Youd, T. L., and Hoose, S. N. (1978). "Historic ground failures in northern California triggered by earthquakes." U.S. Geological Survey professional paper 993, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, iv, 177 p. Historic Ground Failures in Northern California Triggered by Earthquakes By T. L. YOUD and S. N. HOOSE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 993 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1978 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CECIL D. ANDRUS, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY I W.A. Radlinski, Acting Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Youd, T. Leslie Historic ground failures in northern California triggered by earthquakes. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 993) 1 Bibliography: p. 68-71. 1. Earth movements-California. 2. Earthquakes-California. I. Hoose, S. N., joint author. 11. Title. 111. Series: United States. Geological, Survey. Professional Paper 993. QE598.2.Y68 624'.176 77-608366 FOI sale hy the Superintendent of ~ocume"ts,U.S. Goiernment Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 024-001-03060-8 CONTENTS Page Page Abstract .................................................. 1 Distribution and character of ground fai1ures.X ontinued Introduction .............................................. 1 San Francisco counties region-Continued Area of investigation ...................................... 2 San Francisco Bay. Santa Clara Valley and east bay Rainfall and ground water conditions in 1906 .............. 2 hills area ...................................... 23 Ground failure types ...................................... 4 San Francisco City and County .................... 24 Limitations of ground failure data .......................... 5 North bay counties region .............................. 60 Distribution and character of ground failures ................ 9 North coast counties region ............................ 66 Monterey Bay counties region .......................... 13 Summary and conclusions .................................. 67 San Francisco Bay counties region ...................... 23 References cited .......................................... 68 Santa Cruz Mountains ............................ 23 ILLUSTRATIONS [Plates are in pocket1 PLATE 1. Location map of ground failures in the Monterey Bay counties region . 2 . Location map of ground failures in the San Francisco Bay counties region 3 . Location map and of ground failures in San Francisco City and County . 4 . Location map of ground failures in the north bay counties region . 5 . Location map of ground failures in the north coast counties region . FIGURE 1. Map of northern California showing areas in which earthquake-triggered ground failures have occurred .......... 2 . Graphs of monthly rainfall data for the 190&06 water year compared with average rainfall data ................ 3 . Map showing rainfall distribution in California during March 1906 ............................................ 4 . Graphs of daily rainfall data for March and April 1906 ........................................................ 5 . Map showing 1906 earthquake intensities for San Francisco County ............................................ 6 . Map showing 1906 earthquake intensities for Western United States .......................................... 7.10 . Photographs showing: 7 . Damage at Spreckels sugar mill as a consequence of lateral spreading during 1906 earthquake .............. 8 . Barley field near Spreekels disrupted by slumping and lateral-spreading failures ............................ 9 . County road along Salinas River, south of Salinas, disrupted by slumping and lateral spreading .............. 10. South terminal pier of bridge over Salinas River . Surficial deposits shifted about 6 ft (2 m) toward the river .. 11. Geotechnical section across the Salinas River ................................................................ 17-29 . Photographs showing: 12. Damage at Moss Landing caused by lateral spreading .................................................... 13 . Ground failure scarp near the south bank of Pajaro River across from Watsonville .......................... 14. Graben and damaged buildings caused by lateral spread in Watsanville .................................... 15 . Slump scarp and sandboil near Pajara River .............................................................. 16. Sandboil near Wat~onville.............................................................................. 17 . Ruptured abutment of county road bridge over the Pajaro River near Chittenden ............................ 18 . Hillside landslide in a redwood forest near Alma .......................................................... 19. Deer Creek landslide that destroyed the Hoffman Shingle Mill and took one life ............................ 20 . Flow failure in hills southeast of Half Moon Bay .......................................................... 21 . Flow failure east of Half Moon Bay ...................................................................... 22. Flow failure 4 mi (6.4 km) east of Half Moon Bay ........................................................ 23. Rockfalls along coastal bluffs between Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, and Mussel Rock ...................... 24. Landslide an ~teephillside near Mussel Rock ............................................................ 25 . Cavity of flow failure above Mt . Olivet Cemetery near Colma .............................................. 26 . Rails of electric railway on marsh west of San Bruno that were buckled by compression ...................... 27 . Ground cracks in the "icinity of Coyote Creek west of Milpitas ............................................ 28 . Sand boils in field between Milpitas and Coyote Creek .................................................... 29 . Geotechnical section across Coyote Creek at the Alviso-Milpitas road bridge .................................... In IV CONTENTS FIGURE 30 . Aerial photograph of commercial and shipping district of San Francisco showing ground failure zones ............ 31. Photograph showing cracks and separations in roadway pavement near San Francisco water front ................ 32 . Geotechnical section beneath Market Street .................................................................. 33. Photograph showing dlstruprion of block pavement and sidewalk on Columbln Street just sourh of Folsom Street ... ................................ 34 . Photograph~ . shuw~ng~ .pulled-apart rails on Flfth Strert near Harrlson Street 35. Photograph showing damage to San Francisco Post Office caused by ground failure .............................. 36 . Geotecbnical profile across south of Market zone at James Lick Skyway between Third and Sixth Streets ........ 37. Schematic diagram of area between Ninth andTenthStreets andBryant and Brnnnan Streets in lower part of Mission Creek zone, San Francisco, showing locations and directions fmm which photographs in figures 3U1were taken .. 38-41. Photographs showing: 38. View along Dore Street from Bryant Street toward Brannan Street ........................................ 39. Scarps and right-lateral displacements caused by lateral spreading at two points on Bryant Street near the intersection of Ninth Street .......................................................................... 40 . Views along Ninth Street between Bryant and Brannan Streets ............................................ 41 . View northeastward an Brannan Street, corner of Ninth Street ............................................. 42 . Schematic diagram of area between 17th and 18th Streets and Capp Street and South Van Ness Avenue in the central part of Mission Creek zone, San Francisco, showing locations and directions from which photographs in figures 43-47 were taken ...................................................................................... 43-50 . Photographs showing: 43 . Buckling of rails by compression an Howard Street (South Van Ness Avenue) near 17th Street .............. 44 . South Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco with rails offset by lateral-spreading ground failure .............. 45 . Scarps showing vertical movement and northward lateral movement on 18th Street ........................ 46 . Scarps with lateral and vertical displacements in Capp Street between 17th and 18th Streets ................ 47 . Buckled curbstone on Capp Street near 18th Street ........................................................ 48. Valencia Street between 17th and 18th Streets ............................................................ 49 . Photograph of San Francisco in fiames after 1906 shack .................................................... 50. Lateral-spread at the Youth's Directory on 17th and Guerrero Streets ...................................... 51. Geotechnical section across Mission Creek zone .............................................................. 5267. Photographs showing: 52 . Distruption of Van Ness Avenue over a filled-in ravine .................................................... 53. Slump in Union Street between Pierce and Steiner Streets ................................................ 54. Flow failure along shoreline of Lake Merced triggered by the 1957 Daly City earthquake .................... 55. Cracks at Bolinas Lagoon ................................................................................ 56. Cracks along the edge of a sag pond near Bolinas ........................................................ 57 . Tipping of buildings into the water at the Balinas waterfront
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