$8 r"- PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY, /; A. H. BYINGTON & CO., ff >,i,,JiiVi i.1 . u AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVA- DE. ft .,v- ; • ~A SiteRMfe dmwjil itrftllqiwiw, JiteMtaw, friifo*, ffltotom, WbtMto, to.HWaMtoW i* UHHT- ,T; "!££ -rsr NUMBEB':748--NEWSERIEsK:Si#—CONN.,TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1862. S^iSSrKiiiSfe'wB VOLUME XLV-NUMBER 18*°| uncouthness of the noise wMch he was KOHWALK G-AZETTE. J. N. LOCK WOOD ft CO, " Under the Snow.'!; -t?' if The Fatal Trick—A Tlgerloose. Oa passed the tiger, out through the Allen, Thos. Brady, Stanton Babcock, Fall of New Orleans,;; Jg W'fe'.'K- "Bounds with One lashing spring the mighty brute, making. streets, with the populace flying to every Francis H. Bates, Frederick S. Bevans, West Side of the Bridge, BT G*N. F. W. LANDER. :£>«' i!;v — wide waving: to and fro, FORTRESS MONROE, April 29* OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. Hi* angry tofl ; red roll hi* eyes dilated grew." Chas. H. Brown, John W. Brown, Jas. 11 1 11,11 The Spring had tripped and lost her flowers, d At lengtl we reached the back part side for shelter—past his old prison, where ,V, 1- • • • L Y N ES> NEW BLOCK, "Where his vast deck just mingles Wlththe spine, L. Brundage, Gideon B. Botsford, Geo. Hon. Edward M. Stanton Sec. of War ;-}^L. H. BTIWQTQW & CO., EEP constantly on hand, a large and The Sommer sauntered through the glades, .. $' Sheathed In his form the deadly weapon llet. of the collqge, when oue of our party CAUde Harold1* Pilgrimag*. the keepers stood wondering at his escape. G. Buck, Edwin H. Bush, Dennis Court­ The following appears in the Richmond'^"1 A. H. BYENGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N ELLS. K varied assortment of Ladies', Gents',and The wounded feet of autumn hours . climbed over the wall and unfastened the On he went, while behind him before and ia Children's Left rnicTdy footprints on the blades. ,f Upon one evening a party of collegians ney, Timothy Converse, Robert A. Can- Dispatch, of the 28th instant:— |® ; -la SubsoriptiocRates. GAITERS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., gate. We rolled in our prize to the back around him rose the minled cry of men field, Carle Christian, Charles M. Doug­ And all the glories of the woods £ and young bloods of the town bad met The fearful state ot suspense in -rhich^j AU Subscribers by Carrier, Mail, Post Hiderg aud all made under our own personal supervis­ Had flung their shadowy Bilence down,— doox of the labratory, which was the women and children—"The tiger! the las, Tames W. Davis, William E. Dau- Wagoners, per year $8 00 ion, of the best material, and in the most When, wilder than the stoftn it broods, . together at my rooms to play and ca­ cby, Maximillian Delefant, Walter Dike- this city has existed for two or three days^.,; Those living out of any Carrier's District, if v place where our professor of chemistry tiger!" ' ^ t; • paid one ye>r;i» advance, $, ttt, X 50 .wnrlrmnnlilfp-mannf'r. Our assortment of She fled before the winter's frown. " V 3 M rouse. In fact, it was a regular meeting t man, James Duffie, Chas. H, Edgett, hasat last ended.• Clubs ot:six brmore sent to one address, to be' Ladies' Gaiters undoubtedly comprises—both* lectured. We found that in consequence At the extremity of the main street a paid in advance, 1 60 in extent and quality—a finer assortment than For her sweet sprinsc had lost Its flowers, of the hunter?, who assembled twice every John Lewis Elwood, James J. Everson, New Orleans is in the possession ofthei sdi Single copies 4 cents. " ss of the narrowness of the passage through can be found at any similar establishment in She fell, and passion's tongues Of flame traveler was riding quietly to his house. Joseph H. Everett, John Fox, Batalaus enemy. -fst .•••'• ' Ban reddening through the blushing bowers, week. We kept it up jollily until mid­ : the County. In Gent's Boots, Gaiters, Shoes, the door the hogshead would nc$ enter. He heard the noise behind him, and cast­ Francisco, Patrick Fenhen, Patrick Fitz- 8 7 .91 . Advertising Rates. ||R . etc., we have a larger and better assortment, Now haggard as her naked shame.;' :i-,: \ night, having in that time managed to patrick, Asa H. Fqote, Patrick Foley, • It was vacuated by General LCVei!, *-' Such beincrthe case, we were about ing his eyes saw the cause. He spurred I*T One Sqnlire, one insertion,, , , "lis, $1 00 we are confident, than was ever before offer­ One secret thought her sonl had screened, iu get full of Bacchus, when Somers pro­ John Gradv, Lorenzo D Gavitf, John who has removed his forces to Camp ^ T two insertions, ' ^ „•**' 185 ed in Norwalk. We are prepared to manu­ When prying matrons sought her wrong, starting jjjp^jihimal through the door his horse, who started snorting with ter '• us three insertions, ,# . :1 60 facture, to measure any article in our line, and posed that we should sally forth and as­ A. jfteddis, Charles F. Gilbert, Henry Moore, on the Jackson Railroad.. ; " ' one month, ii':v£3': ' V-1 76 And Blame stalked on, a mouthing flend, , when , an id^ Biore redolent of fun struck ror, for he saw the coming of the mighty H. Gray, Joel P. Gray, William H. " two months, . * 3 ®JJ at the shortest notice. tonish the town by some well-plvnned [Signetj,] ,, (. JOHN E. WOOt,! ' .nwi • Misses' and Children's Shoes, Rubbers, etc., And mocked her as she fled along.;;;- ;r, • • - v the fancy w Somers. Back of the lec­ " three months, ' • * w ' 4 00 animal as well as his master. It was in Holly^ James L. Howard^ William H. 7•• Mwor,Genrrf^-:»h<j " six months, '--J fg in endless variety. A fine article of Slippers And now she bore its weight aloof, ''! . and well directed piece of mischief.— ture roonr was a small apartment con­ Huobell, Aaron S. Hull, Theodore Jack­ " one year—with paper i-j.v-Nk 16 00 To hide it where one ghastly birch vain. The tiger noted not the man. He ..jj T* ^ i) HT'OH )l wioifc&tbfii Two Squares, 'one year—with paper,-; Ti il 85 00 for Gents' wear. Without any one of as having a clear COD- ••f t ») uiun REPAIRING—in all its branches—done taining odds and ends, and which was son, Joshua R. Jennings, Abner H. Each additional Square, per year, 8 00 Held Tip the rafters of the roof, only saw the terrified steed. One leap— at".; ijKSjta&rjf CHICAGO, £priP# ?tt One half 'column, one year, ™ 00 neatly, quickly, and cheaply. And grim old pine-trees formed a church. deption of our action or intentions, we Johbeon, Noah H. Joyce, John Lam- One Column, one year, 75 00 not visited, jftrhaps, once a month. He the distance was just saved—and he put bCrtj, Oscar S. Ldll, Olius L. Lyon, John A special ciispatch to the Times ftobi Fifteen lines, or 100 words,make a square. Fraction­ 'Twas there her spring-time vows were sworn. hailed the proposition with drunken al parts of a'square charged for as a whole. Whitney's said rightly, that if we placed Brnin in his claws into the hind quarters of the Murphy, Lawrence McAlvoy, Edward Fort Wright dated the 28th says:-— Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing And there, upon its frozen sod, ^ •; • rapture, and started forth, this apartment, be would not be likely Millerick, Samuel .E. Moiehouse, GeOrg? their advertisements once per month. Advertise­ While wintry midnight reigned forlorn, horse, who unmindful of his double bur­ From deserters, I learn that New Or-jf .f ments changed oftener charged as transient. Photographic and Fina Art | A traveling menagerie had arrived in E. Norris, Eli Northrup, Ebenezer Nor­ ti f yearly advertisements payable 1st of January & July, She knelt, and held her hands to God. ' • • to be discovered until some time during den, rnshed on bearing his fearful load as yearly advertisers restricted to the business contem­ town the day before, and among the won­ man, Corvas Northrop, Elisha Parker- leans is now in Captain Porter's Sung The cautious creatures of the air -m v. the noise he would be apt to make at­ plated at the' time of contract. NORWALK, CONN. -• •; •>••••• though it were but a feather's weight.— ton, George W. Parkerton, James E. possession. The federal fleet passed Fort Curds, Resolutions, Funeral and all other Special No­ ATE E. B. THOMPSON'S. E T. Whitney Looked out, from many a secret place, ders was a yonng bear. The poor ani­ tracting attention, the plot would be read­ tices, 35 per. cent, additional on the above, To see the embers of despair The man received no hurt.- With pres­ Parks, Charles Payne, Henry M. Pyne, Jackson on Thursday after a desperate ^ pr These terms will be inflexibly adhered t". aA L •^vould inform the citizens of Norwalk mal had been so well beaten, thai he be- Hint, he has established himself in the Gazette Flush the gray ashes ofber face. ^ ily brought to a crisis. We joined Otir ence of mind and coolness most determin­ Daniel Rearden, Peter Riley, Jacob Roth, jcame very humble, and acquired a num­ naval engagement, in which one vessel'^ ^ Building, and will furnish them with Photo- And where the last week's snow had caught/ strength^tqd upoti onr shoulders up went ed—for it resulted from despair—he drew Jeretoiah Sullivan, George Slanson, Wil­ graps, Ambrotypes, and all kinds of Pictures WPS sunk and several badly damaged.— lao.ff The gray beard of a cypress limb ber of amasing tricks.
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