sewhere 9 And ounting Spirit Night President Re.lgns Dance Hall Crashers will bring The five colleges get ready to Over Racl.t Remark the RIMAC Arena down with root for the home team at this GAINESVILLE. Fla. - their awesome sounds next week. Friday:\' basketball game. Universit y of Florida Hiatus, page Pres ident John Lombardi has 9 Sports, page 16 agreed to resign i 'oll owing the public di scl osure thai he called new hancell ur Adam Herber! an "Oreo." Lombardi E u 5 wi ll re mai n at UF in a ksser c:l pacl ty. a highl -plm;eu state uffil:ia l said MonJay. l:l:orLi lll g to Steve Uhlfclder. l:hai rm un or the Bm~IlJ of Regent s. Lo mbardi wi ll stay on as the head of an academic institute. most likely in the area of Latin American Studies, one of his academil: UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1998 VOLUME 93 , ISSUE 6 areas of expertise. He will retain his wrrent salary of $238,000 for one year, after Operation: .Packer Tracker which time his pay will be l:ut Rise in 10 percent each year for the following three years. - The Independent Florida Graduate Alligator Admits Depauw Sorority Burns Pledge. POUCY: This is the GREENCASTLE, Ind . - first class affected by Depauw University found three Kappa Kappa Gamma the SP-l initiative sorority members guilty of By Annam Manthiram branding pledges with ciga­ Staff Writer rettes; the members face a The number of students accept­ semester-long suspension ed into University of California and other punishments. The graduate schools increased I per­ three women - Amanda cent from 6,967 in Fall 1996 to Heldt, Sarah McKinney and 7,040 in Fall 1997. However, the Jennifer Miller - appealed enrollment rates of some minority their previous expulsion sen­ groups declined. tence last month on the This year's entering class was grounds that the punishment the first to be impacted by SP- I. was too severe. Depauw has the July 1995 UC Board of no Greek Judicial Board, so, Regents decision to ban the use of the cases would normally race, gender or ethnicilY as admis­ have gone to the Student Claire Schneider/ Guardian sions ~rileria . Conduct Board. However. S~ The NFC Champion Green Bay Packers get ready to practice at Alex G. Spanos Sports Howevcr, the direct effects of Dean of Students Alan Hill Complex yesterday. Super Bowl XXXII kicksoff Sunday at 3 p.m. in Qualcomm Stadium. SP- I on minority enrollment in decided not to con ve ne the docloral and master's programs Student Conduct Board were slighl ; the degree of <.:hange • because of bad ti ming . So, depended on the ra <.: ial group . instead, Hill brought the For instanl:e, As ian-Ameri can cases before what he call s A Matter of enrollment de<.:li ned 9 per<.:c nt , the Admin is tra ti ve Hearin g from 1.045 to 950 student s. Boa rd - a group th at looks Chicano/La tino enrollment also like the Student Conduct dedi ned oy I} perccnt fro m 50g to Board minus one st udent and Precious Time s t udcnt~. 464 and Aillcril:a n-Indi:ln one ad ministrator. enro llment went dow n 2 pe n:ent quarte r 'ystem me nt io ned - The Depauw POLICY: UC Davis fro m 55 to 54 s tll de nt ~ . community votes to that th e benefit s incl ud ed In co nlrast , the number 01 Study Says Berkeley shorter classes and a Afri <.: an Ameril:a ns enro ll ed in UC greater va ri ety ' of classes Students Can Read keep quarter system graduate prog rams In l: reased by 2 to choo e from . percent from 2 13 to 2 18 s tud e nt ~ . BERKELEY - ACl:ord in g to By Jenny Nicholson "I like th e idea or get­ White-student enro llment an infonnal study co nducted Senior Staff Writer ling through a class in 10 I<\st semester hy Steve del: reased by 2 perce nt frol1l 3,564 Although UC Davi s students weeks instead of 18," said to 3,50 I. To ll efs on, a lecturer in the and facult y overwhelmingly Brian Weldy, a Warren Coli ge Writing Program and A~~ ording to Jim Litrownik, defeat ed Chan<.:e ll or . Larry senior. "You tend 10 lose coordinator for A<.: ademi <.: ~ t a f f member in the Student Vanderhoef" proposal to switch interest in the long period Advancement at the UC Offi<.:e of Li fe Educati onal the campus fro m the quarter ys­ of time that semester class­ Development O fTi<.:e. UC the Pres ident , the MatiMi cs are tern to a se mester ystem las t es lasl." inconclusive. Berk Icy students have not month, UCSD students and fac ult y Many of the UCSD stu­ entirely su<.:<.: umbed to te levi­ One "C:lnnot asc ribe any members hold deci dedl y mi xed dent s in favor or the semes­ changes I in U grad uate admis ­ sion and <.:o mputers fo r opinions. ter 'ystem supported it for extra<.: urricular amusement. sions I to th e change in the u dm i~ ­ Currentl y. U Berk eley is th e th e sa me reason that the sion poli <.:y" be~a u sc there i~ :l To ll efson said he a~ked stu ­ onl y ~ch{)o l that run s on oth er students dis liked i. ; dents in all of last semester \ "tre mendo us instabi lity anyone semesters. It ngcr cI asses. ye:lr to th ' nex t," Li trow nik ~ aid . ngll sh I A <.:Ia s~e~ what Out of the 2.24l:l sludent~ who "You <.: an e plore He also said th:lt the number of boo ~s they read in their spare voted , in the UC Davi s undergrad­ materia l more in-depth wi th the time and \\ IlII.;h authors they app licanl :l nd thmc who arc uat' clel'lion I ,60 ~ tudent ~ - se ml'st ' r y\tem." said Kevin adm!l ted vary from year to ye ar preferred. Of the 70 fresh­ 71.5 er ... nt - voted 10 remain on Wdllam~on . a grJduate \tudenl. due to the number of graduOAte pro­ men who s~lId the maintain u Ihe lju<lrter \ !> tcm . Although the Many UC 0 S tuden l ~ abo grams a :lllahic. ~trong IIlten: ~t In readillg. vOtc i . onl } <ldvisory wmplained about the he<.: tic pacc Amy ran wa the 1I10\t popu- ccording to LllrowmJ.., ~evcr ­ Vanderh(lef recently pulled th of the quarter \ ~tem . tudent s .II ra<.:tor~ Inllll 'nee how man ~tu ­ lar au thor and 11 I and ', plan ofT the wllil' . were upset ahout havi ng to take dents arc Jdlllilteu 10 each graduate ''The I' ount.llnhcad·· the most f the 1. 157 fa<': lIlt y oallols midterms in thc thild week , and widely read hook . 10hn program on eve l y c<l mpu . re<.:eived 0 the A<.:ademic Senate fe lt that the quarter ~ ~tem mak e~ Lltlownik ' sail! a department Gl l sh~lIl1 and M I<.:hael J ommitlce on EJec tions. Rules it IInp oll~ iblc to get ~all!>fa<':lOry Ill l)!ht ad mll more ~tudents one ' r i d~ton rounded out the lop and 1u ri ~ di c t ion . 10 faculty mem­ grallp of the co ur ~e material. year a oppm.ed to another. Ih ree Juth()r~ . and J.D. bers - 7ll perce nt - voted in "Th . eme ter !>y~te rn is good depending on how many gradu ate aling r\ " Cat~ h r in the favo r 01 keeping the quart er y~ ­ because you have le!)s classes, Ic~s Rye " was the ' coml mo t tu<lents from the previous term tern . midtenns and Ie s finals in a year." plan to return. popular book. UCSD studenl in fa vor of th See SYSTEM; Page 8 - Th e Daily California" See ADMITS, Page 7 Thursday, January 22. 1998 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, January 22, 1998 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 All Around Campus ETCETERA ..•rr Today Price Center Film Series: "Air Force One" ®,q~ Catch this Harrison Ford action flick at the Price Center Theatre. There will be two showings, the first at 7 p.m . and the ~~~( flJ ~~!~ second at 10 p.m . Tickets arc $2 for students with a valid I.D. ..,.~y~ (WI"", SAM f, .... b~) For more information. call 822-2068. Music: Guitar Masters Manuel Barrueco WHAT DO YOU \lAWT ON 'OUR TDM8STONE? and Steve Morse (J~~ This performance, in Mandeville Auditorium at 8 p.m., high­ lights guitarists Manuel Barrueco and Steve Morse. as two masters team up for an evening of music. Barrueco performs everything from the old Spanish masters to The Beatles. while Morse is a seven-time Grammy nominee and a former member $'BB~.r. of the Dixie Dregs. Student admission is $16, and tickets can - ........-....- be purchased from the Price Center Box Office. For more information. call 534-4090. Theater: II Empirica" This fictional play, which will be staged in the Mandell Weiss Forum Studio today through Saturd'ay at 8 p.m., deals with the seductive effects of the internet and its influence over relationships. "Empirica" explores the ways people lose U\JE.Q ~LoW, Jaime MUI'CIOO'rl-GC)mel / Guarc1ian and find personal identities in the communication age .
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