Mar Biol (2017) 164:121 DOI 10.1007/s00227-017-3155-4 EDITORIAL An overview of recent research in marine biological invasions Farrah T. Chan1 · Elizabeta Briski2 Received: 8 April 2017 / Accepted: 25 April 2017 © The Author(s) 2017. This article is an open access publication Abstract The Topical Collection on Invasive Species of viruses and pathogens, and cause substantial damage includes 50 articles addressing many tenets of marine inva- to natural resources and ecosystem services (Simberloff sion ecology. The collection covers important topics relat- et al. 2013). Consequently, considerable research has been ing to propagule pressure associated with transport vectors, conducted to examine the biology, ecology, and evolution species characteristics, attributes of recipient ecosystems, of NIS (e.g., Sakai et al. 2001; Roman and Darling 2007; invasion genetics, biotic interactions, testing of invasion Lejeusne et al. 2014), characterize key transport vectors hypotheses, invasion dynamics and spread, and impacts of and pathways (i.e., transport means and geographic routes, nonindigenous species. This article summarizes some of respectively) (e.g., Hulme 2009; Wilson et al. 2009), iden- the collection’s highlights. tify determinants of invasion success (e.g., Kolar and Lodge 2001; Williamson 2006; Blackburn et al. 2015), Keywords Alien species · Aquatic ecosystems · forecast spatial distribution and spread (e.g., Muirhead Biodiversity · Exotic species · Nonindigenous species · and MacIsaac 2005; Floerl et al. 2009; Larson et al. 2014), Non-native species · Invasive species as well as assess and predict impacts of NIS on recipient communities (e.g., Dick et al. 2013; Alexander et al. 2014; Jeschke et al. 2014). Understanding the mechanisms and Introduction patterns of biological invasions allows us to develop strat- egies to prevent and manage the negative effects of NIS The introduction and establishment of nonindigenous spe- (Pyšek and Richardson 2010), while gaining valuable cies (NIS) beyond their natural distributional range is a key insights into ecological, evolutionary, and biogeographic component of global environmental change (Simberloff theories and concepts (see Lodge 1993; Sax et al. 2007; et al. 2013). While only a small proportion of introduced Jeschke 2014). NIS become invasive in the recipient habitats (Blackburn Research efforts in invasion ecology; however, vary et al. 2011), their impacts can be detrimental. Invasive across systems, with the majority of studies conducted in NIS can lead to declines or even extinctions of native spe- terrestrial habitats rather than aquatic ones (Jeschke et al. cies, disrupt ecosystem functions, enhance transmission 2012; Lowry et al. 2012). Marine and coastal ecosystems worldwide are being invaded at extraordinary rates as a result of human activities such as shipping, aquaculture, Responsible Editor: U. Sommer. fsheries, ornamental and live seafood trades, the opening * Farrah T. Chan and construction of canals, habitat modifcation, and cli- Farrah.Chan@dfo‑mpo.gc.ca mate change, which provide increasing opportunities for marine NIS to be introduced and subsequently established 1 Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Burlington, ON L7S 1A1, in new environments (Occhipinti-Ambrogi and Savini Canada 2003; Molnar et al. 2008; Williams et al. 2013). There- 2 GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, fore, studies focusing on biological invasions in marine and Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany coastal environments are warranted. 1 3 121 Page 2 of 10 Mar Biol (2017) 164:121 This Topical Collection on Invasive Species compiles ballast-mediated invasion risk in marine and coastal habi- 50 articles, including 44 Original Papers, four Reviews, tats. Three studies evaluating the importance of ship bio- and two Short Notes, addressing a wide array of topics fouling as a vector for the introduction and spread of marine in marine invasion ecology. Additionally, the collection NIS reported mixed results (Chan et al. 2016; Kauano et al. is complemented by two Editorial Comments, a preface 2017; van der Gaag et al. 2016). The frst study examining (Briski and Chan 2015) and this summary. The topics of temporal changes in biofouling assemblages on military these articles can be broadly categorized into eight themes: vessels during transits in the marine Arctic recorded six propagule pressure associated with transport vectors, spe- potential NIS capable of surviving round trip voyages from cies characteristics, attributes of recipient ecosystems, temperate to arctic ports in Canada (Chan et al. 2016). Sim- invasion genetics, biotic interactions, invasion hypothesis ilarly, an experimental study found that the sailing speed testing, invasion dynamics and spread, and impacts of and desiccation time typical of small fshing and recreation nonindigenous species. This collection covers a number boats in southern Brazil had little effect on the survivorship of nonindigenous algae, macrophytes, invertebrates, and of biofouling organisms (Kauano et al. 2017). In contrast, fshes in marine and coastal ecosystems spanning from as results from mesocosm experiments indicate that the non- far south as Argentina and New Zealand to as far north as indigenous mussels Dreissena polymorpha and Mytilopsis the Canadian Arctic. The range of approaches used in the leucophaeata and the native mussel Mytilus edulis would studies includes feld surveys, feld experiments, laboratory not be capable of tolerating unfavourable salinity levels for experiments, bioassays, literature reviews, meta-analyses, durations typical of actual ship voyages in the North Sea and mathematical modelling. Here, we briefy summarize (van der Gaag et al. 2016). In terms of the aquaculture vec- some of the highlights of this collection, while a detailed tor, a laboratory study demonstrated that transplanted mus- description of each study can be found in the original paper. sels could serve as a transport vector for Nitzschia bizerten- Although many studies addressed more than one topic, we sis, a new toxin-producing diatom recently found in Bizerte focus on the most interesting and important fndings of Lagoon, Tunisia; the diatom was able to survive, regrow, each publication for the sake of brevity. and retain its toxicity following fltration and ejection as biodeposits by mussels (Bouchouicha-Smida et al. 2015). Propagule pressure associated with transport vectors Species characteristics A number of theoretical and empirical studies have dem- onstrated that propagule pressure—the number of individu- Species characteristics such as fast growth, polyphagy, als involved in an introduction event (propagule size) and high dispersal ability, broad physiological tolerance, high the number of introduction events (propagule number)—is genetic variability, high phenotypic plasticity, and associa- the most consistent predictor of invasion success (e.g., Von tion with humans have been proposed as common attributes Holle and Simberloff 2005; Lockwood et al. 2005; Simber- of successful NIS (e.g., Sakai et al. 2001; Kolar and Lodge loff 2009). Increased propagule size and propagule number 2002; Jeschke and Strayer 2006; Blackburn and Jeschke enhance the probability of establishment of a population 2009; Lenz et al. 2011). Articles in this collection focused by decreasing environmental and demographic stochastic- on the importance of physiological tolerance to the inva- ity, respectively (Lockwood et al. 2005; Simberloff 2009; sion success of marine NIS. Species with the capacity to Blackburn et al. 2015). Transport vectors infuence the tolerate broader abiotic conditions may have a greater like- movement, quantity, and quality of propagules being deliv- lihood of surviving transport, establishing in new habitats, ered to new habitats, thereby playing a crucial role in deter- and expanding their introduced range (Lenz et al. 2011; mining the outcome of biological invasions (Lockwood Bates et al. 2013). An experimental study investigating the et al. 2005; Hulme 2009; Wilson et al. 2009). effects of temperature and salinity on the performance of This collection covers two leading transport vectors of the nonindigenous kelp Undaria pinnatifda and two native NIS in marine and coastal ecosystems: shipping (ballast kelps, Lessonia variegata and Ecklonia radiata, from Tau- water and biofouling) and aquaculture. Casas-Monroy et al. ranga Harbour, New Zealand found that the NIS gener- (2016) presented the frst estimation of propagule pressure ally exhibited broader tolerance to the treatments than the for viable (i.e., alive and able to reproduce) nonindigenous native ones (Bollen et al. 2016). Indeed, a separate study dinofagellates in ballast water of commercial ships arriv- reported that the nonindigenous population of U. pinnati- ing at Pacifc and Atlantic ports in Canada. The authors fda in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand was able to tolerate found that propagule pressure varied by transport pathway, temperatures much warmer than those in its native range by and that ballast water exchange was not suffcient to reduce adjusting its growth cycle, allowing individuals to persist 1 3 Mar Biol (2017) 164:121 Page 3 of 10 121 under conditions previously thought to be unfavourable or abiotic features that promote NIS establishment. An (James and Shears 2016a). examination of invasion patterns in shipping ports on Differential physiological tolerance between native and the Atlantic and Pacifc coasts of Canada
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