Defaulter ITIs list having outstanding form fill-up fees of AITT July/August 2018 Sl. No. District ITI_Code ITI_Name Semester wise form fill-up count as per Form fillup count Form fill-up fees Form fill-up count for Pending form fill-up fees DGT Data as per fees received by SCTEVT which ITIs have not to be deposited by the submitted by ITIs from ITIs paid fees ITIs 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Total 1 ANGUL GU21000531 GU21000531-Govt Industrial Training Institute, Talcher, At/Po-Hatatota 34 347 90 223 694 692 207600 2 600 ,Talcher, Anugul, Odisha, -759100 2 ANGUL PR21000058 PR21000058-Swami Premanada Industrial Training Centre At-Naupada, At- 2 65 7 56 130 128 38400 2 600 Nuapada Deogarh, Debagarh, Odisha, -768109 3 ANGUL PR21000122 PR21000122-Satyanaryanan Industrail Training Centre, At Boinda PO 87 122 73 81 363 0 363 108900 Kishorganj, Anugul, Odisha, -759127 4 ANGUL PR21000142 PR21000142-Adarsha Industrail Training Centre At/Po Rantlei, Adarsha 10 133 19 177 339 338 101400 1 300 ITC, Anugul, Odisha, -759122 5 ANGUL PR21000166 PR21000166-Shivashakti ITC, AT Bikash Nagar Tarang, Anugul, Odisha, - 86 143 30 100 359 354 106200 5 1500 759122 6 ANGUL PR21000213 PR21000213-Ashirwad ITC, AT/PO Mahidharpur, Anugul, Odisha, -759122 13 58 8 35 114 96 28800 18 5400 7 ANGUL PR21000216 PR21000216-Pallahara Institute of Industrial Training of Skills ITC, At- 0 65 0 53 118 117 35100 1 300 Subarnapali P.O Seegarh, Anugul, Odisha, -759119 8 ANGUL PR21000228 PR21000228-Maharishi ITC, At. P.O Kosala, Anugul, Odisha, -75130 0 11 0 14 25 24 7200 1 300 9 ANGUL PR21000231 PR21000231-Orissa ITC, AT/PO Panchamahala, Anugul, Odisha, -759122 72 103 75 69 319 303 90900 16 4800 10 ANGUL PR21000410 PR21000410-AKHANDALAMANI ITC, AT/PO/PS-BANARPAL, Anugul, 9 136 26 194 365 360 108000 5 1500 Odisha, -759128 11 ANGUL PU21000024 PU21000024-Talcher Technical Edn Development Centre ITC, Teheranpur, 121 184 108 110 523 519 155700 4 1200 Anugul, Odisha, -759106 12 BALASORE PR21000033 PR21000033-Swain ITC, At/Poducherry-Gabagan Chhak, Sunhat, 8 43 11 43 105 98 29400 7 2100 Balasore, Odisha, -756002 13 BALASORE PR21000048 PR21000048-Sai Industrial Training Centre, AT-Isani PO Sahad Via 4 158 17 162 341 312 93600 29 8700 Sunhat, Balasore, Odisha, -756002 14 BALASORE PR21000061 PR21000061-OMM Industrail Traininng Centre At-Kalidaspur, At-Kalidaspur 2 43 0 0 45 0 45 13500 Haripur, Balasore, Odisha, -756003 15 BALASORE PR21000073 PR21000073-Gyan Bikash Industrial Training Centre Nandika, Nandika 2 136 3 79 220 219 65700 1 300 Jaleswar, Balasore, Odisha, -756032 16 BALASORE PR21000109 PR21000109-Jyoti ITC, AT I.G. Marg, Near Govt ITI Balasore, Balasore, 11 25 4 132 172 165 49500 7 2100 Odisha, -756001 17 BALASORE PR21000138 PR21000138-Subarnarekha Industrial Training Centre At Panchughunta, At 1 48 0 42 91 89 26700 2 600 Panchughunta Near Block Office P.O via Block jaleswar, Balasore, Odisha, - 756026 18 BALASORE PR21000208 PR21000208-Ralisa ITC, At-Raigan, P.O Kahalia, Balasore, Odisha, - 31 0 7 2 40 40 12000 766040 Sl. No. District ITI_Code ITI_Name Semester wise form fill-up count as per Form fillup count Form fill-up fees Form fill-up count for Pending form fill-up fees DGT Data as per fees received by SCTEVT which ITIs have not to be deposited by the submitted by ITIs from ITIs paid fees ITIs 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Total 19 BALASORE PR21000249 PR21000249-Balasore Institute of Industrial Technology ITC, At, Balikutti, 6 26 3 22 57 53 15900 4 1200 P.O Mandhata Bazar Langaleswar, Balasore, Odisha, - 20 BALASORE PR21000314 PR21000314-Modern Private Industrial Training Institute, At-Sundari, PO- 6 150 71 178 405 378 113400 27 8100 Sunhat, Balasore, Odisha, -756002 21 BALASORE PR21000367 PR21000367-DAS INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE, 10 305 6 187 508 500 150000 8 2400 TULANK,MOTIGANJ, Balasore, Odisha, -756003 22 BALASORE PR21000381 PR21000381-Baba Nikhiraswar Industrial Training Centre, At/P.O.- 13 118 23 98 252 246 73800 6 1800 Nikhira.Ps-Baliapal, Balasore, Odisha, -756023 23 BALASORE PR21000429 PR21000429-Binori Industrial training center, Simulia, Balasore, Odisha, - 7 49 0 37 93 87 26100 6 1800 756126 24 BALASORE PR21000435 PR21000435-LOKSHAKTI INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE(PVT.), 5 139 12 156 312 310 93000 2 600 AT/PO-SERGARH,, Balasore, Odisha, -756060 25 BALASORE PR21000446 PR21000446-TRIMURTY INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, 34 93 7 30 164 162 48600 2 600 AT-KHAGADAPAL, PO/VIA-BALIAPAL, Balasore, Odisha, -756026 26 BALASORE PR21000492 PR21000492-BABA NIKHIRESWAR INDUSTRIL TRAINING CENTRE, 37 184 23 155 399 396 118800 3 900 AT/PO MAHADEBSARAI ,PS-BASTA, Balasore, Odisha, -756029 27 BALASORE PR21000510 PR21000510-CHITTARANJAN INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE, 4 87 6 56 153 150 45000 3 900 AT/PO/VIA-DEHURDA, Balasore, Odisha, -756036 28 BALASORE PR21000513 PR21000513-Rural Institute of Industrial Training Centre, At/Po- 1 57 8 63 129 127 38100 2 600 Dehurda(Thanachhak)Block-Bhograi, Balasore, Odisha, -756036 29 BALASORE PR21000517 PR21000517-Shree Ram Industrial Training Centre AT-Bhimapura Haripur, 63 194 64 115 436 435 130500 1 300 At. Bhimapura, PO- Haripur, Balasore, Odisha, -756001 30 BALASORE PR21000526 PR21000526-BASULIMATA INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE, AT- 38 79 3 80 200 194 58200 6 1800 MATHIKHANA PO-BHOGARAI, Balasore, Odisha, -756038 31 BALASORE PR21000538 PR21000538-Dibakar Suryamani Industrial Training Center, Khaira, 0 56 1 18 75 67 20100 8 2400 Balasore, Odisha, -756048 32 BALASORE PR21000555 PR21000555-BALABHADRA INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE, AT/PO- 7 100 6 55 168 157 47100 11 3300 JAMSULI, PS- SINGLA, Balasore, Odisha, -756081 33 BALASORE PR21000577 PR21000577-SREE SAI PRIVATE INDUSRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, 1 32 5 14 52 45 13500 7 2100 KHAIRA, Balasore, Odisha, -756048 34 BALASORE PU21000004 PU21000004-Institute of Industrial Technology, Arad Bazar, Balasore, 9 147 3 129 288 278 83400 10 3000 Odisha, -756001 35 BALASORE PU21000009 PU21000009-Institute of Electronics & Marine Technology, Near Sadar 10 150 11 47 218 169 51000 49 14700 Thana Square Padhuan Pada, Balasore, Odisha, -756001 Sl. No. District ITI_Code ITI_Name Semester wise form fill-up count as per Form fillup count Form fill-up fees Form fill-up count for Pending form fill-up fees DGT Data as per fees received by SCTEVT which ITIs have not to be deposited by the submitted by ITIs from ITIs paid fees ITIs 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Total 36 BALASORE PU21000312 PU21000312-Balasore Technical School, Mission Compound, Balasore, 5 213 10 85 313 307 92100 6 1800 Balasore, Odisha, -756001 37 BALASORE PU21000345 PU21000345-Institute of Engineering Training, Samalpur Birla Tyre Road 21 84 17 101 223 207 62100 16 4800 Balsore, Balasore, Odisha, -756001 38 BALASORE PU21000412 PU21000412-Balasore Institute of Technical Studies, At-Nuasahi,Po-Balia,, 16 214 11 132 373 372 111600 1 300 Balasore, Odisha, -756056 39 BALASORE PU21000448 PU21000448-Balasore Industrial Training Centre, D-2/4,Industrial Estate, 5 84 10 64 163 144 43200 19 5700 Angaragadia ,Balasore, Balasore, Odisha, -756001 40 BARGARH PR21000589 PR21000589-Nibedita Private Iti, AT- PIPALMUNDA, PO- CHADEIGAON, 4 56 3 43 106 101 30300 5 1500 VIA/PS- BHATLI, Bargarh, Odisha, -768030 41 BHADRAK PR21000167 PR21000167-Shree Laxmi ITC, AT/PO Panchapada Chandrabali, Bhadrak, 2 107 6 119 234 227 68100 7 2100 Odisha, -756133 42 BHADRAK PR21000220 PR21000220-Basudevpur ITC, AT-Guagaon P>O Basudevpur, Bhadrak, 4 79 5 82 170 164 49200 6 1800 Odisha, -756125 43 BHADRAK PR21000237 PR21000237-Sai Sankar ITC, AT/PO Agarapara, Bhadrak, Odisha, - 10 1 4 82 97 96 28800 1 300 756115 44 BHADRAK PR21000251 PR21000251-Sarat Panigrahi ITC, AT, Betada, PO Basudevpur, Bhadrak, 3 1 3 41 48 47 14100 1 300 Odisha, -756168 45 BHADRAK PR21000337 PR21000337-Industrial Training Centre, Charampa, Canal Road 40 200 14 198 452 451 135300 1 300 Charampa, Bhadrak, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756101 46 BHADRAK PR21000391 PR21000391-Bhadrak Institute of Engineering &Technology,Industrial 10 143 7 120 280 280 84000 Training Institute(Pvt.), AT/P.O--BARAPADA ,DIST.-BHADRAK, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756113 47 BHADRAK PR21000508 PR21000508-MAA RANI INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CENTRE,MOTTO, 7 57 6 38 108 107 32100 1 300 AT/PO-MOTTO,PS-CHANDBALI., Bhadrak, Odisha, -756132 48 BHADRAK PR21000528 PR21000528-FAKIR MOHAN INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE(Pvt.), DPCL 2 56 0 11 69 67 20100 2 600 ROAD, DHAMARA,BHADRAK, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756171 49 BHADRAK PR21000569 PR21000569-Raginidevi Industrial Training Centre, Agarpada,Bhadrak, 2 43 3 61 109 105 31500 4 1200 Bhadrak, Odisha, -756115 50 BHADRAK PU21000447 PU21000447-Prafulla Chandra Institute of Technology(ITC), Jagannathpur, 4 55 1 69 129 127 38100 2 600 Bhadrak, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756100 51 BHADRAK PU21000462 PU21000462-Madhabananda Snehalata ITC(Mottel Chhak, Bhadrak), At- 15 210 14 157 396 393 117900 3 900 Mottel Chhaka, Bhadrak, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756100 52 BHADRAK PU21000468 PU21000468-DAMODAR INSTITUTE OF ENGINEARING & 10 120 14 146 290 286 85800 4 1200 TECHNOLOGY ,ITI(pvt.), GABASAHI,NEAR MOTEL CHHAK,BHADRAK, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756100 Sl. No. District ITI_Code ITI_Name Semester wise form fill-up count as per Form fillup count Form fill-up fees Form fill-up count for Pending form fill-up fees DGT Data as per fees received by SCTEVT which ITIs have not to be deposited by the submitted by ITIs from ITIs paid fees ITIs 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH Total 53 BHADRAK PU21000500 PU21000500-Birabhadra Industrial training Center, At- Uchhadiha, po- 6 81 17 86 190 19 5700 171 51300 bhairabpur,Basudevpur, Bhadrak, Odisha, -756125 54 BOLANGIR GU21000513 GU21000513-Govt Industrial Training Institute, Bolangir, At-Larkipalli Po- 6
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