- March 15th. lam going lo New tion of capable men in office, in spite Advise, Censure and Reconcilia- MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL. MlSCilLLAM:- TELEGRAPHIC. Mexico. If anybody finds this pot of changes of administration, and tion. they-jca- n keep the money. Signed, A. the maintanance ol present Oh! Belgium, oh, many have been ltAXE VAXAL COM PAX Y. Summons. the finan Delinquent Xotice. Action bronsrht. in the District Court or the T. T. cial system, which Is one of the best thy wild, wild dreams, Canai, Company. Second Judicial Pi-tr- it of the Territory IViOncY, Office of tub Gband for County of .Mar Save Your BURGLARS FOILED. we have of any party; and the sup Thy delineate aspirations beguiled Dotter & Bradley, l'HCENTX. A. T. of ArizonA. In and the News of the World for the "VTOTICE Is hereby eivon that there icopa, ami the complaint hlcu in tile omce AXD EIUNG Tres Alamos, July 17. A special port of public schools without a taint thyself to wrong; JAi delinquent upon the ctuntal stock o of the Clerk of said Court. YOl'S to the Citizen says: "Last night Mr. Thy portion would have been like the Grand Canal Company, on account of Hewton A. Clark, l'laintuf, Past Seven Days. of sectarianism. He closes with assessments levies August lain ana Septem- vs. Bennett s store, at Benson, was en those of fabled sphynx times, ber 13th, 18T9, aud March 31et,lSS0, the Nancy K. MoCiiackes Clark, Defendant, Watches. Clocks picture of the perils which threaten a nonuts, npon op The Territory of Arizona si nds Uretiinsr to tered by burglars. Mr. hear- the shares set : . Bennett party But I solved early that you scorned nam-.-- 01 me Nancy K. WcCrncken Clark. Defendant Jewelrv. A the country should a which is ...DEALERS posite tne respective enarc in ing them got up, and found them try my passion so deep and strong; IN holders, it : You are hereby siinimonL-- lo npoar Associated Press Dispatches to ruled by a solid South, gain the as No. jfo. an action broucht against yon by the above TO- ing to open the money drawer. He Coquettish fancy exhibited thy lust Names Shares. Cert Am named plaintiff, in said Cotrt. to answer cendency. 1 filed with the clerk of this The Phoenix "Herald." fired two shots, neither taking eff to reign King, Rumbur. JD 96 SDOO0 the complnint neal dow. Hancock, Wm A 1 4 50 00 conrt, at Fhcenix, in said county, within ect." Within a sperule to the world thou Hancock, Wm A 1 52 50 00 twenty days (exclusive of the dny of ser- V. TRUariPR, Portland, July 20. Neal Dow Wm A 1 62 50 On vice) after service upon yon of this snm-mon- MEEKER'S REMAINS. Hancock, yon 'Watch v has written a letter accepting the blushed to own. Hancock, Wm A 1 63 50 00 if served upon in this county: Practical . county IRISH REPUBLIC A.N3 Cheyenme, July 17. G. F. Dresser, was thy pano Hancock, Wm A......1 42 50 00 but if served out of this and within nomination for President of the Thy motive lucvlent Hancock, C G 1 5 50 00 this district, then within thirty dtiys; in aV. San Fbancisco, July 16. The a friend of the late M. C. Meeker, Hancock, C G 1 6 50 00 other cases forty days; or said plaintill'will ' United States by the National Asso ramic visions mock thee aciien., Irish Republicaa convention y agents of the Utes, has just returned Hancock, C G 1 .7 50 00 proceed to a hearing ofsaid and rnccxix. ARIZONA. ciation party. As echo did the prisoner chained to Hancock, C G 1 8 50 00 judgment will bo t alt en a!:ain!.t issued an address setting forth their from the scene of last September's Gothic pillar in the dungeon of Hjncock, C G 1 61 50 00 you, according to the prayer of said com- an alliance. Montgomery, J B 1 64 50 00 plaint. And yon are hereby notified tii.it treasons for acting with the Republi massacre, on White liiver. He Chillon. Shaw, FA 1 10 55 40 this action is br light to procure a dissolu- Chicago, July 20. The New York rxir-in- s can party, and urging their country. the remains of Meeker, and soon Shaw. F A 1 11 100 00 tion of the bonds of matrimony no'.v Times says it is rumored that Kelly Thou sought to win too that Cartwiiriht.K J 1 13 50 00 between von and the said idaliititT, and men to join in the movement. eight employees, and his two sons, thou feigned to love Osborn, JP 1 70 50 00 that if you fail to appear and answer s;ild and Tammany Hall have fermed a which a. 15 50 00 complaint, proofs thereof will be duly BR1X, KILLED. - wnarton.j l PETER who had boen hastily buried by Mer- secret alliance with the Republicans. Thy dauntless, restless daring broke CARPETS WAXiL PAPER, ETC. Bashford fc Iiurmister.l IA 50 00 made and a decree of divorce had in accord- DkXver, July 16. James Dunn, a ritt. Dresser found a chain about Baahford & Burmister.l 78 50 00 ance with the prayer tnereof. A. T. in order to control the local patron the rosy chain. Osborn, W L 1 17 50 00 Given under my hand and the seal of said riimsix. policeman became intoxicated, and four feet long around the neck of Love on, seek and strive fairly to Bryan, J At. .1 13 50 00 Court this 22nd (lav or Mot, !.'. age of the Metropolis. lirvan, J M .1 19 50 00 FRANCIS A. SHAW. Cr.EUK. was arrested by Jose Antino Grrego. Meeker's remains, which proved the win her thou lost; Bryan, J M 50 50 00 Jdlil'3 W. VasSltck. Att'y for P't'iT. GRANT ROBBED. niny-ii-lO- Soda Bryan, M 72 50 00 On the way to the jail Dunn asked story that Meeker's body had been clog thy heart ; J Wateh Marttno, Col., July 20. General Dispel the fears that Bryan, J M. ... 73 50 00 to be let off, and was refused. He dragged about the agency by the banish unfair, romantic dreams. FVJain Bryan, J M 74 50 00 Administratols Male. Grant lost four hundred dollars worth 80, 82 and 84 Street, Sheets, O H 50 00 - P... to an ordor of the Probate then faced about- killing Griego al Utes. The remains were all much Time will not tarry when the world Sheets, O H P. 75 50 00 PUTtSl'ANT Coiintv, Territory of jewelry and somemoney, by bur-- most instantly. Dm was arrested. decomposed. will shrink at its coming destiny, linker, E K 7? 50 00 of Arizona, made on the 28th dny of June, gla.y, while stopping at the hotel in Moore, P S 21 50 00 18S0. the undersigned, as Administrator or SARSAPAniLLA ! HAKOEDl DOUGLASS. fO city. As thou did at thy deflumations, and Butler, K J. .1 25 50 the estate of llEN'nv Waters, rieeeased, New York, July 16. Chastine Colorow, with other head men and this flight from Culberson, John A...1 67 84 25 will sell at Pahlic I'nclion, (subject to con BAKEWELL'S TROUBLE. Mohammed at the Meyers, Jacob 1 28 50 00 firinatien by the Probnte Court) on the 22.1 Cox, tie convicted murderer of Mrs Douglass' daughter, came into the Meca, in July. Meyers, Jacob... 1 56 50 00 day or July, 1880. at 10 o dork. A. si,, all For Saloon?, agency last week, presist- - Denver, July 20. The Republi Herrick. N 1 S3 50 OS the right, title and interest of said decensed Hall, was kinged this morning in the enquiring Be thou lowly in thy wooings, hence Los Angeles, Gal. Herrick, N I 80 20 00 add his estate, in and to the following For Families, can s special says jonn 00 said jail yard of the Tombs, in the pros ently for Douglass. She said she had fouceman flight of Irvine, E I 30 50 town lots, in the town of Phfenix, Arizona. Canbill died yesterday, from wounds forth be thou true as the Irvine, E ...1 81 50 00 Territory, together with the improvements For F v o ry I c Jy. ence of two hundred persons. lived on promises last winter, and time; Irvine, E. 59 50 00 thereon, Lets No. 3, 5 and 7 in inflicted Saturday by Bakewell.chief 60 50 00 . survey TANNER. that they were hungiy, but that they Irvine, E. block number hoc mling to a of police. A committee of citizens Every star in the dome was made to Irvine. E 27 50 00 thereof made by Wm. A Hancock, Surveyor. EsithfjJ 2nd . were peaceable now. Calarow said Irvine, E 79 50 00 maue on premises. Pbasont, Dr. Tanner is cheerful and good rebel in the light of others, 00 bale to be the waited on the sheriff, and demanded Mullen. John 32 50 Terms op sale: Cash. 10 per cent, paid bumored. He has (rained a half he and the other chiefs were going To pluck it from the spacious vault Mullen, John... 81 50 00 on day of sale, balance on confirmation ot CHEAP. to the agency to have a big talk with that he be delivered to them, but the Isaac Wm 33 5000 sale, ueua at expense oi pound since Thursday night, since 34 50 00 N St.-C-ht.
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