10:!W p. one, to lo made. After the Inst cetiNus tho mem- and in. Come conio all, Treeman and tlniighter, Mrs. T, P. Folsoin, 211 bership of tho S. ELEVENTH ST., houMiof representatives was Mrs. Mary Gregg nud daughter, Mr. Ada LINCOLN, N6E3. made !W5. The admission of now states lms Kspy. increased it to 333. If it lw increased to IKK) Colorado Hprlngs 1 Hue Brown, Mrs. M. this state may get eight. If the present mem C. Coleman, Miss Clnlr Link. J. B. Horton. bership (U$J) be maintained it will give it Mm. J. II. McMurtry nml daughter, Miss Tote. A Fine Crayon population of about UVS.OOO to each congrw-slon- district, which will entitle Nebraska to Hot Hprlngs, S. D. Mrs. M. K. Wheeler, YOU ? Banuiel Oouens mid wife, It. M. Turner and HAVE six members, SEEN iwisibly seven. Tho step IT llrst wife, Mrs. Austin Humphrey, Mm. Nonls to be taken by congress in making n ronppor-tionuie- ut Humphrey, Dr. W. L. Dayton, Mrs. Paul is to decide on the LIFE SIZE number of mem- Holm, Mrs. Morris Turner, A. C. White, J. bers of the lower house, and some of the B. Strode, Mm. Thos. H. Benton, Mrs. 8. M. are already moving In that direc- Melick, Mm. J. McMnnlgle, J. Farmer and tion. wife Boston-- O. W. Webster mid family, Mrs. R-R- EE Adolf Weber, Prof. Bagnnll, Prod C. Howe, The Yost Writing Republican Machine The of Nebraska have adopt- Salt I.ake Geo.
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