Forest Garden Plant stock List October 2020 Unit cost BR Bare root Price 3L for example = a "3 litre pot" £ FG Flower group RP Requires pollinator SF Self Fertile Md Maiden Note; all apples need a pollinator PSF Partially self fertile M&F Male and female plants required for pollination Eating Eating/ desert Cider For preessing into Cider Cook Cooking Dual Dual purpose eating and cooking Top fruit Apples 1 Malus (Cornish) FG1 Bens red Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 2 Malus (Cornish) FG1 Bens red Maiden M9 Eating 3L 23.50 3 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Bread fruit Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 5 Malus FG3 Bramley 20 Maiden MM106 Cook BR 23.50 New 6 Malus (Cornish) FG5 Captain Broad Maiden MM106 Cider 3L 23.50 7 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Cornish aromatic Maiden MM106 Eating BR 20.00 8 Malus (Cornish) FG4 Cornish Gilly flower Maiden MM106 Eating BR 20.00 New 9 Malus (Cornish) FG5 Cornish Honey Pin Maiden MM106 Cider 3L 23.50 New 10 Malus (Cornish) FG5 Cornish Long Stem Maiden MM106 Dual 3L 23.50 11 Malus (Cornish) 5 FG5 Cornish Mother Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 12 Malus (Cornish) FG3/4 Cornish Pine Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 New 13 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Duke of Cornwall Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 14 Malus FG3 Herefordshire russet Cordon M9 Eating BR 24.00 15 Malus FG3 Herefordshire russet Maiden MM106 Eating BR 20.00 New 17 Malus (Cornish) FG4/5 Hockings Green Maiden MM106 Dual 3L 23.50 New 18 Malus FG3 Jumbo Maiden MM106 Dual 3L 23.50 New 19 Malus (Cornish) FG5 Kingbyerd Maiden MM106 Cook 3L 23.50 New 20 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Large Netted Russet Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 21 Malus (Cornish) FG4 Lucombes Pine Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 22 Malus (Cornish) FG1/3 Manaccan Primrose Maiden MM106 Dual 2-4L 23.50 23 Malus (Cornish) FG1 Pendragon Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 New 24 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Pig nose Maiden MM106 Dual 3L 23.50 New 25 Malus (Cornish) FG5 Polly Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 New 26 Malus (Cornish) FG2/3 Red Streak Maiden MM106 Cok/Ci 3L 23.50 New 27 Malus (Cornish) FG2/3 Scilly Pearl Maiden MM106 Eating 3L 23.50 New 28 Malus (Cornish) FG2 Sawpit Maiden MM106 Dual 3L 23.50 New 29 Malus (Cornish) FG4 Tan Harvey Maiden MM106 Cider 3L 23.50 Apricot New 30 Apricot SF Alfred P.Myr BR 19.50 Asian / Nashi pear 31 Nachie pear SF Kumoi Maiden Pear seedling BR 22.50 New 32 SF Nijisseiki/20th century Maiden Pear seedling BR 22.50 Cherry 33 Prunus SF Sunburst Maiden 1 y'r Colt BR 19.50 New 34 Prunus SF Stella Maiden 1 y'r 19.50 Crab apple 35 Malus (crab) Rosehip (edible Oct) Maiden MM106 3L 20.00 Figs 36 Figs SF Brown Turkey Bush Very reliable 3L 13.50 37 SF Brown Turkey Bush Very reliable 7L 19.90 38 SF Brown Turkey Bush Very reliable 13L 35.00 39 SF Delmatie Late fruiting 10L 24.00 New 40 SF Rouge de Bordeaux Best taste 3L 13.50 41 SF White Marseilles Sept fruiting 2L 11.50 Mulberry Mulberry 42 SF Giant Fruit 3 Yr grafted 12L 36.00 43 SF Illinois everbearing Maiden grafted Edible leaves 3L 19.90 New 44 SF King James 1 year 3L 23.50 45 SF Mojo Patio Award winning 11.5L 55.00 Medlar New 46 SF Nottingham Maiden BR 21.50 Mirabelle 47 Mirabelle SF de Nancy St Julien's A BR 21.50 Peach New 48 Peach SF Rochester Prunus persica BR 23.00 Pear 49 Pear FG4 Beurre Hardy 1Yr maiden Quince A BR 20.00 50 Pear FG4 Dr Jules Guyott Maiden 2yr Quince A 3L 22.00 52 Pear FG2 Louise Bon of Jersey Maiden 2yr Quince A BR 22.00 53 FG2 Louise Bon of Jersey Maiden 3yr Quince A 10L 27.00 Plums 54 SF Rivers early prolific Maiden 1yr St Julien's A BR 22.00 56 SF Kea (Cornish) duel Maiden 1yr St Julien's A BR 26.00 57 SF Manaccan (Cornish) Eat Maiden 1yr St Julien's A 3L 26.00 59 SF Opal Maiden 1yr St Julien's A BR 22.00 60 SF Victoria Maiden 2yr St Julien's A BR 22.00 Nuts Almond 61 Almond Robin SF Maiden Prunus Myr BR 26.00 New 62 Sultane SF Maiden Prunus Persica BR 26.00 Hazel & Cob nuts 63 Hazel & Cob RP Cosford 2 y'r BR 12.90 Cob nuts 64 Kentish cob SF 2 y'r BR 12.90 65 RP Pearson's Prolific 2 y'r BR 12.90 66 RP Webs Prize 1 y'r BR 8.50 RP Webs Prize 5 for £27.5(£5.50 each) 1 y'r BR 27.50 Pine nuts 67 Pine nut PSF Pinus Pinea 2 year Nuts produced 2L 10.90 within 10 years Sweet Chestnuts 68 Sweet chestnuts RP Belle Epine French variety Grafted 7L 32.00 69 RP Marlhac French variety Grafted 7L 32.00 70 RP Marigoule French variety Grafted 7L 32.00 Walnut 71 Walnut Buccaneer SF Grafted 7L 42.50 72 nigra Black SF walnut 2 year 7.40 Medicinal 73 Rosemary Rosmarinus erectus 3L 8.5 74 Vitex agnus castus 2L 12.50 75 Vitex agnus castus 1L 8.00 Other interesting trees & shrubs 75a Autumn Olive Elaeagnus umbellata Amber 2L 12.50 76 Elaeagnus umbellata Brilliant Rose 2L 12.00 77 Elaeagnus umbellata Hidden Springs 2L 12.50 78 Elaeagnus umbellata Newgate 2L 12.50 79 Elaeagnus umbellata Sweet en tart 2L 12.50 New 80 Cathy quince Chaenomeles catheyensis Established in pot 1L 8.50 80a Japanese quince Chaenomeles superba crimson gold 1L 8.50 81 Feijoa RP Sallowiana Amazing fruit Needs pollinator 3L 12.90 81a RP Sallowiana Triumph Amazing fruit Needs pollinator 9cm 4.70 82 Hawthorn Crataegus SF schraderiana 3L 19.50 83 Plum Yew M & F plants Cephalotaxus Haringtonia Established in pot P9 7.50 New 84 Pomegranate PSF Punica Grandatum 3L 12.90 New 85 Pomegranate PSF Punica Grandatum Provance 3L 19.90 85a Sea Buckthorn M&F Hergo (female) good fruiting form BR 5.50 Hikul (male) 1 male to 6 female plants 1L 6.50 New 86 Szechuan pepper Zanthoxylum SF piperitum All 1L 9.50 New 87 Zanthoxylum SF schinifolium producing edible 1L 9.50 New 88 Zanthoxylum SF simulans black peppercorns 1L 9.50 89 Strawberry tree Arbutus SF unedo compacta P9 7.50 90 Toona Sinensis P7 8.50 Soft fruit New 92 Blackberry Ardienne SF August BR 5.50 New 93 Thorne free SF September BR 5.50 New 94 Waldo SF August BR 5.50 95 Blue berry PSF Blue crop bush large blue fruit of good Large - berries 2L 12.9 96 PSF Blue crop bush flavour and self life Large - berries 3L 15.90 97 Blue berry PSF Liberty good flavour Late -season 2L 12.90 98 Blue berry PSF Northland Heavy crop good flavour Early - season 2L 12.9 99 PSF Northland Heavy crop good flavour Early - season 3L 15.90 100 Blue berry PSF Patriot Highly productive Early - season 2L 12.90 101 PSF Patriot Highly productive Early - season 3L 15.90 De D 102 Chilean guava SF Ugni molinae Hardy form 9cm 8.50 104 Chilean guava SF Ugni molinae Hardy form 1L 11.00 105 Chokeberry Aronia SF prunifolia Nero 1.5L 8.50 106 Chokeberry Aronia SF Viking 3L 11.50 Dewberry SF Superb flavour 1L 7.5 107 Gooseberry Hinnomaki Red 2 year Bush PK of 5 BR 21.00 108 Invicta 2 year Bush PK of 5 BR 21.00 New 109 Honeyberry RP Blue velvet all 3L 11.00 New 110 Honeyberry RP Edulis very 1L 6.50 New 111 Honeyberry RP Martin pleasant 3L 11.00 New 112 Honeyberry RP Morena flavours 3L 12.00 New 112a Honeyberry RP Kamtschatica 3L 12.00 New 113 Loganberry LY654 SF Very productive BR 5.50 New 114 Raspberry All gold (nice SF flavour late) Pk of 10 16.00 115 Raspberry Zeva ( excellent SF flavour, selfExcellent supporting) flavour Pk of Pk 12 of 12 BR 10.99 Bamboos 116 Bamboo Phyllostachys dulcis edible 4L 20.00 117 Phyllostachys edulis edible 4L 20.00 118 Phyllostachys Vivax Big canes 4L 20.00 Climbers 119 Grapes SF Lake mont White BR 7.75 New 120 SF Superior seedless White BR 7.75 New 121 Kiwi hardy SF Actinidia arguta Issai 3L 12.50 New 122 Kiwi hardy RP Actinidia arguta Kens red (female) 3L 12.50 New 123 Kiwi SF Actinidia deliciousa Jenny 3L 12.50 New 124 Kiwi SF Actinidia solisimo Rencat 3L 12.50 New 125 Passion fruit SF Edulis 3L 14.50 126 Schisandra RP Grandiflora 1L 6.50 Edible flowers 127 Hibiscus Syriacus French Cabaret Pastel Nutty flavour, nice 3L 11.50 129 American elderflower Sambucus nigra Canadensis 'John' 1L 6.50 130 American elderflower Sambucus nigra Canadensis 'York' 2-3L 9.90 Ground cover New 131 Rubus Tricolor For full sun or full shade 1L 5.50 132 Winter green Gaultheria procumbens X5 (unit cost £3.75) 9cm 18.75 Leafy greens 134 Asparagus Gijnlim x 5 for £9.50 BR 9.50 135 Sea beet Beta vulgaris maritima 9cm 5.50 Other useful trees /plants 136 Betula papyrifera Paper birch Small BR 3.80 137 Phormium tenax 3L 9.50 Mineral accumulator 139 Comfrey Symphytum x uplandicum Boking 14 1L 6.00 140 Comfrey Symphytum Russian Comfrey 1L 6.00 Hedging Griselinia littoralis 2L 7.40 Oleria traversii compacta a dwarf form of traversii 3L 7.60 Oleria paniculata nice foliage 3L 7.60 Oleria solandrii small foliage, contemporary in style 3L 7.60.
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