2016 District Survey Report Raipur AS PER NOTIFICATION NO. S.O. 141(E) NEW DELHI, 15TH JANUARY, 2016 OF MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING MINERAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Govt. of Chhattisgarh DGM Hewlett-Packard 01/01/2016 Note: The information provided in this report has been prepared from the existing and latest data collected from the concerned authorities. Although utmost care has been taken during editing and printing, still there may be some minor corrections for which the Directorate of Geology & Mining, Regional office Raipur Sonakhan Bhawan, cannot be held responsible. The queries in this regard are most welcome by the concerned office. 1 LOCATION AND COMMUNICATION MAP OF THE RAIPUR DISTRICT 2 1. INTRODUCTION With reference to the gazette notification dated 15th January 2016, ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the district- environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) and District - Environment Assessment Committee (DEAC) are to be constituted by the divisional commissioner for prior environmental clearance of quarry for minor minerals. The DEIAA and DEAC will scrutinize and recommend the prior environmental clearance of ministry of minor minerals on the basis of district survey report. The main purpose of preparation of District Survey Report is to identify the mineral resources and mining activities alongwith other relevant data of district. This report contains details of Lease, Sand mining and Revenue which comes from minerals in the district. This report is prepared on the basis of data collected from different concern departments. Raipur was named after King Brahmdeo Rai of Haihaya dynasty which reined this part of state in the 15th centuray. Raipur was declred capital in 1818 by British superitendent and almost total area of the exixting state was administered centrally from here. The "RAIPUR" town has been in existence since the ninth century, old site and ruins of the fort can be seen in the southern part of city.The old inscriptions of Ratanpur, Rajim and Khallari refer to the reign of Kalchuri kings. During the Maratha Rule from 1750 to 1815, Raipur was reduced to a Pargana head Quarter. The territory was assumed by the British Government from Bhonsla's of Nagpur and Chhattisgrh was declared a separate commisionary with its head quarter at Raipur in 1854. Raipur Distrct forms part of the Raipur Commissionary in the Chhattisgarh Region and occupies the south eastern part of the upper Mahanadi basin, the District is situated between the East longitudes 81°32’05” & 82°59’05” and by North latitudes 19°46’35” & 21°53’00” and is covered by the survey of India toposheets, either fully of partly by 64 G, H, K, and 65/O. The Land locked district surrounded by Bilaspur and Baloda Bazar, in North Dhamtari district in south, Mahasamundand Gariyaband in east and Durg in west.The shape of the district is fairly compact and composed of 4 Tehsil and Blocks i.e. Dharsiwa, Arang, Tildaand, Abhanpur. The district head quarter RAIPUR is capital of Chhattisgarh. The Raipur city is alsothe divisional Head Quarter or Raipur (Commissionar) including fourdistrict namely Mahasamund, Balodabazar, Gariyaband and Dhamtari. The total area of 3 the district is 12,383 Sq. Km. As per official census 2011,Raipur is the most populous district in the state with population of 40,63,872 of which male and female were 20,48,186 and 20,15,686 respectively. The Mahanadi is the main river which forms eastern boundary of the district. The western boundary district runs along the kharun river which flows towards north joining the Shivnath about 8 Km. south west of Simga. A large number of small streams flow through the low lying areas which are diverted to join the Mahanadi in the east. The district is well connected with other cities of the State and country through thenational highways NH, 30& NH53. Alsothere is a good network of state highway. Raipur is situated on the Bombay- Howrah broad-gauge of SECR Raipur- Bilaspur Section. Air connectivity is furnished by Swami Vivekanand national airport of Naya Raipur. 4 5 INDEX MAP OF RAIPUR DISTRICT 6 2. OVERVIEW OF MINING ACTIVITY OF DISTRICT Raipur district is famous for its various grades of Limestone deposit viz high grade, (cement grade) blendable/Beneficial grade, Low grade etc. Minor mineral (Low grade limestone) Dolomite, Laterite, Sandstone, River sand are also found in huge quantity in Tilda, Kesla, Mohrenga, Kathiya, Patharakundi, number of Mining Lease have been sanctioned for cement grade limestone. CCI Mandhar (abondoned), Century cement (Baikunth), Gangotri Limes (Dondekala), ORS Minerals (Matiya) are main limestone based industry in the district. 137 Nos. of Quarry leases for limestone have sanctioned for road and building material, 16 otherof clay and flag stone for making bricks and tiles locally. The major limestone belts of the district are:- (1) Bangoli - Kharora - Mohrenga (2) Murra-Dhansuli (3) Pirda-Bahnakadhi (4) Dondekala-Dondekhurd-Lalpur-Matiya (5) Madhi-Khapri-Sontara. Overall mining activity in the district are running in fullswing in term of limestone as minor mineral (building and road material), 46 Leases sand mining in bank of Mahanadi river at different villages and material like murrum ordinary stones are also permitted for quarrying of material at number of places. Picture showing mining of Limestone in Raipur District 7 General Information of Raipur District Sub- No. of No. of No of No. of Villages Population % division Tahsils Blocks Gram Habited Inhabited as per 2011 Literacy Panchayat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 4 4 408 541 4 21,60,876 80.52 Block wise Statistical Profile (as per Census 2011) Block Area (Sq.km.) Villages Gram Panchayat Dharsiwa 652.31 84 78 Arang 900.39 168 104 Tilda 735.3 135 99 Abhanpur 603.98 104 91 Total 2891.98 491 408 District Population & Literacy in 2011 Total Male Female Rural Urban % Population Literacy 21,60,876 11,00,861 10,60,015 8,84,224 12,76,652 80.52 8 3.List of Mining Leases and Sand in the District with location, area and period of validity jk;iqj ftyk esa Lohd`r fo|eku [kfuiV~Vksa dh lwph ¼i½ ftys esa [kfuiV~Vks dh lwph %& dza- [kfuiV~Vs/kkfj;ksa dk uke o irk [kfut dk Lohd`r {ks= fLFkfr xzke o rglhy vof/k dk;Z’khy uke gsDVj esa @f’kfFky 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 esllZ lsUpqjh VsDlVkbZYl bafM;k fyfe- cSdq.B pwukiRFkj 237-003 cgslj] V.Mok] rglhy 04-8-99 ls dk;Z’khy frYnk 3-8-2029 2 esllZ lsUpqjh VsDlVkbZYl ,.M lhesaV cSdq.B pwukiRFkj 74-843 cgslj] rqylh] rglhy 30-9-02 ls dk;Z’khy frYnk frYnk 29-9-2032 3 Jh vo/ks’k tSu firk Jh txnh’k tSu fu- pwukiRFkj 7-044 iFkjkdqaMh rglhy frYnk 2-5-2008 ls dk;Z’khy lRrhcktkj jk;iqj ftyk jk;iqj 1-5-2028 4 Jh HkwisUnz lkgw vk- Jh dqarjke lkgw fuoklh pwukiRFkj 2-933 efV;k rglhy jk;iqj 26-4-1999 ls dk;Z’khy fljhZdyk 25-4-2019 5 Jh vf[kys’k dqekj fuoklh eafnjglkSn pwukiRFkj 4-479 ykyiqj rglhy jk;iqj 26-7-1999 ls dk;Z’khy 25-7-2019 6 Jh ;ksxsUnz oekZ vk- Lo- ds-,y-oekZ fuoklh pwukiRFkj 4-527 eksgjsaxk] [kkSyhMcjh 19-11-2007 dk;Z’khy [kjksjk ftyk jk;iqj rglhy frYnk ls 18-11- 2037 7 Jh dsnkj vxzoky fuoklh [kjksjk pwukiRFkj 9-716 iFkjkdq.Mh rglhy frYnk 17-11-2000 dk;Z’khy ls 16-11- 2020 8 Jh v’kksd ljhu tsy jksM jk;iqj pwukiRFkj 10-121 e<+h rglhy frYnk 26-12-02 ls dk;Z’khy 25-12-2022 9 Jh xaxkjke 'kekZ] ,e-Mh- xaxks=h ykbZe izkbosV pwukiRFkj 5-076 ykyiqj rglhy jk;iqj 13-12-1998 f'kfFky fyfe- ls 12-12- 2018 10 Jh xaxkjke 'kekZ] ,e-Mh- xaxks=h ykbZe izkbosV pwukiRFkj 8-144 efV;k rglhy jk;iqj 3-1-1999ls dk;Z’khy fyfe- 2-1-2029 11 Jh xaxkjke 'kekZ] ,e-Mh- xaxks=h ykbZe izkbosV pwukiRFkj 12-137 efV;k rglhy jk;iqj 27-4-1999 ls dk;Z’khy fyfe- 26-4-2019 12 vks-vkj-,l feujYl] VSxksj uxj jk;iqj pwukiRFkj 16-126 efV;k rglhy jk;iqj 1-11-1998 ls f'kfFky 31-10-2018 13 Jh ;ksxsUnz 'kekZ fuoklh Vsdkjh pwukiRFkj 1-214 ykyiqj rglhy jk;iqj 30-7-2002 ls dk;Z’khy 29-7-2022 14 Jh euh"k 'kekZ vk- Jh ch-Mh- 'kekZ pkScs dkWyksuh pwukiRFkj 4-834 efV;k rglhy jk;iqj 21-8-1999 ls f'kfFky jk;iqj 20-8-2019 15 Jh Mh-ds- vxzoky fuoklh [kjksjk pwukiRFkj 4-858 V.Mok rglhy frYnk 28-10-02 ls f'kfFky 27-10-2022 16 Jh vkj- ds vxzoky fuoklh [kjksjk rg- frYnk pwukiRFkj 16-194 dfB;k rglhy frYnk 15-09-1989 vof/k ls 14-09- lekIr 2009 uodj.k gsrq vkosfnr gSA 9 (ii) List of Quary lease in the district with location area and period of validity jk;iqj ftyk dh v|ru fLFkfr esa fo|eku Lohd`r mR[kfuiV~Vksa dh lwph ¼v½ feV~Vh ¼Brick earth½ Øa iV~Vsnkj dk uke [kfut Lohd`r vkns’k fu"iknu dkykof/k xzke [kljk uEcj {ks=Q iw.kZ irs lfgr Øekad ,oa fnukad iapk;r y fnukad ,oa rglhy ¼gsDV j esa½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Jh dkS’ky dqekj feV~Vh 61@2011@ 21-07-2011 21-7-2011 ls ljksuk@ 79@1] 113] 6-80 xaxokuh fuoklh 25-05-2011 20-7-2016 jk;iqj 114] 115 ,dM+ QkQkMhg jk;iqj 2 Jherh lksuknsoh feV~Vh 104@2007@ 22-07-2008 22-07-08 ls ljksuk@ 401] 402 5-00 bZ’kjkuh fuoklh yk[ks 11-04-2008 21-07-2018 jk;iqj ,dM+ uxj jk;iqj 3 Jh vfuy dqekj feV~Vh 9@2011@ 26-01-2012 26-1-2012 ls ljksuk@ 11 Vq-] 12 Vq- 4-40 xkojh fuoklh yk[ks 03-10-2011 25-1-2017 jk;iqj ,dM+ uxj jk;iqj 4 Jh larks"k bZ’kjkuh feV~Vh 183@2007@ 03-01-2009 3-1-2009 ls ljksuk@ 6@2] 14@1 7-20 fuoklh yk[ks uxj 22-12-2008 2-1-2019 jk;iqj ,dM+ jk;iqj 5 Jh v’kksd dqekj feV~Vh 204@2008@ 06-11-2009 6-11-2009 ls dqEgkjh@ 105] 109] 9-80 vkgwtk vk- Jh 12-08-2009 5-11-2019 jk;iqj 1]2 ,dM+ fd’kupan fu- ueZnkikjk jk;iqj 6 Jh fd’kupan vkgwtk feV~Vh 118@2011@ 24-12-2012 24-12-2012 dqEgkjh@ 2@1] 3-74 vk- Jh is’kqey fu- 22-11-2012 ls 23-12- jk;iqj 3@1]4]5 ,dM+ ueZnkikjk jk;iqj 2017 7 Jh gjh’k 'kqDyk] vk- feV~Vh 17@2014 01-08-2014 01-08-2014 dqEgkjh 138@1] 0-566 Lo- Jh :nzukjk;.k 16-01-2014
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