Dhtributiorr w , er Today Pwfly etaidy «o4.y, Distribution tomorrow. W|bMt tern- today «r»; tow te- 1 Independent Daily f tight 71. Sec weather page 1. 17,325 V0L M Mf) El •(••Una diUr. Kond.T Uftugh 1*14*7. iiconfl C11M PMUUW RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE , «U. Ol P(Ua M ^ ta, „,„"«£ A4Jltl»n«l 1UUUI OBlM* Neutrals' Appeal Sandy Hook Park Studied See Sympathetic Prospects Bright U. S. Reply On Bomb Ban Plea U.S. Ready to Lease WASHINGTON (AP) — The Kennedy administra-1 350 Acres to State tion was expected today toj give a sympathetic re- BULLETIN sponse to an appeal from 25 neutral nations for U.S.- President Interested Soviet negotiations to save; WASHINGTON — President Kennedy today «x- WfLCOMED IN MOSCOW — Prim* Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, right, of India and the world from "the horror of pressed personal interest in plans for a park at Sandy Soviet Premier Nikita Khru«hehev pa«$ cheering crowd at Moscow airport. Nehrh u nuclear war." Hook, Sen. Harrison A. Williams, D-NJ, has advised arrived from Belgrade conference of non-aligned nationi yesterday and asked Khruich- But officials here said the ag- The Register. «hsv to begin peace talks with President Kennedy. (AP Wirephoto) gressive Soviet attitude on criti- cal Berlin issues—dramatized by Sen. Williams said that in a letter to Defense Soviet persistence in exploding Secretary McNamara, the President expressed interest ^Atlantic Highlands nuclear weapons test devfees in jn making non-essential lands available for public the atmosphere — discourages hope that negotiations under recreational needsT^An~excerpt from the ~PrSsI3ent's present conditions can make letter follows: much progress. "A prime example of land for which there is urgent 32 Tax Appeals Heard The U.S. Atomic. Energy Com- mission announced last night non-military need is Sandy ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS -The served decision on the remain- agreed to* a reduction from;that the Soviet Union had ex- Hook, N. J.,on which Fort oounty Tax Board heard a total ing 24. $15,600 to $5,000 on a tract of ploded early yesterday, Wash- 2 Fort Units Hancock is located. This Of 32 tan appeals yesterday from In Middletown, 15 of the 24 ap land on Crane St., Belford. ington time, its fourth nuclear has one of the few unde- this borough, Highlands, Middle- peals were filed by Charles J. The board reserved decision test device since last Friday. Tapped For town, and Little Silver. Hesse of Belford, on behalf of th« on the remainder of the appeal Evidence picked up by U.S. veloped long shore lines in The board accepted stipula- estates of his mother and fa- which were as follows: monitors put the site of the the New York metropolitan tions on seven appeals, ad- ther. Reduction from $7,$0 to $4,500 blast as being east of Stalin TrainingHike grad. The AEC said it was about area. journed hearings on two and re- William C, Johnson, assessor, on a building at 167-169 Palmer WASHINGTON (AP) - The Ar- Ave., East Keansburg; $1,200 to 1,600 miles west of the area of NEW SCHOLAR, NEW SCHOOL — Karleen Doherty, "Generations of Ameri- Semipalatinsk in which the three my tapped National Guard and $1,000 land, and $9,200 to $7,000, "nearly 5," the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Do- Reserve units across the country cans have accepted the im- building at 176 Palmer Ave., previous explosions occurred. herty, 5 Millbrook PI., New Monmouth, waiti with cheer- yesterday as top-priority groups portance of using this area Democrats Praise, East Keansburg; $200 to $100,T The force was described by the' to receive an intensified training land, and $12,000 to $8,000, build-jAEC as being in the low to in-; fu| charm for what the school year will bring as she en- as a military reservation in ing at 171 Palmer St.. Belford. jtermediate range, which means; ;„ kindergarten class at Harmony program. ro|ud terd {he will include an the interest of national se- Hesse Appeals jit was far below the 100 million! ' ' ' ' The program Criticize Leaders additional week-end drill period curity. Defense considera- Also: a reduction from $500 to!ton superbomb which Soviet Pre-j Elementary School, Middletown. Today the n.weit of ach month in'preparation for LONG BRANCH — More than record has brought honor and $300, land, and $6,500 to $4,000, raier Khmhchev has threatened! the township's elementary schools will begin enrolling tions must, of course, con- ; possible call-up. 2S0 county Democratic municipal distinction to the party." building at 160 Palmer Ave.. to build. students in all grades. Yesterday wai orientation day New Jersey National Guard tinue to take precedent and district leaders were alter- Recalling that his son, John C. East Keansburg: $1,200 to $500," Before the AEC made its an-; units named were the Headquar- nately chicled and praised last Giordano. Jr., was an Assembly land, and $6,600 to $1,500, build nouncement on the fourth Soviet for beginners at the 22-room school on Harmony Rd. over, other potential utili- ters and Headquarters Battery, night at a fall campaign kickolf candidate four .years ago, the ing at 157 East Rd.; $1,700 to blast, Secretary of Welfare Abra- zation but every effort 112th artillery group, Trenton: rally in the Paddock Lounge, speaker said he wanted to take $300, land and $9,700 to $1,200, ham Ribicoff reported radioac- should be made by the De- here. the opportunity to express thanks building at 182 East Rd.; $1,0001 live fallout from the new Rus-l the 114th Surgical Hospital, Pat- ; erson, and the 122nd Ordnance partment of Defense to pro- After County Chairman John to the Democrats who worked lor to $500, land, and $5,700 to $2,500|sian tests hid been delected in him. As a judge, he said he had building at 345 Main St.; $13,100!Alaska. He said analysis showed; Extend Schedule Co., Camden. A New Jersey Ar- vide long range plans for W. Applegate Md former County been unable to speak out on such to $7,500, land, and $31,400 to! radiation levels at 35 times the my Reserve unit named was the Judge John C. Giordano had 824th Signal Co.. Fort Mon- a suitable public use of called for more effective activity a political subject earlier. $7,500 building, at 355 Main St.: average daily levels for August.i mouth. Sandy Hook or other parts at the district level. State Com- Mr. Kiernan laid his remarks $1,000 to $500, land, and J9,O0OiDr. Luther L. Terry, surgeonj (See DEMOCRATS. Page 2) to $4,000, building. .»t 339 Main'general of Hie Health Service, For County Park A total of 329 National Guard mitteeman Paul Kiernan hailed of the peninsula if your the organization as "unappreci- St.; $1,200 to $500, land, and'said there was no immediatej and Reserve units about the na- present survey indicates $8,800 to $2,500. building at 52 health-danger from the fallout.; FREEHOLD—The Shark River ers announced the plans yesTeT tion also were-designated as pri- ated" and stressed it has made that it Is possible as a re- substantial contributions to the Carla Course Compton St.; $600 to $300, land, Congressional leaders said the; Park, Monmouth County's first j day. Instead of being shutdown ority groups. They will not re- ~"»tate Democratic power; and $5,000 to $2,200, building, at prevailing opinion within the-county-owned park, has proven'Sppt 15, itwil be in use at least ceive additional personnel at this sult of changes in weapons 180 Palmer St., all Belford; | Kennedy administration is that|so popular it will be kept open j until Oct. 15. And Hie existing time, but their training will be Speaking of critics in and out the new Soviet tests are aimed a month longer than scheduledj capacity- of 100 tables and jl intensified. and security requirements. of the county, Mr] Kiernan said Is Uncertain $16,000 to $6,800, building at 103 at developing antimissile mis- and its picnic facilities will bejfireplaces will be. increased 100 "I will appreciate your "they should realize the opposi- Campbell Ave., and $1,200 to National Guard units in this MIAMI (AP)-Hurricane Car- siles. They predicted the United j doubled before next year. per cent by spring. tion we have here, the fact that $500, land, and $7,100 to $400.. category in New Jersey were the keeping New Jersey state la crept toward the Gulf of the Republicans spend more mon- (See APPEALS. Page 2) (See NUCLEAR, Page 2) The County Board of Freehold- The park in Wall Township, Headquarters and Headquarters Mexico today as if unable to officials as well as the De- ey to win in Monmouth than they Freeholder Director 'Joseph C. Detachment, 30th Ordnance Bat- decide which way to head- partment of Interior ad- do in any 10 other counties of Irwin said, will have catered to talion, Camden, the Headquarters Mexico to the northwestward New Jersey." 3-Acre Zone Question more (ban 50,000 people — in- and Headquarters Detachment, vised on the opportunity or the U.S. Gulf Coast to the cluding many clubs, associations. 156th Transportation Battalion, Mr. Applegate, noting percent- for long term use of this north and east. and other groups — before it Orange, and the Mist Transporta- age gains in recent years, said Forecasters at the U.S. closes its first season. tion Co., Orange. priceless national resource." victory is possible if a strong Weather Bureau in/Miami said Industrial Park Compromise? The board took this other ac- New Jersey Army Reserve Sen.
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