CHICAGO HISTORICAL SocIETY's CoLLECTION.-VoL. I. HISTORY OF THE English Settlement in Edwards County IL 1 .. IN O IS, FOUNDED IN 1817 AND 1818, BY ~IORRIS BIRKBECK AND GEORGE FLOWER. BY GEORGE FLOWER. ,v1TH PREFACE AND FOOT-NOTES BY E~ B. WASHBURNE, MEMBER OF THE CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY; HONORARY _l\~EMBER OF THE MASSA­ CHl:SETTS AND VIR'GINIA HISTORICAL SocIETIES; CORRESPONDING l\IE:\IBER OF THE MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY; AUTHOR OF THE "SKETCH OF EDWARD COLES, AND THE SLAVERY STRUGGLE IN ILLINOIS IN 1823-4." ETC., ETC. CHICAGO: FERG US PRINTING COMPANY. 1882. CONTENTS. Introductory, 7 Prefa_ce, 9 CHAPTER I. Prefatory Remarks-The Founders of the English Colony in Illinois, Morris Birkbeck and George Flower-Sketch of Morris Birkbeck -His Father a Quaker-His Education and Early Life in Eng­ land-Travels of Birkbeck and Flower through France-Edward Coles visits Mr. Birkbeck and Family at Wanborough, England -Coles afterward becomes Governor of Illinois, and Birkbeck his Secretary-of-State-Characteristics of Birkbeck-Embarks for the United States in April, 1817-Richard Flower, father of George Flower-Reflections on the United States-George Flower in the United States a year before Birkbeck. 17 CHAPTER II. Mr. Flower sails for America-Reflections on the Voyage-Arrives in New York and visits Philadelphia-Invited to Monticello by Mr. Jefferson-Journey Westward-Visits Dr. Prie~tly, on the Susquehanna-Lost in the Journey to Pittsburgh-From thence to Cincinnati-The Town as he found it, and the People -The Neave Family-Crosses the Ohio River and visits Lexington, and also Gov. Shelby, in Lincoln County-Fording of Dick's River-Hears of the Illinois Prairies for the first time-Visits Nashville, Tenn.-Meets Gen. Jackson at a Horse-Race-Return­ ing East, visits Mr. Jefferson at Poplar Forest, South-western· Virginia-Description of his House and his Personal Appearance, Dress, etc.-Visits Col. John Coles, father of Edward Coles, in Albemarle County-Passes the Winter with Mr. Jefferson at Monticello--At the Inauguration of Mr. Monroe, and meets Ed­ ward Coles for the first time-Mr. Birkbeck and his Family arrive at Richmond, from England. 30 2 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. Joins Mr. Birkbeck and Family in Richmond, Va.-Miss Andrews, afterward Mrs. Flower-Decides to go Westward from Richmond -Incidents of the Trip-Meets with Mr. Sloo, U. S. Land-Officer at Shawneetown, who conducts the Party to Illinois-·They stop at Gen. Harrison's, at North Bend-At Vincennes-" Painted Warriors, Bedecked Squaws, and Bedizened Pappooses "-Mr. Birkbeck's D.aughters and Miss Andrews-Difficuities of the Journey bravely met-Mr. Birkbeck proposes Marriage to Miss Andrews-Offer Declined-Leads to Unpleasant Results-The Party first Establishes itself at Princeton, Indiana- A Visit to the Shaker Settlement at Busro-Account of the French-Cana­ dian Settlement at Cattinet-Birkbeck and Flower start out in Search of the ·"Prairies"-Pass through New Harmony, George Rapp's Colony-Description of the Place-Cross the Wabash and enter the Territory of Illinois, and reach the "Big-Prairie" ·Settlement-" Boltenhouse Prairie," a Beautiful Sight-Crossing the Wabash into Illinois Territory-Hard Ride to Birk's Prairie --The Prairie Flies-Captain Birk, a Specimen J;>ioneer-His Cabin and his Family-Intense Prejudice against the British­ Journey Continued-Reflections on the Pioneers-Long Prairie reached, where the English Settlement was afterward made­ Return to Princeton-Timber-land around Boltenhouse Prairie entered at Shawneetown-Mr. Birkbeck to remain and Mr. Flower to return to England to procure more Funds and beat up for Recruits-The Decision made. 47 CHAPTER IV. Fear of Speculators-Desire to get a Grant of Land from Congress­ Mr. Jefferson Written to on the Subject-His Answer-Letter of Hon. Nathaniel Pope-Reply of Mr. Birkbeck-Mr. Flower sets out for England-Long Horseback-Trip to Chambersburgh, Pa., Accompanied by Mrs. Flower-The Outfit-Incidents of the Jour­ ney-Mrs. Flower Remains in Chambersburgh-Mr. Flower Sails from New York to Liverpool-Birkbeck's Notes of Travel-The Emigrants. 75 CHAPTER V. First Party of Emigrants Sail· from Bristol, in March, 1818-Many of Mr. Birkbeck's Neighbors and Acquaintances among them­ Letter of Richard Birkbeck--Farm Operatives in England-Per­ sons composing the Party-Land in Philadelphia, in June, 1818 ... CONTENTS. 111 -Reach Pittsburgh and descend the Ohio River to Shawnee­ town-Arrive at Mr. Birkbeck's Cabin on Boltenhouse Prairie­ The " Barracks "-Sufferings and Discomforts of the Party­ Wanborough laid off by Mr. Birkbeck-The next Ship-load of Emigrants sail in the following Month, April, 1818-Mr. Flower's Family with this Party-Other Persons composing it-Mr. Flower Journeys by Carriage from Philadelphia to Chambersburgh with his Family-The last Ship-load of Emigrants proceeding to their Destination-Want of Harmony-A Black Sheep in the Fold­ Arrival at Pittsburgh-Preparations to Descend the Ohio River -The Perils of the Voyage-Stop at Shawneetown-The Appear­ ance of that Village-Mr. Fordham comes from the "Settlement" to meet Mr. Flower and Party at Shawneetown-His Account of Mr. Birkbeck and condition of Things at the "Settlement"­ Preparations to receive the Emigrants-Log-Cabins and Hard Food-The first Meal on their Arrival-The blessing of an Iron Teakettle-No Greetings from the Settlement-Mr. Birkbeck and Mr. Flower at Variance-A short Dialogue between them, and they never Speak to each other afterward-The Cause of the Estrangement-First Experiences-A Sickly Season-A Time of Trial-Labor and Self-Sacrifices of Mrs. Flower-A Noble and True Woman-The first building of Cabins-Close run for Pro­ visions-Settlement in Village Prairie-Emigrants coming in­ Determined to lay out a Town-The spot Selected-The Name Agreed upon. 95 CHAPTER VI. Albion Founded-Town Surveyed and Laid Off-First Double Cabin -Benjamin Grutt-· Albion a fixed Fact-The Log-Cabin and Blacksmith-Shop-Rowdyism-Wanborough springs into Exis­ tence in 1818-Efforts to obtain Water-Visit to Lexington, Ky. -Death of William Flower-Building in Albion-Old Park-House -The Sunday Dinner-Brick-Kilns-Market-House-New Roads -Brick-Tavern, built by Richard Flower-Kept by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis-The Mill-The first Store-keepers in Albion-Other early Settlers-Albion made the County-Seat-Erection of a Court­ House and Jail-Pardon of Perry by Gov. Coles-Disappoint­ ment of the People in not seeing him Hung-Consoling them­ selves with Whisky and a score of Fights-Thirty-nine Lashes for a Poor Frenchman-Hon. William Wilson. - 127 CHAPTER VII. Settlers on the Prairies about Albion-Death of Mrs. Wood-Other I . lV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. The Emigration to the Settlement Recommences-The Character of the New Emigrants-The Crackles Brothers-Mr. Joseph Apple­ gath-The Good Farms about Albion-The Courts at Albion­ Attended by Eminent Men-Judge Wilson, Edwin B. Webb, Col. Wm. H. Davidson, Gen. John M. Robinson, John McLean, and Henry Eddy-Their Visits to Mr. Flower-" A Good Supper and a Bowl of Punch"-Dreary Travel to Vandalia-Bear-Meat and Venison-An Enormous Elk, the Patriarch of the Prairies­ The Wrestling-Match between Indians and White Men-The Indians "Down" the Pale Faces-Perilous Ride from the Wabash to Vandalia-Judges Wilson and Lockwood and Henry Eddy out all Night in a Dreadful Storm-Horseback the only Mode of Con­ veyance-Its Fatigues and Dangers. 287 C H APTER XIV. Long Horseback Excursions-The Cabin Found-Island Grove-The Tempest-A Horrible Night-John Ganaway's Roadside-Cabin­ A Good Breakfast-Hugh Ronalds' Adventure-Narrowly Es­ capes Death-Long Journey by Wagon-The Delights of that Mode of Travel-Health and Spirits Renewed-Travel of that Day and the Present Day Contrasted-Mr. Hulme's Journey­ Mr. Applegath, Bishop Whitehouse, and Mr. Kleinworth's-The First Crops and Cabins-The Progress Year by Year-The Peach­ Orchard-A Happy Life-Children Growing Up-"Edward's Or­ chard "-The Herding of Sheep-The Boys and Girls-A Charm­ ing Picture of Rural Life-The Hospitable Home-Lingering on the Porch-The Welcome Guests-The Lost Child-The Finding and the Rejoicings-The Wild Animals, Wolves, Bears, and Panthers-The Panther-The Wolf-Chase-Savage Fight be­ tween Man and Wolf. 297 CHAPTER XV. Marriage Certificat.es-Average Cost of· Marriage-Erecting Log­ Houses-Farmers Trading down the Mississippi-English Farm­ Laborers become Substantial Farmers and Merchants in the English Settlement-Death of Richard Flower-His Character­ istics-Frequent Festivities and Family Reunions at his House -The Ancestors of the Flowers-Mrs. Richard Flower-The Buckinghamshire Party of Emigrants Arrive-German Families Come in-The Yorkshire Men-Good Pork and Beef at Albion -The Last Ship's - Party Arrive-Travelers Visiting the Settle- CONTENTS. V CHAPTER X. Conspiracy against Liberty-The Convention Question-The Salines -Slaves to Work them-How Slavery got a Foothold in Illi­ nois-Provision of the First · Constitution-Gen. Willis Hargrave -System Adopted to Change the Constitution,-The Project Exposed-The Pro -Slavery Men holding all the Offices-Judge Samuel D. Lockwood an Exception-Letters of "Jonathan Free­ man" and ''John Rifle ''-Hand bill "Pro Bono Pu blico "-Letters of Morris Birkbeck-The Election takes Place-Vote of Ed­ wards County-Slavery Men Active and Unscrupulous-Gov. Coles and Mr. Birkbeck-The latter appointed Secretary-of-State by Gov. Coles-The Outrages on Gov. Coles by the Slavery Party-Letter of Gov. Coles to Mr. Birkbeck-Honorable Excep­ tions among the Pro-Slavery Men, Judges Wilson and Browne -The Cloven-Foot Exposed by the " Shawneetown Gazette "­ The Death of Mr. Birkbeck-Buried at New Harmony, Ind.­ His Memory to be held in Respect and Gratitude.
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