The Minnesota House of Representatives House Leadership Seat Melissa Hortman .................................... 139 Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services, 651-296-2146 or 800-657-3550 Speaker of the House District Room* 296- Seat Ryan Winkler.......................................... 102 37A Koegel, Erin (DFL) .............375 ....... 5369 ..... 126 Majority Leader 48B Kotyza-Witthuhn, Carlie (DFL) ....567 ............7449 ...........81 Golden Valley—45B 58A Koznick, Jon (R) .................229 ....... 6926 ......... 5 Bloomington—49B Shelly Christensen Kurt Daudt ............................................... 23 Mike Freiberg Stillwater—39B 9B Kresha, Ron (R) ...................207 ....... 4247 ....... 12 Seat 129 Steve Elkins Seat 135 Minority Leader Seat 124 41B Kunesh-Podein, Mary (DFL)... 445 ..........4331 ......... 97 Seat 6 5B Layman, Sandy (R) ..............233 ....... 4936 ....... 38 Seat 1 Seat 11 Mary Franson Luverne—22A Alexandria—8B Joe Schomacker 59A Lee, Fue (DFL) ....................485 ....... 4262 ..... 125 Shane Mekeland House Officers Clear Lake—15B Maplewood—53A Rosemount—57B St. Peter—19A Jeff Brand 66B Lesch, John (DFL) ...............563 ....... 4224 ..... 116 Seat 128 John Huot Tou Xiong Tou Seat 134 Patrick D. Murphy .......... 142 Marilee Davis .................. 141 Seat 123 Seat 139 Chief Clerk Desk Clerk Melissa Hortman 26A Liebling, Tina (DFL) ...........477 ....... 0573 ..... 114 Timothy M. Johnson ....... 143 David G. Surdez ............. 140 Brooklyn Park—36B Seat 7 Seat 2 4A Lien, Ben (DFL) ..................415 ....... 5515 ....... 72 Speaker of the House Seat 12 Peggy Scott Ron Kresha 1st Asst. Chief Clerk Legislative Clerk John Poston Andover—35B Little Falls—9B Brooklyn Center—40B Lake Shore—9A International Falls—3A 43B Lillie, Leon (DFL) ...............367 ....... 1188 ....... 73 Gail C. Romanowski ....... 144 Bob Meyerson ................... 69 South St. Paul—52A Samantha Vang Seat 127 2nd Asst. Chief Clerk Chief Sergeant-at-Arms Rob Ecklund 20B Lippert, Todd (DFL) ............523 ....... 0171 ..... 110 Rick Hansen Seat 133 Seat 122 6B Lislegard, Dave (DFL) .........413 ....... 0170 ..... 131 Seat 8 60A Loeffler, Diane (DFL) ..........553 ....... 4219 ..... 103 Seat 3 House Members Seat 13 Eric Lucero Delano—29A Joe McDonald Ghent—16A Dayton—30B 61B Long, Jamie (DFL) ..............517 ....... 5375 ....... 71 Chris Swedzinski Spring Lake Park—37A District Room* 296- Seat Apple Valley—57A Robert Bierman Mike Sundin 30B Lucero, Eric (R)...................221 ....... 1534 ......... 3 Esko—11A Seat 132 Seat 140 Seat 141 Seat 143 Seat 144 Erin Koegel Seat 121 44B Acomb, Patty (DFL) ............431 ....... 9934 ....... 87 Seat 126 David G. Surdez Marilee Davis Timothy M. Johnson Gail C. Romanowski 10B Lueck, Dale (R) ...................311 ....... 2365 ....... 58 Legislative Clerk Desk Clerk 1st Asst. Chief Clerk 2nd Asst. Chief Clerk Brooklyn Park—40A Seat 142 Michael V. Nelson Michael V. Seat 4 55B Albright, Tony (R) ...............259 ....... 5185 ....... 16 Seat 9 Patrick D. Murphy Seat 14 67A Mahoney, Tim (DFL) ...........365 ....... 4277 ..... 137 Bob Dettmer Seat 138 Chief Clerk Hinckley—11B Marion O’Neill 12B Anderson, Paul (R) .............309 ....... 4317 ....... 57 Nathan Nelson Forest Lake—39A Maple Lake—29B 56B Mann, Alice (DFL) ..............507 ....... 5387 ....... 95 Dave Lislegard 12A Backer, Jeff (R) ....................203 ....... 4929 ....... 32 St. Paul—64B Minneapolis—59A Aurora—6B 65B Mariani, Carlos (DFL) .........381 ....... 9714 ..... 136 Dave Pinto Seat 120 Seat 131 34B Bahner, Kristin (DFL) .........525 ....... 5502 ....... 89 Seat 17 Seat 125 Pat Garofalo 4B Marquart, Paul (DFL) .........597 ....... 6829 ....... 80 Fue Lee Farmington—58B 31B Bahr, Cal (R)........................321 ....... 2439 ....... 40 Seat 5 Seat 15 Seating Arrangement 2019-20 Seat 10 51A Masin, Sandra (DFL) ...........543 ....... 3533 ....... 79 Jim Nash Jon Koznick Nick Zerwas St. Paul—67A Tim Mahoney Tim Lakeville—58A Elk River—30A 17B Baker, Dave (R) ...................387 ....... 6206 ....... 18 Waconia—47A Seat 137 29A McDonald, Joe (R) ..............241 ....... 4336 ......... 8 Julie Sandstede 42B Becker-Finn, Jamie (DFL) ...559 ....... 7153 ....... 62 Hibbing—6A 15B Mekeland, Shane (R) ...........215 ....... 2451 ......... 1 Seat 130 27A Bennett, Peggy (R) ..............307 ....... 8216 ....... 31 Seat 18 Dave Baker 17A Miller, Tim (R) ....................329 ....... 4228 ....... 41 41A Bernardy, Connie (DFL) ......369 ....... 5510 ..... 106 Willmar—17B Seat 16 42A Moller, Kelly (DFL) .............569 ....... 0141 ....... 86 Carlos Mariani St. Paul—65B Tony Albright Tony Prior Lake—55B 57A Bierman, Robert (DFL) .......579 ....... 5506 ..... 121 Seat 136 65A Moran, Rena (DFL) .............575 ....... 5158 ..... 105 47B Boe, Greg (R).......................313 ....... 5066 ....... 50 33B Morrison, Kelly (DFL) ........429 ....... 4315 ....... 88 19A Brand, Jeff (DFL) .................501 ....... 8634 ..... 128 Seat 19 23B Munson, Jeremy (R) ............323 ....... 4240 ....... 64 Seat 70 Rod Hamilton Jeanne Poppe Seat 42 56A Cantrell, Hunter (DFL) .......421 ....... 4212 ....... 78 Mountain Lake—22B 3B Murphy, Mary (DFL) ...........343 ....... 2676 ....... 96 Austin—27B Matt Grossell 50B Carlson, Andrew (DFL) ......557 ....... 4218 ....... 82 Clearbrook—2A 47A Nash, Jim (R) ......................349 ....... 4282 ....... 10 45A Carlson Sr., Lyndon (DFL) ..479 ....... 4255 ....... 75 Gene Pelowski,Seat 99 Jr. 40A Nelson, Michael V. (DFL)....585 ....... 3751 ..... 138 Winona—28A 39B Christensen, Shelly (DFL) ..577 ....... 4244 ..... 124 Seat 22 New Brighton—41AConnie Bernardy 11B Nelson, Nathan (R) .............393 ....... 0518 ...... 14 54A Claflin, Anne (DFL) ............539 ....... 4342 ..... 109 Seat 106 Bob Vogel 32B Neu, Anne (R) .....................261 ....... 5377 ....... 24 GoldenRyan Valley—46ASeat Winkler 102 19B Considine Jr., John (Jack) (DFL).. 433 ............ 3248 ........ 118 Elko New Market—20A Seat 25 60B Noor, Mohamud (DFL) .......379 ....... 4257 ....... 61 Seat 72 Seat 23 Debra Kiel 24B Daniels, Brian (R) ................231 ....... 8237 ....... 37 Ben Lien Seat 43 Moorhead—4A Kurt Daudt Crookston—1B 8A Nornes, Bud (R) ..................281 ....... 4946 ....... 29 Seat 71 Seat 44 Kristin Robbins Crown—31A 31A Daudt, Kurt (R) ...................267 ....... 5364 ....... 23 Minneapolis—63BJean Wagenius Seat 111 Jamie Long Sondra Erickson 13B O’Driscoll, Tim (R)..............237 ....... 7808 ....... 56 RenaSeat Moran 105 Maple Grove—34A St. Paul—65A Seat 101 Minneapolis—61B Princeton—15A 28B Davids, Greg (R) .................283 ....... 9278 ....... 34 Liz Olson Duluth—7B 7B Olson, Liz (DFL) .................471 ....... 4246 ..... 101 Seat 26 63A Davnie, Jim (DFL) ...............443 ....... 0173 ..... 107 Seat 24 Seat 29 29B O’Neill, Marion (R) .............357 ....... 5063 ....... 14 Anne Neu Lisa Demuth 59B Dehn, Raymond (DFL) .......537 ....... 8659 ....... 91 Bud Nornes Cold Spring—13A Fergus Falls—8A 28A Pelowski Jr., Gene (DFL) ....491 ....... 8637 ....... 99 Minneapolis—62B Aisha GomezSeat 117 North Branch—32B 13A Demuth, Lisa (R) .................223 ....... 4373 ....... 26 GinnySeat Klevorn 104 Lyndon SeatCarlson, 75 Sr. Northfield—20BTodd SeatLippert 110 Plymouth—44A 5A Persell, John (DFL) .............437 ....... 5516 ....... 74 39A Dettmer, Bob (R) .................289 ....... 4124 ......... 9 Crystal—45A Seat 45 Seat 27 Seat 34 24A Petersburg, John (R) ...........217 ....... 5368 ....... 30 Tony Jurgens Seat 30 Seat 74 Tama Theis 21B Drazkowski, Steve (R) .........327 ....... 2273 ....... 63 Greg Davids John Persell Seat 46 Cottage Grove—54B Preston—28B 26B Pierson, Nels (R) .................345 ....... 4378 ....... 35 Seat 73 St. Cloud—14A John Petersburg Bemidji—5A Seat 47 Nolan West Waseca—24A 3A Ecklund, Rob (DFL) ...........409 ....... 2190 ..... 133 Seat 103 Seat 116 Minneapolis—60ADiane Loeffler Leon Lillie Dean Urdahl 64B Pinto, Dave (DFL) ...............439 ....... 4199 ..... 120 St. Paul—66BJohn Lesch South St. Paul—54A Blaine—37B AnneSeat Claflin 109 North St. Paul—43B Grove City—18A 49A Edelson, Heather (DFL) ......549 ....... 4363 ....... 77 Seat 28 27B Poppe, Jeanne (DFL) ...........487 ....... 4193 ....... 70 49B Elkins, Steve (DFL) .............515 ....... 7803 ..... 135 Dan Fabian Seat 31 Seat 35 Roseau—1A 9A Poston, John (R) .................317 ....... 4293 ......... 2 Peggy Bennett Nels Pierson 15A Erickson, Sondra (R) ...........273 ....... 6746 ....... 44 Albert Lea—27A Seat 79 Stewartville—26B 48A Pryor, Laurie (DFL).............571 ....... 3964 ....... 67 Seat 108 Sandra Masin Alice HausmanSeat 115 Woodbury—53BSteve Sandell 1A Fabian, Dan (R) ...................287 ....... 9635 ....... 28 St. Paul—66A Eagan—51A Seat 48 25A Quam, Duane (R) ................247 ....... 9236 ....... 52 Jerry Hertaus Seat 32 43A Fischer, Peter (DFL) ............551 ....... 5363 ....... 90 Seat 78 Seat 36 52B Richardson, Ruth (DFL) .....403 ....... 4192 ....... 83 Hunter Cantrell Greenfield—33A Jeff Backer Seat 49 Bob Gunther 8B Franson, Mary (R) ...............303 ....... 3201 ......... 6 Savage—56A 34A Robbins, Kristin (R) ............225 ....... 7806 ....... 43 Seat 107 Seat 77 Barb Haley Browns Valley—12A Fairmont—23A Minneapolis—63AJim Davnie Heather Edelson Seat 76 Seat 50 45B Freiberg, Mike (DFL) ..........509 ....... 4176 ..... 129 Seat 114 Seat 51 Red Wing—21A Rochester—26ATina Liebling Edina—49A Frank Hornstein
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