?SRCIIISlyn FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No. 2413 Growth of yellowfin sole Limanda aspera (P.) in West Kamchatka coastal waters by V.I. Tikhonov Original title: Rost zheltoperoi kambaly zapadnogo poberezh'ya Kamchatki From: Izvestiya Tikhookeanskogo Nauchno-ISsledovaterskogo Instituta Rybnogo Khozyaistva i Okeanografii (TINRO) (Proceedings of the Pacific Scientific Research • Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography) 73 : 127-140, 1970 Translated by the Translation Bureau( WDP.). Foreign Languages Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Department of the Environment Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station, St. John's, Nfld. Biological Station, Namaimo, B.C. 1973 24 pages typescript .- 1 )1 DEPARTMENTOUHÉSECRETARYOF, STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT -- - TR,KNSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTIL:INdUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES CANADA DIVISION MULTILINGUES TRANSLATED FROM - TRADUCTION DE INTO - EN Russian English AUTHOR - AUTEUR V. I. Tikhonov TITLE IN ENGLISH - TITRE ANGLAIS The growth of the yellowfin sole off the western coast of Kamchatka TITLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS) TITRE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÉRE (TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTLRES ROMAINS) Rost zheltoperoi kambaly zapadnogo poberezh t ya Kamchatki REFERENCE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (NAME OF 'BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE , FOREIGN CHARACTERS. RÉFÉRENCE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÉRE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), -AU COMPLET, TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTàRES ROMAINS. Izvestiya Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-issledovaterskogo instituta rybnogo khozyaistva i okeanografii REFERENCE IN ENGLISH - RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS Journal of the Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography PAGE NUMBERS IN ORIGINAL PUBLISHER - ÉDITEUR Dal y nevostochnoe DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMÉROS DES PAGES DANS knizhnoe izdatel'stvo (Far East DATE DE PUBLICATION LORI GINA L Book Publishing House) YEAR ISSUE NO. 127-140 VOLUME PLACE OF PUBLICATION ANNÉE NUMÉRO NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION NOMBRE DE PAGES Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, USSR DACTYLOGRAPHIÉES 1970 73 «MM. 24 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Environment TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 143600 MINISTÈRE-CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER N 0 Fisheries Service, BRANCH OR DIVISION . Office of the Editor TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) WDP DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) John Camp, Administrator, PERSONREQUESTING Scientific Documentation DEMANDÉPAR UNEDITED TRANSLATION ■■■• YOURNUMBER For informon only VOTRE DOSSIER N 0 TRADUCTION NON rIEVISg0 DATE OF REQUEST 1 November 1972 Informati*n goulatter4. DATE DE LA DEMANDE FEB - 5 1973 SOS•200.I 0.6 (REV. 2/66) 7530-21-029.5335 „.") DEPARTMENTOFTHESECRETARYOFSTATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT • ' TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES CLIENTS NO. DEPARTMENT DIVISION/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTÉRE DIVISION/DIRECTION ' VILLE — .. Environment Fisheries Service/ Office of the Editor Ottawa, Ont. BUREAU NO, LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) N° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) .FEB - 51973 143600 Russian WDP Izvestiya Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-issledovatel l skogo instituta rybnogo khozyaistva i okeanografii (Journal of the Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography),.Vol. 73, 1970, pp 127-140 (USSR) UDC 597.587.9 The Growth of the Yellowfin Sole off the Western Coast of Kamchatka By V. 1. Tikhonov In recent years there have been changes in the abundance and /127* biological characteristics of the population of the yellowfin sole Limanda aspera Pallas off the western coast of Kamchatka. Thus the average length of the yellowfin sole began to increase after 1963. At the same time its catch per hour of trawling increased, and the decline in total catch stopped, and in the following years the total catch rose (Table 1). * Numbers in the right-hand margin indicate the corresponding pages in the original. UNEDITED TRAN:UATION For information only TRADUCTION NON REVISEE Information su/mont SOS-200-10-31 Table 1 Population ChanF,es amonl Yellowfin Sole and its Commercial nnloitation off the Western Coast of Kamchatka • 1 0 ' . --.- .-"-- 1930 .• t•-., • •..:.:.. : .'.. ,., :1 it9n2 i .1):;3 . 1.... '. i 19:7;5 I 1 i • •• .• - I i i 2. • cM 23,5 27 Z3.0 2 3.1 23. 6,2 3. ,•. •. 1,5 0.9 0.0 0,7 0.8 4. - 111C. II, .174,5 -112.0 233,0 233.0 270,0 265,0 Key: L. Biological and commercial parameters; 2. average length, in cm; 3. average catch per hour of trawling, in centners**; 4. total flounder catch, in thousands of centners. If we consider that the yellowfin sole represents more than 40% of the commercial flounder stock, the reason for the increase in the catch of the latter should be sought primarily in the changes that have taken place in the population of this species. Data on the growth and size composition of the yellowfin sole for 1961 - 1966 were therefore analyzed, together with data for an earlier period. We assess the growth of the fish in a population from a certain number of specimens constituting a biological sample. Errors are inevitable when the sample is taken. They arise from the selectivity of the fishing gear used, the change in the death rate with age, the distribution of the ** Translator's note. One centner equals 100 kilograms. 3. errors fish in relation to their size, etc. These / affect the results of the subsequent processing of the samples. Ricker (1958) gives a brief analysis of the main methodà of studying growth with their inherent shortcomings. Most often, the average length of the fish of each age group in the sample is determined, and a growth curve is constructed from the data • derived. Here we are concerned with fish of different year-classes, each of which differs in certain characteristics related to the abundance of the year-class and the conditions under which it developed. Moreover, owing to the selectivity of the fishing gear the younger age groups in the samples are /128 represented by rapidly growing specimens, while deolder age groups are represented by slow-growing specimens. Therefore the growth rate determined from such a curve will be lower than the average growth rate of fish in the population. A curve plotted from the data of reverse calculations is free of errors introduced by the - selectivity of the fishing gear, but the length of younger age groups found this way proves to be too low, since old, slow- growing fish have been used for calculation. In order to describe the growth of yellowfin sole during the period under consideration we considered it best to average the data from direct measurements for a number of years, later clarifying them by calculations. In the process, the differences in the growth of individual year-classes were smoothed out. When we determined the average length of the age groups we used not only fish with a full number of years, but also certain specimens with the following year's increment. From their scales we calculated •the length corresponding to the last annual ring. The calculations were based on the formula of the direct proportionality between the length of the body and the 4. size of the scale. It may easily be shown that in this case the use of this formula caused no significant error. The length of a fish may be calculated from the radius of the annual ring on its scales using the formula of direct proportionality 1 orfrom the formula that allows for the length of the fish at thé moment that the scale is established 1 r ; 1 R 1 where L is the length of the fish; 1 is the calculated length; , r is the radius of the annual ring; Ris the radius of the scale; a is the length of the fish at the moment that the scale is established. SubtraCtion of the first formula from the second gives the difference a (1---4 Where the average value a is constant, this expression will be smaller in proportion as the difference R - r is smaller, i.e., the smaller the increment along the edge of the scale. When the increments are small, the error introduced by using the formula of direct proportionality, is small. Table 2 gives the average sizes of the age groups of yellowfin sole obtained from direct observations. 5. Table 2 The Growth of the Yellowfin Sole from Direct Observations (in cm) I 0 ; 0 :1 p a r r 1.1 ( '• à ! ----- ---- 5 0 10 i 2 :.i -1 7 . _ _ 8. 9 _ _ --------- --- --- 3. 8.3 P.M0 15,6 10.9 22,5 25.5 27.8 ;29,0 32,3 26.1 28 6 30.8 33.1 4. r..8 13,1 16.1 19,0 :L7 !! 8,5 I n.2 15,9 19,0 2::,."; 25,8 28,3 30,3 32,8 ...•■■■■•••••■••••••••■•••••.......... Key: 1. Sex; 2. age; 3. males; 4. females; 5. males and females /129 The data in Table 2 clearly show the characteristic features of flounder growth. To begin with,their growth rate is slow. A comparison of the growth of fish in different populations of this species shows that the yellow- fin sole grows more slowly off the western coast of Kamchatka than in other regions of the Far East (Fig. 1). N. S. Fadeev (1963) explained the peculiarities in the growth rate of the fish of separate populations by the different duration of their vegetational period. This explanation is confirmed for the flounder of Peter the Great Bay and Sakhalin Bay by observed differences in the growth rate. The duration of the vegetational period doubtless influences growth, but in the region that we examined the presence of still other factors no less important than the fattening season must be assumed. Thus in Olyutorskii Gulf, 6. where the vegetational period is no longer than it is off the western coast of Kamchatka, the growth rate of flounder is much higher (see Fig. 1). Given the generally slow growth rate of the flounder off the western coast of Kamchatka, the difference in annual increments between the juveniles and the older age groups is small: the total increment during the first four years only slightly exceeds the overall increment of the subsequent four years, whereas among flounder in Peter the Great Bay the increment in the first period is twice as great as that in the second.
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