DIRECTORY.] SUSSEX. MIDHURST. 525 For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that Clerk to the J"ustices for the Division of Lower Chi­ of Bright,JD; E. W. J. Savill, official receiver; T. F. chester, Clerk to Commissioners of Land, Property & H. Finney, assistant official receiver, 12a, Marlborough Income Taxes. William Thomas Johnson, Market place place, Brighton Clerk to Midhurst Sub-Committee of West Sussex Local Cert1fied Ballift appointed under the "Law of Distress Pension Committee, John Mudge Furneaux, Market aq Amendment Act,'' George Knight, West st. Midhurst Customs & Excise Officer, T. E. Stephens, Station road County Police Station, Station road, George Wakeford, Superintendent of Police & Inspector of Weights &; 1>uperintendent, I sergeant & 10 constables Measures, George W akeford, Station road Midhurst Public Hall & .Assembly Room Co. Limited, Town Crier, William Madgwick, Station road James Lucas, sec Volunteer Fire Brigade, engine house, Market square; PLAClliS OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. J. M. Furneaux, captain, & 25 men SS. Mary Magdalene & Denis Church, Rev. Frank Tatchell M. A. vicar; 8 & I 1 a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; TERRITORIAL FORCE. holy days, 8 & xo a.m. ; daily, 10 a.m 4th Battalion The Royal Sussex Regiment (detachment St. Francis of Assisi (Catholic) ; 8 JL 9 a.m_ & 3·30 of D Co.), Drill hall, Edinburgh square; Capt. & Hon. p.m. ; holy days, mass 9 a.m Major E. G. Moore, commanding; Sergt.-Instructor Calvini:st; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m .A. G. Catcllpole, Petworth, drill instructor Congregational, Rev. .Arthur M. Perkius; u a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; mon. 8.15 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m MIDHURST UNION. Wesleyan Methodist, North street (Surrey & North Board day, alternate tuesdays, at 2 p.m. at the Hampshire Mission), Rev. Waiter J". Gadsby (supt.); Rural District Council Offices, Midhurst. 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m The Union comprises 28 parishes, viz. :-Bepton, Chit­ SCHOOLS. burst, Cocking, Didling, Easebourne, East Lavington, Elsted, Fernhurst, Graffham, Harting, Heyshott, !ping, The Grammar School, founded in 1f1']2 by Gilberi Linch, Linchmere, bndsworth, Lurgashall, Midhurst, Hannam, reached its highest fame under the late North Ambersham, Rogate, Selham, South Amber­ Dr. Wm. Bayley, appointed in 1807, & was then one sham, Stedham, Terwick, Tillington, Treyford, Trot­ of the first county schools; in r86o it was closed, & so ton, West Lavington & Woolbeding. The population of remained till r88o, when it wa-s re-opened as a. SPcondary school under the inspection of the Board the Union in rgor was 13,612; area, 66,775 acres; rate­ of Education, & a master's residence & boarding able value, Lady Day, rgrr, £87,513 house have since been erected. In r888 an endow­ Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Knight J. ment of £25 per annum was left to the school by Clerk tu the Guardians & .Assessment Committee, John Dudley Robert Smith esq. of 47 Belgrave 1>quare, Mudge Furneaux, Market square, Midhurst London, for the purpose of establishing four open Treasurer, Charles Leslie Smith, London County & scholarships ; there are also four Hannam entrance Westminster Bank Limited, Midhurst schol:lrships for Midhurst boys, entitling the holden Relieving Officers, .Fernhurst district, W. .A. Hoare, to absolute exemption from all tuition fees, & other~~ Fernhurst; Midhurst district, A. H. Field, Workhouse, provided by the West Sussex County Council; new Easebourne; Rogate district, William King, Rogate science rooms, comprising a lecture room & labora­ Vaccination Officers, same as Relieving Officers klry, have been added & fully equipped. The school Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Fernhurst & is under the management of 16 governors; Lient.-Col. Milland districts, .A.rthur Stanley Duke L.R.C.P. & S. Edin. Fernhurst ; Midhurst district, Charles East­ Charles John Wyndham J.P. being chairman. Field­ wick-Field L.R.C P.Edin. North strPet, Midhurst; Marshal Sir Frederick Paul Haynes, Sir Charles LyeU Ro;!ate district, Henry Oakes L.R.C.P.Edin., L.F.P. hart. the eminent geologist, & H. G. Wells, the & S.G las. Oakderte, Ruga te ; · Tillington district, Chas. novelist, were educated here; there are now (1gn) Edgar .Andrew Wilson B..A., M.B., Ch.B.Oxon. North Bg boys; .A. Cradock Maples B.A. & late Exhibitioner ·Street, Petworth of Selwyn College, Cambridge, head master The Workhouse, Easebourne, is a building of stone, & Public Elementary, Petersfield road, built in 1854 & en­ will hold 390 inmates; Albert Hart Field, master; larged in r897, for 300 children; avera!;e attendance, Rev. Edward Samuel Webb Watson, chaplain; Bernard 200 boys & girls & 72 infants; Wm. Werry, master; Edward Granville Bailey L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. Miss Elizabeth Camp bell, infants' mistress. The school Eng. medical officer; Mrs. Ada Field, matron is controlled by 4 managers; Rev. Frank Tatchell SupPrintPndent Registrar, William Thomas Johnson, M.A. correspondent; - Smith, Midhurst, attendance Midhurst; deputy, Charles Spring, Station road, officer Midhurst Registrars of Births & Deaths, Fernhurst sub-district, NEWSPAPERS. Mrs. Kate Eliza Hartwright, Fernhurst; deputy, Jas. Midhurst Record, Midhurst Publishing Co. Limited, Hill, Fernhurst; .liarting sub-district, William King, proprietors, Red Lion street ; published thursday Rogate; Midhurst sub-district, F . .A.. Talhtnt, Ease­ Midhurst Times, George Roynon, publisher, North st. ; bourns published friday Registrar of Marriages, Fras.Alwyne Tallant,Easebourne RAILW.AY STATIONS. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor's Rates & Assessor London, Brighton & &uth Coast, Harry Tickner, &t-a.­ & Collector of Income Tax, Charles Ernest Horne Par­ tion master ham, ShePp lane London & South Western, Chas. Pfrangley, statn. ma.str Certifying Factory Surgeon, Marmaduke Fawkes M.B., Carrier to Chichester.-Willi:un Holden, mon. wed. & sat. B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond returning same day PRIVATE BESIDF:NTS. Gadsby Rev. Waiter J. (Wesleyan Parker Mf1!_ Bierton -house Methodist), 4 Sussex terrace Pearson Hon. W eetman Harold Miller Albery Mrs. S~. Ann's hill Gukell Miss, Guillard's Oak M.P. Capron house; & 6 Richmond Allan Jas. The Fernery, St.Ann's hill Holman Hobert Colgate, Whithorne terrace, Whitehall SW & Bachelors' Bailey Rernard Edward Granville, house, North street club W, London The Old house. North street l!oward Geo. The Poplars, Station rd Perkins Rev. Arthur Melancthon Bouchier Hug-h Arthur, .A.shfield villa Jones Mrs. Sandrock (Congregational), Corona Boyle Lt. Harry Lurnsden, Woodside Kemmis Mrs. The Harrow, North st Popplewell Thomas, Hill crest Burning-ham Mi~s. St. Ann's Kensett Rnbert, La Collette Sale Stephen George, Heatherwood Burning-ham Miss G. The Chi\let r-o-oan!lford Geo. The G-Hbles, Sbltion rd Scott Miss, Meadowleigh Chilver Rev. Charles Samuel M . .A.. Lovelock Wm. Hndswell, Fairview Smith Charles Leslie, Rumbold's hill Gate home Lucas Edwin A. Elrnleigh Tatchell Rev. Frank M.A. (vicar & Costeker Misses, South street Lueas JamPs, Elmlei!!h surrogate), The Vicarage Dumford Miss, St. Ann's hill Maples Artbur Cradock B.A_ (head Taylot John. North street Eame8 Frank, South street master), Grammar school Thomas Ernest Henry, Bank hous~, Eastwick-Field Charles, Hurst hon~e Mnrley Henry Forster B.Sc.Chm·cb st North street Farley Arthur, Peachey house, Sta- Nortnn T.ipnt.-f'nl. Thomas Palmer Thomp~on George Frank, Oakhurst tion l"nad R.M. Meadowleigh Well" Miss, St. Ann's hill Far!Py Mrs. Peachey hnnse, Station rd Onslow Mr!L St. ".Ann's Wyndham Lient.-Col. Charles John FawkPs Marmaduke. Church street Packham William Hursell, Cranesden. J .P. Heathfield lodge Furneaux John Mudge, Borough ho North street .
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