Public Document Pack AB HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD THURSDAY 26 MARCH 2015 1.00 PM Bourges/Viersen Room - Town Hall Contact – [email protected], 01733 452268 AGENDA Page No 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 January 2015 3 - 6 4. NHS ENGLAND/CCG (a) Primary Care Co-Commissioning 7 - 14 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. 5. CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS (a) CCG 2015-2016 Operational Plan For the Board to receive a presentation. (b) Better Care Fund s75 Agreement 15 - 62 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. 6. PUBLIC HEALTH (a) Health Protection Annual Report 63 - 104 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. (b) Peterborough 2015 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 105 - 250 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. (c) Cardiovascular Disease Programme Update 251 - 254 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. There is an induction hearing loop system available in all meeting rooms. Some of the systems are infra-red operated, if you wish to use this system then please contact Gemma George on 01733 452268 as soon as possible. 7. ADULT SERVICES (a) Care Act Plan and Implications 255 - 258 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. INFORMATION ITEMS 8. Exception Report: Health and Wellbeing Board Action Plan Progress 259 - 262 Update For the Board to note the report and recommendations. 9. Healthy Child Programme 263 - 268 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. 10. Winterbourne View Review and Update 269 - 272 For the Board to note the report and recommendations. 11. Schedule of Future Meetings and Draft Agenda Programme Schedule to the tabled at the meeting. Board Members: Cllr Cereste (Chairman), Cllr Lamb (Vice Chairman), Cllr Fitzgerald, Cllr Holdich, Cllr Scott, Gillian Beasley, Dr Liz Robin, Wendi Ogle-Welbourn, Andy Vowles, Cathy Mitchell, Dr Michael Caskey, Dr Paul van den Bent, Dr Gary Howsam, Dr Kenneth Rigg, Andrew Pike and David Whiles Co-opted Members: Russell Wate and Claire Higgins Substitutes: Dr Harshad Mistry Further information about this meeting can be obtained from Gemma George on telephone (01733) 452268 or by email [email protected] AB MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL ON 7 JANUARY 2015 Members Present: Councillor Marco Cereste, Leader of the Council (Chairman) Councillor Diane Lamb, Cabinet Advisor for Health (Vice Chairman) Councillor Wayne Fitzgerald, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Councillor Sheila Scott, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services Councillor John Holdich, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University Gillian Beasley, Chief Executive, PCC Jana Burton, Executive Director of Adult Social Care and Health and Wellbeing, PCC Cathy Mitchell, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group David Whiles, Peterborough Healthwatch Wendi Ogle-Welbourn, Director for Communities Gill Kelly, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (representing Andy Vowles) Co-opted Members Present: Russell Wate, Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and Peterborough Safeguarding Adults Board Claire Higgins, Chairman of the Safer Peterborough Partnership Also Present: Will Patten, Assistant Director for Adult Commissioning David White, External Better Care Fund Advisor Paul Stevenson, Head of Adult Social Care Finance Gemma George, Senior Governance Officer 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Sue Westcott, Andy Vowles, Dr Michael Caskey, Dr Paul van den Bent, Dr Gary Howsam, Dr Kenneth Rigg and Andrew Pike. 2. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 3. Minutes of the Meeting Held on 11 December 2014 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2014 were approved as a true and accurate record. 4. Approval of the Better Care Fund Submission The Board received a report which provided an update on the Better Care Fund (BCF) in the wake of the Nationally Consistent Assurance Review (NCAR) process. This required the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health and Wellbeing Boards to resubmit BCF plans on 9 January 2015. 3 Will Patten, the Assistant Director for Adult Commissioning, introduced the report and provided an overview update, he was joined by Gill Kelly, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Paul Stevenson, Head of Adult Social Care Finance. Comments on the Plan were sought from the Board and approval for amendments to be made up to the point of re-submission. Key points raised and highlighted during discussion included: The Plan had been re-written and had been aligned more closely with Cambridgeshire. A workshop approach had been taken towards the re-write; The workshops had been well attended, with a broad cross section of representatives. There had been three workshops, the purpose being to gain agreement for focus of delivery, priorities and themes to deliver against BCF outcomes; Partner engagement and contribution throughout the process had been extensive; The re-write had followed the last workshop held in December 2014 and a number of versions had been drafted; From the CCG perspective the process had been undertaken well. There had been good working partnerships between Cambridge County Council and Peterborough City Council. The Plan was more aligned, robust and sustainable; The level of time and money in term of investment that the Council had put in, supported by joint working with the CCG had been a testament to the Plan ready for submission; The Uniting Care Partnerships contract was underway and this was a key enabler to ensure transformation of the care pathway; The Plan was much improved on the first submission. Delivery would be the next challenge; Members positively commented on the work that had gone into the development of the Plan however raised queries as to how the Plan would be put into practice and what impact it would have? The next steps would involve a compliance review and over the forthcoming days the Better Care Assessors would make contact with a number of people who had been involved in the development of the Plan. The Plan would then be considered by a Programme Board and a formal response submitted by the beginning of February; All those involved in the development of the Plan were thanked. The approval of the Plan was vital to the future work in Health and Adult Social Care; and Governance issues were outlined, including the reporting pathways. RESOLVED The Board noted the progress in preparing the Better Care Fund Plans to enable the submission of the Plans by 9 January 2015. 5. Proposed Workshop on the Challenged Health Economy The Board was requested to approve a proposed workshop on the Challenged Health Economy. Following discussion, it was commented that perhaps efforts would be best directed into delivering the BCF and the projects within, and whether this would be more conducive for a workshop focus. It was agreed that this should be the main focus, but also touching on Primary Care Co-commissioning. RESOLVED The Board agreed that further thought was to be given to the workshop focus, including both BCF, projects contained within and primary care co-commissioning. Members to be informed of the new workshop in due course. 4 6. Schedule of Future Meetings and Draft Agenda Programme The Board noted the schedule of future meetings and draft agenda programme. 10.00am – 10.37am Chairman 5 This page is intentionally left blank 6 HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD AGENDA ITEM No. 4(a) 26 MARCH 2015 PUBLIC REPORT Contact Officer(s): Catherine Mitchell, Local Chief Officer Tel. 01733 776189 PRIMARY CARE CO-COMMISSIONING R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S FROM : C&PCCG Governing Body Deadline date : n/a For the Board to note that the C&PCCG will Join Commission Primary Care Services with NHS England East from 1st April 2015. During 2015/16 we will undertake due diligence and consult with member practices (and engage with other stakeholders) regarding Option 3, full delegated responsibility for primary care commissioning. 1. ORIGIN OF REPORT 1.1 This report is submitted to Health & Wellbeing Board following a request from Catherine Mitchell, Local Chief Officer, Borderline & Peterborough LCG’s to update HWB members on the decision taken by C&PCCG on the future of Primary Care Co-Commissioning. 2. PURPOSE AND REASON FOR REPORT 2.1 The purpose of this report is to update members on the Primary Care Co-Commissioning and specifically the decision made by C&PCCG Governing Body on 13 January 2015. 2.2 In summary, the rationale for this approach is that effective commissioning of primary care is vital in order to deliver better whole system / integrated pathway services, and current arrangements are not working as well as we would wish. From a CCG perspective there is scope to be more proactive, and a need for better, clearer joint working approaches with NHS England East (formerly the Area Team) (NHSE). 2.3 Discussions with Strategic Clinical Management Executive Team, Governing Body and Member practices to date had indicated a willingness to take up the joint commissioning option for primary care, provided there are adequate safeguards in place regarding conflicts of interest. Letter from Dr P Watson, NHS England, Midlands & East confirming approval, attached at Appendix A. 3. BACKGROUND The CCG submitted an expression of interest in joint commissioning of primary care services to NHS England in June 2014. In November 2014, NHS England issued further guidance “Next steps towards Primary Care Co-commissioning” as a means of providing CCGs with greater clarity and transparency around the commissioning options. The purpose of this additional guidance was to allow CCGs to reflect on their initial submission, and to select from 3 more clearly defined options for commissioning primary care.
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