THE 01 Pi Beta Phi Spring, 1980 Expresses Appreciation What a great idea! How about an additional list: Pi Phis who have a level space to accommodate an RV for an overnight stay. We often "sleep over" at The reason I'm writing to you is to request a favor. Last August I was in a friends' -especially when visiting a city where campgrounds are too distant. serious automobile accident in which all the bones in my face (except for my We' ll be glad to list our driveway for anyone wanting to park there-5 lower jaw) were shattered. I underwent rwo operations . [and I hope) I am minutes walk to train, 1 hour ride to NYC. through with hospitals and operations! Beverly Hume Seimeski Through The ARROW I would like to express my deepest gratitude and Vermont Beta most sincere thanks for the many, many cards, notes, and letters I received Pleasantville, N. Y . from Pi Phis during my hospital stay and throughout the long recovery period afterwards. From Grand President Emeritus Marianne Reid Wild to . It sounds great to me although the difficulties of setting up such a Grand Council to province presidents, some of whom I knew and some I system could be staggering. However, if it can be done, count me in on the didn't, to the pledge class at the Unive~ity of Wyoming came well-wishes. scheme. My home ... has extra bedrooms and is located very close to our For a fact , a day didn' t go by in six weeks that I didn't hear from at least one University and its hospital . .. The only problem that I can see at the Pi Phi . Pi Beta Phis are, indeed, very special people and how fortunate I am moment is that since I am a widow, I am not always at home ... But don't to be one of this fine Fraternity. give up. Surely something can be worked out. Margaret Bowker Cooper There are a number of "sisters" in town who would not like to see another Holt House Hostess Pi Phi not looked after. So good luck. Monmouth, Ill. Betty Wismer Zurbrigg Ontario Beta N.C. Beta Alums-Help I London, Ontario Last October 20th, Duke Universiry Pi Phis held a bruncb in celebration of Homecoming. Fifry invitations were sent to Duke Pi Phi alumnae in the More ERA Durham-Chapel Hill area. Four alumnae declined the invitations, but I strongly protest the holding of the 1979 Pi Phi Convention in Arizona. nothing was heard from the remaining 46, despite the request for a response . When I became a Pi Phi pledge in 1937 at the University of Nebraska, the The North Carolina Beta chapter is attempting to recruit some much­ determining factor in my choice was the idealism expressed by the Fraternity. needed alumnae support. We would like to have a strong relationship with Hawaii was the fust state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and we Pi Phis in the area, but we are receiving no feed-back. What can we do to lure are proud of our human rights record . alumnae back to the orphan collegians? In your reply to Cary Miller's letter (ARROW, Fall, 1979) you indicate that From the above disheartening incident, we have realized the impottance of you do not" dictate the personal or political attitudes of individual Pi Phis." becoming active alums, and we know that when we graduate, we will con­ However, as I am sure you are aware, the selection of Convention sites is a tinue to hold ties to the wine and silver blue, wherever we reside. political decision of the Fraternity for which Pi Beta Phi must accept responsi­ We are desperately looking for alumnae. Please contact us if you have any bility. ideas. Betty Roach Hemphill Julie Hambleton, President Nebtaska Beta Linda Adler, VP Moral Kailua, Hawaii North Carolina Beta Every time I think Pi Beta Phi can no longer disappoint one, I find that it like Guest Home Idea can still happen. I refer to your reply to Cary Ambrose Miller's objection to holding the Fraternity's Convention in a state whicb refuses to ratify the I write to endo~e the idea of the Pi Phi Guest Homes suggested in the Equal Rights Amendment. Winter 1979 issue of The ARROW . Although I'm not old, lonely, poor, or a Of course Pi Phi does not dictate the political attitudes of its membe~, as widow , I still feel the idea has merit. I am 43 and have 8 cbildren scattered you have replied . I am amazed that such a possibility should suggest itself. over the U. S. in their own homes or at college. It would be nice to be able to What one would expect is a natural consensus of support for legal equality visit my daughter at Vanderbilt without a $50 per night hotel room . My step­ among members of the Fraternity. If no such consensus exists-if, indeed, as daughter in a Boston suburb will have her second child in June. I would love you state, there are members of Pi Beta Phi among opponents of ERA-then to go help out, if I could stay nearby somewhat economically, where I could we have drifted far from the noble origins and ideals of our feminist fore­ get a good night's rest away from the hubbub. My own mother, a Pi Phi, mothers. I am disappointed-no, I am ashamed. might come visit me more often if she knew of a satisfactory room in which Mary Brown Tobermann she could stay, thereby avoiding the confusion at my house and the expense Utah Alpha of motels. Springfield, Ill. It sounds like a big job, organizing such a venture. Thank you for your hard work in Pi Phi. frankh the chOICe of site for a national P, P ,I ~ ... n ,I lUll aepen~ Myra Blair Drew more on the economIcs of the matter (hlln most anything else Conventlcln Ohio Alpha & Beta ~ltes are chosen and contractS SIgned at least three )'ears pnor to the Conven· Cincinnati, Ohio tlon date Pol tical Issues can't be antICIpated that far In advance In addl'lon there IS sull (he unanswered question of ",hether sororities and Yes, I would be interested in being a paying guest and a hostess under the fra(ernlUes WIll be at Ilbern (0 remaIn sexualll exclUSIve All SOrtS of stale· Pi Phi Guest Homes plan if it could be worked out. It's an excellent idea. I ments ha"e been made bl opponents and proponents of ERA-but none cah might add that my home is in Metropolitan Toronto, one of the most s"cce siully second guess a COUrt deCISIon And finall) according to our interesting cities in North America! Grand PreSident Jean COtt although ~everal letter< were received In protest Lillias Macintyre Allward fan Anzona Convention site attendance pro'ed that those .. ere a mlnoml Ontario Alpha orlOlO,) It """' the largest Convention attendame recorded Slnle the Ce-n Willowdale, Ontario (enrlal Corvel'tlon In ChIcago In 1<)6' COVER-The design was suggested and presented by Toni Thanasouras, Illinois Theta. Toni designed this and three other covers as a project for her graphic design class at Bradley University. Other designs will be used at a later date. THE Arrow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 96 SPRING, 1980 NUMBER 3 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRATERNITY Founded 1867 FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848-1924) Rosa Moore (1848-1924) Margaret Campbell (1846-1936) Jennie Nicol, M. D . (1845-1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (1850-1933) Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924) Fannie Thomson (1848-1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (1850-1931) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846-1932) Fanny Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941) Nancy Black Wallace (1846-1918) Office a/Publication: 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333 , St. Louis , Mo . 63105 Regular Features Dear Editor . .. Inside Front Cover Staff Off The ARROW Hook ......... .... ........................ 4 A Pi Beta Phi Heritage-Holt House . .•. 10 Shon Stories of Sagacious Sisters . 12 Marilyn Simpson Ford (Mrs . William W ., Jr.), 268 Under­ From Pi Phi Pens . 19 wood Dr., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30328 News of Arrowmont and Arrowcraft . 23 r Doing Unto Others Through Chapter Service Projecrs .. .. .. 32 Pi Phi Did It . 34 Carol Busch Marlowe (Mrs. Britton L.), 207 Peacepipe, Del Campus Queens Picture Section . 36 Rio, Texas 78840 Lost Pi Phis. .. 43 From Pi Phi Pens In Memoriam . .. 45 Fraternity Directory . .. 47 Official Calendars ............................................ 48 Clare Harding Sanford (Mrs. Frank W.), 12417 Hickory Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68144 Picture Pages ...................................•........... 51 Campus Sights and Sounds . 54 Redistricting List and Map - 28 , 29 Pi Beta Phi Cenual Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, Mo . 63lO5 I ,THE ARROW (USPS 032-540) is printed Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the press of George Banta Company, Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis. 'Send change of address notice and correspondence of a business nature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, Mo. 63105. ,Correspondence of an editorial narure is to be addressed to the editor, Mrs. W . W . Ford, Jr., 268 Underwood Dr., NW, Atlanta, Ga. 30328 . 'Second class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri, and at additional mailing office. Printed in the United States of America off the .~~ Annette Mills, our National Panhellenic Conference conferences, along with our own national conventions, are Delegate, came up with the information thatJan Skidmore highlights in our life, since, not only do we learn a great Skinner, a member of Arrowmont's Board of Governors, deal from our association with other Greek editors, but it has two daughters who are officers at Alabama Beta.
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