Prof. BAİSE ŞEBNEM TOPLU Personal Information EOmffiaciel: Pshebonneem: .+to9p0lu +@9e0g e2.3ed2u 3.t1r1 1976 AWdedbr:e hstst:p sE:g/e/ aÜvneisviesr.esgitee.esid Eud.ter/bsiyeabtn Feamk.ütoltpelsui İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Bornova Izmir 35100 Turkey EDodcutocraatteio, Eng eI nÜfnoivremrsiatetsioi, nEdebiyat Fakültesi, İngiliz Dili Ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, Turkey 1992 - 1995 UPonsdtegrrgardaudautaet, eE, gBeo Üğnaziviçeir Üsinteivsei,r Esditebsii,y Faet nF-aEkdüelbteiysia, tİ nFgaikliüzl tDeislii , VBea tEı dDeibllieyrai tVı Be öEldüembüiy, aTtularrkıe Byö 1lü9m90ü ,- T1u9r9k2ey 1975 - 1979 Froernechig, Bn2 L Uapnpgeru Iangteersmediate CEdeurctaitfiiocna Mteasn,a gCeomuernst eansd a Pnladn nTinrga,i Bnoiğnagzsiçi Üniversitesi, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, 1979 Dissertations EDdoecbtoiyratıe, ,1 T9e9x5t and Context Relation in Jane Austen's Works, Ege Üniversitesi, İngiliz Dili Ve Edebiyatı, İngiliz Dili Ve EPdoestbgiryaadtıu, 1at9e9, 2A Structural Analysis of Graham Greene's Works, Ege Üniversitesi, İngiliz Dili Ve Edebiyatı, İngiliz Dili Ve RSoecsiael aSrcicehnc Aesr aenads Humanities, Philology, Western Languages and Literatures, English Language and Literature Academic Titles / Tasks APrsosofecsiastoer ,P Ergoefe Üssnoivre, rEsgiete Üsin, iEvdeerbsiityeasti ,F Eadkeübltieysait, Fİnagkiülilzt eDsiil,i İVneg iElizd eDbiliiy Vateı BEdöelübmiyüa,t ı2 B0ö1l2ü m- Cüo, n2t0in0u6e -s 2012 Assistant Professor, EUgneiv Üenrsivitear Dsietegslii , SEtduedbi iDyia Mt Foadkeünltae, sLi,e İtntegrileiz E D Filiil oVseo fEiad,e Lbiinygautıe B Eö lCüumltüu,r 1e9 E9u6r o- p2e0e0, 62004 - 2006 Assistant Professor, Universita Degli Studi Di BMooldoegna,, Leinttgeuree, EL eFtitleorsaotfuiare, L Ein Cguuletu Er eC Mulotudreer nEeu,r Loepteter, a2t0u0r0e -I n2g0le0s1e, 2000 R- 2es0e0a1rch Assistant, Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, İngiliz Dili Ve Edebiyatı Bölümü, 1992 - 1995 Instructor, Ege Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu, 1986 - 1992 Academic and Administrative Experience EMgeem Übneirv eorfs Pituebsil,i sEhdienbgi yCaotm Fiasksiüolnte, sEi,g Me üUtneirvceirms iTtye, rEcdüembaiynalıtk F Baöklüülmteüsi,, 2İn0g0i9li z- D20ili1 V2e Edebiyatı Bölümü, 2009 - 2012 Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2M0ü0t3er -c 2im0 1T0ercümanlık Bölümü, 2009 - 2012 Advising Theses DTOoPctLoUr aBte. Ş, B. ,. TMUeĞtaLmU(oSrtpuhdiec nPte)r, c2e0p1t8ions of Reality from Modernism to Postmodernism in Samuel Beckett's Novels, GTO.HPALTUİ PBO. ĞŞ.L ,U F(lSatnund Oen'Bt)r,i e2n0'1s 6dialogue with modernity: Authorship and the political unconscious, Doctorate, 2T0O1P5LU B. Ş. , An analysis of the doppelganger motif in Late Victorian Gothic fiction, Postgraduate, F.GAMZE(Student), PToOsPtLgUra Bd.u Şa.t ,e N, Fe.oB-AslYaAvLe AnŞa(rSrtautdiveenst:) F, r2e0d1 2D'aguiar's The Longest Memory and Orhan Pamuk's the White Castle, 2T0O1P1LU B. Ş. , Spiritual Africa materialized England: reconciliation in Haggard's works, Doctorate, M.ÖNDER(Student), OTO.KPOLCUA B.I YŞI. K, I(mStpuedreianlt )a,d 2v0e1n1tures: Accounts of Izmir as the "oriental other" in British travel writing tradition, Doctorate, ET.OÇPALKUA RB(. SŞt. u, dRen-rte),a 2d0in1g0 Sterne: The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman across centuries, Postgraduate, MTO.TPULRUY BE.L Ş(.S , tWudaenndte),r 2in0g0 M9asks: Reconstructing the Jewish identity in diasporic narratives, Doctorate, FT.OSPALVUİO BL.İ Ş(S. ,t uNdeegnott)ia, 2ti0n0g 5Identities in Contemporary Black British Women's Literature, Postgraduate, ET.OBPELLUL İBN. İŞ(.S ,t uImdeanget)s, o2f0 t0h5e North-South Divide in Twentieth-Century England Through Travel Writing, Postgraduate, 2T0O0P5LU B. Ş. , Real and Imagined Women in Postcolonial Indian Fiction in English, Postgraduate, E.SAVİOLİ(Student), TwOPeLnUtie Bth. Ş C. e, nMteutrayp, hPoors,t gPraedjuudaitcee, Fan.BdU RLeGaAliRtyE:L ALlİt(eSrtautdioenn tin), B2r0i0ti3sh Writers’ Perspective on Italy and Italians during the cToOnPtLeUxt ,B P. oŞs. t, gTrhaed ucoantec,e Gp.tY oAfĞ oLtIhDeArĞne(Ssstu: dAernutn)d, h2a0t0i 3Roy, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala and Deborah Moggach in the postcolonial PToOsPtLgUra Bd.u Şa.t ,e T, Ahe.G RÜeNfDleÜctZio(Snt uodf einndt)u,s 2tr0i0al2 revolution in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Baton and Charles Dickens Hard Times, Articles Published in Other Journals I. STuopicluid Be. HŞ.eights’: Council Estates as Sites of Entrapment and Resistance in Hello Mum II. RAdevloacnacetisn ign CLahningueasgee J aenwdi sLhit eBrrairtyis Shtu Iddiesn, tvitoyl. 5in, p Tph.1e6 9A-u17to4g, 2ra0p14h (MRaefne rbeye dZ Jaoduiren Salms iotfh Other Institutions) ITnOtePrLaUc tBio. nŞs., vol.22, pp.129-145, 2013 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions) III. The Trajectory of the Hybrid Self ITnOtePrLaUc tBio. nŞs., vol.19, pp.93-109, 2010 (Refereed Journals of Other Institutions) IV. WTOoPmLUa nB’.s Ş .Third Age: The Seven Sisters by Margaret Drabble V. ABrdnoop Stitoudni easn idn ERnegcloisnhs, tviotul.3ti5o, n oo.1f , Lpipv.1e7s:3 -J1a8c4k,i e2 0K0a9y (’sIn Ttehren aAtidoonpalt iRoenfe Preaepde Ursniversity Journal) ITnOtePrLaUc tBio. nŞs., vol.17, pp.113-126, 2008 (International Refereed University Journal) VI. HTOoPmLeU( Bla. nŞ.d) or ‘Motherland’: Translational Identities in Andrea Levy’s Fruit of the Lemon VII. ‘AWnthheurreiu amr:e A y Coauri bfrboeman, Sotruidgiiensa Jlolyu?rn’:a Rl, avcoel.3 a, ndo. 1G, epnpd.1e5r- 2i0n, B20e0r5n a(rIndtienren aEtivoanrails Rtoe’fse rLeaedra University Journal) ITnOtePrLcUu lBtu. rŞe., vol.1, no.1, pp.8-14, 2004 (International Refereed University Journal) Books & Book Chapters I. LToifpel uL Bit.e Şr.ature in Eighteenth-Century England Expanded Sixth Edition II. JEagnee Ü Aniuvsetresinte’is iA, İyzkmırirı, B20ir1 9Yazar Olarak Okumak iTnO: POLnU D Bo.k Şu.zuncu Yüzyılda İngiliz Kadın Yazarlar, Bozer, Deniz, Editor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, pp.109-128, III. D20e1b8ates over Women’s Status in the Eighteenth-Century English Society iTnO: PTLraUd Bin. gŞ .Women, Traded Women A Historical Scrutiny of Gendered Trading, Bakay, Gönül , Mudure Mihaela, IV. LEdifieto ar,n Pde tLeirt eLraantgu, rFera innk fEuirgth atmee Mnathin ,C pepn.3tu2r3y-3 E3n9,g 2la0n1d7 ETgoep lÜun Biv. eŞr.sitesi, İzmir, 2014 V. FTOicPtLioUn B U. Şn.bound VI. TCarmanbsrnidagteio Snchaol lIadres nPtuitbyli sMhianpgp, Ninegwsc ainst lAen-Udproena- TLyenvey, ’2s0 F11iction iTnO: PGLrUow Bi.n Şg. Up Transnational Identity and Kinship in a Global Era, Friedman, M., Shultermandl, S. , Editor, VII. SUenlifv,e Crsoitmy mOfu Unnitivye arsnidty NOaf tTuorreo:n Jtoa cPorbes Rs oInscs.,’ TPoyrnotnetro , Bpepn.1d6e0r-178, 2011 iTnO: PTLhUe FBu. Ştu.re of Ecocriticism: New Horizons, Opperrmann S., Özdağ U., Özkan N., Slovic S., Editor, Cambridge VIII. Scehlfo, laCrosm Pmubulinshitiyn ga, nNde wNcaatsutlree U: pJaocno Tby nReo, spsp’. 2P8y8n-2te9r9 ,B 2e0n1d1er iTnO: PTLhUe FBu. Ştu.re of Ecocriticism New Horizons, Oppermann Serpil, Özdağ Ufuk, Özkan Nevin,Slovic Scott, Editor, IX. TCarmanbsrnidagteio Snchaol lIadres nPtuitbyli sMhianpgp, Ninegwsc ainst lAen-Udproena- TLyenvey, ’psp F.2i8c8ti-o2n99, 2011 iTnO: PGLrUow Bi.n Şg. Up Transnational Identity and Kinship in a Global Era, Friedman May, Shultermandl Silvia, Editor, X. GUneinvderesrietyd o Tf rTaonrosntaot iPorneassl , STpoarcoensto: ,A prpa.1b6 ‘0S-a1f7a8r, i2’ 0S1it1uated in Hanan Al-Shaykh’s Only in London iTnO: PAL FUl uBid. Ş S.ense of Self The Politics of Transnational Identity, Schultermandl,S, Toplu S. , Editor, Lıt Verlag Gmbh, XI. AVi yQeuneas, tp pfo.1r5 9a- 1S7li4c,e 2 o0f1 0Life: Muriel Spark’s Curriculum Vitae iTnO: PTLhUe LBa. nŞ.guage of Autobiography Discourses of Gender, Class and Ethnicity, Chiavetta, E. , Editor, Xl Edizioni Sas, XII. LPaolveerm oor, pPpr.i1d6e3 b-1y8 4Ja, n20e0 ‘7Austin’?: Jane Austen’s Reception in Turkey iTnO: PRLeU-D Br.a Şw.ing Austen: Picturesque Travels in Austenland., Battaglia B., Saglia D.. , Editor, Liguori Editore, Napoli, XIII. Jpapn.3e7 A7-u3s8t2e,n 2’0s0 M4arried Couples: A Cultural Materialistic Perspective iTnO: PJaLnUe BA. uŞs.ten Oggi e ieri, Battaglia B., Editor, Longo Editore Ravenna, Ravenna, pp.163-170, 2002 XIV. DToivpelur sBe. ŞA.spects of Italy and Italians in Contemporary British Literature XV. CEduilztiuornai lİ lM Fiaotreinrioa, lMisomd:e nTae,x 2t0 a0n1d Context Relation in Jane Austen's Works ETdoipzliuo nBi. İŞl .Fiorino, Modena, 2001 Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings I. TOraPnLsUl aBt. oŞr.s, Interpreters and Cultural Mediators in Contemporary Literature II. LESitSeEr a1r4y E Eurcooploeagny Saoncdie tCya froirb tbheea Snt uIddiens toift yE ningl iJsahc)o, Bbr Rno,s Csz’ eAch W Raeyp utbol iCc,a 2t9c hA uthgues Dt -u 0s2t September 2018 CTaOrPibLbUe Ba.n Ş a.nd Diasporic Dialogues in the University, Londrina, Brazil, 27 - 29 June 2016 III. WTOhPiLteU MB. yŞt.h in Reverse Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo ICdAeAnRti t(ieCso, lLleivgeiurmpo foolr, UAnfritiecadn K Ainmgedroimca,n 2 R4 e-s 2e8a rJcuhn eC o2n0f1e5rence) : Mobilising Memory Creating African American IV. DTOePcLoUn sBt.r Şu.ction of Performative Black Sexuality in Mr. Loverman V. Bllaacckk B Brritiitsihs hW Womoemne Wn rWiterrist eTrrsacing the Tradition and New Directions, Brighton, United Kingdom, 09 July 2014 ETxOpPeLrUt MB.e Şe.ting on Black British Women’s Writing, Brüksel, Belgium, 20 March 2013 AIJEcSt iIvntietrienast iiona nSl cJoieunrntaifl iocf EJongulirsnh aSltusdies, Evaluation Committee Member, 2019 - Continues AGnhgolsictlay WBorradtiesrla-Cvireonsssiian, gCso: mEumriottpeee iMn eAmfrboedria, 2sp0o1r3i c- LCiotenrtainturees, Evaluation Committee Member, 2019 - Continues
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