THE RAKE'S PROGRESS BY IGOR STRAVINSKY THE ROLE OF BABA THE TURK By WENDY LOUISE NIELSEN B.Music, The University of Lethbridge, 1984 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC in THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES SCHOOL OF MUSIC We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA April 1987 Wendy Louise Nielsen, 1987 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Department The University of British Columbia 1956 Main Mall Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Y3 Date April II. 11*7 DE-6G/81) UBC School of Music Presents The UBC OPERA THEATRE in IGOR STRAVINSKY'S 3 Act Opera in its WEST COAST PREMIERE Conducted and Directed by French Tickner with the UBC Symphony and Opera Chorus March 24, 25, 27 and 28-UBC Auditorium ^>ii?S 8:00 pm Curtain 1 CAST ANNE TRULOVE ... ... Sharon Acton Joanne Hounsell* TOM RAKEWELl ... Blaine Hendsbee David Shefsiek* FATHER TRULOVE . Paul Nash NICK SHADOW .... James Schiebler BABA THE TURK .. .. Wendy Nielsen MOTHER GOOSE ... Marilyn Gronsdal SELLEM ... Allan Marter KEEPER OF BEDLAM Sean Balderstone The action takes place in Eighteenth Century England - SCENES - Act I. Scene 1. Garden of Trulove's house. A Spring afternoon. Scene 2. Mother Goose's Brothel. London, Evening. Scene 3. Trulove's Garden. An Autumn night. Act II. Scene 1. Morning room of Tom's house, London. Scene 2. Street in front of Tom's house. London, Autumn, Dusk. Scene 3. Morning room of Tom's house, some weeks later. Act III. Scene 1. Morning room of Tom's house. Spring, Afternoon. Scene 2. A ruined churchyard. A starless night. Scene 3. Bedlam (Bethlehem Mental Hospital), London. Intermission between acts I & II, II & III. By permission of Copyright owners, Boosey and Hawkes (Canada) Ltd. Whores and Roaring Boys, Servants, Citizens of London and Madmen are drawn from THE OPERA CHORUS Sharon Acton, Chorus Master Sean 8alderstone Louise Leroux Sue Banning Debbie McNeilly Col in de Bourcier Helene PrSvost Maggie Brockington Marnie Setka Peter Farquharson Jill Sparrow Paul Fester Stan Thomson Andrew Hi 11 house Ellen Vesterdal Magdalena Kassis Melanie Whyte Dorothea Lakowski Etoin Schrdlu •indicates performances March 25 and 28 2 SUPERNUMERARIES Brian Day Glen Kerr Al Sirk Steve Wellenbrink UBC ORCHESTRA VIOLINS I FLUTES Cameron Wilson, concert master Marl is MacAulay, principal Toni Marr Soiban Johnson Sandra Fiddes Amy Levinson OBOES Anita Molaro Carrie Riches, principal Mary Harris Sandy Thacker (+ Eng. hrn) Cheryl Shizgal CLARINETS VIOLINS II Ray Horst, principal Terry Doerkson, principal Lynn Price Tom Larson Rafael Scholermann BASSOONS Audra Ayaltin Linda Kaastra, principal Laurie Townsend Isaac Bull (Dbl. Bsn.) David Glavina E-Sinn Soong TRUMPETS David Shaw, principal VIOLAS Gareth Jones Chris Sandvoss, principal Lisa Moody HORNS Karen Opgenorth Carl a Hallett, principal Chris Foley Tai-Ning Chang Alice Waterman PERCUSSION CELLOS Alan Hetherington Mary Stein, principal Sherril Pauls HARPSICHORD Aurelie Tu Richard Epp Leah Wyber Ruth Enns Brian Mix Lee-Ann Pinder BASSES George Koenig, principal Robert Haynes Robert Dyck Steven Kooyman 3 PRODUCTION STAFF Director . French Tickner Assoc. Music Director Richard Epp Repetiteur Ruth Enns Technical Director James Schiebler Scenic Design William Rasmussen Lighting James Schiebler Wendy Nielsen Costumes Wiluya Stage Manager Sara Jane Biles. Scenic Artists Siobhan Ryan Lisa Freedman Bread Machine Sherry Milne Make-up Cynthia Johnston Wigs Terry Kuzyk Hair Stylist Elke Englicht Construction Assistants Sean Balderstone Bill Biles Spencer Hutchins Costume Assistants Louise Leroux Debbie McNeilly Dorothea Lakowski Properties Assistants '.. Sharon Acton Joanne Hounsell Helene Prevost Marnie Setka Publicity Marilyn Gronsdal Wendy Nielsen The UBC Opera Theatre gratefully acknowledges the assitance of the Frederick Wood Theatre, The Playhouse Theare Company, and Raymonds Hair Salon One. 4 The Rake's Progress SYNOPSIS ACT I ACT II SCENE 1: The garden of Trulove's country home. SCENE 1: Tom's quarters in London. At breakfast by After a «hort fanfare prelude, we find Tom Rake- himself Tom bemoans the fact that he is not liking well wooing Anue in one corner of the garden while London and that he does not even dare think about her father, in another, voices his fears that his the girl he has left. At the words "I wish I were prospective son-in-law may not make a very steady hnppy," Nick Shadow appears and shows him a provider. With Anne gone into the house, Trulove broadside of a circus starring Daba the Turk, a tells Tom that a good position in business has been bearded lady. In a sinister aria, Nick teaches Tom to secured for him in London. Tom refuses the offer, forget crippling things like a conscience and ordi• and Trulove, angrily departing, tells him that nary appetites. What a wonderful idea it would be though he is willing for Anne to marry a poor man, for Tom to marry Baba 1 Tom looks at the broadside he will not tolerate a lazy one. Tom then has an aria again, laughs, and agrees that with Nick's help he ("Since it is not by merit we rise or we fall") will marry the creature. vigorously announcing that he intends to rely on the goddess of good luck. At the end, however, he wishes SCENE 2: Outside Tom's London house. Anne, who that he had some present money. At once the has come to London to persuade Tom to come back to Mephistophelean character of Kick Shadow, in the the country, sings an aria about it, but observes guise of a servant, appears at the gate and asks for servants beginning to carry all sorts of packages into Tnin ltakewell. Trulove and Anne are summoned, the house. A sedan chair is drawn in, and from it mid Nick announces that a forgotten uncle has left steps Tom. He begs Anne to go home again, for he is Tom a fortune. In the quartet that follows, only not worthy of her. As if to corroborate that judg• Trulove is uneiitlnisiastic. He fears that an unearned ment, a veiled head is stuck out of the sedan chair to fortune may inspire idleness. It is necessary, says ask what is holding everything up. Tom has to Nick, that Tom should go to London to settle the inform Anne that this is his bride being brought to business, and he offers himself as a servant, wages to her home—Baba the Turk. A trio develops as Anne be settled in a year and a day. (The Mephistophelean and Tom sing of their regrets over what might have character of Nick now becomes completely clear to been and Baba expresses her extreme impatience. all readers of Fault.) And as Tom goes out the gate, Finally Anne leaves, Tom helps Baba from the chair, Nick turns to the audience and announces, "The and a congratulatory crowd that has gathered is progress of a rake begins I" delighted when Baba removes her veil and shows her beard. SCENE 2: The brothel of Mother Goose in London. A vigorous chorus in praise of their respective activ• SCENE 3: A room in Tom's house. Again Tom is ities is sung by whores and roaring boys (roaring unhappy at breakfast as his hirsute bride jabbers boys being upper-class roisterers, also known as away about all the peculiar odds and ends she has "Mohocks" in eighteenth-century London). Nick scattered around the once tidy quarters—stuffed introduces Tom to this company and gets him to birds, china, cheap jewelry from any- and every• recite a sort of litany of evil he has already been where. When Tom remains not only uninterested but taught. He stumbles, however, when it comes to bored, she flies into a rage, smashes all the cheaper denning love; but when he wishes to leave because it stuff, and starts what might be called a tantrum is getting late, Nick sets back the clock, the merri• aria. In the middle of a line Tom stuffs his own wig ment begins anew, and Tom sings an aria recalling into her mouth, covering her face, and utterly miser• his vows of love to Anne. Mother Goose, however, able, he goes to sleep. wilt have none of this, and she leads the young man Nick now comes in silently, carrying a peculiar off to her own room. The scene euda gaily as the contraption into which he puta a bit of broken china bawds uitd roaring boys sing " Ijanterloo." and n loaf of bread, turns the handle, and has the bread alone emerge, Tom awakena and tells Nick he SCENE 3: The garden of Trulove's country home. luiri dreamed that lie invented a machine which could Anne has not heard a word from Tom and misses turn stone to bread and be a boon to suffering him badly. She sings a formal recitative and aria mankind. Nick, of counte, has the machine right about it; her father calls from the house; and Anne, there, and Tom makes it "work." Nick suggests that deriding her lover needs her more than her father there in a fortune to be made—but hadn't Tom does, decides to go to Loudon and tells us so in a better tell his wifcf "My wife!" says Tom.
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