Cardinal Pacelli, Papers Secretary of State, Says U. S. PROMISES MUCH FOR FUTURE UF HUMANITY I'bc R*fi«tcr Ha* tb* Intaniatioaal New* Saryic* (Wir* and Mail), tfae N. C. W. C. New* Sarvica (Includi^ Radio* and ^blaa), Ita Own Spacial Servica, All the Smalkr Catholic Sarvicas, IntarnatioBal lUuatratad Now*, ahd N. C. Pietura Sarvic*. BIBLE GROUP t COUNTRY WINS Local Local Two events stand o^i par* Edition Edition ilcularly in the ten-week IS ORGANIZED PRAISE FROM siege of the Alcazar, at To­ ledo, Spain, 900-year-old for­ THE tress that was held by 1,100 men, including 400 student AT CONGRESS PAPAL OFFICIAL cadets, 11 to 20 years of age, Cghting against terrihc odds. His Eminence, Here on Private Visit, Asserts On Sept. 10, buglers of the Association Will Co-operate in Work of Pontiff Ever Urges Nations besieging Reds signalled to Retranslating New Testament— REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) cease firing, and one Major To Follow Christ Juan Rojo approached the Ranks Open to All VOL. XII No. 42 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, OCT. 18, 1936 TWO CENTS fort unarmed. He had gone New York.— Elxpressing his happiness,in finding him­ to school with some of the New York.— Marking one of the important results of self “ within the territory of a great people who know how garrison, but nobody an­ the National Catechetical Congress of the Confraternity Papal Secretary in New York President Re-elected to unite so beautifully and nobly a sense of discipline with swered avhen he called out of Christian Doctrine, just held in this city, a Catholic Pibli- the exercise of a just, legitimate, and well ordered libertj^,” names. Sentries blindfolded cal Association of America was formed in the session de­ His Eminence, Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secretary him and brought him before voted to the work, now under way, of revising the language Persecution Is of State, issued a statement upon his arrival here aboard Colonel Jose Moscardo, the of the Douai-Rheims English New Testament. The asso­ the “ Conte di Savoia,” saying that “ the voice of the Father commander. He offered re­ ciation was formed for the purpose of expediting this work. of Christendom is raised, amid the struggles of the present lease to the women and chil­ It will be open to all interested in the Scriptures and will hour, to warn humanity that it is following and' that it will dren, who were in the sub­ co-operate with the regular revision committee. Deplored at follow the wrong road if it refuses to recognize and to ob­ terranean vaults of the huge Marked progress by the two committees appointed to serve the noble and pure doctrine of the Gospel.” building. revise the language of the New Testament and to study the “ On this, m y first visit to the United States,” H is E m i­ “ The women have elected proposed changes in the Baltimore catechism was reported nence said, “ there is no need of a to remain with us. are at the Catechetical congress. The I.F.C.A. Meet lengthy statement to have you un­ Austria Dictator work of both committees is being Pilgrims in Danger derstand my desire, cherished for wasting your time. Good- carried out under the direction of a long time, to see with my own by,” said Moscardo. “ You the Episcopal Committee of the Dallas, Tex.— Mrs. William H. eyes this country and to feel the can send us a priest. We Confraternity, composed of the Connell, Jr., of Pittsburgh was re­ pulsations of its life and of its Most Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, Bishop elected president of the Inter­ labor. might need the last sacra- Renowned Canada national Federation of Catholic of Great Falls, chairman, and the “ The duties o f my office have ments.” Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, Alumnae in the closing hours of the federation’s five-day conven­ brought me into many countries O.P., Archbishop of Cincinnati and have given me an insight into The besiegers never cut and the' Most Rev. John Gregory tion here. At the final sessions, the telephone wires into the resolutions were adopted protest­ the soul of many peoples. What Murray, Archbishop of St. Paul. Shrine Periled then could be more natural for me Alcazar. They wanted to Officers of the new Biblical as­ ing the persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico, deploring the than the desire to know at first sociation were elected and a con­ parley with the defenders. atrocities committed against the hand also this great and powerful stitution and by-laws adopted at nation which holds such a unique 'One day the ’phone rang and the session of the congress on the clergj' and religious in Spain, and Moscardo was called to the urging a stren^hening from with­ and important place among all the Scripture revision work. The fol­ peoples of the world; which, by its line. “ This is the Toledo lowing were selected: in to combat Communism. Other officers elected for the energy and its vast territory, by commandant,” he heard. The Rev. Edward A. Arbez, S.S., Quebec. — Fire destroyed 13 coming year are: Mrs. George H. the force of its labor and organi­ “ We are holding your son. of the Sulpician seminary, Wash­ buildings close to the historic Bradford of New York, first vice zation, by its ideals and its sense Surrender or we shoot him.” ington, president: the Rey. William Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre president; Miss Margai-et Shields of reality, by its inexhaustible Moscardo asked to speak L. Newton of St. Mary’s seminary, here with damage totalling $330,- of Dallas, second vice president; sources of wealth and by its prog­ Cle^’eland, vice president; the Rev. 000. The new $1,000,000 Basilica, Mrs. Ernest A. O’Brien of Detroit, ress, has done such great things in to the boy. “ My dear son,” William J. McGarry, SJ., of Wes­ nearing completion, w*as not dam­ third vice president; Miss Naomi the past and promises so much he said, “ those traitors pro­ ton, Mass., vice president; the Rev. aged, although smok^ swirled about Larkin of Avalon, Pa., recording for tne future, not only for this pose that I should save your Edward Donze, S.M., of the Marist it and flames came threateningly secretary; Miss Anna Hassinger of country but also for all humanity? seminary, Washington, correspond­ close. New Orleans, coiTCsponding sec­ “ Already my journey from the life at the cost of my brave ing secretary; the Rev. John Of the destroyed buildings one retary; Miss Mabel Wingate, Piazza of St. Peter’s with its obelisk men and my honor. Pray . Rowan of St. Charles’ seminary. was a santoriura, belonging to the (TumtoPage2 — Column 8) to New York with its Statue of Overbrook, Pa., executive secre­ I hope you will die like a Redemptorist Fathers, where 30 Liberty, with its variegated hero.” The boy died. tary, and the Rev. Dr. John E. changes of scene, has been for me Steinmuller of the Huntington, L. pilgririis were housed. Several of the sick sheltered there had to be rich in impressions and observa­ The men, women, and chil­ I., seminary, treasurer. carried to safety, but all were able DELEGATE ON tions. Now that I have set foot dren in the fort were kept Bishop O’Hara presided at the to leave the sanatorium without Thi* International Illuftrated Newt toundphoto of Cardinal on American soil, it is for me a rlive by eating most of the meeting, which was attended by trouble. The frame construction Pacelli ihowt the Papal Secretary of State as he arrived in New York pleasant duty to extend to this 15 members of the revision com­ in a number of the buildings and city, the first time any Prince of the Church holding hit exalted petition AIR OCT. 19 country and its people my most Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg, chancel­ horses and mules trapped mittee, meeting for the first time their proximity made them an easy hat vitited the United Statet. coVdial greetings. lor of Auatria since the atsaasina- there with them. The wom­ as a group. With 25 other theo­ and quick prey to the flames, the Washington. — The address “ Despite the private character tion of Engelbert Dollfuss, who of my visit, I know well that I am en lost all sense of day and logians they spent hours review­ origin of whicn was believed to be Fr. T. F. Price to Be Interred in U. S. which His Excellency, the Most has engineered himself to the dic­ night. There was not water ing the work that has been ac­ defective wiring in a hotel kitchen. Rev. Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, expected to make my little contri­ tatorship of his country. He seem­ complished so far. Their delibera­ Under direction of priests and Apostolic Delegate to the United bution to the representatives of ingly has succeeded in getting com­ enough to wash anything, tions were directed by Father brothers attached to the shrine, States, will deliver to the 16th an­ the press as a sort of ‘journalistic plete political and military control even the babies. A smelly Newton, secretary of the commit- every available man in the village CO-FOUNDER’S BODY nual convention of the National (Turn to Page 2 — Column j j of Austria. (Turn to Ptge 4— Column 1) (Tumto Page 2 — Column 6) of ^ e. Anne de Beaupre and for Council of Catholic Women will be miles about responded to the alarm broadcast oyer the nation-wide Plebiscite for Catholic Readers sounded by the ringing of church EXHUMED IN CHINA blue network of the National Was Bishop in Philippines bells.
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