CERN 86-01 Data Handling Division 30 January 1986 ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH VMEbus IN PHYSICS CONFERENCE CERN, Geneva, Switzerland 7th and 8th October 1985 PROCEEDINGS GENEVA 1986 ©Copyright CERN, Genève, 1986 Propriété littéraire et scientifique réservée pour Literary and scientific copyrights reserved in ail tous les pays du monde. Ce document ne peut countries of the world. This report, or any part of être reproduit ou traduit en tout ou en partie sans it, may not be reprinted or translated without l'autorisation écrite du Directeur général du written permission of the copyright holder, the CERN, titulaire du droit d'auteur. Dans les cas Director-General of CERN. However, permission appropriés, et s'il s'agit d'utiliser le document à will be freely granted for appropriate non• des fins non commerciales, cette autorisation commercial use. sera volontiers accordée. 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CERN—Service d'Information scientifique—RD/699-2300-janvier 1986 ABSTRACT The first conference "VMEbus in Physics" was held at CERN on 7th and 8th October 1985. The conference surveyed the applications of the VMEbus standards in physics, with special emphasis on particle physics and accelerator control. Developments in the definition of the standards and in the formation of users groups were discussed. Manufacturer's representatives were given the opportunity to appreciate the requirements of the fast-growing VMEbus market in the physics community. These proceedings contain the unedited text of the oral and poster presentations given on that occasion. - v - PREFACE That VMEbus is a standard already accepted by a large number of physicists and engineers working in experimental physics, was amply demonstrated by the number of participants to this first "VMEbus in Physics" Conference, held at CERN on 7th and 8th October 1985. The Organising Committee had the pleasure of welcoming a total of about 300 people from CERN member states and a number of other countries. Some 50 of the participants were from industry, which was an encouraging sign of the cross-fertilisation of ideas already bringing benefits to both manufacturers and users in this rapidly evolving technology. The Conference consisted of eight invited papers covering aspects of the organisation of VMEbus in industry, of user groups, the progress of standardisation and of the major applications of VMEbus at CERN. In addition to these invited talks, 19 papers and six posters were presented and one round-table discussion was held. In order to be able to produce these proceedings with the minimum of delay and hence with the maximum of benefit to the participants and the VMEbus user community as a whole, no editing has been done. The contents of the texts, as published, are therefore the sole responsibility of the respective authors. The Organising Committee would like to thank the speakers and presenters of posters for their participation and all those who were involved in the running of the Conference for their contribution to its success. The Organising Committee Organising Committee: C. Eck, C. Parkman & D. Williams (CERN, DD Division); P. Ponting & H. Verweij (CERN, EP Division); R. Rausch (CERN, SPS Division). Paper Selection Committee: R. Rausch, H. Verweij & D. Williams. Administration: Mlle K. Protoulis (CERN, DD Division) - vii - CONTENTS Page Abstract iii Preface v PART 1 - ORAL PRESENTATIONS PRIAM AND VMEbus AT CERN 3 C. Eck INTRODUCTION TO VITA 8 L. Hevle VMEbus USER GROUPS 13 E. C. G. Owen VMEbus STANDARDS 15 A. Schellekens VMSbus FACILITIES FOR MULTIPROCESSING AND FAULT TOLERANCE 32 Mme M. Pauker VMEbus INTERFACE CHIP SET 42 N. Nissen VMEbus PROTOCOL CHIPSET USING PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 56 L. Gustafsson and P. Gällnö THE UAl VME READ-OUT SYSTEM 65 S. Cittolin, M. Demoulin, P. Giacomelli, B. Haynes, W. Jank, P. Petta, E. Pietarinen, J. P. Porte, P. Rossi, D. Samyn and H. von der Schmitt THE OPAL VMEbus DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM 119 J. C. Brisson, P. Farthouat, B. Gandois, F. X. Gentit, V. Hajjar, P. Le Dû, E. Lesquoy, J. Mallet, P. Rougevin-Baville and S. Zylberajch DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM FOR NORDBALL 135 M. Jääskeläinen and L. Carlen FRONT END PROCESSING FOR A 100 MHZ FLASH ADC SYSTEM 147 G. Eckerlin, E. Elsen, H. v. d. Schmitt, A. Wagner, and P. v. Walter - viîi - Page MLLE - A DATAFLOW CONTROLLED MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEM 151 G. Beier, L. Kappen, R. Lutter, K. Schöffel, B. Stanzel, K. Steinberger and H. Wilhelms USE OF A MOTOROLA 68000 VMEbus BASED SYSTEM FOR FAST READ-OUT OF A RETICON PHOTOSENSITIVE ARRAY 155 D. R. N. Jeffery, P. Butiner, R. S. Gilmore, T. K. Gooch, W. L. Kwan, T. J. Llewellyn, I. C. McArthur, J. Malos, J. P. Melot and R. J. Tapper LOSS-FREE GAMMA-RAY COUNTING ON THE VMEbus 169 M. H. Minor, E. B. Shera, and J. W. Lillberg A VMEbus APPROACH FOR THE CONTROL OF THE CLOSED ORBIT CORRECTION POWER SUPPLIES WITHIN THE SPS SUPERCYCLE 174 P. Martinod, G. Mugnai, J. Savioz and P. Semanaz ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION ON THE USE OF THE VMEbus P2 CONNECTOR USER I/O PINS 190 Chairman: D. O. Williams, CERN Participants: M. Lösel (Force), E. Owen (Daresbury), R. Rausch (CERN), J. Regula (Ironies) andJ. Werdehausen (Motorola). VMEbus CRATE INTERCONNECT 200 E. Pietarinen VERTICAL BUS FOR MULTI-CRATE VMEbus SYSTEMS - VMV 211 J. Bovier and F. Worm A VME MULTIPROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE FOR THE LEP/SPS CONTROL SYSTEM 216 J. Altaber, P. G. Innocenti and R. Rausch DRM SYSTEM - A DISTRIBUTED REAL-TIME MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEM 238 H. Maaskant BUFFERED PIPE PROTOCOL 242 J. Werdehausen PERSONAL COMPUTER ACCESS TO THE VMEbus 249 B. G. Taylor VALET-PLUS - A VMEbus SYSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT TESTS USING YOUR FAVOURITE PERSONAL COMPUTER 259 C. F. Parkman, Y. Perrin, J. Petersen, E. M. Rimmer, P. Scharff-Hansen, and L. Tremblet A STAND ALONE VMEbus 68K TEST SYSTEM RUNNING CP/M 269 Y. Bertsch, A. Degré, J. Lecoq and H. von der Schmitt CROSS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT IN A UMX ENVIRONMENT 276 G. Beier, L. Kappen, R. Lutter, K. Schöffel, B. Stanzel, K. Steinberger and H. Wilhelms - ix - Page AN APPROACH TO PROGRAMMING MULTI-MICROPROCESSOR BUS SYSTEMS 283 J. Zalewski A VME INTERFACE TO AN IBM MAINFRAME COMPUTER 291 J. Alexander REMUS - VME - VMXbus BRANCH DRIVER (RVMEX) 297 C. Engster and L. G. van Koningsveld PART 2 - POSTER PRESENTATIONS THE NEW CONTROL SYSTEM OF THE SACLAY LINEAR ACCELERATOR 305 J. F. Gournay, G. Gourcy, F. Garreau, A. Giraud, and J. Rouault INTEGRATION OF VMEbus MODULES IN A SM90 MINICOMPUTER RUNNING UNTX ON A M68000 313 G. Fontaine and L. Guglielmi USE OF OS9/68K - A UNIX LIKE, REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM - IN PARTICLE PHYSICS VMEbus APPLICATIONS 318 G. Fontaine and L. Guglielmi A 1 MBIT/SEC COMMUNICATION INTERFACE FOR A VMEbus SYSTEM 325 P. Heimann PROBLEMS AND CHANCES OF REAL-TIME DATA PROCESSING IN UNIX-LIKE OPERATING SYSTEMS 329 P. Buchheim and J. Schacht BBM/VME CHANNEL HIGH SPEED PARALLEL INTERFACE 343 B. Merry, A. Moretón and A. Smith PART 3 - LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LIST 351 - 3 - PRIAM and VMEbus at CERN CEck Geneva, 10 December 1985 1. Introduction PRIAM is the French acronym (PRojet Interdivisionnaire d'Assistance aux Microprocesseurs) for In- terdivisional Project for Microprocessor Support. The CERN management established the PRIAM project in June 1983 following the recommen• dation of CERN's Steering Committee for Microprocessor Standardisation. This committee studied the problem of hardware and software support for 8 bit and 16/32 bit micros at CERN and made the following main recommendations: — 8 bit systems should use the MC6809 processor and the G—64 bus — 16/32 bit systems should use the M68000 processor family and the VMEbus This paper will concentrate on the PRIAM work in the 16/32 bit area. 2. Areas of PRIAM Activity 2.1 Information PRIAM has to market its services, to inform prospective users about them. And not the last of its services again is information distribution. How is this done? The PRIAM project, together with the Online Computing group at CERN, publishes four times per year the "Mini and Micro Computer Newsletter", MMCNL [1],which is distributed free of charge in more than 800 copies (550 outside CERN). It contains articles on PRIAM work, contributions by users, and a reference section with pointers to people and additional information channels. On CERN's IBM (HELP PRIAM under Wylbur) and on the PRIAM-VAX (use apropos and/or man commands) simple documentation access schemes have been installed. These tools are rather crude but have proven to be useful for people at CERN and regular collaborators. PRIAM plans to update/improve this information channel and to discuss how to make it available to a broader user community. The antisocial behaviour of a shabby group of people, Hackers and Co, make this a difficult task. PRIAM organises, through the CERN stores, access to printed documentation like: Compatible Products Directory, Specification Manuals.
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