The Value of News for Economic Developments By Vegard H. Larsen and Leif A. Thorsrud∗ Online appendix ∗Larsen: Centre for Applied Macro and Petroleum Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, and Norges Bank (email: [email protected]); Thorsrud: Centre for Applied Macro and Petroleum Economics, BI Norwegian Business School, and Norges Bank (email: [email protected]). This paper is part of the research activities at the Centre for Ap- plied Macro and Petroleum Economics (CAMP) at the BI Norwegian Business School. We thank Farooq Akram, George-Marios Angeletos, Hilde C. Bjørnland, Fabio Canova, Herman K. van Dijk, Gernot Doppelhofer, Sylvia Fr¨uhwirth-Schnatter, Ragnar Juelsrud, Gisle Natvik, Kjetil Storesletten, Tommy Sveen, Mike West, and two anonymous referees for valuable com- ments substantially improving the quality of the article. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Norges Bank. The usual disclaimer applies. Earlier drafts of this article have been circulated under the shorter title \The Value of News". 1 Appendices Appendix A Data The news indexes (NI and NIOUS) are constructed based on the DN corpus, the LDA decomposition, and the predictive results. See Sections2 and3 of the main paper for details. Consumption (C), output (Y ), investment (I), and employment (E) were obtained from Statistics Norway (SSB). Consumption is defined as \Final con- sumption expenditure of households and NPISHs"; output is defined as \Gross domestic product, market value"; investment is defined as \Gross fixed capital formation"; and employment is defined as \Employed persons. Employees and self-employed." Consumption, investment, and output are all measured in con- stant 2012 prices (million NOK). Employment is measured in 1000 persons. All series are seasonally adjusted by the original source. The business confidence indicator (BCI) and inflation (π) were obtained from the FRED database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. A pure consumer confidence indicator, covering the sample needed here, does not exist for Norway. The BCI indicator is a seasonally adjusted confidence index for the manufacturing sector, whose normal value is 100. The original source is OECD, \Main Economic Indicators - complete database." The inflation series is the consumer price index for all items, normalized to 100 in 2010. We seasonally adjust this series using the X12-ARIMA package developed by the U.S. Census Bureau. The real interest rate (R) is constructed using the 3-month interbank rate for Norway (NIBOR), deflated using the inflation series described above. The nominal interest rate was collected from the FRED database maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Asset prices (OSEBX) were obtained from Yahoo finance. The OSEBX index is the Oslo Stock Exchange Benchmark Index. As of 2013 it consists of roughly 55 companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Finally, the total factor productivity index is constructed based on a simple growth accounting framework, using output (Y ), hours worked (H), and the capital stock (KS). For many countries, official statistics exist for total factor productivity. For Norway, none exist with a quarterly frequency. We construct 2 α 1−α a two measures, one as TFP = log(Yt=H (KSt) ), and the other as TFP = α 1−α a log(Yt=H (CUtKSt) ). For both measures we set α = 0:33. TFP is adjusted for capacity utilization (CU), while the TFP measure is not.1 Norges Bank kindly provided us with numbers for the capital stock and hours worked covering the sample needed in this paper. Capacity utilization (CU) was collected from SSB's Business tendency survey for manufacturing, mining and quarrying. Appendix B Labeling the topics As discussed in Section 2.1 of the main paper, the LDA algorithm does not label the extracted topics. Instead, the outputs from the procedure are probability distributions over all the words in the corpus, and over a set of a predetermined number of topics. One useful way to represent these probability distributions is by using word clouds, where the size of a word within a given topic is drawn to a size that corresponds to the probability of that word occurring in that topic. From this we can then classify the different topics and give them distinct labels. Inherently the latter part of this procedure is based on discretion, but as emphasized in Section 2.1, the exact labeling does not play a material role for the main results of the paper. Figure A.1 exemplifies our procedure for 2 out of the 80 distinct topics. As seen in the figure, for topic 14, the words \loans", \guarantee", \interest", “fi- nancial", and \maturity" are all given a large weight in this topic. Thus, instead of referring to this as topic 14, we classify the topic as a Funding topic. To us, this seems to encompass the most important words within this topic reasonably well. Similarly, for topic 77, we end up with the classification Fear. For most of the estimated topics we find this classification scheme easy to apply. Still, for two topics we found labeling particularly difficult, namely topics 2 and 74, which we therefore label as Unknown. Table A.1 reports the full list of estimated topics, labels, the number of articles that are best described by each topic, as well as a list of the most important words associated with each individual topic. For all topics, the table presents two sets 1As argued in Beaudry and Portier(2006), it may be the case that in response to a technological innovation, properly measured productivity does not increase for a substantial period of time, but that mis-measured productivity responds rapidly due to changes in factor utilization. Our results are also robust to using output per hours worked as a measure of (labor) productivity. 3 Topic 14: Funding Topic 77: Fear Figure A.1. Word clouds and topic categorization. For each word cloud the size of a word reflects the probability of this word occurring in the topic. A word cloud is created based on the 200 first words in each topic. of word lists according to two alternative ways of ranking the words that describe each topic. The word lists above the horizontal line are the highest ranking words according to the probabilities in the word distribution given by the topic model. The words bellow the horizontal line (for all the topics) are the highest ranking words according to a measure called term-lift. This latter measure gives a lower ranking to words that occur with a high frequency in the whole corpus. See Taddy(2012) for details on how the term-lift is computed. As seen from the table, depending on which word ranking metric that is used, the \First words" column varies. However, our subjective topic labeling/interpretation seems robust, in 4 most cases, to using either top-word metrics. We note that some words might get lost in translation. That is, the raw data are from a Norwegian newspaper, so the language we work with is Norwegian. However, to reach a wider audience, all words are translated into English. For simplicity, we used Google Translate. One problem with this approach is that the translation of many Norwegian words produces two English words. One example is the Norwegian word \sentralbank", which translates as \central bank." The translation here is clear, but since one word is turned into two, \sentralbank" shows up as two distinct elements, \central" and \bank." 5 Table A.1. Estimated topics and labeling. The topics are labeled based on the meaning of the most important words. The \# of articles" column reports the number of articles, in the full sample, which according to the model, belong to that specific topic. The words are translated from Norwegian to English using Google Translate. See the text for further details. Topic Label # of First words articles Topic 0 Anglo-Saxon 4457 the, new, of, york, doll, and, in, london, world, street, is, you, on, english, england, wall don't, brooklyn, spitz, collin, our, there, trump, but, stewart, great, can, this, mad Topic 1 Leadership 4357 position, forests, chairman, president, ceo, dis- missal, executive, candidate, elected forest owners, boards, oksum, follum, gusevik, forest owners, salary, tofte, rein˚as,moelv Topic 2 Unknown 5717 smile, night, man, wall, house, door, gate, clock, home, minute, no, night, black sidewalk, lounge, jacket, pants, shirt, suit, sunglasses, wearing, walk, thud, hair, hell Topic 3 Knowledge 707 know, things, think, answer, never, good, feel, always, really, need, tell, pretty, just, feel, try scary, bearing, bother, stupid, nonsense, stu- pidity, embarrassing, tja, like, strange, ok Topic 4 Context 710 degree, power, unequal, change, influence, context, difference, high, impact, significantly variable, empirical, perspective, hypothesis, preference, balancing, etc, optimal, above Topic 5 Public safety 7497 police, finance guards, sight, illegal, investiga- tion, indicted, prison, corruption, report sandstrøm, assange, fbi, effex, herlofsen, østraat, høgetveit, pallin, murud, amnesty Topic 6 Government policy 3948 suggestions, parliamentary, department, selec- tion, treasury, minister, change, foss, budget parliamentary decisions, parlament secretary, statskonsult, proposed, proposition, restad Continued on next page 6 Table A.1 { continued from previous page Topic Label # of First words articles Topic 7 Olympics 2301 olymics, participate, visit, invite, lillehammer, interest, business, gold, arranging, walk, story tusenfryd, ioc, davos, looc, olympics, lilleham- mer, mess, zoo, moes, olympic, anniversary Topic 8 Cooperation
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