![Machine Learning for Electronically Excited States of Molecules Arxiv:2007.05320V1 [Physics.Chem-Ph] 10 Jul 2020](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Machine learning for electronically excited states of molecules Julia Westermayry and Philipp Marquetand∗,y,z,{ yInstitute of Theoretical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna, Währinger Str. 17, 1090 Vienna zVienna Research Platform on Accelerating Photoreaction Discovery, University of Vienna, Währinger Str. 17, 1090 Vienna, Austria. {Data Science @ Uni Vienna, University of Vienna, Währinger Str. 29, 1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Electronically excited states of molecules are at the heart of photochemistry, photophysics, as well as photobiology and also play a role in material science. Their theoretical descrip- tion requires highly accurate quantum chemi- cal calculations, which are computationally ex- pensive. In this review, we focus on how ma- chine learning is employed not only to speed up such excited-state simulations but also how this branch of artificial intelligence can be used to advance this exciting research field in all its as- pects. Discussed applications of machine learn- ing for excited states include excited-state dy- namics simulations, static calculations of ab- sorption spectra, as well as many others. In order to put these studies into context, we dis- cuss the promises and pitfalls of the involved machine learning techniques. Since the latter are mostly based on quantum chemistry cal- arXiv:2007.05320v1 [physics.chem-ph] 10 Jul 2020 culations, we also provide a short introduction into excited-state electronic structure methods, approaches for nonadiabatic dynamics simula- tions and describe tricks and problems when us- ing them in machine learning for excited states of molecules. 1 Contents 6 Application of ML for Excited States 40 Abstract 1 6.1 Parameters for Quantum Chem- istry . 41 1 Introduction 2 6.2 ML of Primary Outputs . 41 1.1 From Foundations to Applications2 6.3 ML of Secondary Outputs . 41 1.2 Scope and Philosophy of this Re- 6.3.1 ML in the Diabatic Basis . 41 view . .3 6.3.2 ML in the Adiabatic Basis 43 6.4 ML of Tertiary Outputs . 46 2 General Background: From the 6.5 ML-Assisted Analysis . 49 Ground State to the Excited States 5 7 Conclusion and Future Perspec- tives 49 3 Quantum Chemical Theory and Methods 8 References 52 3.1 Electronic Structure Theory for Excited States . .8 3.1.1 Wave Function Theory 1 Introduction (WFT) . .9 3.1.2 Density Functional Theory 13 1.1 From Foundations to Applica- 3.2 Bases . 15 tions 3.2.1 Adiabatic (Spin-Diabatic) Basis . 16 In recent years, machine learning (ML) has be- 3.2.2 Diabatic Basis . 17 come a pioneering field of research and has an 3.2.3 Diagonal Basis . 18 increasing influence on our daily lives. Today 3.3 Excited-State Dynamics Simula- it is a component of almost all applications tions . 19 we use. For example, when we talk to Siri or 3.3.1 Quantum Nuclear Dy- Alexa, we interact with a voice assistant and namics . 20 make use of natural language processing.1,2 ML 3.3.2 Mixed Quantum-Classical is applied for refugee integration,3 for playing Molecular Dynamics . 21 board games,4 in medicine,5 for example, for 3.4 Dipole Moments and Spectra . 22 image recognition6 or for autonomous driving.7 A short historical overview over general ML is 4 Data Sets for Excited States 23 provided in ref 8. 4.1 Choosing the Right Reference Recently, ML has also gained increasing inter- Method for Excited-State Data . 23 est in the field of quantum chemistry.9,10 The 4.2 Phase of the Wave Function . 24 power of (big) data-driven science is even seen 4.2.1 Phase Correction of Adi- as the "fourth paradigm of science",11 which abatic Data . 25 has the potential to accelerate and enable quan- 4.2.2 ML-Based Internal Phase tum chemical simulations that were considered Correction . 27 unfeasible just a few years ago. In general, the 4.3 Training Set Generation . 28 field of ML in quantum chemistry is progressing 4.3.1 Basic Sampling Tech- faster and faster. In this review, we focus on an niques and Existing emerging part of this field, namely ML for elec- Databases . 29 tronically excited states. In doing so, we con- 4.3.2 Active Learning . 31 centrate on singlet and triplet states of molecu- lar systems, since almost all existing approaches 5 ML Models 35 of ML for the excited states focus on singlet 5.1 ML Models: Type of Regressor . 35 states and only a few studies consider triplet 5.2 Descriptors and Features . 38 states.12–15 We note that electron detachment 2 or uptake further leads to doublet and quartet Most ML studies instead focus on predicting states, and even higher spin multiplicities, such the output of a quantum chemical calculation, as quintets, sextets, etc. are common in transi- the so-called "secondary-output".69 Hence they tion metal complexes, where an important task fit a manifold of energetic states of different spin is to identify which multiplicity yields the low- multiplicities, their derivatives and properties est energy and is thus the ground state.15 refs thereof. With respect to different spin states 16–19 give a good overview of such processes. of molecular systems only a few studies exist, The theoretical study of the excited states which predict spins of transition metal com- of molecules is crucial to complement experi- plexes15 or singlet and triplet energies of car- ments and to shed light on many fundamen- benes12 of different composition or focus on the tal processes of life and nature.20 For example, conformational changes within one molecular photosynthesis, human vision, photovoltaics or system13,90,91 for the sake of improving molec- photodamage of biologically relevant molecules ular dynamics (MD) simulations. The energies are a results of light-induced reactions.20–37 of a system in combination with its properties, Experimental techniques like UV/visible spec- i.e., the derivatives, the coupling values between troscopy or photoionization spectroscopy38–45 them, and the permanent and transition dipole lack the ability to directly describe the exact moments,13,14,90–97 can be used for MD simula- electronic mechanisms of photo-induced reac- tions to study the temporal evolution of a sys- tions. The theoretical simulation of the cor- tem in the ground-state 98–135 and in the excited responding experiments can go hand-in-hand states.13,14,90–92,130,136–143,143–147,147–149 with experimental results and can provide the With energies and different properties, ter- missing details of photodamage and -stability tiary outputs can be computed, such as absorp- of molecules.20,27,35,44,46–67 However, the compu- tion, ionization or X-ray spectra,150–153 gaps be- tation of the excited states is highly complex, tween HOMO (highest occupied molecular or- costly, and often necessitates expert knowl- bital) and LUMO (lowest occupied MO) or ver- edge.68 As ML models have only recently been tical excitation energies.154–157 applied in the field of photochemistry, keeping In addition, quantum chemical outputs can track of the approaches is still possible and this also be analyzed or fitted in a direct way, e.g., field is still in its initial stage. reaction kinetics as results of dynamics simu- Due to the multi-faceted photochemistry of lations can be mapped to a set of molecular molecular systems, ML models can target this geometries and can be predicted with ML mod- research field in many different ways, which els.158 Excitation energy transfer properties can are summarized in Figure 1. For example, the be learned,,159,160 and structure-property corre- choice of relevant molecular orbitals for active lations can be explored to design materials with space selections can be assisted with ML.70 The specific properties.16,76,131,152,161–170 fundamentals of quantum chemistry, e.g., to obtain an optimal solution to the Schrödinger 1.2 Scope and Philosophy of this equation or Density Functional Theory, can be central ML applications. For the ground state, Review ML approximations to the molecular wave func- ML for the excited states is developing at a tion71–79 or the density (functional) of a system slower pace than the exploding field of ML for exist.69,79–88 Obtaining a molecular wave func- the electronic ground state.168,171–173 The rea- tion from ML can be seen as the most powerful son is in our opinion mainly a result of the approach in many perspectives, as any property complexity and high expenses of the underlying we wish to know could be derived from it. Un- reference calculations and the associated com- fortunately, such models for the excited states plexity of the corresponding ML models. Sim- are lacking and have yet only been investigated ulation techniques to understand the excited- for a one-dimensional system,89 leaving much state processes are not yet viable for many room for improvement. applications at an acceptable cost and accu- 3 Figure 1: Targets of ML for the excited states of molecules. All areas of excited-state quantum chemistry (QC) calculations can be enhanced with ML, ranging from input to primary outputs that are used in the computation of secondary outputs, which in turn are employed to calculate tertiary outputs. Analysis can be carried out at all stages. This classification is inspired by the one in Ref. 69. racy. Therefore, within this review we also methods with a view to their application in want to highlight the existing problems of quan- time-dependent simulations, namely MD simu- tum chemical approaches that might be solvable lations.27,172 It is worth mentioning, that unlike with ML and put emphasis on identifying chal- for the ground state, where a lot of different lenges and limitations that hamper the appli- methods can provide reliable reference compu- cation of ML for the excited states.
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