Pact DC: 10 Amon Aoskar Dahlver-Nar Naberius The Void before the Altar 1 The Flayed God Pact DC: 10 1 The Tortured One Pact DC: 10 1 The Grinning Hound Pact DC: 10 1 Sense: Darkvision 60 ft. Cantrips: message, sacred flame, Cantrip: poison spray Proficiency: Artisan's Tools Passive: Advantage on attack rolls against binders thaumaturgy Passive: AC= 13 + Dex mod Cantrip: vicious mockery and warlocks. Passive: Reroll 1s on fire damage for 1st level and Passive: No error when teleporting Spell: dissonant whispers (1/short) Passive: Advantage on Int and Cha higher spells. Spell: protection from evil and good Reaction: when you are attacked, grant checks to uncover information Weapon: Horns. 1d4 bludgeoning damage. (1/short) attacker advantage. Action: Sense most influential creature • If you move in a 10 ft. straight move before attack, Action: Teleport up to half your around target makes Str save or is knocked prone • In exchange, share harm: 1 target, 30 movement speed ft., Cha save. Fail: takes half damage Spell: disguise self (casting time: 1 Action: Breathe fire: 10 ft. cone, 1d6 fire damage, Dex save for half (level 6: 2d6, level 14: 3d6) from attack. (max damage. 10. Level minute) • Concentrate on this effect for 1 round, release as 10: max damage 20) Spell: charm person (1/short) (6th level: an action for twice the damage dice. suggestion 1/short) Spell: hellish rebuke (1/short) (level 10: 2/short) Ronove Shax Aym Haagenti The Iron Maiden Pact DC: 10 1 Sea Sister Pact DC: 10 1 Queen Avarice Pact DC: 12 2 Mother of Minotaurs Pact DC: 12 2 Cantrip: mage hand Damage Resistance: Lightning. Proficiency: medium armor, shields Proficencies: Medium armor, battleaxes, Passive: Base speed +10 ft. Proficiencies: Nets and tridents. Passive: Advantage on all Intimidation and greataxes Spell: feather fall at will disadvantage on Persuasion against dwarves Passive: Dex instead of Str for unarmed strike attack Language: Aquan. Passive: Speed is not reduced due to armor Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting and damage rolls Cantrips: chill touch, shocking grasp. Bonus Action. Create halo of fire. Until beginning of Bonus Action: End a transmutation spell • Deal monk Martial Arts damage Passive: Breathe water and air, swim next turn: affecting you • • Unarmed strikes are magical speed equal to movement speed You have resistance to fire damage. Passive: When you score a critical or Passive: Only need to eat, sleep, and drink 1/3 as • Creatures that hit you must make a Dex save or often. • Advantage on Athletics checks made take 1d10 fire damage reduce a creature to 0 HP with a melee • Exhaustion level is -1 to swim • Action: Flame touch: 1 target, range touch, spell attack, you can make one melee Passive: mage hand can lift 10 lbs./2 binder levels Spell: speak with animals (aquatic attack. Hit: 1d10 fire. (5th level: 2d10, weapon attack • 11th level: 3d10, 16th level: 4d10) Control as a bonus action animals only) Spell: enlarge/reduce (enlarge only) • Action: shove attempt with mage hand. Uses a Spell: shatter (1/short) (bonus action) (1/long) Cha + prof check for the shove. Target takes 1d6 Reaction: When you take damage from a force on a shove. 5th level: 2d6, 11th :3d6, 17th: melee attack, move 10 feet. 4d6 • Does not provoke Opportunity Attacks Spell: Level 11: telekinesis (1/short) Ipos Leraje Malphas Focalor Prince of Fools Pact DC: 12 2 The Green Herald Pact DC: 12 2 The Turnfeather Pact DC: 12 2 The Tortured One Pact DC: 13 3 Passive: No penalty while on other planes Proficiency: shortbow and longbow Proficiency: poisoner's kit, shortsword Cantrip: shocking grasp Weapon: Cold Iron Claws. 1d4 magical slashing Fighting Style: Archery Passive: No Stealth disadvantage from Passive: Breathe water and air, swim speed, and damage. (12th level: 1d6) Passive: Bows: ignore ammunition, ignore cover, advantage on checks to swim • Bonus Action: Make one unarmed strike when other than total, ignore weather conditions wearing armor Passive: At beginning of your turn, creatures within 5 you take the Attack action with an unarmed strike. Bonus Action: Make a longbow or shortbow attack Bonus Action: Take Dash, Disengage, or feet, Cha save. Fail: until beginning of your next Don’t add ability score to damage. when you take the Attack action (don’t add Hide action (1/short) turn: modifier to damage) Passive: When you hit a creature with both claw Passive: Rogue Sneak Attack as rogue of • Disadvantage on Int, Cha, and Wis saves attacks, deal +2d6 damage. (7th: +3d6) Passive: Hide even when lightly obscured by natural • Cannot take bonus actions Bonus Action: Truesight until beginning of next turn phenomena and do so with advantage half level Passive: Checks made to discern your emotions (1/short) Ammunition: 1d4 New Moon Arrows. 1 minute Passive: Summon bird companion have disadvantage. You have advantage on saves Passive: When another vestige's ability calls for a duration. +1d8 radiant damage. Hit: (raven stats) (1 minute ritual) against reading your mind. saving throw, the target has disadvantage (1/long) shapechanger makes Con save or is reverted to Passive: When you deal lightning damage, a creature Action: See though bird's eyes original form for 1d6 rounds (1/short) within 5 feet makes a Dex save or takes half Spell: invisibility (1/short) damage. (level 10: 2/short) Spell: blindness/deafness (1/short) Spell: lightning bolt (1/long) Paimon Primus Xanathar Andras The Dancer Pact DC: 13 3 The One and Prime Pact DC: 13 3 The Eye Pact DC: 13 3 The Grey Knight Pact DC: 15 4 Proficiencies: rapiers, shortswords Proficiencies: medium armor, morning star Cantrip: fire bolt Proficiencies: medium armor, Passive: add half prof. bonus on non-proficient Dex Passive: Advantage on checks pertaining to laws Passive: Advantage on saves to resist greatswords, lances, longswords checks Action: Consult Primus on Divine Law (may be Bonus Action: Dance until beginning of next turn: functionally random) conditions imposed by magic Spell: find steed • Passive: Deal +1d8 damage on a melee attack Passive: +1d6 force damage when you make a single Passive: Recover use of one of the Passive: Wis (Animal Handling) is 10 once per turn (level 11: +2d8) attack on your turn. following features on a short rest minimum Passive: immune to being charmed • Passive: Advantage on Dex (Perform) checks and Spell: slow (1/long) Passive: Score a crit on 19 or 20 Dex (Acrobatics) checks Spell: command (target a creature once a day) Spell: fear (1/long) Passive: When you melee attack, make it • Passive: You do not provoke Opportunity Attacks Action: Set a rule for 1 minute. Creatures in 30 ft., Cha save at beginning of turn. Fail: follow the rule • Reaction: When you are attacked, Dex (Perform) Action: Sleep Ray: 1 target, 60 feet, Wis with disadvantage. In exchange, deal for 1 turn. If you break the rule, its effect ends, and check, DC equal to attack roll, to avoid attack save. Fail: fall asleep for 1 minute. +6d6 you take 4d6 psychic damage. (1/short) Rules: (1/short) Target wakes if it takes damage or if Reaction: When a creature in 30 feet Spell: haste (1/long) • No creature can move further than 10 feet a round. another creature wakes it. (1/long) attacks, Wis save. Fail: creature • No creature can cast or concentrate on a spell Action: Death Ray. 1 target, 60 feet, spell instead attacks a creature you choose from a chosen school of magic. attack. Hit: 8d6 necrotic (1/long) (1/short) • Creatures can make only 1 attack each round. Haures Karsus Savnok Dantalion The Dreaming Duke Pact DC: 15 4 Hubris in the Blood Pact DC: 15 4 The Instigator Pact DC: 15 4 The Star Emperor Pact DC: 16 5 Cantrips: minor illusion, vicious mockery Cantrips: prestidigitation, mage hand Proficiency: medium armor (heavy Passive: Add Cha instead of Int to Int Passive: Move through creatures and Damage Resistance: Spells armor, if already proficient) skill checks. objects as difficult terrain. No dashing, Spell: detect magic (as ritual) Action: summon any armor you are Passive: Advantage on Int checks does not provoke Opportunity Attacks. Spell: magic missile proficient in. Dismiss as bonus action concerning nobility. 2d10 force and shunted if ending move Passive: Attune to magic items takes Action: swap places with a willing Small Spell: sanctuary inside object or creature. only 1 minute or Medium creature within 30 feet Spell: detect thoughts (telepathy) Passive: Immune to being charmed Passive: Instantly recognize a vestige's Spell: death ward (self only) (remains • Bonus Action: send telepathic Action: End an enchantment spell seal. Advantage on Arcana checks ended until you rebind) message. Target can reply with a affecting you about vestiges Passive: Reduce damage from attacks by bonus action. Spell: major image (1/short) Action: Spell attack against a creature. 3. Heavy armor: reduce by 5 (does not Spell: dimension door (1/short) Spell: phantasmal killer (1/long) Hit: end magic item attunement. stack with other reductions) (level 18: at will) Spell: dispel magic or counterspell Spell: compulsion (1/long) (2/long) (level 12: 3/long, level 19: Spell: dominate person (1/long) 4/long) Level 15: Spell: teleport (1/long) Kas Otiax Tenebrous Andromalius The Bloody Handed The Key to the Gate The Shadow that Was Pact DC: 16 5 Pact DC: 16 5 Pact DC: 16 5 The Woeful Jester Pact DC: 18 6 Action: end 3rd level or lower magical light (1/short) Proficiencies: medium armor, Proficiencies: thieves' tools Passive: You can't be surprised while End nonmagical lights (no action, 100 ft. range) longswords, shortswords Sense: see through fog conscious Sense: See normally in magical and nonmagical 1 Bonus Action: Summon black blade Weapon: Fog Hammer.
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