Illinois Wesleyan University Digital Commons @ IWU Commencement Conferences & Events Spring 5-4-2003 Commencement 2003 (Program and video) Illinois Wesleyan University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/commencement_docs Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Illinois Wesleyan University, "Commencement 2003 (Program and video)" (2003). Commencement. 53. https://digitalcommons.iwu.edu/commencement_docs/53 This Article is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by Digital Commons @ IWU with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this material in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s) directly, unless additional rights are indicated by a Creative Commons license in the record and/ or on the work itself. This material has been accepted for inclusion by faculty at Illinois Wesleyan University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ©Copyright is owned by the author of this document. Illinois Wesleyan University COMMENCEMENT tn OUf ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THIRD YEAR 1 :00 PM MAY 4,2003 ECKLEY QUADRANGLE BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Program Acting President and Provost Janet M. McNew, Presiding Dean James R. Ruo!i, Mace Bearer Prelude Illinois Wesleyan Wind Ensemble Professor Steven W. Eggleston, Conductor Proud Heritage William Latham (b. 1917) Processional (please stand) Crown Imperial William Walton ( 1902-1983) arr. W.]. Duthoit Pomp and Circumstance (remain standing) Edward Elgar ( 1857-1934) "America The Beautiful" (remain standing) MATERNA Wayne Messmer '72, vocalist Samuel A. Ward ( I 848-I 903) Invocation (remain standing) Dennis E. Groh '61 University Chaplain Presidential Welcome Janet M. McNew Acting President and Provost Trustee Welcome Craig C. Hart President, Board of Trustees Tribute to Retiring Dean James R. Ruoti Mr. Hart Remarks of Class President Carl W. Dowdy '03 Remarks of Faculty Narendra K. Jaggi Professor and Chair of Physics The 2003 Student Senate Professor of the Year Announcement of Honors Provost McNew Awarding of Honorary Degrees Provost McNew Roger H. Schnaitter Associate Provost Marianne Carus M. Blouke Carus Wayne Messmer '72 Address: "From the Folding Chair to the Podium: Mr. Messmer A Short 30 Year Walk" Conferring of Degrees Provost McNew Bachelor of Science in Nursing Donna L. Hartweg Professor and Director of the School of Nursing Bachelor of Fine Arts Miles C. Bair Professor and Director of the School of Art Curtis c. Trout Associate Professor and Acting Director of the School of Theatre Arts Bachelor of Music and Mario J. Pelusi Bachelor of Music Education Associate Professor and Director of the School of Music Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Associate Provost Schnaitter Alma Wesleyana NATIONAL HYMN (j,lease stand and join in singing) George William Warren (1828-1902) arr. Peter Andrew Gilbert '98 From hearts aflame, our love we pledge to thee, Where'er we wander, over land or sea; Through time unending loyal we will be­ True to our Alma Mater, Wesleyan. When college days are fully past and gone, While life endures, from twilight dream till dawn, Grandly thy soul shall with us linger on­ Star�crowned, our Alma Mater, Wesleyan! - Professor W. E. Schultz (I887-I964) Benediction (remain standing) Chaplain Groh Recessional (remain standing) Illinois Wesleyan Wind Ensemble Procession of the Nobles Nicolai Rimsl<y�Korsal<ov (I844-I908) arr. Erik W.G. Leidzen The School of Nursing Candidates for the degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing AMI' AUSTIN VANESSA KIMBERLY MAilER JAl'LYN EUZAIlETH BURNETTE STEPHANIE ANNE McCLEAN AWi:ONMI-CRQUtll KATIE LYNNE PETERSEN Knp;T1N MAillE DEMmR KERRI' COI.LEEN ROBERTS MrCIlHLE NllOLE DIONNE DEBRA LYNN SCHULTZ Molt\' JANE DOLAN SH,\),lON C.�RtENESIErKER §** HEIDI Jo EvANS PENNi'ANNETTE SIMONS ]tNl'ilfERLnm GRODECKI §** ANN LOUISE STEELE AMAND.� Jo !-lOFER NORELLE LIZETTE TORNO Mom KATHRI'N KING ASHLEY JEANNINE VOGEN AMI' �L KRU!'A ANDREA ELIZABETH YODER DAM NICOLE LENARD " MICHELlE CURI$TJNEYOUNT College of Fine Arts Candidates for the degree Bachelor of Fine Arts Art MARK EDWARD BoSWELL CHRISTOPHER SAllENACIO NmnlAM SHANNON JOY CASEY TEECAN C. PHllurs BRIAN J. DufFY KALtEY ROBERT POWELL ERIC JAMES LOWER §** CAMM THOMAS ROWLAND BENJAMIN JOSEPH N,\U ** KRISTIN MARIE STAVNES ANGELA LOUISE NUDEN ANNE MONICA WIRTZ Theatre Arts §** LVI)IA L. ABEL ERIN MARIE LISTON ** REBECCA SARAH ANDERSON JASON MICHAEL PENCKOfER DOMINIC ANTHONV CArrERo KENNETH EDWARD PIERCE DANIELLE MARIE DROGOS §*** SIMONE M. Roos BRENDAN DAVID HENDRICK JANE MARGRET Roy-BACHMAN n MEAGANMNE ERICA LEIGH SANDVIG MICHAEl ANTHONY KETCHAM * ANDREW JAMES SCHNEIDER !UN MAX LEVENDEL * CHRISTINE SHALtENIIERG PHI KAPPA Pw MEMBERS CI> PHI BETA KAPPA *** SUMMA CUM LAUDE ** MAGNA CUM LAUDE CUM LAUDE Music Theatre CHRISTINA NEel... HaGG * KRISiiNMICUELLE STEWART JUSTIN MARSHALL HURT NATALIE ANNE TREJO ** JULIA KAY MORRISON Bachelor of Music §** ELIZABETH NANCY Al\DEIlSON NATHANIEL DAVID MARKEN }"IELANIEADI.� CLEVERT * GINA EILEEN MCCORMAtLy MATTHEW JOHN CROISANT ** LORI EUZAIIETHMORGAN FRANCEseA LEAZE DETOGNo SARAH JANE NtcHOL\S 5,\I(,\HMARIE EVANS KELLY KATHLEEN PEARSON PENNY L HANSEl" * LEE SCOTT Pmn ROBIN MICHELLE HENDRICKS * ]ENXlfER ANNE STADLER §** DEANNA LEE HERMAN * NATAtlE Ross STUDWELl §** SARA EUZABETII HOfHE * PETER GARREIT TflORESEt\' JENNIFER ANN JOBII Bachelor of Music Education CHARLES S. BoWEj>; " JULlA ASPLUND MITCHELL CORINN MM!.IEBROOKS " KATHRYN MARIE ROGERS LAURIE ANNE CLARK JESSICA LYl'NRYAN BRETT T. DEAN REBECCA STRONG STEFANIE ANN GRANT §*** AtttSON MARIE TACKITI ANDREW MICHAEL LADENDORF §** KATHERYN MARtE VUKSON JENNIFER lyNN MARSHALL KIMBERLY J. WORKMAN College of Liberal Arts Candidates for the degree Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science $** NIMISH J. AOH1A EconomlCl DANIEL WILllAM BUCEK SOCIOlogy * JESSICA Lv ADKINS BIOIog)' §$** JOHN C. BUCnEY Ply·rhology § (jJ** GAURAVA AGARWAL BlOlog)' §$** BRANDY NICHOLE BURGER Edlican01wJ SwJles * BROOKE ASI1LEY AKIN Hmol) PATR!CK Buscu CompHrcr SCiena JOSIIUA MARTIN AKIN Ch�m!ltl)· �)** JILANN M. BusH Ps)'cholQg)· § $*** HElm FLORA ANDHl�ON Bwlog)' JOIlN BENSON BUTLER JR. BI/lllll'll AdmllllStratlOn KRISTEN LOUISE ANDERSON SocIOlogy CARLOS ANDRES BUZIO InrmwllOnal Bllliness/ NICHOLASROBERT ANDERSON PljbllC Accountmg HllpalliC Srldicl PAMELA GRACE ArrAVU Plychology JOSEPH MICHAEL BZOYL Psychology JENNIFER LENA ApPLEGATE BlllmelSAdmmll!raliGn § lP*** JARED CANNON C.�LA\I'AY Hiltory 11>** WINifRED JANE ASH llAHRMASH Socw/ogy/HiljJi1mc Sndi,l BRIAN CHRISTOPHER CALHOUN Hispanic Swalel/SoclOlogy §t!>¥¥ B.�RBARA M. ASHWOOD Englllh-Litewlilre/ JOHN THOMAS CAMARDELLA Hl5rory Spwal-Women'! SwJlel BRENDAN A. CAMPBELL Hmory TINA NICOLE AUXIER /'!)'chology SARAH KATHLEEN CANTRELL Mmwgenu/ Accotmrmg § $*** YUN-SUN ALEXIS EAE /'I)'cholog)' MARC DANIEL CARRIGAN BIOlogy * CHARLES SHEEHY BALLARD BIlllnell Admml,lITa(lon LAUREN BONNIE CARROLL An TIFFANY L1SETIE BALUN Edtlwlional SI1lJles KAROLINE BELINDA CARSTENS SoclOlog)' DANA NICOLE BARABAS Englllh-Wnrmg/SoCiolog)' $** CHRISTINA MARIE CATALANO Follllmi SCI�1Ici"/HlltOJ)' * MARYBETH CHRISTINE BARTELT BIOlogy ** JILL MARIE CENTKO l'lycholog)' * MEGAN LAUR!SSA BASKA MmMmalics WIlliAM RANDOLPH CHANDLER CumplIltr Scle1lCC RYANNE M. BAUER BmmelS AJmmlHTmion KRISTINE LEE CHOI HlllOJ)' § $** MICIlAEl ANTHONY BAUML BIology JENNIFER JOY CHRISTOPHER Englilh-It'nrmg ROBERT JOHN BA)'S]NGliR PubliC AccOIlnrmg $** CAROL KYOUNGA CHUNG EdlKQ1lOlWl SWdWl MELANIE ELAINE BECKMAN Blllmm AdmimllTmion * JASON MATIHEII' CURK PubliC Accotmtl1lg NATIIAN RICHARD BEll Bllliness AdmmlllrarlOn MICHAEL AUSTIN CL�RK Bmmell Adml1llHmrwn * BARAK BERMAN Compliter SCience * CHERYL L. CLAUSON Blulogy * JOHN MICHAEL Bm Mlllic §** JESSICA LYNN CUMMENSEN BllStlles.sAdm1111Hmrwn RINA BIlANDT I'oluical SClmce DEANNA ROSE CLIFFORD SOCiology KAUSHlK AsHOK BHATIA Ch�milrry CURTIS HENRY CLOII' jR. Chrotiliry * KYlEE ELAINE BILLINGS Chemisr)) BRIAN MICHAEL COD\' Compuli'r SCI�nce ** JENNIFER L BIRKHOLZ Polwwl Sciencd WILttAM FRANCIS COtLIN, BlmnelS AdmmlllWrlOll Blmnm AdministratIOn ADAM jOSEPIl COOMBE BIISIIltlS AdmmlllWrlOll * LISA AIm BISAILLON Blll1ll1lS AdmmlSrmuon DAVID JONATHAN CRAlt PlIb!tcAccol111l1ng KAREN VlRGINI,\ BLECK EdllcaJwnal Sruawj TRACIE MAR!E CRANE PhYSICS §** KOR), JACOB BLUMER Economlcs/Pllbllc AccDtmrmg n LENA MARIE CR!BBEN PllblJc AccOtlnrmg ** CHRISTOPHER M. BOEOWSK! Engllsh-LIIGalllu/ JUSTIN j. CRIPE HllIOJ)' Political SCimce MATIHEW JOHN CRO!SANT Rm,wn Lmgllage & Lllera!llu § $*** STEFAN! BoNATO En�lsh-Wfw'ng/AnlhroI>Ology * BRIGITTE REINUART CROSS Engll5h-W'llung TARYN MARIE BoRENDAME Bmmm AdmllllSlfallDn LABAN JAMES CROSS MmhrotilrKl KEVIN M. BRENNAN BIology ROKAUJ CHARLES DAHMS III Bmmell Admllmtwuon SCOTI MICHAEL BRENNAN Hmory RACHEL S. DAVGHERTI" Computer SCienCe M ANTHONY DEAN BRE!'T CompwG SCI,ncdMmlc * JAMIE LEA DAVENPORT Economlcl $* THOMAS SCOTI BREWER �larhmtarlcl JENNIFER ANNE DAVIS Ed!lmrlOlWl Snwrel * SCOTI J. BRIGGS Complirer SCience * JOSHUA SCOTI DEAN Compwer SCI,IIC" STEVEN CHARLES BROOK HIHOlJ ANTflONY JAMES DEMATIEE Bmm�5l Adrnm�tmuon $** MATIHEW MARKOU BROWN Hilpamc Sndles DOUGLAS ANTHONY DEPERSIA BII5I1l�lS Adml1mtrmwlI § PH! KAPPA PHI MEMBERS <}> PH! BETA KAPPA *** SUMMA CUM LAUDE ** MAGNA CUM LAUDE * CUM LAUDE DEANNA ROCHELLE DETMERs Engllsh-Wnrmg LISEnE LAYA HANDUMON BlllmmAammrsrr<1llDn §cjJu KENT THOMAS DEVINE Compmer S(lence PHIlLIP MARTIN HANSON
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