'SFFêWFNJMFCJLFSJEF r(BUPST#SBDFZIFBET"MM$P FREE! Sat. BOEUXPNJMFXBMLUISPVHI "USJCVUFPO MVNCVTTFMFDUJPOTr4QPSUT&EJUPS 9am 8IJUFWJMMF4BUVSEBZBU QBHFT# %BO#JTFSSFNFNCFST4UFWJFѮF BOE#UP PEPSBLJTr$PMVNCVT%JYJF:PVUI Ride BNGSPN7JOFMBOE4UB the... UJPO BQBSUPGUIF$3)4 UIF$MBTTPG -FBHVF5PVSOBNFOUUPPQFO'SJEBZ Inside Sports 4FFQBHF# Saturday Bike-centennial! 'BNJMZ)FBMUI'FTUJWBM ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Tursday, June 16, 2011 Brown indicted for fre, fraud Lawmakers Volume 114, Number 97 plus murder override veto Whiteville, North Carolina at Five Points of state budget 50 Cents n C h a db ou r n s c ho ol counselor faces first-de- nHill is one of five Democrats who gree murder in killing of voted with GOP. Inside Today Larry James Towns. 5-A By NICOLE CARTRETTE By BOB HIGH Staff Writer r4FDPOEBSTPOUSJBMJT Staff Writer EPVCMFKFPQBSEZ As a flurry of newspaper, radio and televi- Michael Shawn Brown, the sion advertisements made their way to the guidance counselor at Chad- public putting pressure on five House Demo- bourn Elementary who killed crats who voted for the Republican-drafted Next Issue Larry James Towns in March, state budget, Rep. Dewey Hill of Lake Wac- now faces charges of medical camaw made it clear he intended to support fraud and arson in the burn- the $19.7 billion spending plan despite the ing of his offices at Five Points opposition of governor and fellow Democrat west of Chadbourn. Bev Perdue. He has been indicted on The House voted 73-46 in a midnight session 16 counts of fraud involving Tuesday to overturn Perdue’s unprecedented private counseling of children, veto of the budget. A three-fifths majority plus the burning of his cinder- was needed to do that and was aided by the block offices a day before the assistance of the five conservative Democrats, SBI was to serve a search war- including Hill. rant seeking information on See Budget, page 2-A See Brown, page 4-A Monday’s American Profle Gunfre kills Deadline for features “Celebrat- ing Ziggy,” Amer- Tabor man rescue squad ica’s lovable loser turns 40. Wednesday certifcation nChadwick Bellamy vic- tim near his home in is July 1 DIDYOB? Tabor City. Did you observe ... Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist nChief says Cerro Gordo won’t meet it. By BOB HIGH World painters More than 400 at- Staff Writer By NICOLE CARTRETTE Halie Whitford of New Bern helps add a coat of paint to a home off Staff Writer tending Bible school Chadwick Bellamy, 23, of Prison Camp Road in Whiteville Wednesday. Whitford is part of the at Beaverdam Origi- Bay Street, Tabor City, was World Changers group of students and their families who are working It appears that one squad may not meet a county-mandated deadline of July 1 for all nal Freewill Baptist killed Wednesday morning in a on homes of people in need here this week. burst of gunfire after a fight at volunteer rescue services in the county to Church this week? ... the corner of Fourth and Bay obtain at least the EMT-I (Emergency Medical Annie Ward cel- streets, and the shooter sur- Technician-Intermediate) level of certifica- rendered in Whiteville within tion. ebrating her 94th seven hours. “We have offered to assist them in any way birthday by wading Albert “Bert” Henry, 34, of Fair Bluf fre, rescue, civic that we can but they haven’t asked for our into the ocean to the Stake Road Estates, Tabor City, leader Butch Meares was 72 help,” County Emergency Services Director breakers? ... More See Murder, page 4-A See Deadline, page 6-A joggers, walkers, By FULLER ROYAL runners and cyclists No tax increase Staff Writer than usual in the in Whiteville Longtime Fair Bluff Fire Chief WHS principal mornings, taking Ellis Devine “Butch” Meares died n Tuesday following an extended advantage of the Budget set for final ap- illness. resigns post cooler weather? ... proval June 21. The 72-year-old civic leader spent more than half a century as By FULLER ROYAL By JEFFERSON WEAVER a firefighter with the Fair Buff De- Staff Writer Staff Writer partment, later adding emergency County Deaths medical technician to his long list Whiteville High School Principal Deborah Whiteville’s City Council of accomplishments. Newman has stepped down. Whiteville turned down a suggestion by Meares, who was one of the first In a move that caught WHS staff and fac- Betty Ann Shipman City Manager Larry Faison to Eagle Scouts in Fair Bluff, used ulty by surprise – Newman had presided over Rupert Wade Gore raise property taxes by three the skills he learned in Scouting the WHS commencement exercises the day Gary Kenneth Bardin cents, opting instead to go for to become a firefighter. before – the Whiteville City Schools Board of more austere measures in this From 1969 until 2004, he was the Education announced only that Newman had Charles Marion Ward year’s budget. department’s chief. “retired.” Administration officials offered no Ilahni Ivyanna Campbell The three-cent increase He was also active with the Co- other comment Wednesday. Clarendon would have helped fund raises lumbus County Fire and Rescue Newman has put in enough years to retire, Velma L. Gurganus Tyree for a number of positions, in- Association and assisted with the having begun her education career in the cluding police officers, as well recertification process of both mid-1970s. One of her earliest posts was as a Hallsboro as helping fund other projects. Jewell L. S. Formyduval See Meares, page 7-A E.D. “Butch” Meares teacher and coach at West Brunswick High Lucille Council Greene See Whiteville, page 8-A See WHS principal, page 2-A Fair Bluf E.D. “Butch” Meares Lake Waccamaw Steven George Teodorakis Young worked during Chadbourn Veneer’s heyday n Chadbourn man recalls years of steam- Two lathes Crate factory ing logs so they could be peeled into sheets Young and Bill Parker, 80, also of However, the old mill was most Index of veneer. Chadbourn, are former employees of often called the Chadbourn Mill and the firm that was located along Kirkland Crate Company, and not known by its &EJUPSJBMT" By BOB HIGH Street, south of the east-west railroad proper name. 0CJUVBSJFT" Staff Writer line. Young said he began working at There were two lathes that cut the the veneer plant in 1953. His first job 4QPSUT# (See today’s Living Page for photos of Chadbourn green logs into long, thin sheets of wood was to put the sawed sections of logs $SJNF" Veneer) termed “veneer.” into a kiln so the fresh-cut (green) logs -JWJOH$ “They were good people to work for,” Paul Young The veneer was used in many types could be steamed. Steam allowed the Jr. said as he relaxed on the front porch of his Chad- of furniture manufacturing, includ- wood to soften and easily be peeled by bourn home. Young was referring to Willis A. “Bill” ing the thin back on TV sets and other two large lathes that spit out miles of Bunch Jr. and Scott Russ, the men who operated the electronic equipment made with wood veneer from poplar, gum, maple and Chadbourn Veneer Company from about 1945 to the frames, and also to make the small bas- other deciduous trees. mid 1970s. kets and hampers used to handle fruit Paul Young Jr. Young, who has never owned a ve- “One day Mr. Bill came over to where I was work- and vegetables. hicle, said he regularly walked to work ing and asked why I hadn’t been at work the couple The site was almost on the same location as the from his home near the plant. He built his present of previous days,” the 90-year-old Young recalled. old Columbus Manufacturing Company, which had home just west of Chadbourn’s limits in 1962 in what “I told him I hadn’t been at work because my wife produced crates for Chadbourn’s giant strawberry is known as Vaught’s Square – a collection of homes was sick.” industry and vegetable farmers since the early years on the north side of the railroad. “He told me, ‘Sorry I asked. Forget it.’” of the 1900s. See Veneer, page 6-A 2-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, June 16, 2011 Budget Vets honored at Take the Lake Continued from page 1-A After fighting for our coun- try for years, Columbus Coun- Republicans have a veto- “I think we are going to be Columbus County school of- ty veterans are finding people proof majority in the Senate fine. I met with educators from ficials told The News Reporter ready to fight for them. and are expected to vote on our area today who wanted to recently that cuts equal 40 to The fitness event Take the the override today (Thursday). know why I voted for budget. 45 teaching positions, half of Lake is teaming up with Qual- This weekend Perdue made They were nice about it and the teachers for More at Four ity Ford to help build excite- history when she vetoed the understood. programs may lose their jobs budget–the first veto of its “They asked me to come and when federal funds for ment for the free event this kind since the legislature gave home and talk to our people education positions end next Labor Day weekend, offering the governor veto power in the about it. I do believe there is year the county will have lost early registrants chances to late 1990s. information out there that is about $6 million in funding win a pair of beautiful Ford In her veto message Perdue not accurate,” Hill said.
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