VERSATILE HUNTING DOG A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association • Volume XLIX • No. 9 • September 2018 MY “FAILED” FOSTER OF THE VERSATILE LAST HUNTING DOG 10 Volume XLIX • No. 9 • September 2018 NAVHDA International Officers & Directors David A. Trahan President NATIONAL Bob Hauser Vice President Steve J. Greger Secretary Richard Holt Treasurer Chip Bonde Director of Judge Development Andy Doak Director of Promotions FEATURES Tim Clark Director of Testing BIRD DOG Tim Otto Director of Publications Steve Brodeur Registrar 4 My “Failed” Foster • by Jon Fogle * Tracey Nelson Invitational Director Marilyn Vetter Past President 8 Three Important Things To Do With Your Puppy • by Rick Holt CHAMPIONS Versatile Hunting Dog Publication Staff 12 History of the Advanced Utility Dog Test • by Paul von Hardenberg Mary K. Burpee Editor/Publisher ARE FUELED BY Erin Kossan Copy Editor Sandra Downey Copy Editor 18 The First ‘Modern’ Invitational • by Bob Hauser ® Rachael McAden Copy Editor Patti Carter Contributing Editor by Maria Jacenko Dr. Lisa Boyer Contributing Editor 20 Quiet... • Nancy Anisfield Contributing Editor/Photographer Philippe Roca Contributing Editor/Photographer 22 Our Wild Goose Chase • by Logan Wickenheiser Wight Greger Women’s Editor Dennis Normile Food Editor PURINA Maria Bondi Advertising Coordinator 26 Pod What?!? • by Ron Boehme ® Marion Hoyer Webmaster PRO PLAN. Advertising Information Copy deadline: 45 days prior to the month of publication. Commercial rates available upon request. All inquiries or requests for advertising should be addressed to: NAVHDA Looks like the PO Box 520 DEPARTMENTS Arlington Heights, IL 60006 President’s Message • 2 Voice 847/253/6488 • Fax 847/255/5987 secret’s out. Email [email protected] About The Cover • 4 Web www.navhda.org On The Right Track • 8 See our web site or call for current rates. Women’s Wisdom • 20 Please submit all articles for and questions pertaining to the Tips From Purina • 25 VHD (other than advertising) to [email protected], with ATTN The Forum • 28 VHD Editor in the subject line or by mail via the postal ser- vice to NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Heights, IL 60006. Kennel Registrations • 28 © 2018 The North American Versatile Classifieds • 29 Hunting Dog Association, Inc.• All Rights Reserved. Test Results • 30 22 Printed in the USA Calendar Of Events • 33 The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association does not discrim- inate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities, or in its hiring and employment practices. The Versatile Hunting Dog is published monthly and is the official publica- tion of The North Amercian Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA), a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to fostering, improving, 18 promoting and protecting the versatile hunting dog in North America and to the conservation of all game. The basic annual membership dues are $60 (US Funds.) Membership HELPS OPTIMIZE 30% PROTEIN / benefits include a monthly subscription to the Versatile Hunting Dog mag- SUPPORTS azine, decal, participation in all NAVHDA events (at membership discount OXYGEN METABOLISM 20% FAT rates) and full voting privileges. All contributions are tax-deductible. IMMUNE SYSTEM A copy of NAVHDA’s most recent financial report can be obtained by FOR INCREASED HELPS MAINTAIN contacting: NAVHDA, 120 W. Eastman St, Arlington Heights, IL 60006- HEALTH 5950. ENDURANCE LEAN MUSCLE The Versatile Hunting Dog reserves the right to reasonably edit or refuse all material (including advertising) submitted for publication. Articles or opinions herein expressed are not necessarily those of the publication staff or of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc., its officers or Directors. The material contained in this publication is intended to provide accu- TM proplansport.com rate and authoritative information on the subject covered. By their nature, the articles and columns contained herein cannot provide the complete EXCLUSIVELY AT PET SPECIALTY AND ONLINE RETAILERS and detailed guidance required by every individual in every situation. The material is thereby offered with the proviso that it is not the intent of the publisher, the editors, or the authors to render professional counsel on the matter covered and said person(s) cannot be held liable for any *Based on the All-Age National Championship for Bird Dogs 2008-2017. The handler or owner of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors. use thereof. If specific assistance is required, the services of an expert authority should be sought. Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. Printed in USA. The Versatile Dog denotes that this feature or story is an original article by a NAVHDA member. The Versatile Hunting Dog magazine (USPS number 016-491, ISSN: 1099-0577) is published monthly for $60.00 per year by the North Amer- ican Versatile Hunting Dog Association, 120 W. Eastman #302, Arlington Hts, IL 60004-5950. Periodical postage paid at Arlington Hts, IL and addi- Visit the Versatile Hunting Dog magazine online at tional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NAVHDA, POSeptember Box 520, Arlington 2018 Hts, IL 60006-0520. Versatile Hunting Dog • www.navhda.orgwww.navhda.org 1 CheckMark Communication Versatile Hunting Dog 1111 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63102 JOB# 086060 OK WITH DATE PRINTING CMYK September 2018 APPROVALS REVISION PROCESS BRAND Director Design OFFSET Ad code: NPPL16FFTESA1-REV3 Breeder Art Director PROJECT Copywriter FLEXO Ad size: 8-1/4”W x 10-1/2”D + Bleed Versatile Hunting Dog Prod. Designer ROTO SIZE Proofreader 8.25 x 10.5 Acct. Director OTHER LAST MODIFIED Acct. Coordinator 08 08 18 Client NUMBER FILE CREATED BY FINAL OK OF COLORS J Camp NOTE: Although this artwork has been checked for accuracy, 4 MODIFIED BY final approval is the client's responsibility. Please double check before signing o. President’s Message By Dave Trahan Deerfield, New Hampshire HUNT FOR BIRDS, NOT BUTTONS. What We Train For hank you to all the volunteers who will be help- New Hampshire where I will spend the following month ing at the 2018 NAVHDA Invitational. Remem- or better guiding hunters in pursuit of ruffed grouse and Tber, NAVHDA only works because of the people woodcock. During the spring and summer training sea- who are willing to give their time and effort to help fel- sons, it’s easy to focus on the drills and skills that we low members at clinics and tests. Planning for local and need in a hunting dog. Our versatile dogs are bred to do international events takes a lot of dedication from our all parts of the hunt. We train them to develop their abili- members. Tracey Nelson and her crew are doing a great ties. We also train them to work with us as a team – that’s job. I also would like to thank my fellow judges who will where the cooperation and obedience come in. Now, as be giving their time in the field and at the water. Thank hunting season opens across the country, we can focus you for the dedication of the members who work so hard on our goal: enjoying safe, productive days in the fields, at these events. woods and water with our great dogs. Most of the testing season will be done soon, and hunt- Pack your bags and gear, and go hunting. After all, ing season is just around the corner. After the Invitation- that’s what we trained for all summer long. al, I will be off to grouse camp in the northern woods of Gone Hunting, Dave PRO 550 PLUS Build a dog worth hunting over with training levels you can adjust and tracking that shows which direction your dog is heading. 2 Versatile Hunting Dog • www.navhda.org September 2018 September©2018 Garmin 2018 Ltd. or its subsidiaries. Versatile Hunting Dog • www.navhda.org 3 18-MCJT12124 Pro 550 Plus Ad_UPLAND-8.25x10.5-NAVHDA.indd 1 8/1/18 9:39 AM About The Cover MyBy Jon“Failed” Fogle Foster Reading, Pennsylvania he dog, when released, headed into the field like a I could identify this on x-ray. So, an orthopedic surgeon was rocket. I cringed because the last six months had been consulted, and surgery scheduled. In the mean time Hank Tdifficult. He came to me as a ‘foster’ dog. The agen- was put into an awkward plastic splint held in place with cy I volunteer with (American Brittany Rescue) reached out gauze and vet-wrap. The vet said, “Keep him quiet.” saying we have this young Brittany pup with a leg problem. When I got Hank, he was four months old. Just think about Might be a CCL tear. We need somebody to get the injury that for a minute. “Keep him quiet,” he said. The next week properly diagnosed and treated. So, I agreed. the surgeon repaired the broken tibia with a plate and pins I drove about three hours away and met the transport guy, and screws. Hank had a new brace, a continuing restriction another person with the American Brittany “sickness.” He for a short leash, five-minute potty ‘walks’ three or four brought the dog over to me on a leash, bouncing along in times a day, and ‘keep him quiet.’ Now, I am not a fan of a three-legged hobble. We chatted a bit because Bill and I medication, for me or my dogs (with reasonable exceptions). have exchanged dogs in one direction of travel before. We But within 24 hours I was at the vet saying, “One of us has caught up on the Brittanys we helped in the past. I asked a gotta be medicated.” The ten weeks of light duty, of ‘keep few questions about Hank—what kind of food he is eating? him quiet,’ were torturous.
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