Abrar A bi-monthly newsletter published by the Abrar Islamic Foundation 45 CrawfordEdior: Place, DrLondon Saeed W!H Shehabi 4LP A bi-monthly newsletter Tel:Published 020 7724 by the 3033 45Fax: Crawford 020 7724 Place, 7219 LondonEmail: W1H 4LP Vol 16, No 17 (377) 1st-15th March 2020 [email protected] Tel: 020Website: 7724 3033 Rajab; the month to enhance spiritual development www.abrar.org.uk When God Almighty legislated worship one of gained the respect of Mohammad, his love and Email: the aims is to lift the humans to higher stand- his approval. Ali was declared the truthful suc- abrarhouse ards of inner purity and deeper level of faith. cessor to Mohammad and would have been his @hotmail.com Knowing God is the first step on the road of choice to lead the Ummah after Mohammad's Website perfection. However the material temptations departure from this world. The special relation- www.abraronline.net have always hindered this path and rendered ship that had developed over the course of the Charity no. 293802 man incapable of overcoming evil intentions revelation meant that Ali would be the most and desires. Within the Islamic faith God desig- eligible for the post of Mohammad’s successor. nated regular periodic stations to enable deep- But this did not happen. The spirituality of Ali er spirituality through worship. The month of surpassed expectations. Sufis view him as the Rajab (the seventh in the Islamic hijri calendar) source of their spirituality and God-fearing We stand for: is one of the sacred months during which the relations with the Almighty. Yet he was hard- faithful have been called to observe deeper working earning the necessities of life through • Inter-faith and inter- spirituality and perform more prayers. The hard labour. Even when he became Caliph his civilisational dialogue balance between the inner and outer of man life style remained simple. He was companion must be maintained in order to achieve perfec- of the poor, the dispossessed and the faithful. • Respect for the human tion and enable the soul to ascend to higher In a world of enormous material complexities, race and rights degrees of real faith. the existence of periodic "training" in spirituali- The most important event in Rajab is the birth ty and deep faith is a great help to those look- • Cooperation for the anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb, Moham- ing for salvation and aspiring to rise up to the good of people mad's cousin, sincere companion and Son-in- level of the prophets, Imams and saints. The • Moderation Law. Mohammad is the best man ever created, endeavour to achieve this must not obscure according the Muslim faith. He attained the the need to enhance the day-to-day welfare • Modernity highest degree of morality as clearly specified and life necessities. Imam Ali, whose birth an- by the holy Quran: "Surely you have the high- niversary falls on 13th of Rajab has urged that • High standards of est of morals". Before he was chosen for people work hard for this life as if they are spirituality prophethood, to become the seal of the proph- eternal, and work to the hereafter as if they ets, he had practiced spirituality for years, wor- will die tomorrow. The balance between the shipping and contemplating at the Cave of two targets is hard, but people with deep faith, Hiraa on the outskirts of Mecca. It was there awareness and dedication can achieve it. Main- In this issue that Angel Gabriel talked to him and delivered taining a balanced code of existence is hard, the divine message to Mohammad. He was but is achievable through self-control. True chosen by Allah Almighty to deliver the mes- worship helps transform the person to another Local Events 2 sage to the people. His pre-Islamic worship had level of self-perfection. It leads him/her to pos- cleansed him and prepared him to the burden sess deep insight into life, its complexities and Muslim Affairs 3 of delivering the message of Islam that would an ability to resist evil. Real worship transforms reach to the most remote corners of the world. the person and cleanse the soul. The next Ibn Yahya al-Maghribi Morality, spirituality and truthfulness made three lunar months provide the opportunity to Al-Samawal Mohammad the ideal man to represent God on start practicing real worship in conjunction 4 this earth. with deep contemplation in the holy Quran. Let UN Chief: Islamopho- Ali had been a faithful student of Mohammad, us not miss it. bia is intolerable 5 learning greatly from him and offering him his deepest respect, support and love. As Ali ob- served gradual spiritual transformation, he was UK: Islamic marriages 6 exercising full control over his self. He said: It is NOT legally binding my soul that I tame with piety". He was infatu- ated by Mohammad's character; embracing his Story: Faith is Islamic message and emulating him in real life. the cure for fear 8 Ali thus became the most trusted companion of Mohammad. This fact created internal divi- sion among the Muslims especially after the departure of Prophet Mohammad. As the strongest and most loyal knight of Islam, Ali Page 2 Local Events Puritanism in the West Bush titled: Mohammad the founder of delivered. The aim of the human be- Muslims Empire, the Saracins". This ings is to achiever perfection. To Abrar's weekly meeting on Thursday book is preserved at the Congress. This achieve this, God gave us human mani- 20th February was addressed by Mrs implies recognition of its main content festation of this perfection, who en- Maryam Al Rufai'ei who presented a that unless the Muslim Empire was de- deavoured to guide us on the way to discussion on the a Christian school of stroyed the Jews would not have the achieve that. Fatima is one of those thought that has attracted controversy chance to return to the land of their examples. Modern day women face and caused discord. Puritanism has grandfathers. The book also described challenges at all levels; the need proper beacon embodied by the current US Mohammad in the most derogatory terms guidance to enable hem overcome the president who adopts Nitche's theory arguing that he used the sword to spread obstacles. They need to perform their that the great nation can only built by Islam. When Puritanism took root in duties satisfactorily as wives, mothers force. Nitche's famous saying: God Britain in the 16th century, especially daughters or social activists. To emu- has died, be careful of the state ap- during the era of Queen Elizabeth 1558- late the Prophet’s daughter is to make pears to contradict the Michavillian 1603 its followers increased and they real headway in life, with successes, approach of adopting both; if one fails had their own independent church, sepa- piety and happiness that other is ready. In today's political rate from that of the Archbishop of Can- A special poem was recited by Sahar world, attempts are made to kill God terbury. They called for the cleansing of Al Khafagi. when the plan to exterminate races the Catholic church in the fields of be- failed. It is a return to the human ap- lief, rituals and the Christian bodies. Eva forum event on Fatima proaches which had caused human Their demands were rejected because misery throughout the ages, Although they were considered extremist. They The Eva Forum to empower Muslim the US claims to be a secular state then entered into a harsh struggle with Women marked the birth anniversary some thinkers like Michael and Julia the British throne. The Queen issued of Sayeda Fatima with a poweful pro- Corbett who are specialists in reli- decrees to punish them. Some of them grammed on Sunday 16th February. gious sociology prove that Puritanism were tried for heresy and treason. After The programme consisted of several is the pillar of the American politics. her death, King James the first continued parts; a welcoming speech by the or- We believe that civil society has al- to reject their demands. They wanted: the ganisers, followed a short speech by ways existed within the Islamic tradi- rituals at the Anglican church be aban- Mrs Nahad Al Sadah about the life and tions. But the civil society that the doned as they are not mentioned in the significance of Sayed Fatima. She urge Western world adopts aims at con- Holy Script, abandoning the cross in the the young generation to take her as a vincing Muslims that the problem is in Christendom and the holy shroud be- role model. A special song was pre- religion not the state. Erasing God is cause it was a fable, prostrating when formed by school children on the occa- not confined to Nitche's theory but is Jesus's name was mentioned, the recita- sion. A workshop on the role of women deeply rooted in the puritan Protes- tion of the holy book in the church only, in running an effective household, giv- tantism or the Christian Zionism. Prot- Abandoning the exchange of rings in ing husbands the necessary support and estantism is the largest religious de- marriage ceremonies as this was outside encouragement while conducting fami- nomination in the US with 62 percent religious teachings and abandoning the ly affairs such as brining up the chil- of the population following it. It was traditions by the priests of the Anglican dren. This was conducted by Maryam established at the hands of Martin church on Sunday like dancing and other Al Jaffaari.
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