vXtit 3Cotoer ot Campus ®l)ousf)t anti action W$t Mukm£bxonitlt Vol. 51—No. 29 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Tuesday, February 7, 1956 Student Union DeSapio Visits Plans Concert Page Thursday Renowned Lateiner Tammany Hall Boss To Appear Feb. 23 To Discuss Politics Pianist Jacob Lateiner, who Democrat Carmen DeSapio, will appear on East Campus influential Tammany Hall leader Thursday evening, Feb. 23, in and one of the major figures in another Student Union Artists the background of the forthcom­ ing presidential election, will Series Concert, is renowned for speak in Page Auditorium on the versatility and finesse which Thursday, Feb. 9, on the sub­ he has demonstrated throughout ject "Working Your Way Up In the world from Cuba to Austra­ Politics." lia. Now one of the nation's most Although he is not yet 30, La­ powerful political figures, De­ Sapio himself worked his way teiner is recognized as one of the up in party politics to district brightest artists produced by leader and then county leader. America. When he reached his Prior to 1946 he was secretary eleventh year, his musician par­ to State Supreme Court Justice ents decided that the Curtis In- Louis A. Valente. stitue of Philadelphia was the As leader of the Tammany school where young Lateiner political organization in New would receive the most favorable Chronicle Photos by Frank Toia York City, DeSapio was instru­ mental in the election of Robert instruction. FRATERNITIES TO YOUR MARK! . GET SET! . RUSH! ... and that's what it was, a rush by fraternity men to the post office, mailing invitations for chow trains, open houses and Wagner as mayor of New York Serge Koussevitzky, noted con­ various other rush functions. It's wide open season now, and for two weeks West Campus fra­ City and of Averell Harriman ductor, engaged Lateiner for a ternity men and freshmen rushees will divide time between the books and sipping punch, smok­ as state governor. With Harri­ performance of the Emperor' ing cigarettes and answering questions in places as far off as Chapel Hill's beverage parlors or man's announcement that he Concerto by Beethoven. This in local chapter rooms. Dick Sweet, Harris Marshall and Dick Ulrich are the fraternity men would seek the Democratic nom­ concert was conducted by the getting their cards out for chow trains, and Jerry Strickland, a freshman from Bay Head, N. J. ination for the governorship of Boston Symphony and occured is seen looking over cards before he leaves for another open house. New York, DeSapio suddenly before Lateiner had completed appeared as the force behind his teens. him. With DeSapio's aid Har­ His first appearance at Car­ riman overran Franklin Delano negie Hall in 1948 established Roosevelt, Jr. for the nomina­ Sororities To Hold Greek Day tion, and then in 1954 Harriman Lateiner as a respected virtuoso East Forum Brings of the piano. Howard Taubman won the governorship by beating of the New York Times said, "He Irving Ives by 12,000 votes. plays with the fire of youth, and For 180 Pledges On Saturday Da Vinci Inventions At the National Press Club in he has something else—the taste Washington last Nov. 30, De­ and perception of an artist." Approximately 180 East Cam­ have been made for a sixth Sapio flatly declared that Har­ pus pledges will participate Sat­ His career was interrupted in group to conduct a door-to-door In Campus Display riman should no longer merely urday in Greek Day activities, campaign in West Durham in be considered a "favorite son." 1951 by service in the U. S. which include a community pro­ Army. Lateiner, however, was order to determine the wants Models based on the drawings According to Time magazine, allowed to continue his study ject and a dinner sponsored by and needs of local residents con­ and notes of Leonardo da Vinci, and practice with the U. S. Army the Panhellenic Association. cerning a new community cen­ brought here under the auspices Field Band. Five of the six groups into ter to be built there. of the Woman's College Student which the pledges will be di­ The day's activities will be Forum, were placed on display Lateiner's second appearance vided will work with local chil­ culminated at 5:45 p.m. with a yesterday in the Woman's Col­ at Duke will be Feb. 24 in dren at the Durham community banquet to be held in the Union lege Library and will continue Page under the sponsorship of centers, leading activities and Ballroom on West. Sally Se­ to be shown until Feb. 27, free the Duke Symphony Orchestra, distributing refreshments. Plans nerchia, Panhellenic president, of charge. will address the pledges concern­ Among the exhibit are mod­ ing their positions in their re­ els of a fifteenth-century flying spective sororities. machine with wings to be flap­ Similar activities were held in ped through a bicycle-like ar­ British Artist, Author conjunction with the pledges on rangement of ropes and pulleys, West during Greek Week last an excavating machine, and a year. Because of second semester paddle-wheel ship to be operat­ Discusses Modern Art rushing on West, joint activities ed by men turning cranks. are being postponed until later Other models in the showing Eric Newton, British artist, operation with the Departments in the semester. include a steam-opera ted gun author and for 14 years art crit­ of Philosophy and English, New­ "The purpose of Greek Day and a "helicopter" device con­ ic of the London Times, will talk ton is speaking in the annual explained Miss Senerchia, "; sidered the forerunner of today's on "Why Modern Art?" tonight Katharine Gilbert Lecture for service to the city of Durham as propeller. Some of these ma­ at 8:15 p.m. in the East Duke 1956. well as group activity for all the chines were actually used with Music room. pledges in order that they may success during da Vinci's life­ Tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. New­ see their position in the com­ Sponsored by the Arts Coun ton will hold an informal semin­ time, 1452-1519. cil and the Department of Aes­ munity, on campus and in their Models on display come from ar in Asbury Auditorium. This sororities." thetics, Art and Music, in cc- is free of charge, as is the lec­ the Fine Arts Department of the ture tonight. International Business Machines Corporation. They were con­ DeSapio "thinks that Averell This is Newton's fourth tour Hoof And Horn Plans structed by Dr. Roberto Guatelli, Harriman (managed by Carmine Annual Engineering of the United States where he a da Vinci authority. DeSapio) is just the boy to beat has appeared at leading univer­ Sunday, Feb. 19, Dr. C. Dar­ Eisenhower." Show Being Preparedsitie s and art museums. In his Tryouts Feb. 15,16,17 by Fulton of the Mechanical En­ own country he lectures exten­ gineering Department will give L Democratic national com­ Under the banner of "Engi­ sively and appears frequently on Tryouts for Top Secret, the a gallery lecture on the display. mitteeman and newly elected neering: Blueprint for Prosperi­ BBC broadcasts. 1956 Hoof 'n' Horn production, A member of Student Forum president of the National Demo­ ty," the School of Engineering will take place Feb. 15-17. All will be on hand every evening cratic Club, he will control' the Newton's career has included largest state bloc delegate votes will present its annual show painting, work in mosaics and afternoon auditions will be in this month from 7-9 p.m. to Page Auditorium from 3-5 p.m.; March 16-17 for the benefit of working as art critic for the demonstrate the working models". (Continued on Page 5) both college and high school stu­ Manchester Guardian as well as night tryout locations and times dents. his 14 years for the, London will be announced later. Sunday Times. He has written According to director King Dick Player is chairman and Rimbach, a cast of 60 members Norman Briggs, publicity agent many books, including Tinferet- YMCA ANNOUNCES OPENINGS to, The Meaning of Beauty, and will be chosen. Parts will be for this 1956 show which is now open for a singing chorus, a danc­ being prepared by engineers of An Introduction to European FOR PUBLICATION POSITIONS Painting. ing chorus and a large cast of ASCE, AIEE and ASME, the actors. Contrary to floating ru­ three societies of the school. Fi­ Phil Leinbach, YMCA presi­ tions, but any Y members are The Katherine Gilbert Lecture mors, Top Secret is a musical dent, announced last week that eligible for the positions. nancing of the show has been series, in which Newton is speak­ comedy with a total of 15 songs applications are now being taken Buddy Hynson and Bern Wis­ partially assumed by an MSGA ing, was established three years included in the original script. appropriation. for editor and business manager ner are this year's editor and ago by the Arts Council in Production dates are scheduled business manager respectively of In correlation with the fact memory of the late Dr. Gilbert for April 26-27, the beginning of of the freshman handbook and the two publications, which are that St. Patrick is the patron who was a member of the Duke Joe College Weekend. student directory. distributed free of charge, the saint of engineers, the last day faculty for 22 years. During Top Secret was written by Al­ Application blanks can be freshman handbook being mailed of the show has been assigned this time she served as chairman len Lacy who also helped to picked up in the Y office any during the summer to the incom­ to St.
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