2019 Rule Change Proposal 10 Purpose of Proposal: To add Lupinus rivularis, riverbank lupine to Volume 1, Table 2A and to Volume 3 of the AOSA Rules. Present Rule: None Proposed Rule: Volume 1. Principles and Procedures Table 2A. Weights for working samples. Minimum Minimum Approximate Approximate weight for Pure weight for number of number of noxious-weed Seed Chaffy purity seeds per seeds per a Kind of seed seed or bulk Unit Seed analysisb gramc ounced examination # Grams Grams Number Number Lupinus rivularis Douglas ex Lindl. 2 39 390 65 1,848 riverbank lupine Volume 3. Uniform Classification of Weed and Crop Seeds CONTAMINATING Nomen Spp Scientific name Common name Family CLASSIFICATION # class A F H R S T V Lupinus rivularis Douglas 104901 Riverbank lupine Fabaceae F, R W C W C W W W ex Lindl. Harmonization and Impact Statement: Lupinus rivularis is not in the Federal Seed Act Regulations, the Canadian M & P, or the ISTA Rules. This is a commercially marketed species; therefore, adding working weights and a pure seed unit definition to the AOSA Rules will standardize seed testing procedures among laboratories. This species is not listed in Volume 3 Uniform Classification of Weed and Crop. Supporting Evidence: Lupinus rivularis can behave as an annual, biennial or short-lived perennial sub-shrub producing violet colored flowers March through July, depending on latitude and elevation. Fruits are 3-7 cm long containing 7-8 seeds. The seeds are 3-4 mm long, laterally compressed, mottled brown with a black line on each side. The species is native to coastal northern California, Oregon and Washington west of the Cascades, and southwestern British Columbia. The species is used commercially as a cover crop for soil enrichment, erosion control, and as a landscape ornamental. The plants also provide food and habitat for wildlife. Refer to Darris and Young-Mathews (2012) for additional information on this species. Seed counts were conducted at the Agri Seed Testing Lab on five seed lots received since 2008. The seed count method was in accordance to AOSA Rules, Section 13: Non-mechanical Seed Count and Working Weight Determinations (Figure 1). Refer to Appendix 1 of this proposal for replicate data. Purity Working Weights for Lupinus rivularis 44 42 40 38 36 34 PurityWeights (g) 32 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 Lot Number Figure 1. Purity working weights of five commercial seed lots of Lupinus rivularis, riverbank lupine, based on non-mechanical seed counts. The red line indicates the average purity working sample weight across all five seed lots is 38.43 grams. Results of statistical analysis are shown in Table 1. Methodology for the analysis: 1. Each set of data per seed lot (usually 8 replications) was checked for normality of distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test for normality, p 0.05; ranks not averaged for tied values). 2. For non-normally distributed data sets of a single seed lot, an outlier test was used to identify a single outlier (Grubbs’ test, p 0.05). 3. Data was rechecked after removing a single outlier. Revised data sets (after removing the outlier) were used in the final determination of average weight of 100 seeds. If removing a single outlier still resulted in non-normally distributed data, the data set for that seed lot was considered unreliable and results excluded from further data analysis. 4. Means of each lot were then used to calculate the overall mean weight of 100 seeds for that species and a 95% confidence interval for the mean. 5. The same means were also checked for normality of distribution and presence of outliers. However, no attempt was made to discard outliers at this stage. If the outlier replicate average can be ascribed to errors in data collection, then the data should be discarded. However, if the outlier is due to natural variation (e.g., genetic, varietal or cultural differences), discarding the data is not recommended. This is a judgment call unrelated to statistical analysis results. Table 1. Species mean seed weight and confidence intervals of data checked for normality of distribution and presence of outliers. Results of Results Single No. revised lots Mean wt. normally outlier Standard Species of normally of 100 CI (95%) for mean distributed removed error lots1 distributed seeds (Y/N) 2 (Y/N) 3 (Y/N) 4 Lupinus rivularis 5 N Y; Lot 5 Y 1.537 0.051 1.397-1.678 1Original number of tested lots. 2 Shapiro-Wilk test for normality (p 0.05). Normality test separately applied to replication data of each seed lot. 3 If data set (replications) for a seed lot is not normally distributed, one outlier (replication) is removed. Presence of outliers verified using Grubbs’ test (p 0.05). 4 Each seed lot was tested for normality after outlier was removed. If data set of a seed lot was still not normally distributed after removing outlier, that seed lot was excluded from analysis. References: Sources for general plant information provided above and additional information on this species can be found in the following references and websites: Baldwin, B. G., D. H. Goldman, D. J. Keil, R. Patterson, T. J. Rosatti, and D. H. Wilken (Eds.). 2012. The Jepson manual: vascular plants of California. 2nd Ed. University of California Press. Darris, D., and A. Young-Mathews. 2012. Plant fact sheet for riverbank lupine (Lupinus rivularis). USDA- Natural Resources Conservation Service, Corvallis Plant Materials Center, Corvallis, OR. https://plants.usda.gov/factsheet/pdf/fs_luri.pdf https://silverfallsseed.com/product/lupine-riverbank/ https://plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=LURI Submitted by: Sharon Davidson, RST, Agri Seed Testing, Inc., 1930 Davcor ST SE, Salem, OR 97302 [email protected]; Deborah Meyer, Purity Subcommittee AOSA Co-chair, [email protected]; and Gil Waibel, Purity Subcommittee SCST Co-chair, [email protected] The authors would like to thank Dr. Riad Baalbaki for performing the statistical analysis. Date Submitted: October 15, 2018 Appendix 1 – Seed counts for Lupinus rivularis, riverbank lupine. Replication Lot 1 Lot Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 1 1.4800 1.6800 1.5000 1.5000 1.4700 2 1.4900 1.7100 1.5200 1.5200 1.4500 3 1.5000 1.7200 1.5400 1.5400 1.54* 4 1.4800 1.7400 1.5500 1.5500 1.4700 5 1.4700 1.7200 1.5400 1.4700 1.4700 6 1.3600 1.7500 1.5500 1.5000 1.4700 7 1.4100 1.7600 1.5400 1.5100 1.4700 8 1.4000 1.7600 1.4900 1.5400 1.4400 Mean 1-8 1.44875 1.73 1.52875 1.51625 1.462857 purity wt. 36.21875 43.25 38.21875 37.90625 36.57143 nox wt. 362.1875 432.5 382.1875 379.0625 365.7143 wt./seed 0.014488 0.0173 0.015288 0.015163 0.014629 seeds/g 69 58 65 66 68 seeds/oz 1956 1644 1843 1871 1928 seeds/lb 31298 26309 29484 29938 30845 Mean weight of 100 seeds = 1.537 grams Mean purity working weight across all seed lots = 38.43 grams Mean noxious working weight across all seed lots = 384.3 grams Mean weight per seed across all seed lots = 0.01537 gram Mean number of seeds per gram across all seed lots = 65 Mean number of seeds per ounce across all seed lots = 1,848 Mean number of seeds per pound across all seed lots = 29,575 .
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