[Distributed to the Council and Official No. : C. 351. M. 145. 1930. V. the Members of the League.] Geneva, August 19th, 1930. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ACTS OF THE CONFERENCE FOR THE CODIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW Held at The Hague from March 13th to April 12th, 1930. V o l. I PLENARY MEETINGS Series of League of Nations Publications V. LEGAL 1930. V. 14. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page A g e n d a o f t h e C o n f e r e n c e ..................... 5 F if t h P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Thursday, April 3rd, 1930, at 10 p.m. : L ist o f M e m b e r s o f D e l e g a t io n s . 6 13. Notification by the Australian P r e s id e n t a n d V ic e -P r e s id e n t s of Delegation uf Full Powers to t h e C o n f e r e n c e .................................................. 14 negotiate and sign the Instru­ F ir st P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Thursday, ments of the Conference.... 29 March 13th, 1930, at 11 a.m. : 14. Examination of the Draft Rules 1. Opening of the Conference.... 15 of Procedure of the Confe­ rence : Proposals made by the 2. Appointment of an Assistant Drafting Committee at the Secretary-General of the Con­ Request of the Bureau of the ference .............................................. 19 Conference (Rules XX, XXI, 3. Questions of Procedure : Com­ XXIII, XXIV and XXV).. 29 munication by the President. 19 S ix t h P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Thursday, April 10th, 1930, at 10.15 p.m. : Se c o n d P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Thursday, March 13th, 1930, at 3.40 p.m. : 15. Exam ination of the Report and Draft Convention submitted 4. Examination of the Draft Rules of by the First Committee Procedure of the Conference 20 (Nationality), with Three Se­ 5. Election of the Committee on parate Protocols and Eight the Credentials of Delegates. 25 Recommendations .................. 37 6. Questions of Procedure : Com­ munication by the President. 25 S e v e n t h P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Friday, April 11th, 1930, at 5.30 p.m. : Th ir d P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Friday, 16. WTork of the Third Committee March 14th, 1930, at 11 a.m. : (Responsibility of States for Damage caused in their Terri­ 7. Announcement of the Chairmen tory to the Person or Property of the Committees ....................... 26 of Foreigners) ........................... 43 8. Appointment of Three Vice-Pre- 17. General Recommendations with sidents of the Conference... 26 a View to the Progressive Codification of International F o u r t h P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Friday, Law : Report of the Drafting March 14th, 1930, at 4 p.m. : Committee .................................. 44 9. Telegram from Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands. 26 E ig h t h P l e n a r y M e e t i n g , Saturday, April 12th, 1930, at 10.30 a.m. : 10. Report of the Committee on the Credentials of Delegates .... 26 18. Examination of the Report of the Second Committee (Terri­ 11. Nomination of the Members of torial Sea) .................................. 50 the Drafting Committee of the Conference .................................. 27 19. Examination of the Final Act of the Conference....................... 54 12. Arrangements for the Work of the Conference : N in t h P l e n a r y M e e t in g , Saturday, (a) W ork of the Com m ittees. 27 April 12th, 1930, at 4 p.m. : (b) Procedure for submitting 20. Second Report of the Commit­ Proposals regarding the tee on the Credentials of Bases of Discussion or Delegates ..................................... 55 Other Proposals ......... 27 21. Signature of the Acts of the (c) Question of the Desir­ Conference .................................. 56 ability of a General Discussion....................... 28 22. Close of the Conference.............. 56 s. d. N. 1.010 (F) 830 (A). 8/30. — Imp. de la T. de (i. — 1 LIST OF ANNEXES. Page 1. Eules of Procedure : Text adopted by the Conference............................................... 62 2. Articles XX, XXI, XXIII, XXIV and XXV of the Eules of Procedure : Proposals drawn up by the Drafting Committee, at the Request of the Bureau, and submitted for Consideration to the Conference....................... 65 3. Convention and Protocols concerning Nationality : Report of the Drafting C om m ittee.......................................................................................................................... 68 4. Report of the First Committee: Nationality................................................................. 69 5. Convention on Certain Questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws : Text adopted by the Conference, April 1930...................................................... 81 6. Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nation­ ality : Text adopted by the Conference, April 1930......................................... 95 7. Protocol relating to a Case of Statelessness : Text adopted by the Conference, April 1930 .......................................................................................................................... 105 8. Special Protocol concerning Statelessness : Text adopted by the Conference, April 1930 .......................................................................................................................... 115 9. General Recommendations with a View to the Progressive Codification of International Law : Report of the Drafting Committee................................ 122 10. Report of the Second Committee : Territorial Sea (with Appendices) .... 123 Appendix I. — Articles concerning the Legal Status of the Territorial S ea................................................................................................ 126 Appendix II. — Report of Sub-Committee No. I I .................................... 131 Appendix III. — Extract from the Minutes of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Second Committee, held on April 3rd, 1930 . 134 Appendix IV. —■ Resolution concerning the Continuation of the Work of Codification on the Subject of Territorial Waters. 137 11. Final Act of the Conference................................................................................................ 139 AGENDA OF THE CONFERENCE 1. Nationality. 2. Territorial W aters. 3. Eesponsibility of States for Damage caused in their Territory to the Person or Property of Foreigners. LIST OF DELEGATES TO THE CONFERENCE FOR THE CODIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AUSTRALIA BULGARIA Delegates : Delegate : Sir Maurice Gwyer, K.C.B. (His Majesty’s M. Anguel Karagueusoff (First President Procurator-General and Solicitor for the of the Supreme Court of Cassation). Affairs of His Majesty’s Treasury). Mr. O. F. Dowson, O.B.E. (Assistant Legal CANADA Adviser to the Home Office). Delegates : Mr. W. E. Beckett (Legal Adviser in the His Excellency the Honourable Philippe Foreign Office). Roy (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the President of the French Republic, Plenipotentiary, Head AUSTRIA of the Delegation). Delegates : M. Jean Désy (Counsellor of the Legation M. Marc Leitmaier (Doctor of Law, Legal to the President of the French Republic). Adviser of the Federal Chancellery, Mr. Lester B. Pearson (First Secretary Department for Foreign Affairs, Pleni­ potentiary). of the Departm ent of External Affairs). M. J. F. McNeill (Advisory Counsel, M. Charles Schwagula (Doctor of Law, Departm ent of Justice). Consul-General at the Department for Foreign Affairs). CHILE M. Charles Schonberger (Doctor of Law, Delegates : Ministerial Adviser at the Federal Ministry of Finance). His Excellency M. Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal (former Prime Minister, former Ambassador to the President of the BELGIUM United States of America, former Pro­ Delegates : fessor of International Law, President M. J. de Ruelle (Legal Adviser of the of the Mixed Claims Commissions Ministry for Foreign Aifairs). between Mexico and Germany and Mexico and Spain). M. C. de Visscher (Professor at the Univer­ sity of Ghent, Legal Adviser of the M. Alejandro Alvarez (Member of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Member Institute of France, Member and former of the Perm anent Court of Arbitration). Vice-President of the Institute of Inter­ national Law, Legal Adviser of the M. R. Standaert (Doctor of Law at the Chilian Legations in Europe). Ministry of Justice). Vice-Admiral Hipolito Marchant (Perma­ M. Henri Rolin (Legal Adviser of the nent Naval Delegate to the League of Ministry for Foreign Affairs). Nations). Substitute Delegate : Secretaries : Mlle. Marcelle Renson (Barrister at the M. Enrique J. Gajardo V. (Professor of Court of Appeal). International Law at the University of Chile, Secretary of the Legation to the UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL Swiss Federal Council, Secretary of the Delegation). Delegate : M. Benjamin Cohen (former Secretary of His Excellency M. G. de Vianna Kelsch Embassy, Secretary of the Chairman of (Envoy Extraordinary and Minister the Mixed Claims Commissions : Mexico- Plenipotentiary to the President of the Germany and Mexico-Spain, Secretary Republic of Ecuador). of the Head of the Delegation). CHINA CZECHOSLOVAKIA D eleg ate : Delegates : His Excellency M. Chao-Chu Wu (Envoy His Excellency M. Miroslav Plesinger- Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo­ Bozinov (Envoy Extraordinary and tentiary to the United States of America). Minister Plenipotentiary to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, Head of the Delegation). Technical Advisers : Dr. Vaclav Joachim (Chief of Section in M. William Hsieh (Secretary of Legation). the Ministry of the Interior, Privat- M. Yuen-li Liang (Secretary of Legation). docent of Public Law, Assistant Director of the Free School of Political Sciences Secretaries : at Prague). Dr. Antonin Koukal (Chief Counsellor at M. Nietsou Wang (Secretary of Legation). the Ministry of Justice). M. Sih Shou-heng (Attaché of Legation). Dr. FrantiSek Sitensky (Chief Counsellor at the Ministry of Commerce). COLOMBIA Experts : Delegates : Mme. Dr. Milada Krâl-Horakovâ. His Excellency M. Francisco José Urrutia Dr. Bohumil Kucera (Secretary of the (former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Legation to Her Majesty the Queen of Permanent Delegate accredited to the the Netherlands, Privat-docent of League of Nations, Envoy Extraordi­ Private and Public International Law).
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