Panel on Merge or Split: Mutual Influence between Big Data and HPC Techniques IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data Computing In conjunction with The 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2016) In Chicago Hyatt Regency, Chicago, Illinois USA, Friday, May 27th, 2016 http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/~luxi/hpbdc2016 Geoffrey Fox May 27, 2016 [email protected] http://www.dsc.soic.indiana.edu/, http://spidal.org/ http://hpc-abds.org/kaleidoscope 1 Panel Topics • What is the impact of Big Data techniques on HPC? – Software sustainability model from Apache community – Functionality in data area from streaming to repository to NOSQL to Graph – Parallel computing paradigm useful in simulations as well as big data – DevOps gives sustainability and interoperability • What is the impact of HPC techniques on Big Data? – Performance of mature hardware, algorithms and software • Future mutual influence between HPC and Big Data techniques? – HPC-ABDS(Apache Big Data Stack) Software Stack; take best of each world – Integrated environments that approach data and model components of Big data and simulations; use HPC-ABDS for Exascale and Big Data – Work with Apache and Industry – Specifying stacks and benchmarks with DevOps 5/17/2016 2 Kaleidoscope of (Apache) Big Data Stack (ABDS) and HPC Technologies Green is HPC work of NSF14-43054 Cross- 17) Workflow-Orchestration: ODE, ActiveBPEL, Airavata, Pegasus, Kepler, Swift, Taverna, Triana, Trident, BioKepler, Galaxy, IPython, Dryad, Cutting Naiad, Oozie, Tez, Google FlumeJava, Crunch, Cascading, Scalding, e-Science Central, Azure Data Factory, Google Cloud Dataflow, NiFi (NSA), Functions Jitterbit, Talend, Pentaho, Apatar, Docker Compose, KeystoneML 16) Application and Analytics: Mahout , MLlib , MLbase, DataFu, R, pbdR, Bioconductor, ImageJ, OpenCV, Scalapack, PetSc, PLASMA MAGMA, 1) Message Azure Machine Learning, Google Prediction API & Translation API, mlpy, scikit-learn, PyBrain, CompLearn, DAAL(Intel), Caffe, Torch, Theano, DL4j, and Data H2O, IBM Watson, Oracle PGX, GraphLab, GraphX, IBM System G, GraphBuilder(Intel), TinkerPop, Parasol, Dream:Lab, Google Fusion Tables, Protocols: CINET, NWB, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Graylog, Splunk, Tableau, D3.js, three.js, Potree, DC.js, TensorFlow, CNTK Avro, Thrift, 15B) Application Hosting Frameworks: Google App Engine, AppScale, Red Hat OpenShift, Heroku, Aerobatic, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Azure, Cloud Protobuf Foundry, Pivotal, IBM BlueMix, Ninefold, Jelastic, Stackato, appfog, CloudBees, Engine Yard, CloudControl, dotCloud, Dokku, OSGi, HUBzero, OODT, 2) Distributed Agave, Atmosphere Coordination 15A) High level Programming: Kite, Hive, HCatalog, Tajo, Shark, Phoenix, Impala, MRQL, SAP HANA, HadoopDB, PolyBase, Pivotal HD/Hawq, : Google Presto, Google Dremel, Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, Drill, Kyoto Cabinet, Pig, Sawzall, Google Cloud DataFlow, Summingbird, Lumberyard Chubby, 14B) Streams: Storm, S4, Samza, Granules, Neptune, Google MillWheel, Amazon Kinesis, LinkedIn, Twitter Heron, Databus, Facebook Zookeeper, Puma/Ptail/Scribe/ODS, Azure Stream Analytics, Floe, Spark Streaming, Flink Streaming, DataTurbine Giraffe, 14A) Basic Programming model and runtime, SPMD, MapReduce: Hadoop, Spark, Twister, MR-MPI, Stratosphere (Apache Flink), Reef, Disco, JGroups Hama, Giraph, Pregel, Pegasus, Ligra, GraphChi, Galois, Medusa-GPU, MapGraph, Totem 3) Security & 13) Inter process communication Collectives, point-to-point, publish-subscribe: MPI, HPX-5, Argo BEAST HPX-5 BEAST PULSAR, Harp, Netty, Privacy: ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, NaradaBrokering, QPid, Kafka, Kestrel, JMS, AMQP, Stomp, MQTT, Marionette Collective, Public Cloud: Amazon InCommon, SNS, Lambda, Google Pub Sub, Azure Queues, Event Hubs Eduroam 12) In-memory databases/caches: Gora (general object from NoSQL), Memcached, Redis, LMDB (key value), Hazelcast, Ehcache, Infinispan, VoltDB, OpenStack H-Store Keystone, 12) Object-relational mapping: Hibernate, OpenJPA, EclipseLink, DataNucleus, ODBC/JDBC HPC-ABDS LDAP, Sentry, 12) Extraction Tools: UIMA, Tika Sqrrl, OpenID, SAML OAuth 11C) SQL(NewSQL): Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, CUBRID, Galera Cluster, SciDB, Rasdaman, Apache Derby, Pivotal 4) Greenplum, Google Cloud SQL, Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, Google F1, IBM dashDB, N1QL, BlinkDB, Spark SQL Monitoring: 11B) NoSQL: Lucene, Solr, Solandra, Voldemort, Riak, ZHT, Berkeley DB, Kyoto/Tokyo Cabinet, Tycoon, Tyrant, MongoDB, Espresso, CouchDB, Ambari, Couchbase, IBM Cloudant, Pivotal Gemfire, HBase, Google Bigtable, LevelDB, Megastore and Spanner, Accumulo, Cassandra, RYA, Sqrrl, Neo4J, Ganglia, graphdb, Yarcdata, AllegroGraph, Blazegraph, Facebook Tao, Titan:db, Jena, Sesame Nagios, Inca Public Cloud: Azure Table, Amazon Dynamo, Google DataStore 11A) File management: iRODS, NetCDF, CDF, HDF, OPeNDAP, FITS, RCFile, ORC, Parquet 10) Data Transport: BitTorrent, HTTP, FTP, SSH, Globus Online (GridFTP), Flume, Sqoop, Pivotal GPLOAD/GPFDIST 21 layers 9) Cluster Resource Management: Mesos, Yarn, Helix, Llama, Google Omega, Facebook Corona, Celery, HTCondor, SGE, OpenPBS, Moab, Slurm, Over 350 Torque, Globus Tools, Pilot Jobs 8) File systems: HDFS, Swift, Haystack, f4, Cinder, Ceph, FUSE, Gluster, Lustre, GPFS, GFFS Software Public Cloud: Amazon S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud Storage Packages 7) Interoperability: Libvirt, Libcloud, JClouds, TOSCA, OCCI, CDMI, Whirr, Saga, Genesis 6) DevOps: Docker (Machine, Swarm), Puppet, Chef, Ansible, SaltStack, Boto, Cobbler, Xcat, Razor, CloudMesh, Juju, Foreman, OpenStack Heat, Sahara, Rocks, Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud, Ubuntu MaaS, Facebook Tupperware, AWS OpsWorks, OpenStack Ironic, Google Kubernetes, January Buildstep, Gitreceive, OpenTOSCA, Winery, CloudML, Blueprints, Terraform, DevOpSlang,5/17/2016 Any2Api 29 5) IaaS Management from HPC to hypervisors: Xen, KVM, QEMU, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, OpenVZ, LXC, Linux-Vserver, OpenStack, OpenNebula,3 Eucalyptus, Nimbus, CloudStack, CoreOS, rkt, VMware ESXi, vSphere and vCloud, Amazon, Azure, Google and other public Clouds 2016 Networking: Google Cloud DNS, Amazon Route 53 4 Implementing HPC-ABDS • Build HPC data analytics library – NSF14-43054 Dibbs SPIDAL building blocks • Define Java Grande as approach and runtime • Software Philosophy – enhance existing ABDS rather than building standalone software – Heron, Storm, Hadoop, Spark, Hbase, Yarn, Mesos • Working with Apache; how should one do this? – Establish a standalone HPC project – Join existing Apache projects and contribute HPC enhancements • Experimenting first with Twitter (Apache) Heron to build HPC Heron that supports science use cases (big images) 5/17/2016 5 HPC-ABDS Mapping of Dibbs NSF14-43054 project • Level 17: Orchestration: Apache Beam (Google Cloud Dataflow) integrated with Cloudmesh on HPC cluster • Level 16: Applications: Datamining for molecular dynamics, Image processing for remote sensing and pathology, graphs, streaming, bioinformatics, social media, financial informatics, text mining • Level 16: Algorithms: Generic and custom for applications SPIDAL • Level 14: Programming: Storm, Heron (Twitter replaces Storm), Hadoop, Spark, Flink. Improve Inter- and Intra-node performance • Level 13: Communication: Enhanced Storm and Hadoop using HPC runtime technologies, Harp • Level 11: Data management: Hbase and MongoDB integrated via use of Beam and other Apache tools; enhance Hbase • Level 9: Cluster Management: Integrate Pilot Jobs with Yarn, Mesos, Spark, Hadoop; integrate Storm and Heron with Slurm • Level 6: DevOps: Python Cloudmesh virtual Cluster Interoperability 5/17/2016 6 Constructing HPC-ABDS Exemplars • This is one of next steps in NIST Big Data Working Group • Philosophy: jobs will run on virtual clusters defined on variety of infrastructures: HPC, SDSC Comet, OpenStack, Docker, AWS, Virtualbox • Jobs are defined hierarchically as a combination of Ansible (preferred over Chef as Python) scripts • Scripts are invoked on Infrastructure (Cloudmesh Tool) • INFO 524 “Big Data Open Source Software Projects” IU Data Science class required final project to be defined in Ansible and decent grade required that script worked (On NSF Chameleon and FutureSystems) – 80 students gave 37 projects with ~20 pretty good such as – “Machine Learning benchmarks on Hadoop with HiBench” Hadoop/ YARN, Spark, Mahout, Hbase – “Human and Face Detection from Video” Hadoop, Spark, OpenCV, Mahout, MLLib • Build up curated collection of Ansible scripts defining use cases for benchmarking, standards, education 5/17/2016 7 Java MPI performs better than Threads 128 24 core Haswell nodes on SPIDAL DA-MDS Code SM = Optimized Shared memory for intra-node MPI Best MPI; inter and intra node Best Threads intra node And MPI inter node HPC into Java Runtime and Programming5/17/2016 Model 8 Big Data - Big Simulation (Exascale) Convergence • Discuss Data and Model together as built around problems which combine them, but we can get insight by separating which allows better understanding of Big Data - Big Simulation “convergence” • Big Data implies Data is large but Model varies – e.g. LDA with many topics or deep learning has large model – Clustering or Dimension reduction can be quite small • Simulations can also be considered as Data and Model – Model is solving particle dynamics or partial differential equations – Data could be small when just boundary conditions – Data large with data assimilation (weather forecasting) or when data visualizations are produced by simulation • Data often static
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