SSHEiK' ^y.lt.-yt < ' " '* ' ~ . - ' , r ' ', " '> '. " Zzjk ^ ; WS&lki. ifSllzftfe Founded ill 1800.] " Y l*n> Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local JVews d^J^erests. ;^^- [$1.00 v.'--, , h - '' -W T - ^ y •"• "T ^^ >j ^ •* PRICE TWO CENTS. •• VOL. XCII—No; 31. NOR WALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892. THE WEATHER. & pS Wicked Bridgeport. A Newtown Sensation. ition ofi The hot, perspiring days are here, For the* t TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. Distressing old and young; '•"A Bridgeport firm advertises " a fine There is considerable sensation in TO-DAT—The weather bureau predicts for business office of the Daily Gazette will And pompadours now lose their pomp, Newtown over the arrest of Charles New England: Ana bangs will not stay bung. line of Fall overcoats." 1 CLOUDY. ifrom 7 till 9 p. tn. Oh, for a seat in an ice cart! ' v; —Truth.m Glover , son of Deputy Sheriff Wm. B. Glover, on the charge of rape. The Probably local showers Friday afternoon Editor Spear Shocked. night, variable winds, copier Friday night' —Read the good news in Wadhams' An enterprising youngster has built complainant in the case is a servant em­ The Heat. ^ ». »' ; a portable booth and yesterday after­ ployed in a Newtown family. Her ad. City Editor W. H. Spear, of the New Local Almanac,— t» With all the intense heat of yester­ noon was doing quite a brisk business Haven News, while using the telephone name is Margaret Roach and she is Miss Mable Hatch is visiting her aunt on Mechanic street, selling lemonade at during the storm last night, received a about forty years of age. _ She alleges Sun Bis€s SnnSets I Moon Rises I HighW day and the past four days, it is consol­ : Mrs. Fred. Bennett. | three cents a glass. ; 7 f i: shock that rendered him insensible. that the rape was committed on July 4:44 7:18 I 10:24 I 2:35 2:50 ing indeed to know that the weather 10th. Glover was given a hearing be­ bureau has finally got wind of an ap­ Mrs. J. K. Edwards, of Washington, fore a Newtown justice yesterday morn­ The oldest undertaker in New Haven Horatio N. Bill Dead. ing. SOUTH NORWALK. proaching cool wave, and that almost is dead, aged 79 years. D. C., who has been visiting friends in Probable cause was found and he town, was called heme to-day by the Horatio N. Bill, aged sixty-eight was bound over under bonds of $1,500 to a certainty there will be a " let up" years, died at Niantic at 11.30 a. m. for trial at the next term, of the supe • The GAZETTE is on sale at the n —Wanted—A Barkeeper. Inquire at death of her brother-in-law, Rev. Dr. of Fred C0ie»nan, tT.H.Flynn, W,L.A on the extraordinary heated spell to­ Wm. L. Hyland, an Episcopal clergy­ yesterday. He was a resident of Wil- rior court. ton, and. H. E. Hodwell. JiJte No. 18 Water street. 31-lt man at the Capitol. -'.-fM^ limantic. He leaves one son, Arthur I. night. ' • ; ' v' \ Bill of the firm of Hall & Bill, publish­ and Orders for all kinds of JOE jPHUTT­ Chemical Works Blow Up. ING received at ,tur branch office on Jtail, Miss Welton of Waterbury, is a gue9t Frank Kiedel, aged 18, employed in ers of the Willimantic Journal, and a Michigan's Electoral Vote. of Mrs. John S. Seymour. ., brother, J. C. Bill of the state normal The Crane chemical works at Spring­ road Square. Rev. John C. Collins' office^ to assist field, N. J., blew up at about 8 o'clock The Supreme Court of Michigan has him as secretary of the.Christian Work­ dphool. Olire Braneh Lodge, No. 19, K.of —10 yds double-fold wool bunting for last night. The shock was tremendous P., met last evening. decided that the act of the Legislature er's Association, was arrested on the In Season. the vibrations being plainly felt four of that State providing that the vote in 29 cts. to-morrow at the Boston Store. charge of stealing stamps. It is be­ Please publish again the receipe for miles from the scene. It was thought Mr. Edward Fabel and Miss Susan E. the Electoral College should be cast lieved that he has been stealing in this to be an earthquake. At Milburn, a McGraw were married last evening. New York makes one-lourth of our way for a long time, as many stamps the Sun cholera mixture. J. L. and counted a3 every district respec­ mile and a half from the works, win­ beer.—Press. And drinks it also. have been missed. Equal parts of tincture of cayenne, dows were shattered, crockery was Nearly all the hatters stopped work tively decided is unconstitutional. In tincture of opium, tincture of rhubarb, thrown from the shelves and the large to-day on account of the excessive heat. other words, Michigan, like all the After the performance given by the essence of peppermint, and spirits of Bridgeport is threatened with a milk T. G. L. C., Wednesday afternoon, the camphor. Mix well. Dose 15 to 30 colored bottles in a drug store tumbled Mr. Harry Riker, traveling salesman other States of the Union, must vote famine. What'11 the babes do then children who took part in the play were drops in a wine-glass of water ; repeat down and were smashed. The people for Bennett, Sloan & Co., is spending a as a unit in the Electoral College and poor things ? were thrown into consternation and few days with friends in this city. photographed in costume by Miss Eliz­ every fifteen or twenty minutes until rushed from their homes into open the majority must control. The Su­ The grocery stores and markets will abeth Lockwood. Among the specta­ relieved. fields. The Crane chemical works con­ A small party of fresh air children tors who seemed to thoroughly enjoy came up on the City of Albany last preme Court of the State has saved close at 7 o'clock p. m. during the » New Freight Offices. sisted of a number of brick and wood­ month of August. ' a| , the entertainment were Miss Julia en buildings. There are not more than evening, en route to' the Children's that commonwealth from the electoral Lockwood and Rev. S. B. S. Bissell. Consolidated railroad architects have Home. anarchy into which a lot of reckless six houses in the immediate vicinity Forty-eight cases of prostration by just completed plans and specifications and these were occupied by employees. If .the present weather continues, politicians sought to plunge it. the heat, and five deaths, were reported Ida Olmstead died at the home of her for a handsome new building which is The company manufactured varnishes lemon dealers will make their fortunes. in New York yesterday. father, Stephen Olmstead, near the to be used for freight offices. The and lacquer and carried an immense One of our local dealers sold two boxes four corners, on the New Canaan road, building will be located at the corner stock of oil and chemicals. When the of this old-maid-like fruit yesterday. Down With Anarchy! Senator and Mrs. O. H. Piatt, Mr. last night, aged 37 years, after an ill­ of Montgomery and South streets,New explosion took place building after The probability that the attempt to ness of about six weeks. She leaves one York, just opposite Pier 50, East River. building was shaken to pieces. The em­ Mr. Patrick Buckley, engineer at the and Mrs. J. P. Piatt left Meriden yes­ factory of the South Norwalk Hat Co., assassinate H. C. Frick was the out­ terday for the Adirondacks. child, a daughter. The funeral will be It will be 70 feet long, 21 feet deep, ployees' houses fell about the heads of held from her home at one o'clock to­ and 4 stories high. The building will the inmates. At first it was thought was overcome by the heat this morning come of a deliberately planned Anarch­ morrow. Interment in the New Canaan be built of brick with rough brown many had been injured, but there was and was removed to his home in a car­ ist conspiracy grows stronger daily. Mrs. George Reed and Miss Frances cemetery. granite trimmings. probably only one fatality. A negro riage. ^ The police should not relax their efforts Smith have returned from a visit with fireman is the only one missing. The friends in Litchfield county. Hon. A. Homer Byington, editor of "Glad." is authority for the state­ until all the details of the plot are fer­ " Fine Luck. ruins burst into flames and the citizens ment that an unknown man, while crab­ the NORWAIJK GAZETTE, was sixty-six of Springfield and Milburn hastened to bing at the steamboat dock yesterday reted out and every one of the villians Owing to the heat last night, one years old last Saturday. As Mr. By­ Messrs. Hiram Davis, David Lock- the scene anxi put out the fire. afternoon, fell through the ice, and was concerned in it is in the hands of the page of this morning's Bridgeport ington is one of the best as well' as one wood, Wm. Wardwell and Henry Lew­ drowned. law. It is society, government and or­ Union was printed upside down. of the oldest editors in Connecticut, is, fishermen, and Wm. Mitchell, guide, the press of the State has every reason went to Trinity lake yesterday, and Litigous Mr. Corbin. Not to be outdone by " Uncle " John der which the depraved and malignant Thermometers are not recognized as to be proud of him.
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