Europäisches Patentamt *EP000693854B1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 693 854 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: H04N 5/445, H04N 7/088 of the grant of the patent: 01.03.2000 Bulletin 2000/09 (21) Application number: 95110651.7 (22) Date of filing: 08.07.1995 (54) System for controlling updates of extended data services (EDS) data System zum aktualisieren der Daten eines ausgebreiteten Datendiensts Système de commande de la mise à jour des données du service de données étendues (84) Designated Contracting States: • Edde, Gabriel Alfred DE GB IT Indianapolis, IN (US) • Landis, Michael David (30) Priority: 18.07.1994 GB 9414446 Fishers, IN (US) 23.05.1995 US 450955 (74) Representative: Hartnack, Wolfgang, Dipl.-Ing. (43) Date of publication of application: Deutsche Thomson-Brandt GmbH 24.01.1996 Bulletin 1996/04 European Patent Operations Karl-Wiechert-Allee 74 (73) Proprietor: THOMSON CONSUMER 30625 Hannover (DE) ELECTRONICS, INC. Indianapolis, IN 46206 (US) (56) References cited: EP-A- 0 312 798 WO-A-93/22876 (72) Inventors: • Duffield, David Jay Indianapolis, IN (US) Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 693 854 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 693 854 B1 2 Description the described problem and, in part, in providing a solu- tion to the problem. In accordance with a feature of the [0001] The invention concerns television receivers invention, a system for processing a television signal in- having circuitry for decoding information, such as closed cluding a video information component and including a caption data and extended data services information, 5 data component comprises first means for processing that is included in a television signal. the data component to produce first data representing [0002] In addition to closed captioning information, first temporal information associated with the television television signals in the United States may also include signal; second means for generating second data rep- Extended Data Services (EDS or XDS) information as resenting second temporal information associated with described in WO-A-93/22876. EDS information will be 10 the system , and for producing a modification of the sec- available on line 21 of field 2 and includes data encoded ond data in response to the first data; control means for in the same format as closed caption data. Thus, the processing the first and second data to determine a time video signal includes both a video information signal difference between first and second times represented component and a data signal component comprising by the first and second temporal information, respective- EDS and caption data. EDS and captioning share the 15 ly; wherein if the time difference is in a first range the bandwidth of line 21 field 2 in a time multiplexed manner. control means operates in response to an control signal EDS offers a wide range of useful information such as: for preventing the modification of the second data, and program title, network name, and current time of day. if the time difference is in a second range exclusive of [0003] The format of EDS data is specified in the EIA- the first range the control means operates independent 608 standard for line 21 data services for NTSC televi- 20 of the control signal for preventing the modification of sion signals. EDS data is organized in packets of data the second data. The system also includes means re- bytes. Each packet conveys one piece of information, ponsive to activation by a user for generating the control e.g., the current time of day. Each line 21 of field 2 pro- signal. vides two bytes of EDS data. Particular data byte values [0006] In accordance with another aspect of the in- occurring in the first byte of any line 21 of field 2 indicate 25 vention, the control signal generating means includes the start of a packet. Each "start" data byte also defines output means for providing a notification to the user in- a "class" of information that is included in the packet. dicating that the time difference is within the first range; For example, a "current" class packet includes informa- and input means responsive to activation by the user tion pertaining to the current program that is being during an interval when the notification is being provided viewed. A "miscellaneous" class packet includes vari- 30 to the user for preventing the modification of the second ous types of information such as time of day information. data. As an example, a value of Olh in the first data byte in [0007] In accordance with another aspect of the in- line 21 of field 2 indicates the start of a current class vention, the system further comprises a tuner for tuning packet while a value of 07h indicates the start of a "mis- the television signal from a plurality of television signals, cellaneous" class packet. 35 each of which includes a video information component [0004] Although EDS information is potentially useful, and a data component, and a memory for storing a plu- EDS data decoded in a receiver may provide incorrect rality of codes associated with respective ones of the or inappropriate information. EDS data, like closed cap- plurality of television signals. The control means re- tioning data, occurs at a data rate that permits recording sponds to a particular one of the stored plurality of codes EDS data on video tape via a conventional video cas- 40 associated with the tuned television signal for prevent- sette recorder (VCR). Thus, recording a television signal ing the modification of the second data if the particular that includes EDS information will also record the EDS one of the stored plurality of codes exhibits a predeter- data, e.g., EDS time-of-day packets that provide the cur- mined value. rent time when the packet was recorded. When a tape [0008] In accordance with another aspect of the in- is viewed at a later time, recorded EDS information can 45 vention, the first data produced from the data compo- be detected and decoded by the receiver. If the receiver nent of the television signal represents a plurality of always uses received EdS information for control pur- types of data and the control means prevents modifica- poses, the receiver may respond in an undesirable man- tion of the second data associated with the system in ner to recorded EDS information. For example, if the re- response to a particular type of data included in the data ceiver always uses time information in EDS time-of-day 50 component. packets to set a clock in the receiver, the clock will be [0009] In accordance with another aspect of the in- set incorrectly in response to the recorded EDS data be- vention, the stored plurality of codes includes a particu- cause recorded time-of-day information is no longer cur- lar code corresponding to a respective one of the plu- rent. A similar problem exists in regard to EDS packets rality of types of data, and the control means responds containing program schedule information because re- 55 to the particular code for preventing the second data corded schedule information may be of no value (i.e., from being modified in response to the respective one the scheduled times have passed). of the plurality of types of data. [0005] The invention resides, in part, in recognizing [0010] The invention may be better understood by re- 2 3 EP 0 693 854 B1 4 ferring to the enclosed drawing in which: may be desirable to use a suitable form of standby pow- er to preserve its contents when the receiver is turned FIGURE 1 shows a block diagram of a portion of a off. television receiver constructed in accordance with [0014] In response to user-entered control signals principles of the invention; and 5 from local keyboard 120 and from infrared (IR) receiver FIGURE 2 shows, in flow-chart form, a portion of a 122, microcomputer (or controller) 110 generates a con- control program for the television receiver shown in trol signal causing tuner control unit 104 to control tuner FIGURE 1. 102 to select a particular RF signal. Tuner 102 produces Figure 3 shows, in flow-chart form, an embodiment a signal at an intermediate frequency (IF) and applies it of a feature of the control program illustrated in Fig- 10 to a processing unit 130 comprising a video IF (VIF) am- ure 2. plifying stage, an AFT circuit, a video detector, and a Figure 4 shows, in flow-chart form, an embodiment sound IF (SIF) amplifying stage. Processing unit 130 of a feature shown in Figure 3. produces a first baseband composite video signal (TV), and a sound carrier signal. The sound carrier signal is [0011] Referring to FIGURE 1, a television receiver in- 15 applied to an audio signal processor unit 135 which in- cludes an RF input terminal 100 that receives a radio cludes an audio detector and may include a stereo de- frequency (RF) signal from VCR 165 and applies the sig- coder. Audio signal processor unit 135 produces a first nal to a tuner assembly 102. Tuner assembly 102 se- baseband audio signal and applies it to a speaker unit lects and amplifies a particular RF signal, i.e.
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