,'.,J. THC JJ:WISH POST Thursday, November 30, 1961 Thursday, November 30, 1961 TH1!l JEWISH POST Page Forty-<llle Page Forty must also feel again what they felt Army and many well-meaning ac­ of them said, "I don't wish to talk about him at all." Others spoke in those first days after mankind Holiday Greetings to the Jewish Community • quaintances managed to find decency lost his innocence. in ~:)1otin's death because at the of the accident "reluctantly" and from , . critical moment he acted like a hero. held the event at arm's length. Conservative Judaism in merlca And of course it all happened long Philip Morrison, who is now at Cor­ -P~k: By LOUIS FINKELSTEIN Hillel was, first, describing the ~================-~-=..-----. +,--.,.....,-.---'"'-",----==;'1 nell University, said levelly, "It was ! ago. Mondor Hosiery Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, relation of the Torah to its central Best Wishes for a HaWY and Prosperous Chanukah ·to all our ,I So it is interesting to find that the the most painful time of my life BOSTON, LOS ANGELES the religious centre of Conservative Judaism commandment. He was one of the Patrons and Friends scientists who were then, or ever and I don't like to go back to it." LONDON most lem'ned scholars in the Jewish had been, at Los Alamos choose to They do not say why they are un­ Limited ONSERVATIVE Judaism is a relatively new movement. Yet, to I tradition. Obviously, commentaries willing. But it may be that if they Zipurslc.y's Kosher Meat Marlc.et avoid thinking of him. • C understand it, we have to go back almost to the beginnings of the 1 for him were indispensable. Thcre­ This summer at Los Alamos one must remember Louis Siotin they THE manufacturers of quality Talmud. Everyone knows the story of Hillel and the pagan who asked I fore, his description of the rest of "The Popular River Heights Kosher Butcher Shop" him to reduce Judaism to one sentence. The sage replied: "What is I the Torah as commentary to Lev. NYLON HOSIERY 1866 GRANT A VENUE PHONE HUdson 9-1596 CHRISTIAN and distasteful to thee, do not to thy neighbor. This is the Torah. The rest 'I XIX, 18, was not disparagement. is commentary. Go and study." Like most great ra'lYbinic figures, Hillel The rituals and dogmatic concepts I, LADIES' & CHILDREN'S TIGHTS SCIENCE made his comments vel'Y compact and very meanif'.gful. Indeed, the I of Judaism were vital to him. But - JVe Will Train 3, RUE MERICIER FIDE LITE 7-3161 teachings of the Talmudists usually contain a whole series of meanings' without the text, they might be MONITOR MR. AND MRS. HARRY WRIGHT AND SONS WOULD IBERVILLE, P.Q. I which only gradually appear to the student. meaningless footnotes. On the other LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN EXTENDING and Finance AN INTERNATIONAL hand, he held that no Jew fully A HAPPY CHANUKAIH TO YOU ALL DAILY NEWSPAPER. iC"'=================="""""'-,,"-=-"'-"'---=-==';1' experiences love for one's neighbor A MAN WHO WOULD LIKE TO EARN $7,000 as demanded by the Torah, without A Joyous Chanukah to all our Jewish Friends and Customers HIS FIRST YEAR IN THE BUSINESS . appreciation and observance of the Visit. • • 1. Thorough Training at National Sales Training School Interesting Waverley & Grant Service S<lhbath, the dietary laws, prayers, and on-the·job Field Supervision. and the rest of the commandments. :5/'" Salary and Expenses Paid Through Trammg Penod. COMPLETE REPAIRS However, the notion he was most Accurate TOWING - on. - GAS - GREASE 2. Sales Organization With Over 10,000 Salesmen WASH SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF CARS direotly conveying was that Juda­ Covering Canada and the U.S.A. .. Complete ADAM KID/I" Proprietor ism is inherently an ethical system. Selection from the 3. Life Time Opportunities; No Age TermmatlOn; Phone HUdson 9-8085 All its minutiae, such as 'blessing finest stemware and English Paid for Retirement Plan and International News Coverage the lulav on Succoth, sounding the Bone China. Advancement Opportunities in Management. I'-W~a;v;.e;.r;;::;l~e~y;:;a;n:;:;d=G'"""r;:;a;:;n"'t='"""=.... ;J;;:====~=;:;W=i;:;n;:;n;:;i""p;:;e;:::g-a shofar on Rosh Hashonah, fasting on Take advantage of our 4. Must Have Car and Be Between the Ages of The--------------- Christian Science Monitor '. Yom Kippur, are part of a system PERSONAUZEV 'BRIDAL 25 and 50. One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss. • ••••••••••••••••••••• -. directed to the improvement of REGISTRY. 5. Leads Developed Through Our Tremendous Adver­ Send your newspaper for the time character. iHillel clearly considered tising Campaign and Proven Contact Methods. checked. Enclosed find my check or Best Wishes for a Joyous such commandments as not to speak Chanukah to all our Patrons money order. 0 1 year $22. falsehood, not to injur one's neigh­ . 0 6 month. $11 0 3 month. $5;50 and Friends For further de¢ails write in con'fidenee to . bor, not to insult him, or pain him, Your Letter or degrade him, or malign him, no Nama MUTUAL OF OMAHA AND UNITED BENEFIT A hearty invitation Is extended less integral to Torah than any to you all to Visit at the new INSURANCE CO. ritual. Addr .... 700 Somerset Block, 294 'Portage Avenue, 'W~ipeg This view of Hillel is also tha t of or phone your nearest Mutual of Omaha office " WE G I'FT WRAP cry.'a' Zone sp/~ndou, City BELL DRUOS Heartiest Wishes to tl'te Jewish and -Deliver Is AND Community for a Very 'Happy Open Fridays until 9 p.m. and Contented Chanukah 416 Graham Ave. WH 2-0186 pa·ll! RESTAURANT Accurate Prescription Service Canadian with delivery to all parts Metropolitan of the city Goodwill ~lOST COHDIAL CIIANIJKAII GHEETI:\,(;S J:.actantia Important· INDUSTRIES LIMITED TO ALL OUR ,JEWISH FRIENDS Phone WHitehall 3-6435 iLEON BEP" President AND CUSTOMERS Stores MY COUNTRY 'Vhen you write a letter, be sure you address 70 Princess St. Winnipeg Phone WHitehall 2·3740 A Social Service Organiza tion providing industrial aid fur OF CAN ADA LIMITED SWEET BUTTER the ellvelope clearly, correctly and comple~ely. Smith & Graham handi"apped and unemployed (opp, Tribune !Bldg.) since 1931 Extends best wishes to its many Jewish • Remember to use the initials or first •••• ¥ •••••••••••••••••• ~ ~.~~~~ FEDORUK'S Friends among the A Very Happy and Joyous Jewish Community and in names of the addressee. Chanukah to ;be Jewish 87 STORES FROM COAST TO COAST the Grocery Trade JOYOUS CHANUKAH GREETINGS Community PAINTING AND DECORATING • Also include nuinber, street, postal JOHN WEIDAGHER THRIFl'Y CANADIANS FINJ) IT PAYS Lactantia Ltd. zone number (where applicable), City The Chalet AND SON Phone SPruce 4·5223 TO SHOP AT THE "MET." or Town, and Province in address. Victoriaville, P.Q. BARBER SHOP PLASTERING MONTREAL PHONE Complete Grooming Service CONTRACTORS 509 MARYLAND STREET WINNIPEG WE. 7-7820 • Mail addressed to apartments or ol1"ice Phone JUstice 9-6941 HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. Phone JUstice 6-1688 ---------_._-- ---- -'------, buildings should bear suite or office 554 Matheson Ave. EXECUTIVE OFFICES LONDON, ONT. TORONTO PHONE number. HO. 3-8341 1320 MAIN STREET Winnipeg BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO OUR JEWISH F'RlENDS AlNID CUSTOMERS • Place your return address in the upper ......••.....................................~.~.~.~.~.~.~ .......... ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ .......... ~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ... ~. left hand corner. Best Wishes to all our Friends Pydee Engineering A HAPPY CHANUKAH TO ALL OUR and Customers for a Very FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Bright and Happy COMPANY LIMITED Chanukah IN MINNEAPOLIS- • When writing to places outside Can­ • Our Canadian Cousins wholeheartedly enjoy ada 'always add name of country in i Our Famous KITCHEN CAB.INETS MADE TO ORDER We Specialize* in: full. I BRONSTONE'S For the Best in BUILDING SUPPLIES I.TIl. GRAIN ELEVATOR AND FLOUR MILL Kosher Style Meals • 1 , The Ultimate in Fine Kosher Style Food SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS • Always affix adequate postage. When Specializing in Served in our New Ultra Mode~ Premi~es CABINET MAKING Manitoba ll,nd Saskatchewan DLstributors for ideally located in the heart of Mmneapolis in doubt, and when sending items by Give Us a Call • LUMBER LEONARD and SAM BURSTElIN Air, check at your· Post Office. IV\PISTAN CANADA LTD. SAM • PLYWOODS LEONARD Your Hosts • SASH and DOORS Wheel, Roller and Belt Conveyors - Casters Complete and legible addressing speeds the Floor or Hand Truck.. Selwood Cabinet • COMPLETE BUILDERS' Flow-Rack: for Storing Parcels Also Overhead Rail SUPPLIES ERS deliyery of your mail. MACHINING DESIGNl::-rC WELDING THE Phone CEdar 3-1437 SPECIALTY MACHINES OF ALL TYPES Restaurant and Delicatessen Manufacturers BUILT TO SPECIFICATIONS "FORMERLY MIKE'S KOSHER STYLE CAFE" CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY 263 St. Anne's Road II , I , 1018 SheriJrook St. Winnipeg 2, Man. Open 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Sunday Canada Post Office PHONE WH 3-6954 rear 865 MAIN ST. St. Vital 19 S • SEVENTH ST. MI~N,EAPOLIS, MINN. Phone SPruce 4-7418 - 9 Just a few doors from the Radisson Hotel m the Dayton-Radisson Ramp .~~~~.... ~~~~ ......... ~.~.~.~.~.~ .......... ~ ......................................... I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~I '..............•...... f .. , ) - " .
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