US006046183A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,046, 183 Gormley et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 4, 2000 54 METHOD OF SYNERGISTIC TREATMENT WO 91/OO732 1/1991 WIPO. FOR BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASA WO 91/OO733 1/1991 WIPO. WO 93/19758 10/1993 WIPO. (75) Inventors: Glenn J. Gormley; Elizabeth Stoner, OTHER PUBLICATIONS both of Westfield, N.J. Nieschlag et al., Z. Klin. Chem. u. klin. Biochem. (1972), Assignee: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J. pp. 164-168, "Radioimmunoassay for plasma testosterone'. Kumamoto et al., Hinyokika Kiyo, vol. 33 (1987), pp. Appl. No.: 09/027,105 1921-1922, “Clinical efficacy of oxendolene (antiandrogen) and bunaZosin hydrochloride (alpha-adrenergic blocker) . Filed: Feb. 20, 1998 Kumamoto et al., Hinyokika Kiyo, vol. 33 (1987), pp. Related U.S. Application Data 1921-1922, “Clinical efficacy of oxendolene (antiandrogen) Continuation of application No. 08/428,595, Apr. 25, 1995, and bunaZosin hydrochloride (alpha-adrenergic blocker) . Pat. 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Pharmaceutical compositions 68/3204 1/1969 South Africa. 1156973 7/1969 United Kingdom. useful for treatment are also disclosed. 2007656 5/1979 United Kingdom. WO 90/10462 9/1990 WIPO. 2 Claims, No Drawings 6,046, 183 1 2 METHOD OF SYNERGISTIC TREATMENT SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION FOR BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASA By this invention there is provided a method of treating CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED benign prostatic hypertrophy patients being treated with a APPLICATIONS 4-aza Steroid 5C.-reductase inhibitor and are experiencing inadequate Symptomatic relief who are in need of Such This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 08/428, treatment comprising the Step of administering in combina 595, filed Apr. 25, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,753,641, which tion to Such patients therapeutically effective amounts of a in turn was a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 08/201,063, filed 5C-reductase inhibitor, a 17B-Substituted 4-azasteroid, a Feb. 24, 1994, now abandoned; which in turn was a file 17 B-substituted non-azasteroid, 173-acyl-3-carboxyandrost wrapper continuation under 37 CFR 1.62 of U.S. Ser. No. 3,5-diene, benzoylaminophenoxybutanoic acid derivative, 08/022,805, filed Feb. 22, 1993, now abandoned; which in fused benz(thio)amide or cinnamoylamide derivative, aro turn was a file wrapper continuation under 37 CFR 1.62 of matic 1,2-diethers or thioethers, aromatic ortho acylami U.S. Ser. No. 07/846,153, filed Mar. 11, 1992, now aban nophenoxy alkanoic acids, ortho thioalkylacylaminophe doned; which in turn was a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. noxy alkanoic acids, pharmaceutically acceptable Salts and No. 07/672,511, filed Mar. 20, 1991, now abandoned. 15 esters thereof, and particularly an O-adrenergic receptor BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION blocking agent, also termed herein “C.-blocker'. 1. Field of the Invention Thus, the combined effect of a 5C.-reductase inhibitor in This invention relates to a new method of treatment for inhibiting DHT production in the prostate and the patients, i.e. men having benign prostatic hyperplasia C.-adrenergic receptor blocker, i.e. terazosin, will result in a (BPH), involving combination therapy of administering greater effect on Suppressing the growth and Symptomatic therapeutically effective amounts of a 5C.-reductase inhibitor relief of enlarged prostate than either agent by itself. in combination with an O-adrenergic receptor blocker. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 2. Background of the Invention AND PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 25 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects a substantial In one preferred aspect, the present invention provides an number of males over the age of 50 and usually requires effective method of treating BPH in patients in need of Surgery in advanced Stages for relief. Symptomatic relief by administerstering therapeutically It is known that testosterone (T) is secreted by the testes and adrenal glands but can undergo a 5C-reductase mediated effective amounts of the C-blocker in association with a conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in peripheral sites 5C.-reductase inhibitor or pharmaceutical composition including the liver, Skin, and prostate. DHT is preferentially thereof. The active compounds may be administered bound by the nucleus of prostatic cells thus indicating that together or in any order, as discussed hereinafter. DHT, rather than T, is the primary androgen required by the By the term “patients in need of Such treating” is meant prostate for its growth and function. This led to the hypoth male patients with functioning gonads who are being treated esis that, by inhibiting 5C.-reductase, the formation of DHT 35 with a 5C.-reductase inhibitor in a therapeutic program could be curtailed and hopefully prostate regression designed to combat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and obtained. are discovered to be in need of Symptomatic relief. Finasteride, 17B(N-t-butyl)carbamoyl-4-aza-5C.-androst The use of therapeutically effective amounts of the 1-en-3-one, was developed as a compound which was found 40 5C-reductase inhibitor and the C-blocker in accordance to inhibit 5C.-reductase and exhibit positive effects against with this invention effectively treats the adverse symptoms benign prostatic hyperplasia. Finasteride is a 4-azasteroid of BPH including nocturia, hesitancy, decreased urinary and a competitive, inhibitor of the enzyme. It shows no flow, and the like. affinity for the androgen receptor and So would not be It has been shown that Stimulation of C.-adrenoreceptors expected to interfere with the binding and action of T in 45 contributes to the obstruction of benign prostatic hyperplasia those tissues, Such as muscle, which respond to T, and thus (See M. Caine, et al., Br. J. Urol, Vol. 48, pp. 255–263 should not result in feminizing characteristics.
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