INQUA SEQS International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE SOUTHERN RUSSIA: connections between Europe, Africa and Asia Abstract volume 2010 annual meeting INQUA-SEQS Rostov-on-Don, Russia June 21–26, 2010 Rostov-on-Don 2010 Supported by INQUA, by RFBR, grant nos. 10-05-06045-г and 09-05-00307a, by the Programme for basic research of the Presidium of RAS “The origin of the bio- sphere and evolution of geo-biosystems” and by the Programme for basic research of the RAS Department of Earth Sciences “The condition of environment and forecast of its dynamics under the influence of quick global and regional natural and socio- economic modifications” The conference is devoted to the memory of Andrey Dodonov – geologist, col- league, friend and teacher Editorial Board: V.V. Titov, A.S. Tesakov Quaternary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Southern Russia: connec- tions between Europe, Africa and Asia: Abstracts of the International INQUA- SEQS Conference (Rostov-on-Don, June 21–26, 2010). Rostov-on-Don, 2010. 228 p. The book presents the materials of the International Conference held in Rostov- on-Don (Rostov Region, Russia). Reports concern a wide spectrum of issues con- nected to the study of Quaternary marine and continental deposits of Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, and Africa. Paleobiological record of the Eastern Europe, faunal connections with Asia, Africa, and Western Europe are considered. The special attention is given to questions of paleogeography, climatic changes in the Quaternary, stratigraphy and sedimentology of Eastern Europe. Also presented are the newest data on the tectonics and climatic record. Questions of distribution and chrono- logy of Paleolithic sites, adaptations of the ancient people to paleoenvironment are discussed. Addressed to geologists, stratigraphers, paleontologists, paleogeographers, and archaeologists. Materials are published with the maximal preservation of the authors’ texts ISBN 978-5-902 982-83-8 © Insitute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Southern Scientific Centre RAS, 2010 INQUA SEQS Международный союз по изучению четвертичного периода Секция европейской четвертичной стратиграфии Южный научный центр РАН Геологический институт РАН ЧетвертиЧная стратиграфия и палеонтология южной россии: взаимосвязи между европой, африкой и азией Материалы международной конференции INQUA-SEQS 2010 Ростов-на-Дону, Россия 21–26 июня 2010 г. Ростов-на-Дону 2010 УДК [903.211.+ 551.89](4/5) При поддержке INQUA, грантов РФФИ № 10-05-06045-г, 09-05-00307а, Программы фундаментальных исследований Президиума РАН «Происхождение биосферы и эволюция геобиологических систем», Программы фундаментальных исследований ОНЗ РАН «Состояние окружающей среды и прогноз ее динамики под влиянием быстрых глобальных и региональных природных и социально- экономических изменений» Конференция посвящена памяти Андрея Евгеньевича Додонова – геолога, коллеги, друга и учителя Редакционная коллегия: В.В. Титов, А.С. Тесаков Четвертичная стратиграфия и палеонтология южной России: взаимосвязи между Европой, Африкой и Азией: Материалы международной конференции INQUA-SEQS (Ростов-на-Дону, 21–26 июня 2010 г.). Ростов-на-Дону, 2010. 228 с. Книга содержит материалы международной конференции INQUA-SEQS 2010, проведенной в г. Ростов-на-Дону (Ростовская область). Сообщения касаются широкого спектра проблем, связанных с изучением четвертичных морских и континентальных отложений Восточной Европы, Западной Европы, Азии и Африки. Рассматриваются палеобиологическая летопись Восточной Европы, фаунистические взаимодействия с Азией, Африкой и Западной Европой. Особое внимание уделяется вопро сам палеогеографии, климатических изменений в четвертичном периоде, стратиграфии и седиментологии в Восточной Европе. Показаны новейшие данные изучения тектонической и климатической летописи. Обсуждаются вопро сы распространения и хронологии палеолитических стоянок, адаптации древнего человека к палеосреде. Издание предназначено для геологов-стратиграфов, палеонтологов, палеогео графов и археологов. Материалы публикуются с максимальным сохранением авторской редакции ISBN 978-5-902 982-83-8 © Учреждение Российской академии наук Южный научный центр РАН, 2010 ABSTRACTS EVOLUTION AND DISTRIBUTION HISTORY OF ARVICOLINE FAUNA: CONTRIBUTION FROM MOLECULAR DATA Natalia ABRAMSON. Zoological Institute RAS, St.Petersburg. [email protected] Voles and lemmings (subfamily Arvicolinae Gray, 1821) are one of the most young and species rich groups of Muroidea (nearly 150 known species). These rodents are widely distributed in all landscape types in the temperate and arctic zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Due to the unprecedented paleontological record, rapid evolution rate, and continuous diversification, arvicolines are among the keystone groups in the Late Cenozoic terrestrial biostratigraphy. A number of features make this group especially attractive for testing evolutionary and phylogenetic hypotheses and approaches to phylogeny recovering. The detailed fossil record for this group in the Old and New Worlds (Erbajeva 1970; Gromov and Polyakov 1977; Topachevsky et al. 1978; Zazhigin 1980; Zakrzewski 1984; Repenning 1987; Nesin 1996, and oth- ers) provides an excellent opportunity for molecular clock calibration. Earlier, approaches to phylogeny and classification of the subfamily were mainly based on comparative morphology of recent and fossil forms. However, the composition of the tribes and their phylogenetic relationships remain disput- able. Despite of invaluable contribution of morphological approach involving comparison of fossil and recent forms such approach initially limiting the number of possible characters for analysis. For arvicolines such characters conventionally are molar patterns, mostly m1 and M3. Undoubtedly it apply certain limitations on the reconstruction of evolutionary history and phylogenetic relationships in such a young and rapidly evolving group due to high probability of multiple paral- lelism (homoplasy). However, the data obtained during this period uncovered the morphological adaptations and revealed morphological trends within subfamily. The molecular data allow new insights into the evolutionary history basing totally on genealogical dimension. Moreover, studying the genetic variation within the recent populations we can penetrate into past demographic history and trace the possible colonization routes from putative refugia what is impossible to recover from morphological data. Thus these two approaches (morphological and molecu- lar) to the study of evolution are not in conflict but supplement each other. Within this communication we want briefly to summarize the latest data of molecular phylogenetic analysis of the of arvicoline taxa and to show where and how they contribute our knowledge based on paleontology. Summing up the molecular data known up to day the evolution of main groups of arvicoline rodents looks like follows. The most early derivatives from the main stem are tribes true lemmings (Lemmini), collared lemmings (Dicrostonychini including Phenacomys), Prometheomys and Ondatra. It is important to underline 6 Quaternary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Southern Russia here that both the molecular dating and composition of these groups as well as and the branching pattern within it are consistent with the paleontological and morphological data. The phylogenetic relationships and the order of cladogenetic events of this first radiation within arvicolines is still obscure. The origin and further diversification of the second radiation is related to tribe Clethrionomyini. These voles were forming in forest and mountain landscapes of South-East regions of Siberia and China. The composition of the tribe and relationships of main lin- eages are consistent with conventional views. The only intrigue here is the origin and further evolution of genus Alticola. Up to the present there is dramatic discor- dance in the mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees. Another interesting fact here is that despite that fossil remains of the genus Clethrionomys are known as early as 2.5 Ma, the genetic structure of the recent populations of the genus indicate that the current wide distribution throughout Palaearctic forest zone took place in the Holocene simultaneously with the advancing forests very rapidly from the few refugia located in the South Ural, Central Europe and eastern Transbaikal area. The most unexpected contribution of molecular data which contradicts to all conventional concepts is the position of tribe Ellobuisini which appear to be the sister group to tribes Lagurini and Arvicolini (Abramson et al., 2009) and this yet unresolved trichotomy constitutes the last, third radiation event. Three genera comprise the tribe Arvicolini: Arvicola, Chionomys and Microtus. The genus Arvicola is the most early derivate within the tribe, next is the genus Chionomys which is basal in relation to Microtus. Despite the numerous fossil remains and being relatively well explored the most specious genus Microtus always was and the most complex as from the point of taxonomic structure so and in relation to very intricate evolutionary history. Molecular data indicate on the early split of Microtus line into two lineages, therewith most likely this split occurred already at the Mimomys-like stage. One of these lineages lead to the formation of the
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