SCHOOL OF PROPHETS "TAMING OF THE SHREW" ALL NEXT WEEK THE ECHO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -OF- TAYLOR UNIVERSITY VOLUME XIV. UPLAND, INDIANA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1927. NUMBER 25. Taming Of The Shrew "• ^ "tSXi Eurekan Club Wins Special music and Easter Music To Be Presented Features Inter-Club Debate The choir rendered an Easter an­ Barton Pogue Takes Leading Part them requested by Dr. Blodgett, then Recognition Of Soviet Russia Discussed The Senior Class of Taylor Uni­ Miss Purchis and Miss McCain sang, versity is presenting Shakespeare's "How Much I Owe," and Mr. C. A. At 6:45 o'clock on Saturday even­ "Taming of the Shrew," to be given Miss Hawkins Douglas sang, "My Redeemer and My Thalonian Officers ing in Shreiner auditorium the Eu- in modern dress, Friday and Satur­ Lord," after which the Atkinson-Rupp rekas and Eulogs met, backed by their day nights, April 22nd and 23rd in Leads Volunteers quartette sang "All Hail the Power of Elected sister clubs, to engage in an intellect­ Shreiner Auditorium. Jesus Name," and concluded the ual conflict. The judges were Prof. Ada Rupp Sings musical program. M. Madeline Southard, Dr. Newton The fact that Barton Ree Pogue H. M. Skinner President is to take the leading part adds tre­ All were greatly helped by Miss Dr. R. A. Morrison was the speak­ Wray, and Dr. B. W. Ayres. The ques­ Hawkins' impressive message last er and brought a very interesting mendous interest to the production. Th Thalonian Literary Society has tion was, resolved: That the United Monday night. Her text was, "It Easter message. States should recognize the Soviet Besides Prof. Pogue a strong support­ as its officers for the spring term the pleased God to reveal His Son in me, This service climaxed a series of government of Russia. The Eurekas ing cast, including Bertha Phillips, following people: that I might preach him among the very impressive services held here at were represented by the Messrs. Nor­ and Harold Beane, graduates of the President, Howard Skinner; vice- heathen." Gal. 1:16. Taylor this week, honoring the death man L. Rose, Earl E. Allen, and Mar- Rice School of Expression at Oak president, Margaret Coghlan; secre­ Some of the most important things and resurrection of our Lord. cius E. Taber, while the Eulogs were Bluffs, Mass., is to take part in the tary, Dorothy Jensen; Treasurer, which she emphasized and which are defended by the Messrs. Ross Jackson, comedy . Ruby Shaw; Asst. Treasurer, Estol of great value to every prospective John Rood and Elton Stetson. The comedy to be presented, "The Culp; censor, Esther Blank; asst' cen-/ Christian worker are: God revealed Mr. Rose opened the debate by urg­ Taming of the Shrew," is one of Dr. B. W. Ayres Brings sor, John Rood; music critic, Lillian His Son, not only "to" me but "in" ing the audience to lay aside its pre­ Shakespeare's best known and most Scott; literary critic, Bertha Pollitt; me. If we are to preach the gospel judices and listen to facts as they humorous comedies. It recently had Message In Chapel Review editor, Kenneth Hoover, Asst. to the heathen our lives must be a really were. He discussed the fact a complete winter's run in one of St. Review editor, Leonard Tripp; chap­ revelation of Jesus. While Jesus was that in order for a government to be Louis' largest theatres. Besides be­ Good Friday lain, Emma Bell; custodian, Harold on earth He revealed God in the same recognized it must maintain itself and ing presented on the stage of the Kundert; reporter, Ida Marie Spreen. way we must reveal Jesus. If we this was true of the Soviet Govern­ country's largest cities it has been Prof, and Mrs. Kenneth Wells Sing At the meeting of the society on fail to reveal Jesus there is no other ment because authorities state that presented over the radio repeatedly. April 13, 1927, the contestants for the plan of spreading the gospel. ' it is the most stable government of (Continued on page 2, col. 3.) Dr. B. W. Ayres, beloved Taylor spring inter-society contests were Come to the Volunteer Band every (Continued on page 3, col 2.) professor, brought the message in elected. They are as follows: Monday night and learn new ways of chapel the morning of Good Friday. Piano, Miss Lillian Scott; Voice, doing your part in carrying on the Before Dr. Ayres brought his mess­ Mr. Howard Skinner; Essay, Mr. John Philos Present spreading of the Gospel. age, and also immediately following Rood; Oration, Mr. David Clench; Eurekans Give Glee Easter Program his talk, Prof, and Mrs. Kenneth E. Reading, Miss Frances Bogue. Wells sang. Their singing was greatly Athletic managers were also elect­ Club Program Address by Miss York and Pantomime Unique Prayer Service appreciated by the entire student ed—-Mr. Lynn Mosser for track man­ body. Features ager; Mr. Robert Clark for boys' Glee Club Numbers, Orchestra, Piano Held Thursday Evening Reading a portion of the story of baseball manager, and Miss Alliene Solos, Readings and Quartette In keeping with the spirit of the the passion and death of our Lord and Campbell for girls' baseball manager. Numbers Given season the Philalethean Literary So­ Prof. Southard Conducts Pre-Easter Saviour, Dr. Ayres brought home to ciety presented an Easter program in Service us from a different angle the story of The Eurekan Debating Glee Club, the cross. He brought out the psy­ Shreiner Auditorium Saturday even­ Joseph H. Smith To Taylor's only Glee Club this year, ing. Prof. Madeline Southard conducted chological struggle which Jesus had gave a delightful program Tuesday at the desertion of his friends. Dr. Without a doubt the feature of the the Thursday evening prayer service. Conduct School evening to an excellent crowd. Ayres' message lead us to look with a program was the inaugural address of The service was deeply significant of Edward Eaton had charge of the new vision on the death of Jesus. the new president, Rae York. Bring­ the passion and death of our Lord and Of Prophets training and conducting of the Glee ing out that the time of Easter was a Saviour. Club and Albert Krause conducted time of new life and new love she A large illumined cross and a re­ April 25-30 Dates Set for Meetings and trained the Eurekan Orchestra. plead for a better inter-society spirit, markable picture of our crucified Prayer Band Organizes The Club is grateful to these two men for the good work they did. a spirit of cooperation and coordina­ Lord were the only visible elements Old Taylor students are delighted tion. She said, "We are not merely in the service. Prof. Southard read Life Line to hear that Joseph H. Smith, admit­ Harold Beane, Morris Baldwin, and Albert Krause gave special numbers. Philos or Thalos, we are brothers and the scriptural account of the betrayal, ted the greatest living Bible exposi­ Mr. Beane's "Formalities at Si- sisters, as we are all students of trial, and crucifixion of Jesus. Prof. Special Prayer for June Convention tor, is to be at Taylor all next week wash" by George Fitch, proved one Taylor. Better to do away with our Southard's reading was interspersed conducting his annual "School of the with appropriate songs by a mixed Prophets." of the most popular of the special Last Tuesday night the Prayer (Continued on page 3, col. 3.) quartet. Though Joseph Smith is in constant numbers. Morris Baldwin played two Band had its usual meeting with an demand for meetings, conventions, numbers, "Nocturne" Op. 50 No. 1, by unusual blessing from the Lord. conferences and schools, Taylor Uni­ Kryzanowski, and "Scaramouche," by After the opening songs and prayer versity has been able to secure his Chaminade. Mr. Krause played the Sergeant York Visits services yearly for some time to con­ "Crucifix" by Faure and "Non e Ver," the business of the evening was con­ duct a "School of Prophets." Mr. by Tito Mattei, on his slide trombone. Holiness League ducted. Each one present was made Smith's Bible exposition is remark­ Of the quartette numbers "Bend a part of the great life line. If you able for its clarity, sanity and wis­ Low Oh, Dusky Night," by Underhill would like to know more about this dom. To have Mr. Smith for a proved the most popular. Dr. Vayhinger Speaks on "The Power life line, come to Prayer Band and whole week is indeed a pleasure and Of the four orchestra numbers, of the Cross in the World" privilege. learn what it is and learn of its pur­ (Continued on page 3, col. 3.) pose. Upon request to the president In the opinion of the writer this country today who can preach a whole you may also become a part of it. was the best Holiness League we have sermon without mentioning salva­ SACRED CANTATA GIVEN had this year. If you doubt this ask tion." Let's stop there a moment and The Prayer Band is thinking much someone who was there. What char­ think of the import of this statement. of the June convention. If you want GOOD FRIDAY AFTERNOON acterizes a good Holiness League and What purpose can a minister have in to see this convention the greatest in what characterizes the best? Well, preaching if it be not to precipitate Taylor's history, the Prayer Band in­ "Olivet To .Calvary," Directed by Peter Cartwright, that famous salvation in the hearts and minds of Prof. Kenneth Wells preacher and missionary of the east­ men? Or from another angle, what vites you to society hall at 6:30 every ern states in the early days used to is there in a minister's life which com­ Tuesday night.
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