Parables Bookshelf - Series 1.15.4 The book Dragon Flood forth, as from a boiling the woman, and went off recalls the Biblical de- pot and burning rushes. to make war with the rest scription of Satan as a His breath kindles coals, of her offspring, who dragon. Most people and a flame goes forth keep the commandments have heard stories of fire from his mouth. of God and hold to the breathing dragons. How- testimony of Yahshua. Yet, it is in the descrip- ever, very few are famil- tion of the dragon in the Revelation is a book iar with water breathing book of Revelation where truth is conveyed dragons. The Bible pro- where we read of water through symbols. In the vides references to both being used as the de- dragon we have a de- types of creatures. structive force of Satan. scription of Satan whose In the book of Job, Yah- chief weapon is decep- Revelation 12:15-17 weh speaks of the crea- tion. This is how he be- ture called Leviathan. And the serpent poured gan in the Garden of The description is that of water like a river out of Eden. He used his words a fire breathing dragon. his mouth after the to deceive the woman, woman, so that he might and to entice the man to Job 41:18-21 cause her to be swept sin against God. Satan His sneezes flash forth away with the flood. continues to pour forth a light, and his eyes are And the earth helped the flood of deceptive and like the eyelids of the woman, and the earth lying words today. This morning. Out of his opened its mouth and book is intended to shine mouth go burning drank up the river which a light on some of the torches; Sparks of fire the dragon poured out of lies Satan has foisted leap forth. Out of his his mouth. And the upon the nations. nostrils smoke goes dragon was enraged with Food for Thought Any time we open ourselves up to fear, we fall prey to [Satan’s] de- ceptions and intimidations. Yet, if we submit our hearts to God and stand in faith, we can resist those first fearful thoughts. As we yield to God we can master our reactions to fear and the enemy will soon flee. Francis Frangipane Scripture Memory Revelation 20:2-3 Parables Newsletter And he laid hold of the dragon, the ser- Series 1.15.4 pent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, Dragon Flood and threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he Chapters 7-8 should not deceive the nations any longer... Dragon Flood The Synagogue of Satan ing God a favor. John 16:2 Revelation 2:9 “They will make you outcasts from the syna- “I know your tribulation and your poverty (but gogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who kills you to think that he is offering service to God.” This is the great cunning of Satan. He is able to persuade men that down is up, that dark is light, and that wrong is right. There have been multitudes of men who have been members of Masonic lodges who were convinced that, if Freemasonry was not actually a Christian or- ganization, it was at least not antagonistic to Christianity in any way. After all, there is a Bi- ble open in every lodge, and there are many references to Bible passages interspersed in the rites and teachings of the lodge. say they are Jews and are not, but are a syna- gogue of Satan.” Masonic Lodge Initiation, 1780 Satan has no aversion to citing Scriptures. He knows them well. When he tempted the Son of God in the wilderness, he did so by quoting The reader of this series would arrive at a Scriptures to Him while always seeking to lead wrong conclusion if in reading these pages Yahshua away from the will of God. What Sa- he/she believed that the great number of men tan failed to do with Christ, he has achieved in involved in the American Revolution and the the lives of many who are less wise, and who founding of America’s form of government are not as committed to obedience to Yahweh. were knowingly serving Satan. To arrive at such a conclusion is to miss the main point of these writings which is that the world is being What I have been seeking to communicate flooded with deception whose source is Satan. through this series is that Satan is occupied with forming false realities in men’s minds. He would persuade men that they are laboring to I have little doubt that the majority of men, build a new Jerusalem when they are in fact even that considerable number who were Free- constructing Babylon. This was recently ob- masons, were ignorant of the diabolical foun- served in London during the 2012 Olympics. dations of the lodge and of the nation they The logo for the XXX Olympiad subtly spelled were engaged in establishing. Satan accom- out the name Zion with the name London su- plishes most of his work among mankind perimposed upon it. through deception. Many of his most effectual servants are deceived. Indeed, Yahshua said that the day would come when men would kill the disciples of Christ and think they were do- Page 2 PARABLES NEWSLETTER Parables Bookshelf tan’s kingdom is so filled with darkness, where every truth is perverted, that his own servants can never be assured that their eyes are seeing things aright. In this series I have been exposing the method- ology by which Satan operates by focusing upon the false history foisted upon the undis- Olympics Logo cerning regarding the founding of America as a nation. I have been seeking to expose the fact that Christians are as deceived by Satan’s lies as all other men and women. Certainly the things I have been sharing about the true founding of America as a nation are not com- monly known or embraced by the disciples of Symbols Rearranged Christ today. The inner city of London has images of drag- Tragically, Satan has enlisted Christians as ons throughout, yet in its center is a Temple some of the chief promoters of his lies. There and Temple district. Only the naive would con- have been a great many books published, and clude that this temple is Christian. It is trace- sermons preached, that are promoting the idea able back to the Knight’s Templar, the precur- that America has a divine form of government, sors of Freemasonry. and that it is a Christian nation. The images of America’s founding father’s are whitewashed to make them appear saintly. When great ef- In a previous post I shared images from a Ma- fort is set forth with the aim to promote a sonic Bible wherein it was stated with great au- righteous and holy image of men who were not thority that accurate images of the Temple of Christians, but who were members of Luci- Solomon and Jerusalem were being portrayed ferian organizations such as Freemasonry, in its pages. The images were actually Babylo- then the prudent disciple should be wary. nian, including a Ziggurat similar to the Tower of Babel, and images of a winged bull that his- torically relate back to Nimrod and other Baby- lonian rulers. What is revealed in these deceits is that Satan has no shame. It is his nature to lie and de- ceive. He has enlisted myriads of men and women in his rebellion against Yahweh, and they too practice lying and deception with great brazenness. This does not discount the fact that those telling falsehoods are them- selves deceived about a great many things. Sa- George Washington and the Cherry Tree SERIES 1.15.4 Page 3 Dragon Flood Every boy and girl in American public school Christ, but it is very much promoted by Satan. has heard the story of little George Washington It was this same minister who concocted the and the cherry tree. It is said that George re- story of George Washington kneeling in the ceived a new axe, and wanting to try it out as snow to pray to God while his army was young boys will, he chopped down one of his camped at Valley Forge. father’s prize cherry trees. When his father dis- covered his tree had been chopped down, we are told that little George, knowing well that he One of his best known stories of Washington's would be punished, did not hide his transgres- piety comes from Weems' account of Wash- sion, but said. “Father, I cannot tell a lie. I ington praying at Valley Forge. Weems tells chopped down the cherry tree.” This story was of a man named Isaac Potts who silently wit- a fable devised by a minister who wrote two nesses an unsuspecting Washington, kneeling biographical works on the life of George Wash- humbly in the snow, praying for God's bless- ington not long after the first President had ing of his troops. Although the story was ques- died. tioned as early as the 1850s, it became embla- zoned on the American memory by a painting by Henry Brueckner in the 1860s. [The story] was invented by a parson named Mason Locke Weems in a biography of Wash- [http://xroads.virginia.edu/~cap/gw/gwmoral ington published directly after his death.
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