Book of Abstracts Third International Workshop on Lot-Sizing IWLS 2012 27 – 29 August 2012 Rotterdam, Netherlands Organised by Erasmus University Rotterdam Cover picture by Marc Heeman. ii Contents Organisation vi Participants vii Programme viii Foreword xi Extended Abstracts 3 1 Incorporating Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on the Production Planning of Food Goods 3 Pedro Amorim, Gon¸caloFigueira, Alysson Costa and Bernardo Almada-Lobo 2 A new heuristic for the non-stationary (s, S) policy 7 Onur A. Kılı¸cand S. Arma˘ganTarım 3 The Horizon Decomposition Approach for Capacity Constrained Lot Size Prob- lems with Setup Times 9 Ioannis Fragkos, Zeger Degraeve and Bert De Reyck 4 Extending a Math-heuristic for Capacitated Lot Sizing towards a Hierarchical Solution Approach 12 Marco Caserta and Stefan Voß 5 An iterative two-phase heuristic approach for the Production Routing Problem 16 Nabil Absi, Claudia Archetti, St´ephaneDauz`ere-P´er`esand Dominique Feillet 6 A Study of Integrated Lot Sizing and Cutting Stock Models for a Furniture Plant 20 Silvio A. de Araujo, Socorro Rangel and Matheus Vanzela 7 Integrated non-increasing capacitated lot sizing problem and preventive main- tenance 23 Fahimeh Shamsaei and Mathieu Van Vyve iii 8 Capacitated lot sizing problem with inventory bounds 25 Ayse Akbalik, Bernard Penz and Christophe Rapine 9 The Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Piecewise Concave Production Costs 29 Esra Koca, Hande Yaman and M. Selim Akturk 10 Two-Period Convex Hull Closures for Big Bucket Lotsizing Problems 33 Kerem Akartunalı and Andrew J. Miller 11 Relaxations for two-level multi-item lot-sizing problem 36 Mathieu Van Vyve, Laurence A. Wolsey and Hande Yaman 12 Semidefinite relaxation of the DLSP with sequence-dependent changeover costs 39 C´elineGicquel, Abdel Lisser and Michel Minoux 13 An Integrated Approach for Solving Multi-Level Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Problems with Detailed Capacity Constraints 43 Edwin David G´omezUrrutia, Riad Aggoune and St´ephaneDauz`ere-P´er`es 14 Modeling approaches to sequence dependent setups in lotsizing and schedul- ing 47 Luis Guimar˜aes,Diego Klabjan and Bernardo Almada-Lobo 15 Complexity results for the single item uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with time-dependent batch sizes 52 Ayse Akbalik and Christophe Rapine 16 Lot-sizing with minimum batch sizes 56 Mathijn J. Retel Helmrich, Wilco van den Heuvel, Raf Jans and Albert P. M. Wagelmans 17 Dynamic capacitated lot-sizing with parallel common setup operators 59 Karina Copil and Horst Tempelmeier 18 First Results on Multi-Level Capacitated Lot-Sizing in Closed-Loop Supply Chains 62 Florian Sahling and Kristina Burmeister 19 Linear programming models for the stochastic dynamic capacitated lot sizing problem 66 Timo Hilger and Horst Tempelmeier 20 Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy for a Single-Item Stochastic Inventory Con- trol Problem 70 iv Ula¸s Ozen,¨ Mustafa K. Do˘grunand S. Arma˘ganTarım 21 Effective Network Models for the Two-Level Serial Lot Sizing Problems 73 Meltem Denizel, O˘guzSolyalı and Haldun S¨ural 22 A Single Phase Dynamic Program with Independent Production Decision for Production-Capacitated Two- and Multi-Stage Lot-Sizing Problems 76 Hark-Chin Hwang, Hyun-soo Ahn and Philip Kaminsky 23 The Single-Item Green Lot-Sizing Problem with Fixed Carbon Emissions 79 Nabil Absi, St´ephaneDauz`ere-P´er`es,Safia Kedad-Sidhoum and Bernard Penz 24 Bi-Objective Economic Lot-Sizing problems 82 Wilco van den Heuvel, H. Edwin Romeijn and Dolores Romero Morales Author Index 87 v Organisation Local Organising Committee Wilco van den Heuvel Erasmus University Rotterdam Albert Wagelmans Erasmus University Rotterdam Mathijn Retel Helmrich Erasmus University Rotterdam Steering Committee Nabil Absi (France) Bernardo Almada-Lobo (Portugal) Stephane´ Dauzere-P` er´ es` (France) Meltem Denizel (Turkey) Hark-Chin Hwang (South Korea) Raf Jans (Canada) Safia Kedad-Sidhoum (France) Atle Nordli (Norway) H. Edwin Romeijn (USA) Horst Tempelmeier (Germany) Laurence A. Wolsey (Belgium) vi Participants First Name Last Name Country Nabil Absi France Kerem Akartunalı UK Ayse Akbalik France Bernardo Almada-Lobo Portugal Pedro Amorim Portugal Karina Copil Germany Stephane´ Dauzere-P` er´ es` France Silvio A. de Araujo Brazil Meltem Denizel Turkey Gonc¸alo Figueira Portugal Ioannis Fragkos UK Celine´ Gicquel France Lus Guimaraes˜ Portugal Timo Hilger Germany Hark-Chin Hwang Korea C¸agatay˘ Iris˙ Turkey Safia Kedad-Sidhoum France Onur A. Kılıc¸ Turkey Alf Kimms Germany Esra Koca Turkey Dong Li UK Zahra Mobini Dehkordi Netherlands Atle Nordli Norway Ulas¸ Ozen¨ Ireland Christopher Rapine France Mathijn Retel Helmrich Netherlands Edwin Romeijn USA Dolores Romero Morales UK Florian Sahling Germany Fahimeh Shamsaei Begium Oguz˘ Solyalı North Cyprus Haldun Sural Turkey Horst Tempelmeier Germany Wilco van den Heuvel Netherlands Stan van Hoesel Netherlands Mathieu Van Vyve Belgium Stefan Voß Germany Albert P.M. Wagelmans Netherlands Martin Woerbelauer Germany Laurence A. Wolsey Belgium Hande Yaman Turkey Mehmet Mutlu Yenisey Turkey vii Programme Time Sunday 26 August 2012 19:00-21:30 Welcome Dinner Monday 27 August 8:30-9:00 Welcome and Registration 9:00-9:30 Opening Session 9:30-10:50 Incorporating Consumer Purchasing Behaviour on the Production Plan- ning of Food Goods Pedro Amorim, Gonc¸alo Figueira, Alysson Costa and Bernardo Almada- Lobo A new heuristic for the non-stationary (s, S) policy Onur A. Kılı¸c and S. Armagan˘ Tarım 10:50-11:20 Coffee Break 11:20-12:40 The Horizon Decomposition Approach for Capacity Constrained Lot Size Problems with Setup Times Ioannis Fragkos, Zeger Degraeve and Bert De Reyck Extending a Math-heuristic for Capacitated Lot Sizing towards a Hierar- chical Solution Approach Marco Caserta and Stefan Voß 12:40-13:40 Lunch 13:40-15:40 An iterative two-phase heuristic approach for the Production Routing Problem Nabil Absi, Claudia Archetti, Stephane´ Dauzere-P` er´ es` and Dominique Feillet A Study of Integrated Lot Sizing and Cutting Stock Models for a Furni- ture Plant Silvio A. de Araujo, Socorro Rangel and Matheus Vanzela Integrated non-increasing capacitated lot sizing problem and preventive maintenance Fahimeh Shamsaei and Mathieu Van Vyve 15:40-16:10 Coffee Break 16:10-17:30 Capacitated lot sizing problem with inventory bounds Ayse Akbalik, Bernard Penz and Christophe Rapine The Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Piecewise Concave Production Costs Esra Koca, Hande Yaman and M. Selim Akturk 17:30-18:30 Drinks viii Time Tuesday 28 August 9:00-10:20 Two-Period Convex Hull Closures for Big Bucket Lotsizing Problems Kerem Akartunalı and Andrew J. Miller Relaxations for two-level multi-item lot-sizing problem Mathieu Van Vyve, Laurence A. Wolsey and Hande Yaman 10:20-10:50 Coffee Break 10:50-12:50 Semidefinite relaxation of the DLSP with sequence-dependent changeover costs C´elineGicquel, Abdel Lisser and Michel Minoux An Integrated Approach for Solving Multi-Level Lot-Sizing and Scheduling Problems with Detailed Capacity Constraints Edwin David Gomez´ Urrutia, Riad Aggoune and St´ephaneDauz`ere- P´er`es Modeling approaches to sequence dependent setups in lotsizing and scheduling Luis Guimar˜aes, Diego Klabjan and Bernardo Almada-Lobo 12:50-13:50 Lunch 13:50-15:10 Complexity results for the single item uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with time-dependent batch sizes Ayse Akbalik and Christophe Rapine Lot-sizing with minimum batch sizes Mathijn J. Retel Helmrich, Wilco van den Heuvel, Raf Jans and Albert P.M. Wagelmans 15:30-16:30 Social event 17:00-18:00 Drinks 18:30-21:30 Conference dinner ix Time Wednesday 29 August 9:00-9:30 Discussion: Next meeting 9:30-10:50 Dynamic capacitated lot-sizing with parallel common setup operators Karina Copil and Horst Tempelmeier First Results on Multi-Level Capacitated Lot-Sizing in Closed-Loop Sup- ply Chains Florian Sahling and Kristina Burmeister 10:50-11:20 Coffee Break 11:20-12:40 Linear programming models for the stochastic dynamic capacitated lot sizing problem Timo Hilger and Horst Tempelmeier Static-Dynamic Uncertainty Strategy for a Single-Item Stochastic Inven- tory Control Problem Ula¸s Ozen¨ , Mustafa K. Dogrun˘ and S. Armagan Tarim 12:40-13:40 Lunch 13:40-15:00 Effective Network Models for the Two-Level Serial Lot Sizing Problems Meltem Denizel, O˘guzSolyalı and Haldun Sural¨ A Single Phase Dynamic Program with Independent Production Deci- sion for Production-Capacitated Two- and Multi-Stage Lot-Sizing Prob- lems Hark-Chin Hwang, Hyun-soo Ahn and Philip Kaminsky 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30-16:50 The Single-Item Green Lot-Sizing Problem with Fixed Carbon Emissions Nabil Absi, Stephane´ Dauzere-P` er´ es,` Safia Kedad-Sidhoum and Bernard Penz Bi-objective Economic Lot-Sizing models Edwin Romeijn, Dolores Romero Morales and Wilco van den Heuvel 16:50-17:50 Drinks x Foreword At Erasmus University Rotterdam, we are very pleased to welcome you to the 3rd Inter- national Workshop on Lot-Sizing. The workshop has been organised after the excellent examples set by the Ecole Nationale Superieure´ des Mines de Saint-Etienne in Gardanne, France (2010), and Ozye¨ gin˘ University in Istanbul, Turkey (2011). The goal of the workshop is to cover recent advances in lot-sizing in order to facil- itate the exchange of research ideas, promote collaboration among researchers from all over the world, and contribute to the further development of the field. With more than 20 presentations, the workshop programme shows that lot-sizing is indeed an active and diverse research area. With more than 40 participants, these presentations will unques- tionably generate interesting discussions and stimulate new research ideas. I would like to thank Wilco van den Heuvel who, with the assistance of Mathijn Retel Helmrich and Ursula David, did most of the organisational work for this workshop. We would also like to acknowledge the financial support by ERIM, the Tinbergen Institute and the Econometric Institute.
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