Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 3, Number 4, Winter 1994 Using maps to show development projects, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. presents program for global reconstruction. gram for the Eurasian land mass. The political movement led by the LaRouches went into this conference with considerable optimism. In the Spring, the Schiller Institute had declared a global mobilization against the U.N.’s Cairo (De)Population Con- ference, and, working in parallel with the Vatican and others, had succeeded in virtually blowing up the enterprise in the Malthusians’ faces. We must now use the momentum from our success in the anti-Cairo mobilization to build an effective move- ment for global economic reconstruc- tion, argued Helga Zepp-LaRouche in EIRNS/Stuart Lewis her keynote address. As we do so, we must also finally bury the ideologies Institute Conference: Mobilize Victory vs. Oligarchy! which the financial oligarchy has used to destroy human creativity. She used the example of Martin Heidegger, once ‘Bridging Hell to Purgatory’ among the most acclaimed philosophi- cal thinkers in the Twentieth Century, ore than 1,000 people came togeth- tute, was “Winning the Battle for the whose Nazi past was definitively Mer in Northern Virginia over Golden Renaissance.” As LaRouche exposed in 1987. Labor Day weekend under the banner of outlined in his keynote, the world has the Schiller Institute and the Internation- reached a turning point, where the bes- The Economic Crises al Caucus of Labor Committees (ICLC), tial policies of the Anglo-Dutch finan- The major economic case study present- to discuss the perspective for victory over cial grouping, with their drive for Unit- ed was that of the health care crisis in the international financial oligarchy that ed Nations world government, are the United States. Marcia Merry gave an now threatens human civilization. becoming incompatible with the very overview of the history of health care in Keynoting the conference were Lyndon existence of human civilization. Thus, the U.S., and the tradition of the Hill- LaRouche, chairman of the ICLC, and the heirs of the Italian Golden Renais- Burton Act of 1946. Implementation of his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder sance, who champion human creative the Act led to considerable progress up of the Schiller Institute. reason (since man is made in the image until the early 1970’s, she demonstrated, The theme of the conference, which of God), must seize the moment to after which time the logistical basis for occurred on the twenty-fifth anniver- “build a bridge from Hell to Purgato- supplying medical care either stagnated, sary of the Labor Committees and the ry,” in LaRouche’s words, by imple- or began to be dismantled. tenth anniversary of the Schiller Insti- menting a massive infrastructure pro- Richard Freeman dramatized the dis- IN/tatLewis EIRNS/Stuart IN/tatLewis EIRNS/Stuart Above: Schiller Institute vice-president Amelia Boynton Robinson opens the conference. Right: Najib Sacirbey, personal representative in the U.S. of the President of Bosnia- EIRNS/Philip Ulanowsky Hercegovina, conveys greetings. Left: Rev. James Bevel speaks at conference workshop. 88 © 1994 Schiller Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. mantling of the system by telling the story counterculture, a shift which the finan- of New York City’s health care system. cial oligarchy effected through the polit- Speaking from the medical communi- ical assassinations and cultural assaults ty were Drs. Abdul Alim Muhammad, of that decade. Minister of Health for the Nation of The film provoked the audience Islam, and Donald McNay, an orthope- through a wrenching review of the Civil dic surgeon from Virginia. Dr. Muham- Rights era, presented as tragedy, culmi- mad presented two imperatives for health nating in the SCLC’s rejection of the care reform: parity of treatment for Rev. Bevel’s proposal for a fair trial of African-Americans, and a program of King’s alleged assassin, James Earl Ray. universal testing and crash biological But, as Spannaus pointed out, the 1960’s research on the AIDS pandemic. Dr. also saw the emergence of the Labor McNay reflected on the shift in medical Committees, who embodied the philo- philosophy which has resulted in a health sophical and economic method which care system that will tolerate euthanasia. could have turned defeat into victory then, and exists as a tested institution The Political Crises which can do so today. Dennis Speed, Sheila Jones, the Rev. The final presentation dealt with the James Bevel, and Nancy Spannaus col- evil Bertrand Russell and his Venetian Lewis EIRNS/Stuart laborated to present a history of the antecedents. Russell’s advocacy of the use Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp- Civil Rights movement, and the lessons of the nuclear bomb against Japan, as a LaRouche. to be drawn from it. Centered around bludgeon for the global destruction of two hours of film footage, through national sovereignty and scientific around Cardinal Gasparo Contarini which Speed presented the rise and the progress, was presented by Carol White. which combatted Nicolaus of Cusa; con- eventual splintering of Dr. Martin White was followed by Webster Tarpley, tinuing with the empiricist Paolo Sarpi, Luther King’s movement in the 1960’s, who went through the Venetian assault who battled astronomer Johannes the panel dramatized the paradigm shift on Platonic science that culminated in Kepler; and concluding with Antonio into the post-industrial rock-drugs-sex Russell—starting with the grouping Conti, who worked to destroy Leibniz. LaRouches Lead Week-Long Seminar in Slovak Republic uring the week of August 7-14, prison, and now, his exoneration. Moscow, announced Dr. Miklosko’s DLyndon and Helga LaRouche Another high point of the week’s election to Academy membership. visited the Slovak Republic, where events consisted of a concert at the Mir- Lyndon LaRouche was elected to the they participated in a week-long semi- ror Room in the ancient Slovak city of Academy in 1993. nar on economics and culture, spon- Trnava, which featured Slovak and On August 12, the Schiller Institute sored by the Schiller Institute and the Russian artists Maria Tajtakova, Egon hosted a press conference at the House Slovak foundation Spolupatricnost Krak, and Alexander Stepanov, Italian of Journalists in Bratislava, during (“We belong together”). The 120 par- pianist Monica Ripamonti-Taylor, and which Lyndon LaRouche emphasized ticipants, mostly younger people, had her American husband, violinist Seth that he viewed it as his main task to gathered from seventeen nations of Taylor. bring about a solution to the global eco- Eastern and Western Europe. A reception in the center of the Old nomic crisis, an outcome which would Lyndon LaRouche’s science of Town of Bratislava was hosted by Dr. be possible only if the American physical economy was the seminar’s Jozef Miklosko, president of Spolu- administration changed its policy to main subject, and each day opened patricnost, who is among his country’s one along the lines of his “Productive with a class presented by LaRouche. leading mathematicians, and was the Triangle” proposal first advanced back One of the high points of the semi- first Vice Prime Minister of Czechoslo- in 1989. Today, the Delors Plan nar was a concert in the historic house vakia after the fall of the communist (named for Jacques Delors, the outgo- of the Brunswick family in Dolna regime, before the separation itno the ing president of the European Union) Krupa, performed by Austrian pianist Czech Republic and the Republic of of trans-European infrastructure pro- Prof. Dr. Kurt Ebert from Innsbruck. Slovakia. At the reception, Professors jects is a step in the right direction. Professor Ebert, who is also a pro- Wolter Manusadjan and Taras LaRouche said he was working to fessor of law, is among those who Muranivsky, respectively president and ensure that President Clinton would have worked intensively for, first, vice-president of the Universal Ecolog- give greater support to these plans than Lyndon LaRouche’s freedom from ical Academy (“Academy of 100”) in he had already begun to do. 89.
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