12—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday. June 10,1955 Kins at Con so Mass Newspaper Editor Priest's Radio School Teaches Schools, Lower Courts Given Hits Criticism of 60.000 How To Read, Write Catholic Devotions WASHINGTON, D. C. — (NC) — Credit for one of the J * CLEVELAND, O. — (NC) — A world’s most successful and promising education-by-radio pro­ non-Catholic religious news editor jects belongs to the Catholic Church in Colombia, where illiter­ Task of Ending Segragation of a metropolitan daily newspaper acy is being wiped out at a remarkably rapid rate. here severely criticized the action Started in 1947 by a young as­ taken at the 167th General Assem­ WASHINGTON — (NC) — Directing Lhat public school segregation be ended as soon sistant pastor in the rural parish A quarter of a million people are bly of the Presbyterian Church in of Sutatenza in the Columbian An­ now listening to the programs on as feasible, the U.S. Supreme Court in an unanimous opinion placed “the primary responsibil­ the U.S.A, held recently in Los An­ des, the project is regarded as 15,000 receiving sets bought on a ity for elucidating, assessing and solving these problems’’ on school authorities. geles. which found fault with devo­ one of the most challenging Catho­ cooperative basis. They are assisted Chief Justice Earl Warren, who read the opinion, supplementing the highest tribu- tions Catholics pay to the Blessed lic experiments of modern times. by carefully prepared texts which Mother. nal’s decision of May 17, 1954, It has been backed by every Bishop they study together as their un­ which declared segregation in pub­ Instead, it told the lower courts Supreme Court said that the lower “In a day already burdened with in the country. seen teacher guides step by step. tensions this criticism could well lic schools unconstitutional, said where the cases originated to issue courts in effectuating the decrees A close-up view of the Colombian It has been proved, said Father have been omitted.” Richard Wag­ that the district “courts will have the formal notice to school authori. “are to be guided by equitable Catholic enterprise was provided Salcedo, thet even people with a er, religious editor of The Cleve­ to consider whether the action of ties of the highest court s action principles.” low IQ can learn to read in three land Plain Dealer, wrote in his here by the priest himself, Father school authorities constitutes good and request them to comply. The Chief Justice Werren said that Jose Joaquin Salcedo, who was in or four months with a half-hour column, “Religion In The News.” faith implementation of the govern­ all local laws which conflict with Washington en route to Europe. daily lesson. Mr. Wager said he could risk a ----------------- o.............. ..... ing constitutional principles.” the court's ruling of a year ago guess that at the Presbyterian con­ In Paris, Father Salcedo, a tall, “Because of their proximity to must yield. He added that the vention “little or no mention was slimly built man of 33, will wit. Pontiff Urses "vitality" of the Supreme Court's Cardinal Opens Catholic local conditions, and possible need made of the inherent points on new the premiere of a full-length decisions in the segregation cases for further hearings, the courts which the Presbyterians differ with movie filmed by UNESCO to Radio Center in London which originally heard these cases Writers to cannot be yielded because of dis­ show the work and progress of the Baptists (on the mode of Bap­ LONDON, England — (NC) — A can best perform this judicial ap­ agreement with thorn in local the Catholic Radio of Sutatenza, tism), with the Methodists (on the permanent Catholic Radio Center praisal. Accordingly we believe it problems. now known as "Accion Cultural Respect Truth ordination of women), with the Dis­ has been established here in a appropriate to remand the cases to The Supreme Court said that the ciples (on the frequency of com­ Popular." The film will have house given by His Eminence Ber­ these courts,” the opinion said. VATICAN CITY — (Radio, lower courts should see to it that munion) and with any number of narrations in 30 languages and nard Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop There were five cases involved in school authorities make “a prompt other groups—the Quakers, Unitar­ will be shown all over the world. of Westminster. The house has the historic decision. NC) — Journalistic interpreta­ ians, the Mormons, the Lutherans.” and reasonable start” toward com­ Visiting the Belgian Congo, King Baudouin of Belgium attended Father Salcedo explained that beep named St. Gabriel’s after the tion of facts is good and neces­ Mr. Wager added that “the ‘test’ The highest court did not fix a plying with the ruling ending seg­ Mass in the parish church of Our Lady of the Congo, in Leopold­ his visit to Europe—he will also archangel whom His Holiness Pope sary, but interpretative writing of ‘Scriptural basis’ could be ap­ specific deadline for the ending regation. ville, Ascension Thursday. The Mass was celebrated by a Con­ go to England and Spain — was Pius XII has named patron saint of plied to these differences, as the of segregation, nor did it issue any must always be guided by re­ The broad nature of the Supreme golese priest, one of tome 400 native priests of the Belgian Congo. prompted by the need for more all Catholics engaged in broadcast­ decrees to carry out its opinion. spect for truth, for persons Court’s decision is sufficient to Presbytreians applied it” to the ing and television. Catholic devotions to the Blessed technical knowledge in carrying and for moral decency. His cover segregation in schools every­ on his work in Colombia. He said The opening ceremony was per­ Feast of Mary, Queen, ginam.” The Holy Father directed Mother. The religious news editor formed by Cardinal Griffin. Host Holiness Pope Pius XII thus where—not in just the five locali­ that the Feast be observed each pointed out that the Presbyterians the project aims not only at com­ 250th Jubilee ties where the cases originated. batting illiteracy, but also at rais­ was Father Agnellus Andrew, counseled a group of promin­ Marked Throughout C.S May 31 and also directed that on at the convention more than at any O.F.M,. Catholic adviser to the ent French journalists and Segregation had been required or that day there be renewed the previous session, enjoyed a great­ ing the cultural standards of the permitted by law in 17 other states. With special services, archdio­ people and helping to improve B.B.C.’s religious broadcasting de­ writers attending a congress in consecration of the human race to er opportunity for good public re­ partment, who also is the Catholic Rome of the International Press In the Delaware cese, the Su­ ceses and dioceses of the nation the Immaculate Heart of Mary for lations — recalling that delegates their general living conditions es­ pecially in the rural areas. Hierarchy’s representative in all Association of latm countries at­ preme Court upheld the decision marked for the first time the the intention of the “triumph of took part in a nation wide radio matters concerned with broadcast­ tended by representatives from of the State's highest tribunal Feast of Queenship of Mary on religion” and for Christian peace. broadcast and a national TV show Last year alone, at least 60,000 ing and television. Spam, Portugal, Italy, France and which ordered the immediate ad­ May 31. ------------o----------------- —but hurt their own cause by the Colombians were taught to read ------------------- o .......-. Latin America. mission of some Negroes to The Feast was proclaimed last If you haven't been reading the criticism of Catholics. and write, thanks to daily lessons The Holy Father, speaking in schools previously attended only October by His Holiness Pope Pius want ads, you have been losing broadcast by Radio Sutatenza to Want ads reach your best mar­ French, warned interpretative writ­ by white children. XII in his Enyclical “Ad Caeli Re- money Read them anr profit. Read the Timet Classified Ads. the homes of campesinos (farmers). ket—the sit-down shopper. ers against “biased reporting, ma licious distortion, perhaps even skepticism and mockery, and even worse, the deliberate error pre­ sented under the guise of truth.” He told the writers it is their job to observe present day society in all its activities, and to pick out You Are Cordially Invited To Attend what seems to them worthy of in­ terest. "But why are so often forgotten the merits of a humble fidelity to daily duties, of a scrupulous The 9th Annual respect for honesty and utation of others, of an onerous devotion to serving an ideal of justice and charity?" he He urged his hearers to “work with an upright and loyal con­ science, concerned with unearth­ ing and publishing what contributes toward furthering true and uni­ versal human values.” -----------------o----------- ------ ikcum St. Louis de Montfort, depicted Pope Expected Io D in this stetue et St. Peter's Ba­ Movie IndiiMtry Problem* silica, Rome, was the founder VATICAN CITY - (Radio. NC) of the Company of Mary (the —An address by His Holiness Montfort Fathers) now celebrat­ Pope Pius XII on motion pictures ing rts 250th anniversary. With is expected on June 20 during an houses and missions in thirteen audience scheduled for participants SATURDAY, JUNE 18 countries, the congregation has in the International Film Congress some 1500 members including sponsored by the Italian movie in­ seven bishops. The Montfort Fa­ dustry. thers first camo to the United Many Americans, including edi­ States (Brooklyn) in 1903 and has tors of leading film publications, a ma for seminary at Litchfield, are expected to attend the Rome congress.
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